Really how did it malfuntion
Well every one knew..exectp me i have the link to the arcade its still active
Well I dont know you so...Nice to met ya my name is RRS
UM hey did you know about the arcade
Heyut this in Favorites
well you can also join social groups you could go by Quick links or by user CP
Yeah Shots a Gun out with a Paper saying WELLCOME there are forums the user CP post counts and titles
So that 5ith battle is Saix VS Axel but will you guys fix the thing of Saix is nonfliching thing its OK if you guyus dont remove it
Man Smart guy its a Honor dude you ROCK
hey can you tell me that code you used to weild terras key like in this pic [IMG]
Well im not ready to test but i Could be able to read a code meanwhle
NOOOOOooOOOOOO My best friend,study alot get good grads DUDE
Hey can I join the Hacking trio im a NTC U/C tester and in monday FM+ tester as well
Yeah ok i saw that OK guys When people get online we talk like this Zack:
I found a error 21CB97B8 46544C55 01CB97F6 0000000A 10340B4C 0000002A 11CEF110 00000074 2037EB1C 3F000000 201A0568 10000006 D035B55C 0000F7FF 2036CED0 BF000000 D035B55C 0000FDFF 2036CED0 BF800000 D035B55C 0000FBFF 2036CED0 C0000000 D035B55C 0000FEFF 2036CED0 C0800000 Thats the old angelic form this is the fix 21CB97B8 46544C55 01CB97F6 0000000A 10340B4C 0000002A 11CEF110 00000074 2037EB1C 3F000000 201A0568 10000006 E001F7FF 0035B55C 2036CED0 BF000000 E001FDFF 0035B55C 2036CED0 BF800000 E001FBFF 0035B55C 2036CED0 C0000000 E001FEFF 0035B55C
Well I gotta go fix something
well for me all i do is Press
FM+ Limit form bow to the 150 hp killer NTSC U/C Anti Made me kill shan yu in 5 sec