Me my bro let me hack his game so i could get a shaymin
Cecil: what you want more well i need to leave runs while leaving dark wals in every step
Well mine are at training like my prinplup is at lv 26 and my luxio is at 15
Cecil:Now im weapon less only magic
What you guys are slow im at fantina already oh and now shes the third gym
What basement
Can you trade me a LV 1 cindaquil please for a stupid POKE
Cecil:Hmp they got away atleast they leaft there weapons
Cecil (Dark knight): O relly lets see who is pathetic *Charges forward and slashes with darkness*
Cecil (Dark Knight):Ha dark orbs refresh me with power ha *Jumps while slashing*
Cecil:Oh your not getting away DARKNESS Cecil(Dark knight): darkness to were they are
Dude its like this Cecil:You will DIE Leon:really 5 secs later cecil:WHY do you want to kill me Leon because i like killing people man and my cousin hacked his PSP and stilll sucks
Yup and who has a luxio a staravia and a prinplup
Cecil:Well I need to make her know i her so Marako go to the other side of the street
Hello Ms Azura try not to go to the spam zone
well hey there have alot of fun and call me RRS for short
What but i already saw origin in ranch
Oh and is it true that you can surf on land and walk on water
Oh and can someone tell me a way to catch arceus darkrai and shaymin without cheats
and about GC i heard that theirs a gym their with your name upsidedown and that you have to get out with fly