*falls down and misses every spike on the bottom of cliff* :P told ya so!
Bored..still no school after this week! yay! spring break 13th-17th! WOOT! i leaves early monday and friday, OG rulez!!
nope..i can miss everyone of them!! :glomp:
Haratsu walked towards the base, "Just make sure you don't burn yourself again...like a child would..." he grinned. Aiko looked around the center of the base for a little cave opening. She found it beneath the large tree. She crawled inside it. Toshiro followed her, flapping his wings quietly against the still air. Kurenai nodded, "Sure, we'll get lost after we eat..." Kyoshi shrugged, "Suit yourself...just have fun finding the entrance to the base without me...." he smiled. "Wait..where's the entrance?" Sartre asked. "It's under the large tree we saw back up on the hill...remember?" "Oh yeah..." Kurenai laughed. "Okay..so in order to get something to eat, we need to find the entrance?" "Yep!" "Okay let's go!" Kurenai ran towards the tree. "Where does she get her energy from?" Sartre asked, amazed. "I dunno.." Kyoshi shrugged. OOC: where did we leave Carissa at? i forgot... :P
Haratsu picked up a rock and threw it at Takeo. Aiko flew up and went west. "See ya in a bit!" she yelled from the distance. Kyoshi shook his head and sighed. "Well, where do we go first?" Kurenai grinned, "How about we go eat first...?" OOC: Chuck Norris rulez!!!
"No way....that's a brilliant idea..why didn't I think of that?" Haratsu said sarcastically. Aiko twirled, happy that the base is safe. "Well, what should we do first?" she looked excited. "Well...I need to freshen me memory of this place...why not explore around?" Kyoshi suggested. Sartre looked around, "I don't know...we might get lost..." "That was the whole point of exploring..." Aiko laughed. Kyoshi snickered. Kurenai rolled her eyes. "C'mon you guys...quit teasing..."
Haratsu calmly listened. "Okay, general Whats-his-Face, what do you suggest we do?" "KYA!" Kurenai ran trying to keep up with the group, she soon reached them at the base. "We made it.." Kyoshi said relieved and exhausted. "Finally...I'm tired.." Sartre yawned. "You should be you were running..." Aiko came up behind them both. "Why...aren't you...tired..." Kyoshi asked between breaths. "Cuz i flew most of the way.." "Lucky.." Sartre muttered. "Halt. Who goes there. "said a nearby guard. "About 5 carbon-based life forms..." Kyoshi grinned. "Identification..." glared the guard. "Jeez, you don't have to be an ass about it...I was just joking.." Kyoshi laughed.* Aiko rolled her eyes. She came up to the guard and put her hand out over a large scanning machine. Hums were emitted from the machine. Guard nodded. Aiko smiled, "We can go in now...you bunch of sleepy heads..." she added. OOC: *haha i wanted Kyoshi to say that.. hee-hee
*purr* *watches fire* *watches you to makes sure u is not looking, then runs off to the kitchen*
Haratsu fell backwards, onto the ground. "Ow...why'd you do that for? I wasnt intending to kill myself..." he fumed. Kurenai took a cautions step towards the slippery hill. She nearly slipped, but easily got back her footing and ran down. "Aww...you didn't fall..I was expecting that.." Aiko grinned. Kurenai playfully shoved Aiko. "Let's go.." Kyoshi ran ahead heading towards Sartre. "Race you!" he yelled at him. "HAH! You cant even outrun a slug..." Sartre laughed. "Ouch..." Aiko chortled. She ran to keep up with them. "You guys...wait up!!!" Kurenai yelled from the clearing.
Sartre laughed at Serifina's comment. Aiko smiled. Kyoshi walked ahead towards a clearing. He looked over the land from atop the hill. "There's the base...i can see the tree..." "There's trees everywhere, you idiot." Sartre replied. "Does that look like a real tree to you?" Kyoshi muttered, pointing at the large tree south of their position. "....No..." "Exactly.." Kyoshi ran down the hill, arms wide, feeling the air go around him as he ran. "Refreshing breeze isn't it?" Kurenai asked Serifina. Sartre slid down the hill. Aiko, not wanting to slip on the fresh mud, flew down. Kyoshi dusted himself, then looked up the hill at Serifina and Kurenai. "Don't slip, i nearly fell down on the last step...." "Yeah, i saw that..." Kurenai said. Aiko nodded in agreement. "So did I. I was about to burst out laughing if you fell..." Haratsu shuddered. "Seriously, her sword fighting is scary...she was about to cut me into ribbons on our last match..." Haratu climbed up ontop of a tree. "Hey, look!" he pointed North. A large tree stood towering over the dwindling forest. "Bet you it's an enemy base..." he said as he ran towards it. OOC: you can see the conflict about to happen? can you? ^.^
"Not if I use you first..." Haratsu retorted. Kurenai giggled. "Who are you trying to impress Kyoshi?" she asked. "No one..." Kyoshi muttered. "You sure you don't have a secret girlfriend somewhere?" Sartre grinned. "You have one?" Kurenai asked curiously. Aiko looked at Kyoshi with a quizzical look. "I don't..." Kyoshi muttered. "Are you sure about that?" Sartre looked up, trying to hide his smile. "Dude..." Kyoshi glared at Sartre. "Watch out though...Aiko's going to keep a sharp eye on you..." Sartre whispered. Kyoshi sighed. Toshiro gave Kyoshi a warning glance.
OOC: lol, it is silly. Silly, stupid homework. :P BIC: Haratsu smirked, "Well, should we follow them. Or are you afraid to get burned again?" he taunted Takeo. Toshiro, bored from pecking Kyoshi's head, flew towards Aiko and fell asleep on her shoulder. Kyoshi let out a relieved sigh. "I thought he would never get off me..." Sartre laughed. "He must love you a lot. Love you enough to kill you. " Kyoshi glared at him. Kurenai giggled, "Why do you guys have to be so mean to each other?" she asked curiously. Aiko laughed at the question. OOC: i think it is about time to update the thread..like the character info...i need to add the others, lol. i only have me and u on there, xD
OOC: srry, i hasnt replied..i had to work on a crap-load of essays....-_-' Lol, Haratsu's pissed, YAY! BIC: Aiko looked up into the skies for a moment. She seemed dazed for a bit. Kyoshi shook Aiko out of her trance. "What happened?" he asked. "I was thinking about the base...wondering what would happen if...." she stopped. "We'll get there in time...let's get a move-on..." he walked ahead towards Sartre. "Well, your assumption was wrong. I do NOT know who the hell that cloth belongs to. So you can stop with your psychology crap...." Haratsu fumed.
Aiko thought for a moment. "Nah, i'll walk..." she smiled cheerfully. "Yes!" Kurenai yelled enthusiastically. Kyoshi grinned. Toshiro pecked Kyoshi's head again. He groaned in misery. Both Sartre and Aiko laughed. Aiko looked up at the sky, towards the sun. "It's getting dark...we look for shelter or move on?" she asked. Haratsu picked up his bag and shotgun and followed Takeo out of the woods and into the meadow. He looked around. He saw something lying on top of the hill. He walked towards it and picked up a piece of cloth. He looked it over. "Who's do you think this is?" he threw the cloth at Takeo. OOC: lol, V.'s going down! Go Twiggy!!!! :D
OOC: so far, our Loompa army has won 3 victorious battles, we recieved help from Twiggy, and my friend's elemental dragon..she hasnt thought of a name yet. ^^ Twiggy rules! BIC: Haratsu muttered something inaudible. Sartre grinned. Kyoshi looked at Serifina with a puzzled expression. Aiko chuckled softly. Kurenai looked up into the sky, lightly twirling a leaf in her hand. "Are we there yet?" she asked Kyoshi. "Yes we are..., " said Kyoshi, "...by a hundred miles or so...." Sartre chortled with laughter. Aiko sighed and shook her head. "It's true......" muttered Kyoshi. "Should we take a detour?" Aiko asked the group. "How so?" Sartre asked. Kurenai groaned, "If you are intending to do what I think you're going to do...leave me out of it..." Aiko smiled at her and nodded. "NO...you have the worst flying in history....we'd crash into a tree in a matter of seconds..." Kyoshi and Sartre started laughing aloud.
Haratsu glared at him while he spit out a mouthful of dirt. "Sure they do, to grab and rip you to pieces." Haratsu said gleefully. Toshiro thought that for a moment. He seemed to enjoy the idea. He let out a cheerful melody. Aiko smiled. Kyoshi, on the other hand, was no enjoying this. "I'm gonna go deaf with this ruffled bag of feathers!!!" he nearly shouted to overpower Toshiro's song. Kurenai and Sartre both started laughing. Kurenai called over Toshiro, who was no more pissed than ever. Kyoshi grabbed his head and moaned. "What's wrong?" Aiko said as she embraced him from behind. "Your stu-" he caught Aiko's warning glance, "Your...bird...is the reason why i have a headache now..." he muttered darkly. Aiko laughed quietly. "He can't help it if he feels happy....do you need a reason to be happy?" she asked wisely. Kyoshi sighed. Sartre snickered. "Shut up..." Kyoshi threw a stone he had been holding at Sartre. Sartre easily ducked. OOC: i like your new siggy! ^^ xD, oh and did you know what V. is preparing her army of midgets? ^^ My friend and I have teamed up to overpower her, we can take over her midgets cuz we haz Oompa-Loompas! xD lol, V hella laughed at the idea.
Kurenai giggled at Serifina's response. Kyoshi rolled his eyes. Toshiro pecked his head again, more roughly this time. "Ow....." he muttered. "Toshiro..." Aiko warned. Toshiro let out a low growl. "Someone's in a rather fine mood this morning..." Sartre said. Aiko grinned. "Yes he is, right Toshiro?" Toshiro ruffled his feathers for a more annoyed look. Sartre laughed. Haratsu picked up his pack and began to walk out of the forest when a tripped over a tree root half hidden among the leaves.
yayz! i is hatching egg, xD [IMG]
aww, it looks sooo cute, xD click mines..xD [IMG]
*wriggles free* *climbs up onto tree and goes to the highest branch...* o.O