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  1. RockmanDS
    ^ That and have a plan ready, Debris Flow is one of the most powerful heartless in the game so even if your a high level you'll still get your ass handed to you. One plan is to avoid staying on the ground too long, so skills like high jump and glide is a must and bring plenty of healing items cause this is gonna be a long fight no matter what you do.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. RockmanDS
    Just something I was planning on doing but couldn't get the format right in my head. But here it is:

    Weapon Type: What type of Keyblade do you use (Eg. Long Sword-type Short Sword-type , Katana-type, etc.)
    Battle Style: Do you fight more with strong attacks or do you fight with swift numourus blows, Do you rely magic more to deal damage or do you use a combination of physical blows and magic.
    Action: What sort of attacks can you preform (Finishers, Defensive abilities, Square button attacks, Limit)? <Describe your finishers>
    Support: Self explanitory what skills do you learn to boost your strength and cover your weaknesses.
    Forms: How do you unleash you hidden power in battle.
    Limit: Your last resort in a pinch.

    Rockman DS
    Weapon type: Longsword-type Keyblade.
    Battle Style: Wide and powerful swings coupled with Magic enchantments.

    Action abilities:
    Quick step:
    Kind of like Slidedash but it's more like a flash step and only hits once rather then afew times.
    At the end of a combo I rapidly spin horizantally hitting all enemies around me multiple times.
    Dragons Bite(Finisher~Single) :
    At the end of a combo I do a fast cross slash on the enemy.
    At the end of a combo instead of a normal finisher I bring my Keyblade down hard and cause stone spikes to shoot up in a straight line.
    Cleaver(Aerial Finisher):
    At the end of an Air combo I preform a quick horizontal forhand slash.
    If used during an air combo I begin spinning vertically rapidly (Think Tempest)
    this also counts as a finisher.
    If Thunder, Fire or Ice Magic is used at the end of a combo the Keyblade is infused with that magic and is swung creating a wave of that magic that hits in a fan shape (Like Fireblazers finisher).
    Wolf Drive:
    Needed for the Limit Break <Howling Fury>

    Support Abilities:
    Aerial Recovery
    Combo Plus
    Air Combo Plus
    Experience Boost
    Leaf Bracer
    Magic Lock-On
    Lucky Lucky
    Fire Boost
    Blizzard Boost
    Thunder Boost
    MP Rage
    MP Hastega
    Second Chance
    Once More

    Uses one of Fire, Ice or Thunder to enhance my power
    (Eg. Fire: Enhances attacking power, Finishers gain the Fire element)

    Limit Break:
    Howling Fury
    My power explodes blowing away all the <Insert KH enemy here> around me and forming a wolf like Aura aound me then during the time limit I can preform in order:

    Wolf Break:
    I preform five rapid slashes on one enemy.

    Wolf Rain:
    I unleash a flurry of stabs on the enemy.

    I repeat both attacks one more time at the end of the second Wolf Rain:

    Full Moon Destruction:
    I land on the ground infront of my victim and channel my aura in to the Keyblade and pull an overhead cleave with all my might releasing it in a wolf shape blast that not only hit the target but also all the enemies behind it.

    Well'p go nuts and have fun I'm gonna drink my tea and go to bed.
    Thread by: RockmanDS, Sep 20, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. RockmanDS
    Name: Leader Swap
    How it works: Can be used by equipping the skill Switch, Allows you to control another character besides Sora.
    Pros: Allows you to use another character if that character falls you switch back to Sora.
    Cons: Like with King Mickey the others cannot finish bosses, If Sora dies as an ally Game Over.
    Sorry can't think of one. :sorry:
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 19, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. RockmanDS
    They also affect the skills you get when you level up
    Eg. You get the skills Once More and Second Chanced for Sora sooner if you pick the shield then if you pick the sword.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. RockmanDS


    Welcome to our little corner of Hell

    Pull up a seat and enjoy your stay.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 15, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. RockmanDS
    As the title says you don't create a form or character, you create a whole new addition to the battle system,

    Name: Name of the Gimmick
    How it works: Self explanitory describe how it how to use it and how it works.
    Pros: The benafits of using said Gimmick and how it positively affects battle.
    Cons: How it hinders Sora in anyway using it misusing it or when it wears off.
    Examples: Give an example of an instance using it.

    Here's something I came up with.

    Drive Break
    How it works: It enhances the the Drive form it's in to it's maximum.
    Sora can only use this if he has 3 or more drive gauges in reserve when in any Drive Form, can only be used in battle (When enemies are in range). Can be used by selecting the Break command (Replaces the Limit command).

    Pros: The current form unleashes power that can overwhelm enemies.
    (Eg. Wisdom can unleash wave after wave of -Gun level spells at half MP cost). Can unleash a "Drive Limit" that inflicts massive damage if done right.

    Cons: The Drive gauge drains 2 to 3 times as fast as normal, the Form used to preform Drive Break becomes unavailable for the rest of the battle and a short time after that. The "Drive Limit" uses the rest of the Drive Gauge.

    Valor Break:
    Enhances Soras speed and awareness to the point where enemies move slowly to him.
    -Attack become Berserk, Sora can chain an infinite number of hits together with few interruptions.
    -The Square button can be used to unleash a devastating Finisher attack during the combo.

    Drive Limit:
    Omni Blitz:
    Sora slams both Keyblades into the ground in front of the enemy sending them upward and then warps behind them and begins attacking.
    Mashing the triangle button will cause Sora to strike consecutively but stopping will cause the attack to end and Sora to drive out.
    If you can keep Sora attacking until the Limit Gauge runs out he will preform the Limit Finisher, "Final Cleave" where he preforms a devastating backhand slash with the right hand Keyblade inflicting massive damage.

    Now have fun and keep it clean folks.:)
    Thread by: RockmanDS, Sep 15, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. RockmanDS
    Thaxnan desends

    -Name: Thaxnan
    -Weapon: Broad Sword, The hilt entire hilt is the Nobody symbol, while the blade extends two meters and curves slightly.
    -Appearance: Org. XIII Cloak, dark skin, curly black hair, dark brown eyes.
    -Accent/Catchphrase: KMA man KMA.
    -Element: Silence
    -Nickname: Sword of Extiction, The lost XV
    -Personality: Rarely talks and spends time practicing his blade work, but once you get him talking he won't shut up.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. RockmanDS
  9. RockmanDS
    Welcome Enjoy yourself.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 13, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. RockmanDS
    I now have a Ven=Roxas theory which relates to Castle Oblivion

    I think that Ven somehow wound up split up into two parts his heart and memories that somehow became part of Sora and his body that is most likely in the Room of Awakening in Casle Oblivion. When Sora was turned into a Heartless, Vens heart became a part of Roxas but when Kairi turned Sora back to normal Vens memories wound up staying with Sora still sleeping within him. When Roxas tried to enter Castle Oblivion, Roxas and Vens body began to resonate but because Roxas was incomplete it caused him pain, While Sora could enter cause Vens memories were still dorment.
    The question now is what was gonna if Sora recombined with Roxas tries to enter Castle Oblivion now, would he be able to see Vens memories and locate the Room of Awakening?

    That's what I think anyway.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. RockmanDS
    I was thinking about the Pumpkin unversed that Aqua is set to fight may have been the carraige meant to take Cinderella home at midnight transformed by Tremaines rage toward Cinderella for winning Prince Charmings love and taking the chance for her daugters to do so.

    That said maybe Unversed were "things" at one point but were transformed by negative emotions being directed toward them taking on a life of thier own.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 12, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. RockmanDS
    I was floored when I first heard it sounded really good.
    And I'm truly looking forward to the new trailers and what they have to offer.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 12, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. RockmanDS
  14. RockmanDS
    I think it's a new character as I think it would be alittle far out to think that he's a Heartless or a Nobody as they didn't exist yet and he looks alittle too old looking to be Riku.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. RockmanDS
    I Wanna see some Aqua gameplay
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. RockmanDS
    Maybe if a enough negative emotion exists with in a person, like Terras hatred of Master Xehanort, an Unversed with sort of an anti-heart is born with the emotions that gave rise to said Unversed making up said "anti-Heart".
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. RockmanDS
    I would make that blocked off area in The World That Never Was (the part with the over turned truck) explorable
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. RockmanDS
    Maybe it has spmething to do with the blue Kingdom Hearts Master Xehanort summoned in the Birth by Sleep video
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. RockmanDS

    Hi people!

    Welcome to our little corner of the dar...*remembers where i am*
    I mean hi.
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. RockmanDS
    Makes sense why would MX do all this otherwise.
    Plus it's sweet that the Official Site is up
    Post by: RockmanDS, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates