I know!! It's gonna be a Happy Birthday to me!!
Until I'm turning 21! I can't wait to try my strawberry banana daiquiri. Going to Cheddar's for my birthday dinner
All the movies that are coming out to theaters. I get to see them all for free so why not? And I've been wanting to work out too. Wanna get myself some muscles. lol and it sucks this week because I wanted to go to the pool and tan but it's supposed to be cloudy all week
She may have been confused within the love triangle but there was no way of really seeing who she really and truly cared for. She continued to go back and forth between the two different guys, Gale and Peeta. The only way she had decided was that the guys made the choice for her and I don't know if she really wanted to accept that fact completely. What if she feels regret about being with the guy she ended up with? What if she realizes that she used both of them and thinks that she doesn't deserve either one of them? The book never explains the conflict she is having with herself. She herself doesn't even know if she loves Gale or Peeta. It seems to me that she "thought" she loved them because Katniss knew that they loved her. Did she not want to feel that awkwardness between them so she try to force herself to believe that she loved both of the boys?
I can see the reason why you don't like Katniss. It seems like there's more to her that we didn't get a chance to read or understand. I believe there was more to her that should've been done to develop the character more. The stories were drawn out, especially in the third book. I didn't think it would never get to the climax of it but you are right about the love triangle. I knew Katniss didn't like either of the boys as Suzanne wanted the readers to see. It felt like she was using them (like you said), for her own benefit.
J.K. Rowling-Harry Potter series Suzanne Collins-Hunger Games series Lynsay Sands-Science Fiction Romance
I preferred the second book over the first although I did like the whole series.
That's awesome!! Love it! Starseeker: Phantasy Star
Hey thanks for the advice. I'll try to work on it some more.
Oh thanks, I couldn't think of the title of the person. You do have a point, I agree. The only thing I didn't like about the movie were the action/fighting scene because the camera was so shaky. But other than that, I liked the movie.
Already on Pre-Order
And there's a lot of movies I'm gonna go see this summer!!
I love when it storms. It doesn't rain often from I'm from since it's in Texas. Texas weather is unpredictable
I'm not gonna lie but both Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy X made me cry
No it's cool because Xella was a character I created to be a part of the organization. I was number XV and my friend that was writing with me with number XIV...wrote before Xion came into the picture. But Xella could control and change other people's thoughts and actions.
Even though, I don't like the Kingdom Hearts games being on the handheld devices. I'd prefer the console systems but it's whatever. The creator of Kingdom Hearts is wanting to go back to consoles. Annnnnnyway, I'm super excited because Kingdom Hearts 3D is coming out on my birthday. July 31! Happy Birthday Xella!
People usually like the book better than the movie. That's a given. Only because the movie director decides to take out certain parts from the book that certain readers like. There will never be a movie that is equally as good as the book.
I put this in the wrong folder earlier...but I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with this. Can ya'll help? My mind is a deadly hurricane, It torments me in so many ways When will I ever see the calm again? The large waves being tossed about Crashing themselves on the shore Fighting against the heavy winds. How am I to escape This torturous storm That’s killing me within? Never ceasing, I cower I fall, weakness fills my limbs Just wolding on by a whim. I search within I finally find the calm Falling in peaceful thoughts Until I’m awakened by another storm.
I just saw MIB3 last week and I loved it. I even teared up a bit at the end. The story line went really well and I heard from a few people that they "hope" there's a fourth one coming out but we won't know until it actually happens. Took a while for the third one to come out so you never know.
Cinderella Diamond Edition is coming out on October 2, 2012!! So excited to have the movie in my grasp!