Interesting. Hopefully though, the person I predicted would win, won't. :\ Lol, Xemnas. I'll be waiting for you doods to prove me wrong.
Character One: Anti-Sora Character Two: Roxas Character Three: Marluxia Character Four: Xemnas Character Five: Xaldin Reasons behind why you Chose them/Comments (optional): ... I'm not at liberty to discuss those. <w<
No problem.
Shoot for the stars. You might obtain the moon on your way up.
Magic. And some other stuff too.
You can't see me because I'm invisible. Also, I'm good. XD
Not much. o: Also hi.
The Elite in a Tree.
o_o Too late. *shot*
Hmm... *writes it down under Tsubasa Chronicle.*
o_o I've actually never heard of that show. D:
In a game that focuses on story, like Tales of the Abyss or Golden Sun, I'll leave the names as the defaults. In a game that focuses on your actions rather than the story, like Pokemon or Persona, I'll use Erkz. An exception to this is Zelda though. For some reason, when I name the main character Link, halfway through the game everyone starts calling me THIEF. I have no idea why. :(
o_o I'm not elite. I just have a username with a epic color similar to Buttered Popcorn.
Hello to you too. :3 o.o What's high class got to do with anything though?
Watch anything that appeals to you. There'll always be more afterwards. Also Fate/Stay Night.
I look forward to that day. On that day, I shall smile proudly as I pat you on the shoulder and say: "Good job. Now go watch some more."...
It's the only useful thing a mushball has ever done. It's hooded Roxas IIRC.
Quite. Oh, and um, about Rosario + Vampire. The anime is an Ecchi parody of the manga... which makes me sad inside. It's still pretty funny,...
Gimp for the logo, photoshop for the people behind it [Or at least I think that's what Cloud used to put them there afterwards...].
That's strangely reminiscent of Rosario + Vampire for some reason...