*runs around the yard escaping your grip* *sprays mud everywhere , and on you too...*
yesh, I'm dat evil
*stays still as water goes all over fur......* >.< *out of the tub* *shakes body and sprays water over yous and then runs towards the grass...
lol, okays you tells me when you are done replying..kays?
Aiko stifled a giggle. Kyoshi sighed, "If he pecks my eyes out I won't be able to lead you to the base..." he casually said. Sartre smiled. "True..." Kurenai said. Aiko whispered something to Toshiro. Toshiro nodded and flew towards Kyoshi. He landed on him and began to gently peck at his head. Aiko giggled. "At least he didn't get peck your eyes out."
NOES!!! *gets entangled into yarn* *tries to use sharp teeth to cut strings, but fails* *wriggles* (5 min later) I gives up..... TT-TT
aren't you always? ^^
lol, have u replied yet? oh, and cya l8r ..i gtg
*hisses* yarn is evil, i always get entangled...
*lets out low hiss of warning* *arches back*
:P *unsheathes claws* if u gets me into watr, I has to use deadly force
:P *cats hate water, if i get water on my fur, I looks puffy, not slim*
*lies in water for a few seconds...* *rapidly jumps out of tube, spraying you full of water* *then jumps on tree and onto rooftop* :PPPPPPPP
*growls* i changed avatar xD
*looses footing from branch cuz u scared me*
*LOUD MEOW* *runs off to the backyard and climbs a tree*
*stays silent*
*purrs silently* 'I can see you but You cant see me..i can see in da dark..:P'
*opens eye, scans around room for any sign of movement* *yawns then gets up, jumps down the sofa, and runs towards the closet and hides there* ^^
ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *sleeps for like 3 hours*