Asha from Might and Magic:
I like that fusion one it looks really cool.
Alright cool I can wait.
Cute picture want to RP?
You mean my Latios my BFF Jaden Yuki who I love so much he's like an older brother to me I never had an older brother before. *Hugs Jaden tightly* I LOVE YOU JADEN. Anyway here's another drawing that I did this OC Lateon belongs to:
Well I'm hoping to bring in both my Aierdusa and Carly in the same RP one of these days I can RP with you anytime you like.
I take it you want me to be Carly for the next Yugioh RP or something?
Oh sorry I meant for you to look at the title my bad its a melted skull.
Guess what I hate to say this but when you've been made fun of all your life for having mild Crybral Palsey like I have over the years you learn to take what everyone says to you as a big deal. I've learn that I've been made fun of so much and had everyone over the years blame me for everything that you learn to take everything said to you in the most offensive way possible. There's nothing I can do to defend myself so this is my method of defense.
Wasn't trying to be rude I was making a point I'm sick of everyone always blaming me for everything? Why am I always at fault for everything? But whatever I guess I'll just take the blame again because I can't stand up for myself and say I'm sorry.
I am aware of that no need to be rude about it.
I just gave him that.
How about this we do Yuma, Jaden and then Aeridusa each have a different RP revolving around them? So again Yuma first, Jaden second, and Aeridusa last?
I think we should work on either Aeridusa, Yuma or Jaden's story for these RP's you know something one of us could make a fanfic out of.
Alright cool.
You can start this if you have something in mind.