What It's Like - Everlast , Off of the album "Whitey Ford Sings The Blues"
Well i was listening to some Red Hot Chili Peppers, and it made me remember my childhood, because i grew up on them. so i found an old picture of myself and touched it up a little bit, spot the out of place thing in it. But yeah here it is. EDIT: I know it's not impressive, i don't really care, if it was a sig i would've spent more time on it, and make it abit more jazzy, but it's not, it's supposed to be minimalistic...sort of.
You know what i like about your graphics( applies to most, not this one though) is that you put clashing colors in, which makes the focal pop. You did something different with this one. I really like it. It's bright and vibrant, it has a really nice foreground. In the bottom right, on his coat tail, it just seems out of place with the rest of the graphic, i think it's the black border around it, but it just annoys me for some reason. Maybe blend it in a bit more. But over all, it's really great. I do like it a lot.
Yeah u can use it.
Photoshop, but i used to use gimp for everything
I felt like doing an anime tag, So why not start with the first anime show i ever watched, Bleach. It's always been cool doing bleach stuff, but nvr have i found it in 3D, or so called 3D. so CnC and all that jazz(old?) Edit: Render. Spoiler http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/146/8/b/3D_Bleach_render_by_magemoa.png
So i got a Girlfriend, quit World of warcraft, Got Photoshop, Got some new friends, acouple of dogs, and i have been working on my artistic side a bit more lately. oh, and i turned 15, a couple of months ago. Surrealism? Spoiler PARKOUR... Desktop Spoiler Magic Hat. Not my best attempt, but the only one i remembered to save. Spoiler Idk what to call it. Spoiler At this point i was just messing around, i was just bored over spring break.( It might seem bright on some computers, its meant to be a rly dark picture and that's how i saw it on my comp.) Spoiler I might have posted this b4 Spoiler
been away for so long, but it seems only yesterday. i've been getting back into the swing of things, or trying to. Any CnC on these?
I missed this forum abit so i broke out Photoshop and made this Kinda went along with misty's last gimp sig tut, but then branched off of it Any CnC would be apreciated After learning more about PS cs5 i fixed this up abit Border didnt look good in color
once i find it i will post it well the stock wasnt that poor, i just used a GREYCStoration filter on it, but will fix
Tee Hee's stock would be pretty good, thiers my vote
it reminds me of Childs Play
bump, i just got my new computer, so i will be able to get this done pretty fast. i just don't favor it until i get a good view from other people.
lol i know i am 14 now, but i still miss the ruggrats, that was my favorite show when i was growin up. and wow josh turned into kenny in that one episode of southpark with howard stone, and bam from jackass in it.
well yes a magnum would be good, but what kind, the first gun i shot was when i was 8 and it was the Smith&Wesson model 500, it was a 50 mag, and broke both of my arms, but what a rush that was. maybe you could ask him for a version of windows7, thats about all i got.
avatar: 9/10 sig: 8/10
This tag is nice, but the background could be a little smoother, and you got a nice color scheme right there. the only thing that really bothers me is that yellow thing on his left eye. nice tag.
CnC i kinda screwed up the bottom of her arm, so here is v2
thanks guys, i really need this, i have made websites before, but only with html, and my uncle saw them, and he wanted one. So i just wanna further my knowledge of the coding languages. Thanks Again!
Sry about that typholsion here is ma entry http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2jfkpl3&s=5