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  1. Cartoon Moomba
    I watched The Matrix for the first time in my life last week. It was certainly something. I don't even remember what I last saw in theaters though...
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. Cartoon Moomba
    Waking Up in Vegas - Katy Perry. <3
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Cartoon Moomba
    In KH1 it would have to be when Riku meets up with Sora and co. at Traverse Town and Donald starts acting up. I was all for having Riku instead of the duck in a second! And Monstro - I just HATE that place. Experience would have to be spending countless hours trying to get the one last drop for Ultima Weapon and it refusing to show up.

    In KH2 I admit, maybe when Goofy got hit in the head at the Demyx battle... I swear I almost started crying, even though I don't like the guy. And then I found out that he lived after all... fml; I like Kingdom Hearts 2. Roxas and Namine disappearing also kind of sucked - I prefer Namine over Kairi any time. Worst experience is trying to kill Xemnas at his last battle and dying every time because Sora's health would run out in that little bubble thing and I couldn't figure out for the life of me what to do with Riku. -_-
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Cartoon Moomba
    Metal Chocobo is an aquired taste. xD

    I don't like Jungle King, but that might be just because I'm biased against Deep Jungle. Fairy Harp just looks... weird.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Cartoon Moomba
    Don't worry... I don't even think we have a lot of people going to our football games. Or pep rallies... My school isn't too into the whole spirit thing.

    (and I love your avatar!)
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Cartoon Moomba

    So, then

    I've never met you, but welcome back. :) Rambling is good for the soul.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Cartoon Moomba

    Although I doubt many people would participate in my school... lame. Also - I didn't know schools could have houses. I haven't run into any that have that around here. (Vancouver)
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Cartoon Moomba

    Hi! =)

    Thanks, I'll be sure to put on a helmet before entering. o:
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 26, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Cartoon Moomba
    My most recent story that I posted on my account on - bringing it here to see what you guys might think. Contains a tiny spoiler for Birth By Sleep. Let me know what you guys think, I'm always open for criticism and suggestions!

    Where The Dark Things Are

    Kairi wants to be a Princess when she grows up. She dreams of murky blue skies where every star has its own pulse and she dozes in the atmosphere, breathinbreathout until her mind plays connect the dots beneath paper-thin closed eyelids. She traces patterns in the sky while lying on the beach with her hands buried deep in the warm sand, water lapping at her bare toes and thinks she can hear the islands hum beneath her.

    (i'm alive, the winds almost whisper in her ears.)


    She tells Sora she loves the color yellow when, shyly, he brings out a daffodil and gives it to her, his fingers trembling ever so slightly. She smiles and takes it, cradling it close to her chest and gazes deep into his blue lose-yourself eyes so she doesn't lose herself in the shadows - the shadows with the yellow smiles and yellow sockets trying to bury their fingers into her core.

    (there are monsters under her bed, lurking and plotting her death.)


    "Are you scared?" Tidus taunts, smirking, tapping one wooden sword against his tanned leg while she adjusts the grip on hers. The blade weighs down in her sun-kissed twelve-year-old arms and she shifts her feet. On the sidelines caramel hair waves in the breeze as Sora cheers, "You can do it, Kairi!" and she lets herself smile, biting her bottom lip until it hurts and charges forward.

    (the movement is sluggish but her breath disappears from her lungs – her hair flies out before her and for a second all she can see is red, red, and her heart skips with a painful jump and she doesn't know why.)

    Tidus jumps out of the way, laughing, and she lets the sword fall to her feet. She giggles, and says, "Sorry guys, but I don't think this is for me."

    The blonde boy sticks out his tongue to her still back, and she's glad no one can see the blood on her lips as she licks it away.

    (the boogeyman is real and his claws are dripping with red.)


    Her nights are full of traces of color as she sleeps. Voices whisper in her ears and she wishes she just knew what they were saying because they're warm and familiar and they're screaming, but she always wakes up with sweaty limbs tangled in sheets and tears on her cheeks.

    (we're coming for you, the dreams seem to say.)


    She's forever bathed in light. She thinks that it should hurt, being so bright, but really, it doesn't. It's very peaceful here – where is here, she catches herself thinking before the words are lost to the abyss – and she wonders if this is the universe.

    An eternity of silence passes and a voice whispers in her ear, low and warm and seductive – "Are you scared, Princess?"

    "I can't be a Princess," she answers back to the voice she doesn't think exists. There's quiet laughter tickling the back of her neck, the breath hot against her skin. She wants to reach up and rub at the spot, but it feels like she's taking a bite out of a caramel candy, sticky and full and completely impossible to move in. Her movements are languidly slow, her body refusing to abide by her brain's commands. She realizes the voice sounds (too much)a lot like her.

    "Where am I?" She calls out, forcing her lips to form the words and it almost hurts – and then there's a bright myriad of color rushing by her, and she's gasping for breath in a place full of grey pavement.

    (she thinks she can remember a sora the color of ink and with the yellow eyes of the monsters – monstersmonstersmonsters SORA IS A MONSTER.)


    Kairi is a (littlegirlagain)Princess, and the dark things flex their splattered claws and grin.

    (and there's no one to save her now.)


    Something that resembles a memory, blurred and stretched and horribly constricted (by her fear by her refusal by her horror) floats up before her eyes as she watches the waves move in a disarray, one-on-top-of-another, bathing her in cold ocean spray; her eyes are half-lidded as she hides her face between her knees and her chest. A voice, cool and mature and maybe even affectionate – a smile without a face, chapped pink lips and rough fingers grasping a stone wound around her neck. A warm light, her heart thudthudthuding in her ribcage as she watches it with amazement. "One day when you're in trouble, the light within you will lead to the light of another." The voice tilts, softer, more feminine like the person she remembers in her heart's eye. "Someone to keep you safe."

    She grasps the same stone with numb fingers, and clenches it until her knuckles hurt, wishing-praying-hoping-trying to remember things she doesn't even know she's forgotten.

    (there's a monster with yellow eyes - no, blue, like the sea and the sky and the world and the smile's hair - and he's a monster coming for her with bared fangs and nails and-no, no he's not, because he's her savior and he's-)

    "Someone to keep you safe."

    Thread by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 26, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Cartoon Moomba

    Hi! =)

    Thanks. =)
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 26, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Cartoon Moomba

    Hi! =)

    Yep! Most of the KH stuff is a few years old since I just got back into the fandom a while ago, but playing BbS has been very insightful. :x Thanks for the welcome!

    Linky here
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 26, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Cartoon Moomba

    Hi! =)

    Hi, an obviously new person here!

    I spend most of my free time (and not so free time) writing fanfiction for many genres - including Kingdom Hearts - and I'm 16, currently in my Junior year of high school. My favorite color is red, and I've been addicted to this series as well as other RPGs since 2007. I've never really been part of a forum before with the exception of those for online games, but I'm sure you guys aren't too different. =P

    I'm looking forward to my time here!
    Thread by: Cartoon Moomba, Sep 26, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures