Avy;6/10 We need to see more of him hes so minor in the org Sig3/10 Kinda boring
Gurren Lagann(Final Ep) Buso Renkin(Ep 19) Hell Girl(Ep 7) and ofcourse Bleach ,Code Geass ect on saterday(hurry up and get off of Bount arc)
Patrica Martin from Lucky Star cherry cherry wake up cherry oh please someone just kill me now Tsuruya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya her laugh made me want rip off my ears set them on fire then eat them.
Someone should make a Kingdom Hearts version of this. thatd be SUPER AWESOME!!!!! ReEdit! I found it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIz_Dlt58Zo
I just hope they dont go for a FF approach with the whole different story for each new game in the series.its fine for FF but it would suck for KH
I might be wrong but i dont think theres any deep behind meaning or maybe its his promas to see namine again i dont know.
Watch all 10:55 minutes(Reminded me of lucky star op) and if anything i must ask one thing. What is the name of this show.
Thats what you get - Paramore
Ok i can get one of them for Chritsmas but not both right now im torn between the two because Xbox360 has Tales of Verperia and The Last Remnant but PS3 will have the new KH3 and Mirrors Edge.But ive heard Xbox360 is better but i dunno.So please tell me your opinion of my choice id would love your help.
yea ill stick it on here ater am i aloud to stick non kh amvs on here
yeah just been kinda busy with school and stuff and been playing games and working on an amv
lol i haven't really been on much lately have i
Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan They both have good and bad but i think both protayed Bond very well diddnt much care for Casino Royale it was ok though Daniel Craig is still new it will take sometime to get used to.
hey whats up
i think i need to get my life and lvl up higher im only at lvl 62 and HP 4000 somethin
Kari Wahlgren maybe her Saya(Blood+) voice i think thats might fit her and i agree with the NO Disney Channel Stars i would die if Hannah Montana plays Xion (Plese Sqere Enix/Disney pick a good voice actei beg of you.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EQXnTLAJfY&feature=related Well judging from this it looks to me like Xion is Sora but i dont know or is atleast associated with him in one way
I wonder about Xion im not quit sure of much about her but it did look like Riku reconised her i mean his eye widend when he saw her face she kinda looks like namine and kairi but maybe its just me
I almost feel bad for the guy. But i cant help from laughing its just to funny HAHAHAHAHHAH(Well i did say almost;)