The response to many children, quoted from another forum;
Yeh, a lot of them go with their parents or friends ideologies.
Well, it depends on your belief or purpose on saying it, like I said the phrase is generic.
Well god, is a part of religion, religion is a belief, a belief is up to ones self. So its up to the person who says it, do you believe in god? If you do, do you believe in a one god or god(s), savior or prophet? Depends on what you choose if this argument is relevant to you, the phrase is generic, when one says it, they say it out of being used to it, if you grew up by saying, " hot dawg! ", you would say that instead. But if you saying it to piss some(one)(thing) off you must be: - Upset at a god(s) or a one god - An Atheist (you don't believe in a god) - You didn't get a hug (so your swearing at god) - I have no idea, but I will edit this later when I think of it :D
I agree with you, also there are a bunch of confirmed studies that say the human brain isn't done developing till about 18-21 for most people, plus to think, if kids (16) were able to vote, we would have rappers and people as presidents, which would be funny, but marginal vote (populations votes) don't count for anything really, its the Electoral votes.
PS3 remake for FFVII isn't going to happen, Head of Development for SE said so, but they said once they finish a line up for PS3, they might work on it, but he said its unlikely, because, I quote: But, like you I hope they do a remake.
wow good job, If you allow me to post, heres mine:
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 Skip a few 0.999 1.000
As a young person (16), I would have to say no, we are just to bias to do that, well I know I am not, but I know LOTS and LOTS of people who go along with their parents, so... really theres no reason to, just wait till you the right age, cides theres a big amount of adults who don't vote.
I say let them, as long as it doesn't change the way I live I'm ok with it. But, you see if you look back at human history, when you give anyone anything, they will want more, or find a way to complain; so if this is the case, then no. I say if you want something don't complain or abuse it. with gay marriage I am 100% positive they will find a way to complain about it, now the first time its legalized, they will be like woot!, but as time passes by theres going to be some friction between the religious groups and the homosexuals. Given more time, I predict that violence towards these groups will get out of hand, America has a history of it, discrimination is a HUGE thing today, you'd be surprised, I've felt it first hand after 9/11. Now, if none of that happens (which it will) then I'll be ok, but theres got to be some restrictions on it, because technically sexual confusion is a mental sickness, (until mankind evolves again, its abnormal), we can't let just ANYONE get married. I am worried about them getting hurt really is all I am trying to say, because if a law passes to allow, there will be a HUGE uproar, Politics vs Religion, and you know theres always the religious fanatics.
damn >.<, 19165
Heres how to do it:
Edit: I Will Eat You!
- Noobs - Noobs who deny they are a noob - A Noob who thinks he is T3h Le3T - HaX0rs - Kids who repeat the same thing over and over - " When I say no once, I won't say yes after 6 times " - Lag, it hurts my ownage - Beer, well not really, but you can't own clearly with it - Public LANs, this has its own list; - Theres ALWAYS a noob over there - There are " elite " noobs - Those kids that say the same thing over and over, they are there - " When I say no on helping you level in World of Warcraft once, I won't say yes after you ask 6+ times and pull my Ethernet cable " - Lag, when someone is doing the "Pr0n", I get hit with 6k lag. But one thing makes all this better, my girlfriend ^^.
I was playing it at a LAN party w/o a memory card, I got to the end (without doing all the extras) and some "smart" guy pulled the plug to my ps2 >.<, that day still hurts.
GoiT ftw!, thanks mate
thanks for the compliment, sigh * Im stuck on what AMV to make next though...
Kingdom Hearts 3, Starcraft 2 (I am BETA testing, its hawt), Unreal Tournament 2007, Final Fantasy XIII Series, and Sword of the New World (BETA testing). Pretty much it... well until they announce yet another FF or KH.