I'm betting he looks kinda like Riku.
I think that's just how we power up commands.
I'm in the same boat, it's just not something you expect.
The Lingering Sentiment, cause he kicks so much ass.
No, I think this minigame is used to power up commands that go in your command deck.
I wonder if we'll get to fight him as a bonus boss. On that note, I wonder how he fights.
Sonic Blade, I always started a boss battle with it then followed up with Strike Raid to set up for even nastyer combos.
Ultima Weapon, naturally
He was the voice of Mickey Mouse, this was his last role as Mickey before he died
I was thinking if they did use him as a secret boss, he could be the KH equivilent of NIS' Asagi, When you find him he makes a big rant on how he wasn't chosen and wants to defeat Soart and take his place, leaving Sora and co confused as to what he's ranting about.
And I mean the Rough Draft Sora with the Chainsaw Blade http://kh2.co.uk/image.php?view=kh/artwork/216.jpg To be honest I would go WTF!!
Eternal Session: Pure damage. Trickster: What can I say it look cool.
I still say that Xehanort is Terra's Unversed all the clues are there. Spoiler 1. He had no memories of his past and never regained them despite Ansem's attempts to help him. 2. Xehanort had no compassion for the people he tortured in his experiments. He even continued after his master forbade him. (Even someone with amnesia would never do this.) 3. He was able to keep him human form and self as a Heartless. 4. Xemnas thought the heart was made up of rage and hatred. 5. Xenmas' element was Nothingness, something I think is impossible for a human to gain after becoming a Nobody. I know they might not seem much like clues but if you think about it, it kinda makes sense. (To me anyway.)
Maybe Master Xehanort created both his apprentice and Ventus (Yeah I'm dumping my time travel theory, for now at least.), as a way to combat the Unversed, but somehow Ven didn't meet his expectations and handed him to his friend (Terra and Aqua's master) as a new recruit, there he quickly made friends with his fellow apprentices. Meanwhile Xehanort continued his experiments with the other subject, sending "Him" to fight the Unversed, at first "He" functioned as he was supposed to but before long the subject began to absorb the negative emotions that made up the Unversed without Xehanort realizing it, and thus "He" began to change and take on a darker form. By the time Xehanort noticed what was going on his "Apprentice" had already began to change into something dark and sinister. In order to rectify this he began researching away to purify the heart and he came across info on Kingdom Hearts, unfortunately the Keyblade wielders were forbidden from even knowing about it, knowing it would mean he would be hunted down Xehanort left to find the keys that would open the door to Kingdom Hearts and stop what he started.
I am truely looking forward to this.
Well yeah, but even then there's Castle Oblivion, We've only been there once and we know vary little about it, plus there's the Room of Awakening that Xenmas was looking for that supposedly in Castle Oblivion, those are a couple of loose ends that I think needs to be tied up before we move on to KH3. But that's just what I think.
That's only if the next game is KH3. Nomura himself even said that the next game is the next game, so I think it will be something like COM, a game that makes the final connections to the story and sets up for KH3.
I would do this but without the extra help, Sora alone is enough to deal with 10000 small fry heartless.
Maybe she holds a grudge against you for some reason?
I think this is gonna be the first time we don't get seven years bad luck for breaking a mirror