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  1. Kekeira
    The Seer smiled. "Why would I show myself? You are clearly at a disadvantage, I can see you, but you don't know where I am." he threw his voice to a couple of trees in front of Serifina.

    Toshiro spotted an SES base, but he was at such a high altitude, he didn't see Serifina. He saw Kyoshi and Sartre captured and brought over to the base. Toshiro flew in towards Kyoshi at a steep dive. He flew inside the tent, knocking Gryf into the floor. The syringe he had in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

    "Keep him busy, Toshiro..." Kyoshi said as he began unlocking the chains that held him to the bed.

    Toshiro beat the air with his powerful wings, making most of the gass bottles he had fall to the floor and break.

    "NO! You wretched little--" the Gryf reached for the bird, grabbing him around his throat. He then began violently shaking him.

    Kyoshi, grabbed a large glass bottle and threw it down on the doctor's head.

    Gryf let go of the bird and fell down, dead.

    "Let's get Sartre before the rest of them find us." Kyoshi whispered as he sneaked out of the tent and hid behind a large helicoptor.
    Post by: Kekeira, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Kekeira
    SNAP The trap was sprung! Out of the treetop, several knives came hurtling towards Serifina on all sides.

    Aiko stood up. "Did you hear something?" she asked Haratsu.

    "You're hearing things now? You must be going insane." Haratsu whispered. He knew perfectly well what the sound meant. 'Someone has triggered a trap...wonder who it was.'

    Aiko was about to yell at him, but she didn't want to give away her position. She whistled.

    Toshiro flew in quietly. He looked up at her, puzzled.

    'Fly over North and see if you can locate Serifina, Kyoshi, and Sartre. I'll wait here.' she ordered him.

    Toshiro nodded and flew upwards.
    Post by: Kekeira, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Kekeira
    Aiko giggled. "I guess your buddies won't be here to help you this time." she thought for a moment, "Say, where's Takeo?" she asked him.

    Haratsu shrugged, "How should I know. He appears and disappears every now and then..."

    The Seer crouched low and stayed quiet. 'Here she comes...'
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Kekeira
    Aiko nodded. "Okay, I'll watch him." She turned and sat down across from Haratsu, watching him.

    "She didn't mean literally..." he grumbled.

    Kyoshi tried to free himself, while the doctor was getting the syringe ready.

    The doctor, Gryf by name, took out a small dusty bottle with about 3 oz of black liquid. "Your medicine will be ready in a bit. Be patient with me."

    "Please, take as much time as possible. You have all the time in the world." Kyoshi breathed.

    Gryf grinned.

    James took Sartre right up to the leader. "We found him, Rick! Told you we would find the traitor sooner or later."

    Rick turned around, "Aah, there you were. I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive. You've come at the right time." he motioned for Sartre to follow him.

    Sartre hesitated for a bit, but followed him.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Kekeira
    Aiko chuckled, "What about Haratsu."

    Haratsu sighed. "You had to remind her..."

    "Should we take him with us, or do you want to tie him to the ground?" she asked.

    When they reached the base, one of the officers took Kyoshi to the medical site. James took Sartre to the leader.

    Kyoshi tried several times to free himself, but the officer held him fast.

    "You're not going anywhere." he grinned. "Hey Doc! There's someone here to see you!" he yelled over the patients' heads.

    One of the Doctors looked up. He squinted his eyes, and recognized Kyoshi. "Aah, so you found him at last. Good, I have been waiting to administer the drug. Set him down at one of the beds. So to it, that he doesn't escape again."
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Kekeira
    "Stand up." The guard said sternly.

    Kyoshi and Sartre slowly stood up.

    "I remember escaped right before they gave you the other dose. Guess the doctors will be glad to see you again." he laughed darkly.

    Kyoshi tensed.

    Sartre tried to contact Serifina, but something was blocking him. He looked at one of the officers. He recognized him, 'Of course, James. The best Jammer SES has had since they murdered the other one months ago.'

    James grinned. "Sartre, haven't seen you in a while. The boss'll be happy to see you again."

    Sartre turned pale. "H-He's not here, is he?" he asked.

    The Seer grinned. "Yes he is. He decided to come and personally see to it, that the base is destroyed." All of a sudden he looked up, lost in thought. "Another one is coming, we'll need a trap." he whispered orders.

    "When?" the other officer asked.

    "In about 20 minutes, she'll arrive. When she comes through here, the spring will snap, knocking her unconscious." The guard cloaked the device. He then ordered the two officers to grab Kyoshi and Sartre and lead them towards the base. "I'll wait here for the other one..." he climbed into the trees and waited.

    Aiko yawned. "They aren't back yet." She wondered.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Kekeira
    Sartre nodded.

    The two of them stopped at the end of the forest, watching the enemy.

    The SES squadron had chosen to set up a base in a clearing, about a mile away from where Aiko and Serifina stayed.

    One of the guards, who had happened to be a seer, motioned two of the officers towards him.

    Kyoshi ignored the officer, continued to watch the activity. He turned towards Sartre, "Has your energy returned?"

    Sartre shook his head.

    The guard, along with the two officers, carefully made their way around Kyoshi and Sartre, careful not to be seen.

    "Guess we'll report back then. We got to get a move on before they find us." Kyoshi began to get up.

    "I think it's a bit late for that..." The guard pointed his gun at them.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Kekeira
    Haratsu struggled to free himself. But then decided not to anger Serifina even more. '...Where's Takeo when u need him...' He sighed.

    Aiko laid back against a tree, lost in thought.

    Kyoshi yawned. He looked up at Sartre, who was trying to get up. "What are you doing?"

    "Checking on the SES forces. " Sartre sneaked along some shrubs and stayed low.

    "I'm coming with you..." he whispered.

    "No. If you trip, you'll give me away." He grinned.

    "..." Kyoshi glared at him.

    "Haha just kidding But seriously though, be quiet..."

    " No, I think I'll just go over there and say Hi.." Kyoshi grabbed his sword and followed Sartre.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Kekeira
    "I have to heal first, my energy is low, haha" Sartre chuckled.

    "So...when will you be ready?" Kyoshi asked.

    "Tomorrow, around noon. My energy should be back by then.." he looked up into the sky, lost in wonder.

    "So, where did your energy go? Did you lose it?" Kyoshi teased.

    Sartre threw a rock at him, "You know what I meant..."

    Aiko giggled.

    Haratsu rolled his eyes.

    OOC: lol, we all have our short posts sometime, xD
    Post by: Kekeira, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Kekeira
    Haratsu grumbled. 'What should I do now...' he looked around.

    Aiko smiled and stood up. "Okay..." she turned to Kyoshi. "Do you know how to perform the merging spell?"

    "I don't know...I thought you knew...that's why I brought up the idea..."

    Sartre coughed, "I know the enchantment."

    "Yay!" Aiko clapped her hands.

    "SHHH!" Kyoshi scolded.

    Aiko punched Kyoshi lightly on his shoulder. "Don't shush me. Okay, Sartre. You tell us what to do..."

    Sartre got up and grabbed a nearby branch and changed it into a staff.

    "Since when did you learn to do that?" Kyoshi said amazed.

    "I have my talents..." Sartre smiled.

    Haratsu reached for his pocket knife in his trenchcoat. He opened it and held it behind him. 'I have to get to Sartre...before he starts the incantation....'
    Post by: Kekeira, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Kekeira
    Aiko thought for a minute. "That could work. What would we use as main energy though?"

    "Would lightning work?" Kyoshi wondered.

    "I don't would look suspicious though."

    "Wouldn't a large gust of wind be enough? Like have air swirl around inside the field and giving off energy at the same time so that the field could grow larger. " Sartre spoke up.

    "That could work, as long as they don't see a visible force field..."

    Aiko looked up at Serifina, "Want to give it a try?"

    'Not if I can stop it...' thought Haratsu.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Kekeira
    Sartre grinned, "I'm alright."

    Aiko sat down on the grass. She looked up overhead. "I think we should move before those bomber planes arrive..."

    "Should we try and stop them from blowing the base up?" Kyoshi asked.

    Sartre shrugged. "I dunno..."

    "Would you like to go through several hundred soldiers armed with who knows what, and at least a dozen bomber planes, and they'll probably bring in reinforcements."

    "What about your force field? Isn't that enough to cover the base?"

    " I can only manipulate enough energy to cover only a small area...about 20 feet in diameter."

    "That explains it..." Kyoshi chuckled.

    "Explains what?" Aiko asked curiously.

    "Nothing, nothing."

    Haratsu waited for the moment to squirm free, but decided against it. 'I'd rather avoid Serifina's wrath...' he thought.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Kekeira
    Haratsu stayed quiet. He dared not mumble when Serifina was close.

    Kyoshi jumped out of the log, and nearly bumped into Sartre.

    Sartre jumped up. "Geez..don't just pop out of there..give a warning first..." he breathed heavily.

    Aiko laughed. She went over and peered down, she saw Serifina climb up. She also saw Haratsu behind her. She held out her hand for Serifina to grab and climb up. "What's going on down there?" she asked.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jun 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Kekeira
    Haratsu muttered something inaudible.

    Kyoshi eyed him but continued to run towards the exit. Seeing as the entrance was blocked, he decided to go through the secret passage, through the tree.

    The tree is mostly a large, hollow log that passes through the base and exits on top at the surface.

    Kyoshi went under the log and began to climb up as fast as he could.

    Aiko and Sartre heard noises behind them. Small, scratching sounds were heard. Aiko took her sword out of its sheath and walked steadily towards the hollow log. She waited for an enemy to come out.
    Post by: Kekeira, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Kekeira
    "Okay fine..." Haratsu grumbled. He waited for Serifina to put down her sword, then he would take his chance and run towards the guards how are standing near the entrance.

    Kyoshi saw Serifina and Haratsu near the edge of the base. With Haratsu being taken care of, he began searching again for Sartre and Aiko. He tried to use telepathy to find her, but something kept interfering. He looked over at the entrance. A few guards remained, they were protecting a machine that was pumping out fuumes into the base. 'I wonder...." he began to go near to investigate, but he stopped. Kyoshi suddenly started coughing. "Serifina! Get out of the base!!!" he yelled to wards her, while covering his face.
    Post by: Kekeira, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Kekeira
    "Uhhhhhh....what if I refuse?" Haratsu stalled for time.

    Aiko peered behind several bushes. Some soldiers were standing by the entrance. "Damn...they are guarding it..." she muttered.

    "How'll we get in?" Sartre asked.

    "We wont get in...we'll just hope everyone else will gt out before..." she stopped and looked up. "The airplanes are coming in fast...."

    "We have to warn them somehow..." Sartre tried to get up, but fell.

    "Stay still or I'll tie you up again..." she warned.
    Post by: Kekeira, May 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Kekeira
    " blow up the hospital, then the entire base......" Haratsu muttered.

    Kyoshi came running out of the hospital just in time. The hospital collapsed into the rubble behind him. He ran towards the center of the base.
    Post by: Kekeira, May 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Kekeira
    "Okay, okay....", Haratsu mumbled, "I was following orders...I came in here to make sure everything went according to plan....."
    Post by: Kekeira, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Kekeira
    Haratsu fell right after Serifina crashed into him. "I just came in here randomly..." he said trying to free himself from her grasp.

    Sartre grabbed the bed and struggled to get up.

    "NO." Aiko held him down. "You're body's still repairing itself. You're not well enough to walk."

    "I'm fine." Sartre cringed as he tried to get up again.

    "Really." Aiko sighed. She felt the floor tremble beneath her. "On second thought...I'm going to strap you onto the bed."

    "What?!? Why?" Sartre asked.

    "The floor's about to give way, and I think the hospital is about to turn into rubble...." Aiko replied as she looked around the room for something to hold Sartre onto the bed. She finally found a long piece of coiled leather on a nearby seat. "Wonder who left this here?" she muttered to herself. Aiko ran over and fixed Sartre to the hospital bed. "Okay, hold hands!" she said cheerfully.

    "Huh?" Sartre looked up puzzled.

    "We're going to teleport..." Aiko replied.

    "Then why the straps?" he asked even more puzzled.

    "Would you like to land on the nice, hard ground instead of a large, comfy bed?" she asked Sartre.


    "Great!" Aiko held Sartre's hand as she cast a teleporting charm. They appeared outside and above the base. The SES were nowhere to be seen. 'Guess they are all underground....' she wondered.

    Kyoshi was knocked backward on the account of the relapse of the bomb. He got up and ran into the hospital. He looked from room to room, searching for any sign of Aiko or Sartre. 'Where'd you guys go?!?!?!?!?!?!' he looked around wildly.
    Post by: Kekeira, May 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Kekeira