you look so cute in that dress XD you have great hair ^^ , you know i never saw your pic until now lol i want a cookie !! XD you look so cute
len drew her self closer to him "umm theseus " she said in a low voice
len blushed "oh thank you !" she said , they watched the sky together ,len sat next to theseus putting her hands on top of his
len turened her gaze to the sky " yeah it's so beautiful" she said
pain was shocked at the sudden appearance of kingdom hearts and the old guy "this day just became more interesting "she said flying down to aid daxma
len watched that beautiful yet weird sight shocked "what is that !!??" she asked
i agree it's very complicated if you want to use it thenn you should look for some tutorials
math =( cause of those numbers
len looked up...
"that was amazing !! why did you stop ?" she asked amazed by his skill and the beauty of his melody
"...ok" she said calmly
yeah as i said they are invisible can't be seen with a human eye
"so he has a curse on him..but i still don't get why he's leaving " she said with a worried face
pain has been searching for her friends for a while,but there was no lead whatsoever "oh man this is hopeless" she mumbled , pain saw a clear waterfall "might as well check it out "she said going down the watry cliff as she went down she saw debbi and daxma huggig "hmm what are they doing " she said spying on them from above
is very creative ^^
"well he was sent to kill me ..."she said out load len felt tired so she sat ...
Len grabed theseus arm "why do you want to leave,...i'll always be by your side no matter what "she said
ghosts aren't lost or dead souls they are like human beings but with a bit of scary form that is invisible in our eyes , the souls can't roam the earth once there body is dead and even if they do there called spirits
"you can't leave ...not now " she said chocked at the announcement "who will take care of midnight ..i can't do that alone "
changed his name :3