Ahh, no wonder I couldn't find his name
lol it was for the first thing. and I think through things a lot before I rush into it. It's the safer path.
And why do you say that?
I didn't know Trigger was still here either.
Thank you. How are you going to do it? Or have you not thought about it yet?
It's like the cycle of a chicken. Egg to chicken, chicken to egg.
Blaze because Axel controls fire. And are you saying I'm part of the Organization?
It's still hard to find things to argue about. And we always take our frustrations from work or whatever on each on the 360. lol It's pretty fun
Vincent because it's a cool name and your user reminds me of it.
Well it's kind of a funny story how we met. He was one of the managers at Gamestop when I started working there. Then we started talking after I transferred stores.
haha! It doesn't help that I work at the movie theater! Lots of inspiration is there!
Sounds....fun. It'll be interesting to read.
We don't smoke or even drink. We're against all that.
We don't. It'll never happen. And we have heard arguments are good for couples but we just haven't found anything big enough or small enough to argue about. That's the hard part.
I guess we were never invited to be in the loop. That's how distant we are.
I'm scared of needles anyway. Not getting anywhere near them!
Same year about the school thing. But I know I won't enjoy it. I'm taking Physics and Calculus
I know my cycle. We already discussed not doing any activity to week before or the week of of my cycle.
Song of all time. and tell me why!
Oh sorry, I didn't know. But now I do. I'll remember that for the future!