axel ...and about my friends some how ..
Pain laughed "nice to meet you two" in a cheerful manner
^ is right < has just hot back online V will leave in 10-5 minutes ?
'pain looked at the young boy that was sending signals " and you are ..." in a cold way
"oh your Debbie ..the girl from the earth as you say right ?" pain asked nicely
pain flew closer to the girl "i'm fine..who are you ?" she asked cursoiley
pain saw the other flash of light coming from a bazooka , a young girl held the bazooka "hay there"she said catching her breath..
^ is right and is watching the matrix ( it's an awesome movie XD) <is watching videos V checked the video portal recently
^is happy and right ^^ <is super tired V likes broccoli ?
^ sadly can't help <couldn't help rsko Vis eating ice-cream O_o ?
... an anime i used to watch when i was a child ...i can't remember it's name very well ...
hmm about a lullaby my mom used to sing....
is a guy that has 804 posts ..
wow cool how did you do that ? nice work man ^^
pain woke up, she examined her surroundings and soon realized that she's on top of a tree what happened she thought ,"i better get down first.." pain flew down to the islands ground... "now that's settled..i have to find yuna and rikku..." she said to her self , she explored the island a bit, pain heard a bang .she looked up the sky she saw some flash" hmm someone might be there better check it out.." she said flying towards s it's source.. ooc: hmm i suck at rp so i hope it was good enough
that's normal for any father :3 or step father i hate people that don't brush there teeth.... i mean there's something called a toothbrush
hmm i don't see how that effects sony in any kind :3
is super right XD
has 115 user notes ....
knows how to read Japaneses....