ok first i would like to say that although it is about shadows and everything i would like to say that this is nothing like kingdom hearts. same with the main character although her name is namine does not mean she is like namine on kh i just like that name:) also i do not write really long chapters and this is my first story im writing. ENJOY! Shadow Keeper Chapter 1: The Journey to my Uncle’s House As the rain pours quickly down the window and my whole family packed into a small Hyndai and I who has to listen to the boring stories about my parents past. The hours go slowly by until I doze off on that boring rainy day. When I wake up I see us coming up to an curb to my uncles. To anyone who asks I don’t know anything about my uncle only that him and my father had a huge fight years ago that tore them apart. Through all the years of begging and pleading to my parents and getting no where on who my uncle is they suddenly say my brothers and I are going to stay with him for the summer. When they said this I asked them why and why now of all times! The both looked at each other and them being well them they said it would be a great time to get to know are uncle. Now that I knew without a doubt was a lie. “Namine? Namine? Can you hear me?” my mom saying as she looks at me, inches away from my face. “Oh sorry I guess I was daydreaming.” I said with a slight yawn. “Yeah she was daydreaming about Jake.” said both Matt and Zack with grins on there faces. The one thing that makes this summer vacation ten times worse. My brothers. They always make fun of me because of me itty bitty crush on this guy at school named Jake. Ok I lie I have a huge crush on him. For example I write his name all the time, talk about him with my friends, and yes daydream about him. But its not like ill express my feelings and me and him are going to fall in love and end up like Bella and Edward, no it would probley end up being awkward. We suddenly stop and my father looks at us in the rear view mirror and says “We’re here.” In such a tone that it gives you a bad taste in your mouth. We all get out of the cramped car and walk towards the stone steps that leads to my uncles house (which by the way looks thousands of years old). I could just tell that my uncle will be exactly like my dad old, boring, and probley complain on how horrible my dad is. We walk up to the huge wooden doors and by mom rings the doorbell which echoes all around us. And every time it rings my dad clenches his fist harder. We wait for a moment as the door opens slowly and reveals a handsome middle-aged man. Here in front of my eyes is my father’s brother and my uncle, James Carter. Chapter 2: James Carter All was silent, an great embarrassing silent that no one here wants. As the cool air brushes past are legs and into my uncle’s house he looks at us and smiles saying “Come in! Come in!”. We all walk in to a huge room with two stair cases that connect at the top which propley leads to endless rooms seeing how big this house in. Scratch that mansion. He leads us to a room that has a long diner table which probley a hundred people could sit at. My uncle shows us were to sit and goes into what looks like to be the kitchen and gets Fine China and pours us some tea. My brothers both look at me from across the table and already I can tell that they know this “reunion” with my father and uncle will go horribly wrong. My uncle sits down in his chair after he pours us tea while my father looks at my uncle with the most gruesome eyes I have ever seen. For what I hoped and plead to be an calm and cool “reunion” with my uncle and father turned out to be an awkward “reunion” none the less. My father looks at my uncle and forces a smile and says “Thank you for look after my children for the summer.” My uncle takes a few sips of tea and looks up at my father “No problem I would do anything for my dear brother.” he says while smiling back at my father. For half an hour both my father and uncle smile and laugh while talking about the past like everything was right again. I knew that behind those smiles lingered an upset and angered man behind both of them. I also know that one little thing could set my father off. “ I really missed you know? I don’t even know what that stupid fight was about back then.” my uncle says while sipping some of his tea again. My father’s jaw tightens looking as if he is going to punch my uncle but instead he calmly says “If I do remember it was not so stupid to you back then.” My uncle looks at my father and shakes his head “Yes but I have learned from that…” my uncle said then he continued “and that was to never trust you.” There it was the one comment that would set my father off. My father turns to my mother grabs her hand and pulls her out of her seat and walking towards the door. He turns around and yells “We’re leaving!” he turns back to the door opens it and leaves. My uncle looks to the door and then back to his cup and says “Well, I thought it would end up like this.” while getting up from his chair and walking towards the door. We both look at him and wondering what we should do. He turns to us saying “Well I guess I should show you guys your rooms.” he then turns to back to the door and heads out. Me, and my two brothers look at each other quickly get up and run out of the room to catch up with Uncle James. We walk up some stairs to the 2nd floor where paintings are everywhere on the walls. My uncle shows my brothers where there room and then mine (which is right across from my brothers’ room). Before we go into are rooms my uncle announces “My room is right down the hall so if you need anything come tell me.” we nod are heads and go into are rooms. I turn on the light and lay my things on the floor and unzip the zipper of my luggage case. I first unpack my clothing and but it in my closet (which by the way is so big it could hip hide an elephant and I would still have room in my closet) but on hangers. I put everything away and I’m almost done until I grab a picture of my family that we took last summer. I set the picture down on a table by my bed when I feel a cool breeze when I look over across my room I see that my window is open. “Huh? Wonder how this got opened?” I say while walking over and close the door. I walk over to my reading light by my bed and turn it on I then got to the main light in my room and turn it off. I walk over to my bed grab the book that I laid there and started reading. It was getting late so I save my page of my book and then set it on the table by my bed and was about to turn off the light. Until I turn towards my door thinking I heard sounds. “I must be more tired then I thought” I said while turning towards my light until I here the noises again. It must be Matt and Zach trying to scare me. “Alright you two I will admit I was scared at first but can you two just stop it so I can sleep?” I ask hoping that they will knock it off and let me sleep. But I was wrong the noises would not stop “Matt? Zack?” I ask now scared that I might have to face reality and know that whatever was making that noise was not them. I stare at my door wondering what could be making that noise. Me being the stupid person I am walked over to my door to see what is making the noise. I open my door I little bit and look to my left then to my right and see nothing but a dark hallway. I then turn back and all of a sudden see a shadow a couple feet away from me. I think to myself thinking how this could not be my shadow I know for a fact this is not my shadow. The shadow starts walking towards me it coming closer and closer until a scream escaped from my mouth. I turn towards my door and hear footsteps I then look back at the shadow and see it fading away. “NO!” I yell then the door opens up quickly and Uncle James and my brothers were standing there in a panic. “WHAT HAPPENED!” they screamed. I turn towards them and say “Nothing I just thought I saw something.” All of them sigh with relief my uncle looks at my with a smile and says “Ok as long as your ok.” My brother both yawn and say “We’re going back to bed.” as they walk back to there room. My uncle watches them walk back to there room and then back at me and says “You should not stay up this late if this is going to happen k?” I look at him and reply “Yeah I guess your right.” He smiles at me saying “Good well its getting late so I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight” while walking back down the hall. “Goodnight Uncle James.” I say while going back to my bed, turning off my light, and thinking: This is it. My new life for now.
the question is asking if you were an member of organiztion 13 what would you do like would you fool around with the other members? would you just do missions the whole time untill sora comes and kills you? something like that
ok so yesterday i asked: whats your favorite color? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: if you were an member of organization 13 what would you do? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
ok so yesterday i asked: out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: whats your favorite color? (yes i know its the most easiest question ever but whatever) leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
ok so yesterday i asked: who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
$102 plus a double rainbow!
wow...just wow o.O
Enchanted Enchanted is a magical place were elves, fairies, pixies, mermaids, and the most means ogres live. Everyone that lives in Enchanted hates the ogres and the ogres hate them. One day the ogres found a woman from a different place called Jumanji .She was so evil that when they found her she was hitting, scratching, and punching. So then the ogres crowned the woman who’s name was Emily to be queen of evil. But the rest of the people at Enchanted did not know what Emily and the ogres were going to do. At that same day two fairies were playing ball they were both girls there names were Elizabeth and Jessica. Three pixies came over and were making fun of Elizabeth and Jessica because they were playing ball wrong and then they left. Elizabeth got so mad she screamed in the water were the mermaids lived and it was so loud one of the mermaids came up and was yelling at them. The next day on the other side of Enchanted Emily was all most done with here bottle of power [That was what she call it.] Boys come I have something to show you Emily said .All of the ogres came in and saw. What is it said one of the ogres. Well see these big fans I’m going to pore this and it is going to go in the air and every elf every fairy and every pixy is going to be weak and we will rule them all. The next day Elizabeth came out and saw everyone weak Elizabeth ran to Jessica she told Elizabeth what happened. Elizabeth remember that her mom before she died gave her a necklace a special necklace that if any poison in air it won’t effect her .Elizabeth and Jessica both idea that Elizabeth could go to the other side and see what is up. Elizabeth packed and left Elizabeth looked at the map and said I bin walking for three hours I’m at elf woods after she went to put the map away one of the elves through a coconut at her and she said can I have a room to stay in. The head elf came to her and said if you want to have a room you have to act like an elf. So all night she had acted liked an elf. In the morning she said her good-byes and left. When she was walking she saw a woman the woman was asking if Elizabeth could buy magic beans so Elizabeth bought them. She was thinking what they could do so she had one but before she did she found a shell and she was by a lake so she was drinking the water with the magic beans and her wings disappeared and she got a tail so she went in the lake. Elizabeth found out two things first thing was that the lake she was swimming in was mermaid lake the second thing was that she has to swim all of the way to the other side. Elizabeth was so hungry she went down all of the mermaids said all hail are new queen. Elizabeth got treat until she had to leave so again she said her good- byes and left. Elizabeth found a man and asks if he needed help then she realized that ever elf and every fairy will be a human. She went to the man named Eric and heeled him he woke up and said Thank you then he kissed her. Then they flue together then they went down to the grown because they did not want to see. Elizabeth and Eric got in the castle then right away Eric fell into a trap Emily planned it all that time Eric broke the metal with his powers then Emily sat in her chair and said ogres attack. Then all of these ogres came out of no were then Elizabeth and Eric pushed them into traps and then Emily. Before they left they had to stop the cruse then after that day the pixies or any other thing were mean to them after that day and Emily went back to her home Jumanii . THE END two things i figured out today when reading this: 1. i was a confusing kid back then 2. i did not know how to spell
last movie i watched was The Roommate
ok guys i know i have not been doing the question of the day lately but i have been getting really busy with school and all but now im back and better then ever! ok so on february 15, 2011 i asked: if you could combined two animals which two animals would you combined and what would its new name be? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
kind of a sad pic for my desktop http://lizzizzy91.deviantart.com/#/d39xld8
check it out![video=youtube;3TDED9SJIiU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TDED9SJIiU[/video]
that guy over there
that kid over there
the brains (i always thought of you as an evil genius for some reason)
ok so on friday i asked: if everyone in the whole world disappeared what would you do? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: if you could combined two animals which two animals would you combined and what would its new name be? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
Axel Hütte! (he is a german artist that i have to do a project on :|)
i will im going with my big sis. it will be my very first concert i go too. :)