Just came back from watching Easy-A with some of my friends. It was so much better than I thought it would be. =P Though I gotta say, that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer got a pretty loud squeal of glee out of me.
If I finally managed to clean my room after a month of stepping over clothes and Gamecube controllers, then so can you. You don't know how much you're missing all that clean space, believe me. D:
This Is My Idea (Russian Version) - The Swan Princess X3
Oh my god, agreed 100%. It's not only now that I can't hear the word 'twilight' or hearing about vampires that my mind flashes to Twilight if just for one second, but now - and I've seen it happen - if people's characters are named Bella... they all go, "Oh, after Twilight?" or if it's a romance vampire story people are all, "This reminds me of Twilight." So. ANNOYING. =/ I admit to being embarassed to have two characters named Bella and Edward in the same story, or write a vampire story... not all people are like this obviously, but so many refer to Twilight in one way or another. Thankfully, it's beginning to die out...
I have a scar right on the middle knuckle (or is it the lower part? I'm talking about the middle bending part...er...) of my pinky finger. It's such a random scar in such a random place and I don't even know how it appeared. :/
My friend has been bugging me to download WoW for 2 days now. Maybe they're in cahoots.
Vanitas Battle Theme. My iPod knows what I like. :ninja:
The Year I Turned Sixteen which is pretty good and a lightherarted novel; I'll be reading Stephen King's Under The Dome afterwards, and in terms of manga I'm skimming through Kingdom Hearts since I want to write a lengthy story and this is interesting enough. =]
I don't know where I read this or whether it's true or not (probably not, since I just saw the actual interview for the first time) but someone mentioned how this could be a remake of the first game where you play as both Sora and Riku, not just Riku, hence adding a whole new dimension to the game... though I can't honestly imagine this on the 3DS, but I'm just not a handheld game fan. I'm not even all that interested in playing Re:Coded, since it's on 3DS (300$...) mostly. I'm hoping that this is not anything that will capture my attention so much that I blow money on both the game and the console... I just want FFversusXIII to be finished so we could have KH3 already. =/
My friend has to wear a bright orange jumpsuit for auto class, and I started asking him if he'd be willing to wear a headband and shout out some stuff in the middle of class for my entertainment. He didn't get it. :(
;-; My eyes... my poor CSI-loving heart. And lmao at the video, first time I've actually watched it. I agree with Misty. xD
Not in order- Tales of the Abyss - I love this game. The characters and the plot and the graphics... it's too long for me to replay it a lot, but I do get my kicks out of it. :3 Final Fantasy VIII - My favorite game for the longest time ever, probably from 2007 to now. It's still up there my list obviously, but I don't obsess over it as much. Besides, it's the only game that gave me so many ideas for fanfiction that I've been writing for it for almost 4 years now. I just can't get tired of the characters and the story. Tales of Symphonia and Kingdom Hearts (series, though I like II better than any other game) - they often switch places with each other on my top 3, depending on what I feel like playing. Both are pretty amazing, though KH does obviously have a longer plotline. Damn you spinoffs.
Heh, I'm in the exact same situation as you - I just started playing again with the release of BbS. It's good that the Kingdom Hearts series is one you can come back to after some time off. Welcome to the forums. =]
I know, I'd rather stay a teenager. But both have their own advantages and disadvantages. :<
I actually read the first 3 books and liked them fairly well before it became a humongous hype, but then re-read them a year later when the 4th one came out and hit myself on the head for failing to notice what was going on. :P It was around that time that I started being introduced to Mary-Sues and Mary-Sue qualities in fanfiction, and I noticed that if anyone had written a character like that for said fanfiction, they would have gotten destroyed... Edward is just plain creepy in general (stating the obvious ftw). I've only seen the first movie with my anti-Twilight friend when it came out and I do believe we came out with ours ears ringing from all the screaming. It was great for a laugh and comparisons to the book though. And the fanbase is just... God. Some of the stories I've heard and things I've seen personally - well, Meyer sure knows how to hypnotize people. :P Her whole idea of making the reader feel like they were Bella and like everything was happening to them was a good idea, though, I have to admit. But she's still a horrible writer.
Same here. I have gotten several "I love your shirt!" a few times when I'm wearing my KH1 shirt though. The ones I see around the store I usually go to are pretty friendly, so that's always nice. :3
Oh nice... I'd get a tattoo down the length of my back - my parents would be all for it, too - if I wasn't so afraid of needles. ;-;
Okay, I agree with this. Being sixteen myself and having went through several relationships that haven't ended up too well (including having a crush on this one guy for all 3 years of middle school...) believe me when I say that you'll feel better about everything that happened soon enough, and that if it ended like this then he was obviously not "the one". There are millions of guys out there and post-high school places have even more than you currently have around you. As DarknessKingdom said, it might take you a while to find someone who you truly feel is "the one" who returns your feelings, but right now there really is nothing you can do, because as I've found out from personal experiences, the majority of guys in high school (at least in mine) are still pretty immature for these things, in one way or another. It's going to be hard and you're going to keep on feeling ****** while you try to get over this, but try to surround yourself with friends and people who you know can cheer you up. If you think you might be reading into it too much, I suggest stopping trying to read into anything at all. No matter how hard it is and no matter the mixed feelings you might have, just go on with your life and see how it plays out from there without worrying too much about what's going on in his head - I know that sounds hard, and it is hard to do, but in my opinion that's the only thing you can do in the situation now.
A bit, depending on the price of it and how many games I'm actually going to be interested in are going to come out for it. Old-style DS ftw, even though I rarely use it.
What Lilooo :( But I can't believe they'd make an anime out of Stitch.