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  1. x0xnaminex0x
  2. x0xnaminex0x
    ok so this time i did a german castle with watercolor and i really do think it turn out really good. I hope you guys like it!
    here it is:

    any thoughts?
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, May 11, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. x0xnaminex0x
    so i finally did a drawing of Edward Scissorhands and it came out pretty well.
    here it is:
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, May 9, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. x0xnaminex0x
    so in art are art teacher made us do a pen and ink. not only do i not like it but it is also a very boring thing to do.
    so anyway here it is:

    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, May 6, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. x0xnaminex0x
    so this time i made a drawing of kairi reason being is because i was bored. (like always)
    anyway here it is:

    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, May 3, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. x0xnaminex0x
    Profile Post

    thank you :)

    thank you :)
    Profile Post by x0xnaminex0x for AwkwardFailure, May 1, 2011
  7. x0xnaminex0x
    Profile Post

    thank so much!

    thank so much!
    Profile Post by x0xnaminex0x for Roxas&Sora4E, May 1, 2011
  8. x0xnaminex0x
    Chapter 4: My Name is Nickolas Fidel

    I’m first surprised to see the women in my bedroom but remembered that the maids’ and butlers’ vacation was now over and were back today.

    Trying to be nice I look up to the women and say “Hello” with my half asleep tone and a smile. She stops from cleaning and turns toward me “Oh! Hello! Sorry I did not notice you have awoken. My name is Isabella Kushner and I’m your personal maid.” She says with a smile.

    “Oh. So does that mean you have to follow me around since your my personal maid.” I say. She just looks at me and shakes her head “Oh no nothing like that just prepare your bath, clean your room, and get you when its dinner, lunch, and breakfast time.” I get up and stretch and turn to her “Oh ok” She turns and begins with her cleaning again then quick turns back to me and says “oh I almost forgot to tell you, breakfast is ready.” She then turns back and continues with her cleaning. “Thank you” I say while hurrying out into the hall to get breakfast.

    Breakfast was laid out and no one was there except some butlers setting the table. One of them comes over and bows and then says “Master James told me to come to you and tell you that he is in his room working.” I look at him and say “Ok thanks” I then turn and get a piece of toast and walk out of the dinner room and start walking through the whole bottom floor of the house.

    Before I knew it I was outside looking at the dark shadows of the grass and hearing birds chirping all around me. As I start walking around in a meadow of beautiful Gardenia flowers I see a man by an expensive shed. I walk toward him being the curious person I am. All of a sudden I hear a humming sound which slowly turns into a melody the closer I get to the man. Soon I realize that the man I am walking to is not either of my brothers because this man has jet black hair instead of brown hair.

    I tilt my head and say “Excuse me” the man slowly turns to me and I realize that he is a guy that looks my age. “Oh hello I did not see you there you must be Namine.” He says smiling and then bowing. “Oh your that butler’s son, right?” He looks at me with a confused face and says “Why yes I am, but how did you know that?” I smile and say “Well my uncle told me that there a guy my age who works with the archery and is one of the butlers’ son.” I point at the bow in his hand “And its kind of obvious that its you cause you have a bow and everything.” I say while laughing a bit. “Yes, I guess your right about that one.

    “Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself earlier before. My name is Nickolas Fidel.” He says “Glad to meet you. Hey maybe you can teach me haw to use an bow and arrow.” I say with a smile. He just shakes his head and stares at the gray sky “Sure, but not today ok? Seems like a big storm is coming soon you should go in” he says with a worried look in his eyes. “Ok” I say starting to walk back to the mansion.

    A thought came to my mind and I turn back to Nickolas and ask “Hey Nickolas do you and your father live here by any chance?” he turns to me saying “Yes we do. Your uncle brought my father and I in when I was twelve.” I could sense that Nickolas had a hard time talking about his past for some reason. I wanted to ask him some more questions about why my uncle brought him and his father in, but instead I nod and turn back to the mansion and start walking again.

    I wish I could have asked him more question. Like “What happened to your mother?” or “Did something happen when you where twelve and that’s why my uncle brought you and your father in?”…

    Only an idiot like me could be in such thought that she would tumble over a rock while walking. I get up from where I fell and see Isabella running to me in a panic.

    “Are you ok!?” Isabella says in a panic. I look at her a nod “Yea I’m ok, but not to be rude or anything, but why are you out here?” I saying looking up at her. She just smiles at me “I came out here because Master Carter told me that we were getting a storm so I came out here to tell you.” She pauses then continues about “I was also told by Master Carter that dinner would be soon ready I that I should fetch you.” She then turns to the house turns back at me and signals me to follow.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Its about seven right now and Nickolas was right there was going to be a storm. Rain keeps pouring down my window like it will never end and it seems the thunder and lightning will never stop.

    Seeing how I won’t be going outside anymore for today I walk to my bathroom to get change. While putting on my tank and a pair of Soffe shorts I notice my necklace is gone.

    The same necklace my parents got for my 15th birthday. I cherished a lot and now it gone. But the real questing is: where is it? Think! Where could it be?! Calm down just retrace your steps. Ok first you woke up, then went to the dining room, went outside, met Nickolas… “Right!” I said out loud.
    I quickly run to my closet and slip on a hoodie and flip flops. I quickly run to my door and then stop.

    If any of the butlers or maids see me running out my room and towards outside into the storm I’ll be scold. But I have to get my necklace no matter what!

    I slowly walk out my door and down the hall. I look in all directions to see if there was anyone in sight. Once the close was clear I go down some stairs and then out the back door. Once I’m outside I run in full speed while the rain pours against my face. Mud everywhere you could look. I look slow down and past them so I won’t trip in any of them until I see a shiny in the distance.

    My Necklace!

    I run I full speed towards my necklace until I slip on mud and land on the muddy ground around me. My necklace, now inches away from me, so close even that I could grab it, but I don’t. I can sense someone or SOMETHING watching me.

    I look all around me, narrowing my eyes to the woods, looking closely. Then I see it….shadows. The same thing I saw in my room the other night. The shadows now coming closer and closer at me now with one mission at imind and that’s to kill me. I could run, but I just freeze there and stare at these dark and strange monsters.

    Get up and run! If you don’t you’ll get killed.

    But even thinking that I still don’t move. The shadows now jumping all at once and coming down on me like rain. I close me eyes and tight hoping that this terrible nightmare would be over.


    I open my eyes only to see a bright light that quickly fades and quickly reveals big black wings. As the light is now completely faded away I can see a figure which turns to me. The dark innocent blue eyes staring at me in the moonlight and the long jet black hair coming down towards the shoulders I now know who it is. Nickolas Fidel. I all of a sudden feel dizziness and see Nickolas’s face fading from me to sudden black.
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Apr 24, 2011 in forum: Archives
  9. x0xnaminex0x
    i do miss watching Code Lyoko. it was the only show both me and my sister liked to watch together back then (since she is six years older then me).
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Apr 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. x0xnaminex0x
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Apr 18, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. x0xnaminex0x
    so what do you think is the worst Pixar movie ever?

    for me, i love Pixar alot they made movies that i grew up with like Toy Story, but to tell you the truth i was not a fan of Ratatouille or WALL-E because they did not catch my interest like the other Pixar movies.
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Apr 17, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  12. x0xnaminex0x
    Sadly yes this is real
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. x0xnaminex0x

    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Apr 10, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. x0xnaminex0x
    blue by utada hikaru
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. x0xnaminex0x
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. x0xnaminex0x
    so i have been wonder about a couple things about kairi, her grandmother and radiant garden.

    1.ok first of all in traverse town lean or cid said that people who's world where taken by the darkness end up in traverse town. so why does kairi not end up in traverse town? the end of kingdom hearts it was said that everyone was returning to there orginal worlds. i get that kairi wants to go back to destiney island cuz to her thats her home, but dont you think she would want to go back to radiant garden cuz her grandma would be there?

    3.i have been wondering where kairi's grandmother is. so where do you thing her grandmother is? in bbs you see kairi's grandmother, but where are her parents?!
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 26, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. x0xnaminex0x
    thank you! ^.^

    thanks so much! actually right now i'm making a watorcolor painting of a german castle so that will be the next watercolor painting ill be showing next :)
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 23, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. x0xnaminex0x
  19. x0xnaminex0x
    so i started doing watercolor and i thought i would show you guys one of my watercolor paintings.
    p.s. i have a horrible camera so thats why the pic looks so bad. sad face.
    Thread by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 22, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. x0xnaminex0x
    i saw this at school today and my social studies showed it to us. she did say that the kid that got flipped only got a scratch and that both kids got suspended for four days. but seeing this today for the second time in a row makes me still shocked that the kid that got flipped only got a scratch.
    Post by: x0xnaminex0x, Mar 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone