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  1. x0xnaminex0x
    can you tell me what color i am?
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. x0xnaminex0x
    hey guys so i have some bad news and some good news. the good news is that im back for a bit but the bad news is ill be gone once again in two weeks:( reason being is i have been doing nothing but testing this whole week and and we are going to have to do more testing in about two weeks. so yeah how have you guys been since i have been gone?
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 18, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. x0xnaminex0x
    i am now scared for life
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 11, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. x0xnaminex0x
  5. x0xnaminex0x
    srry it took me forever to post the next chapter im a very slow typer. anyway enjoy :)

    Chapter 3: Maids and Butlers

    The next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I walk down stairs to the dinner room and see a giant meal there that was fit for a king. I slowly walk over to the dinner table and see that both my brothers are there. To my surprise two 16 year old guys are awake this early in the morning.

    I sit down across of them and see all the food in front of me. Uncle James comes out of the kitchen with tea and looks at my saying “Don’t just stare at the food, eat.” with a chuckle. I look at him then to all the food in front of me and quickly grab all the food I can put on my plate and start eating.

    To my amaze it was very good I turn to my uncle “Did you make this?” I ask while enjoying every bit of my bacon. “Yes I did, I do enjoy to cook and I really do not trust these two over here to do the cook” my uncle says while pointing to my brothers. “HEY!” my brothers say as we all start to laugh.

    Matt looks at me and says “Hey what was the real reason you where screaming last night anyway?”

    I look at him saying “What do you mean? I told you it was nothing so it was nothing. Ok?” Zack looks over at me “I don’t know usually people don’t scream for no reason. Well unless your crazy.” Matt nods his head in agreement “Yea, Zack is right. Was it a nightmare?” he says with a taunting attitude. “No I was not a nightmare! If you really want to know then fine! I thought that there was something in my room! Something…..something dark.” My brothers both look at my and then at each other and start to laugh “Well whatever it was it did not come in are room.” Matt says while laughing. “See this is why I did not want to talk about it! I knew you guys would not believe me!” I say in anger. “Well what do you expect? You make it sound like Voldemort came in your room.” Matt says still laughing.“Whatever!” I say while stomping out of the dinner room and to my room.

    I’m in my room for about an hour until boredom haunts me. I walk out of my room to the living room only to notice my brothers are there. I walk in and sit by my brothers on the couch while Zack shares some stories with Uncle James.

    Matt interrupts there little story that Zack was tell and says “Hey, don’t you have any butlers or maids since your house is so big.” My uncle looks at him and says “Yes I do but they are on vacation I thought that if they where here when you where arrived you might be a little weirded out.” I sigh and say “I guess. So when are they coming back?” He looks at me “Tomorrow. I wanted you guys to get used to the house but if they did not come back soon this place would be a mess.” He says while walking to the door. “I have to do some paperwork.”He says while turn to the door and opens it a bit then turns back at me.

    “There is a young man your age he is one of the butlers’ son. He helps outside by the archery. I think you should meet him.” He says then turning towards the door again and walks out.

    The rest of the day went quick until it was time for me to go to bed. There was no sign of the shadow I saw the night before. Maybe I did imagine it? I thought while turning off my light and falling into a deep slumber. The next morning I wake up to an woman cleaning my room.
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 7, 2011 in forum: Archives
  6. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so yesterday i asked:
    if you could be anyone in any final fantasy game who would you be and y?
    out of the replys i got this one was the best:
    ok so todays Question of the day is:
    what are you mostly looking forward to in Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance?

    leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 3, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so yesterday i asked:
    Bleach or Naruto?
    out of the replys i got this one was the best:
    ok so todays Question of the day is:
    if you could be anyone in any final fantasy game who would you be and y?

    leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 2, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so yesterday i asked:
    if you could be any fruit what fruit would you be?
    out of the replys i got this one was the best:
    ok so todays Question of the day is:
    Bleach or Naruto?

    leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 1, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so yesterday i asked:
    if you could go back in time what time period would you go to and y?
    out of the replys i got this one was the best:
    ok so todays Question of the day is:
    if you could be any fruit what fruit would you be?

    leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 28, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. x0xnaminex0x
    trust me 5'10 is not short im only 5'2 thats short compared to you
    p.s. im still growing though
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. x0xnaminex0x
    i guess you have a point i mean i guess i would be sick and tired of the same old weather but then again i love when its warm out.
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. x0xnaminex0x
    well its hot topic what do you expect?
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so yesterday i asked:
    if you could be anyone for one day who would it be and y?
    out of the replys i got this one was the best:
    ok so todays Question of the day is:
    if you could go back in time what time period would you go to and y?

    leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. x0xnaminex0x
    why do you hate the weather in florida? if it were me i would live in florida in a heartbeat
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. x0xnaminex0x
    love the pants but i dont really like the hoodie
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. x0xnaminex0x
    no its not a fun place. it sucks
    enough said.
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. x0xnaminex0x
    so yea title says it all.
    my family and i drove to new jersey. then went to an ice cream convention. and lastly drove back home.
    doesn't sound so fun does it?
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 27, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. x0xnaminex0x
    does not matter if the person is real or not
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so i think it was thursday i asked:
    if you were an member of organization 13 what would you do?
    out of the replys i got this one was the best:
    ok so todays Question of the day is:
    if you could be anyone for one day who would it be and y?

    leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Feb 26, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. x0xnaminex0x