"Well, we were just wondering if you'd like to play chess with us, because Katie, needs someone to play, who's better than me."
Zack turned around and saw a boy sitting on a sofa alone, he felt kind of sorry for him. OOC: Thank's.
Zack set out the cards so they were ready to play.
You're in! Me and Katie are in the common room, so you can just pop up there.
"Well, you just should've said that in the first place!"
"Dare if we lose, try and get Katie to play."
"Ohhh! I get it!"
OOC: Oh yeah.
"So, you skipped Aritmancy AND divination?"
"I don't know ..."
"You haven't have any classes today yet?!"
"Okay, which game? There's, go fish, shi* head, poker ... Your friend could play too."
"I'm tired and ... well ... bored."
"So, you've skipped all your classes and now you've got History of Magic?"
Dear Grandma, I really miss you. You'd always know everything, you lived practically everything, WW1 and 2 and you always had the information. You'd always tell your jokes, and said "Oh, it doesn't matter, next year I'll be dead!". But no-one thought it'd actually happen. Christmas and that'll never be the same and I still can't get to the fact that I'll never see you again, because it feels like I can. Sometimes I think your there, and offer to get a cup of tea or just be talking to you. I remember when you'd tell me about the wars and how people acted when they were younger. I remember seeing you in hospital. All in all, I'm not really sure what happened to you, I just knew you were in and out for about a year, then you died, but one thing I AM sure about, is that I miss you, and I'd do anything to have you back. Love you forever, no matter what, Laila. Dear Jake, Although you were just a dog, you were my first pet and inspired me to do so many things! I remember once, you ran off, and we'd look for you, and just before I'd go to bed, and fall asleep. You'd wake me up and be scratching on the door at midnight. I remember once, you stole my sock, ran around the table with it then went outside and buried it. You made me laugh so much, and from when I was around 2-4 you were practically my best friend. But then you died, I was so sad, I cried for ages. You were an awesome present for brithday, but I feel bad saying 'present' ... Anyway, you were mine and I loved you. I still have your ashes, sitting right upon the shelves, I don't want to sprinkle them, I want to keep them forever. One day, I'll be back up there with you, so don't forget that. :) Lots and lots of love, Laila.
No, it's ok,. I think.
"So ... Do lessons start tommorow?" Zack asked, as he flicked through his brochure, "Oh yeah, they do."
"Heh?" Zack got kerfuffled.
"Yeah, that was good." he added onto Katie's comment.
"You've skipped all your classes so far this year? Even I'M not that deep."