Cool! Well talk to you later then, bye! *waves*
Eh...pokemon is alright. I don't play but I'll watch it if it's on. My sister she is the pokemon fan. As for the it...
Are you talking about the show or the game?
Nah it's okay. As long as you can read what I write., never heard of that before. I may have too change my text color to white though...
Whoa!....did you change your page color?.....oh and the black belt thing is cool too. XD What are you a black belt in?
That sucks....I was kinda hoping for you to say something besides that though because my life is boring too....
Whoa! I need to come on more...what's new?
Hey, what's new? I always forget to come on...
It means "you get to lean Italian"...well hopefully, I haven't been taking Spanish that long so...yeah. Oh and sign language can know...
Well if you want to wait that long...what's new? It's Spring Break for me!!!
Yeah, I liked it...I found it a little confusing at points, but that's just me. XD
I honestly have no idea...sorry. I'll try to find out though......have you seen Alice in Wonderland? I saw it a few hours ago....
Yeah, you're lucky....usted consiga aprender italiano...
Don't worry, I know. My grandma lives in Arkansas! :D
Whoa! Where do you live again?
Italian!?!? :why?: Wow I wish I had that in my school...all we get is Spanish....:sideways:
How was the snow?
Good luck with your mid-term then. :D
Oh that's cool. It was mid-term week so I had studying to do and hadn't responded, sorry.