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  1. Drop.
    Headlines: Yankees flip over a boob in the Olympics.
    Meanwhile, in San Antonio, it's legal to walk around naked. '_'
    Moments like these make me realize even more that the US education system doesn't suck, but reeks.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 2, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  2. Drop.
    I'd prefer he'd watch some Tool Time and gather some knowledge first. '_'
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Drop.
    Not speaking of it as a fact, but as an idea that will most likely happen, seeing as how an HD remaster is something done in less than a year, staying true to Nomura's statement of releasing a KH game per year and feeding fans some fun so they can peacefully wait for KH3.

    They never go into fruition because SE doesn't want to remake the game. They have put numerous reasons. At first, it felt like they wanted to remake the game, but had limitations, but now it seems like they just don'twant to remake it. '_' They first said they needed to gather the original team that worked on it (impossible, a majority of the staff have either passed away, abandoned SE or relatively business with other things). Wada also said he'd remake FF7 after another title bests it

    In summation;
    FF7 won't get a remake, SE just doesn't want to.

    This is the reason why trying to connect the fate of rumors between FF7 remake and KH HD collection fails; these are two entirely different scenarios. One game is not getting a future because of staff unwillingness and the other one will most probably get an HD remastering, seeing as how it would be beneficial for the company and to the fan.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  4. Drop.
    Only Chuck Norris can do this, actually. :v
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Drop.
    It's not supposed to, it has HD graphics. Besides those, it also has Motion+, meaning that, if they do release KH3 on the Wii U, we might get something like Zelda Skyward Sword (which, honestly, I'm having a hard time picturing Heartless/Nobodies specifically designed to get hit by slashing them vertical/horizontal/frontwards).

    They're going to make the HD remasters. :v A lot of new fans have been attracted after KH2, they wouldn't understand the plot, so they could make a quick cash by attracting even newer fans, educating the new ones and pleasing the veterans by upgrading the main games to HD.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  6. Drop.
    Because she can wield a Keyblade? He's gonna train her so she becomes the seventh Light, it's not like Yen Sid is going to do any battling and Terra won't be returning to his senses until Xehanort is finally out, so that leaves her with the spot.

    The Seven Lights:
    + Sora
    + Master Riku
    + Master Mickey
    + Kairi
    + Master Aqua
    + Ventus
    + Lea

    The Thirteen Darkness:
    + Master Xehanort
    + Ansem Seeker of Darkness
    + Xemnas
    + Braig
    + Isa
    + Terra
    + Five more fellows (although it's theorized Vanitas might be in it).

    Sora can connect his heart to others, that's all.

    Just because Xehanort corrupts them doesn't mean they'll immediately look like them. :v It's been eleven years since BbS, Braig and Isa still haven't changed appearance nor acquired the ability to wield a Keyblade.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  7. Drop.
    I can't help but think of an HD collection of both KH and II when I add these together. never before seen details sounds like giving the SD KH games a HD resolution. Prepare yourself sounds as if We're going to release KH 1&2 so newcomers to the series can understand what the eff is happening after playing KH3D.

    It could be this, too. Not even a single game has been released on a HD console.

    It's definitely talking about that. I can't picture another sidegame (and with how BbS Vol.2 being canned, even lower probabilities). Other than that, dragging the story even more will become what I just said; a drag.

    My bet is on a HD collection.

    KH3's is this saga's closure, there wouldn't be anything better than finishing every possible incarnation of Xehanort.

    I read at another board that someone noticed this, too, so it isn't coincidence.

    More like Nomura, he likes leaving subtle hints here and there so the fans can speculate about stuff.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  8. Drop.
    To be more specific; he needs thirteen Keblade Wielders of Darkness.

    He'll recreate both the war and the weapon (Xblade).


    No, no, it's actually one. xD


    Probably Vanitas and other former members of the group.

    The Seven Lights refers to Seven Keyblade Wielders of Light.

    Pretty much this.

    In summation;
    Thirteen Keyblade wielders of the dark (Xehanorts), will clash with seven wielders of light, recreating the Keyblade War, and at the same time, the Xblade, which Xehanort will use to summon Kingdom Hearts, gets his omnipotent powers and fulfill his wish; an everlasting equilibrium between light and darkness.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  9. Drop.
    At first, I started playing games from KH to BbS in Beginner (to breeze and get what I wanted; plot (sounds like blood, lol)). From KH3D henceforth, I plan on playing on Standard (I ranted KH2 was too easy (of course, I was playing in Beginner)).

    I adjust my combat according to my Keyblade (I.E. I just got a Keyblade in KH3D that raises your magic stat, so I customized my deck for efficient magic attacks).

    Me too. :3 Although I don't grind unless it's necessary. But other than that, I'm not progressing KH3D's plot until I get most of the treasure chests and special portals from each worlds (which can be a drag, but levels up both your character and Dream Eater).

    I always, ALWAYS have to have a healing command on my deck. x3

    Spirits: To raise them and receive their bonuses.
    Summons: I use them when I remember they exist, lol (or when you have to unlock something with them :v).

    I don't use much Action Commands, but Flowmotion makes battles flashier and faster. ;3

    Heartless: They were fun.
    Nobodies: Varied.
    Unversed and Dream Eaters make their respective games feel fresh. But personally, between those two, I prefer the DEs, seeing as how they're more integrated to the plot. :v

    I, on the contrary, love playing it on 3D. xx3

    I rarely use it (and it's only because I rarely get knocked out by an enemy). .3.

    LOL We pretty much share the same case. xD And yeah, I can remember some lines from some cutscenes, such as Saix's monologue on the intro of Days and Xemnas greeting Xion.

    I don't feel the emotional, but I can appreciate what's happening, such as Sora looking for Riku after they were separated. That was kinda cute in a bromance pov. ;3

    I don't give this much thought. As long as it's someone we haven't played much with, I'm okay with it.

    They should, it fits with KINGDOM HEARTS III, seeing as how it'll be a trio filled game.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Drop.
    I Blockbuster'd the game (the first entry in the franchise), months later, I bought it.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Drop.
    What about him naturally wanting to know about the heart? Seriously, first it was Apprentice Xehanort wanting to know about the heart because of his amnesia, then it's revealed he actually remembered who he is. NOW, Young Xehanort wants to know things about the heart because his older self told him on a reunion in the future?! What the eff, Nomura?! Xehanort doesn't need to get more complex, please. :v

    Nah, that's too simple; Xemnas manipulates space, goes into an alternate dimension and brings more Xehanorts than you can count Lindsay Lohan's cases. '_' Or even better; Braig makes an Emblem Xehanorts machine (much like the Emblem Heartless) and divides Xehanorts between Pureblood and Emblem. '_'
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  12. Drop.
    Do what I do; pay it no mind. '_'

    I was surprised they decided to release new colors, myself.

    I must admit, the B/W sequels are good, but it's high time we've had another 3D Pokemon adventure game, we haven't had one since the Shadow Pokemon bilogy.

    Don't know why you're mad, seeing as how these re-releases of dying consoles are an old trend.

    Like I said; the crowd that's willing to buy one falls into Nintendo's Capitalistic strategy. '_'

    With how the bigger screen crowd is always willing to pay for bigger screens, expect Nintendo brand portables to come double the size after an original release. Besides them, there's also those who are willing to "upgrade" from the original to the bigger screen (like my case; I was craving for a 3DS XL, but then I saw how horrid the resolution is). '_'

    They can always make new games for it. :v It's not like Persona 4 wasn't released during the dying time of the PS2.

    What's left of this year should be the NINTENDO DS/Lite/DSi/XL has left. High profile games like Paper Mario Sticker Star and Luigi's Mansion will be released for the 3DS. Next year, at least the first three months, will also have an attention span towards 3DS. And I'm not including the fact Nintendo will shift focus to the 3DS+Wii U duo in a couple of months.

    It can do what the DSi can, but better.

    It's called marketing, what every big corporation does nowadays.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  13. Drop.
    Meh, it's for the idiotic crowd that actually pays for this stuff. Other than that, it's a fact Nintendo's handheld crowd is divided between those that want new portables and those who want new portables with a bigger screen version. '_'
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  14. Drop.
    Yes, it indeed has backwards compatibility. If you are not fascinated by what the 3DS' library offers, you can always shift to the DS games. :3
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  15. Drop.
    Yes, but what of Yen Sid establishing that Xehanort became mad after wanting knowledge towards the heart's origin? It's different from Young Xehanort being corrupted by Master Xehanort from the future. =/
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  16. Drop.

    Don't they do this when a console starts dying after its predecessor comes into the scene?
    Thread by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Drop.
    What else can he do? Make a son appear out of nowhere? Summon his Nobody? There's another Xehanort made from the timetravel ****? I can't picture Nomura making it more complex than it is (then again, no one expected the time manipulation thing)... Scratch that, Xemnas will use his plot-device space powers to go to another dimension and find the rest of the Xehanorts. '_'


    Sora and Xehanort are like two drops of water, only with different contents. Sora links his heart to help people, while Xehanort links his to damage them. It's like they're opposite.

    Everything was crystal clear:

    + Ansem Seeker of Darkness wanted power to plunge everything into darkness.
    + Ansem SoD is actually Ansem the Wise's apprentice's Heartless.
    + Xemnas is Xehanort's Nobody, yearning power to create a world according to his ideals.
    + Xehanort has a more mysterious past.
    + Xehanort is actually Master Xehanort fighting Terra over control of the latter's body to wield the Xblade and balance light and dark.
    + Ansem goes back to the past, talks with Young Xehanort and they both get the other Xehanorts to speed up the Xehanortganization.

    If Nomura hadn't specified anything about time travel, there wouldn't be any issues. What he established himself is damaging his idea (unless, of course, he has something up his sleeve in KH3).

    + Amnesiac researcher.
    + Becomes a Heartless and Nobody.
    + It's revealed he's a hybrid between an old man and a young adult.
    + Supposedly during the intro of KH3D, he remembered from the beginning who he was.

    At least if you start by KH2, you can understand what happened in past titles. But BbS henceforth, you're pretty much stuck.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  18. Drop.
  19. Drop.
    Yes. If you run out of cards, you can always use Items that recover ALL your attack/magic/both cards and get them back. .3.
    Post by: Drop., Aug 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Drop.
    Mmhmm. '_'


    + Ansem Seeker of Darkness manipulates Maleficent into accumulating the heart of all worlds to summon the Door to Darkness and get Kingdom Hearts so he can return all worlds to darkness.

    + It's revealed Ansem SoD was an imposter, he was actually the real Ansem's apprentice's Heartless and his Nobody, Xemnas, is the head of Organization XIII creating a Kingdom Hearts from people's hearts so he can use that tremendous force to create a world to his ideals.

    + Xehanort's past is revealed; he's an amnesiac Master Xehanort and Terra fighting for control of the heart.

    Everything established here was something interesting; an individual with no memory of his heart plunges his curiosity into researching the heart, trying to find out who he is. In doing so, he succumbed to darkness and created both a Heartless and a Nobody to carry on his research. It's then revealed that he's actually an all powerful Keyblade Master trying to get ahold of Kingdom Hearts so he can balance light and darkness once and for all, fighting over control of a younger body belonging to Terra.

    Now this is where things get convulsed:

    + The Organization was supposed to be a group of Xehanorts that would fight seven keyblade wielders of light to unite the twenty pieces that formed the Xblade.

    + Ansem trime travels to gather all Xehanorts more easily.

    + Time travels complicates a lot of stuff.

    The problem with Organization twist is that no one was expecting something as extreme as this, mixed with the timetraveling mumbo jumbo.

    Seriously, the Second Keyblade War is inevitable, as much as Yen Sid wants to avoid it. The Seven Lights and the Thirteen Darkness will share an area and fight it all out, reforging the Xblade, Xehanort takes it, summons KH, becomes all powerful, Sora links his heart to Xehanort's and an all out internal battle ensures.
    Post by: Drop., Jul 31, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue