Ok, it's nice to know you and welcome to the forums :)
I USED to go on Club Penguin.
Well, I wasn't online. Hogwarts is like, the first thing I check when I log on.
Zack helped him look for a book on it, "I think this might be one ..." he said, as he looked in a book; The flower is called a Rose. It's from the muggle world, however, it's been brang into the world of wizards recently as it has shown magical properties. Too look after this plant, simply give it water, daylight and warmth. It also had some more saying how the plant acted in different ways, "Here Daniel, read this." he said, as he handed him the book.
What do you mean? I'm keeping up with my RP's fine actually, I just wasn't on at the time.
"I'm not sure about mine." said Zack, as he turned a corner and arrived at the library. He walked up to the section which had books about Herbology and looked for books on the Mandrake plant. He finally found a decent book and read from it: A Mandrake, also known as Mandragora, is a plant which has a root that looks like a human (like a baby when the plant is young, but maturing as the plant grows). Mandrakes not only resemble humans, but also have similar behaviors to them. At one point of time, the mandrakes, at one point of time, became moody and secretive, which indicated that they were reaching adolescence. And later on, they threw a loud party, which is comparable to humans when they are teenagers. Mandrakes are fully matured when they start moving into each others pots, similar to adult humans marrying and moving in together. When matured, Mandrakes can be cut up to serve as a prime ingredient for the Mandrake Restorative Draught, which is to cure those who have been Petrified. A Mandrake's fatal scream is very similar to (if not the same as) a banshee's scream, which is also fatal. Too look after a Mandrake plant, you simply water it everyday and give it an equal amount of daylight and warmth. "Awesome book, I'm going to keep it for a bit." he said, as he walked over to Daniel.
Darn you!
OOC: Okay, well bye then, you really rocked in this RP. Not many people are really in it anymore :( "Probably, well, let's go."
Hold the left-click button down. Move the mouse on to the clicky thing. Let go of the left-click button. Left click again!
Real name: Boy name: Evil Red Legs Girl name: Mad Lazy Gracey Username: Girl name: Pegleg One Eye Boy name: Arch-Pirate Wicked Willie They all suck.
I won in like 2 seconds :P
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to go to the library and study up my plant. Want to come?"
I'll meet you somewhere ^^
Everyone will probably say you, because you made a thread about it.
Okay, well, on 27th August, I'm going away for a week. I'm going to Florida, Disney World, with my 2 brothers, Mum and sort of step-dad, Mike. I can't wait to go and I should have £300 spending money. Well, bye!
I don't have braces + I don't need them. Oh and because ... Well, why do you have a head?
[Poise wasn't bad, Tina just told you he was bad now your all 'Whoop-dee-doo there's no Poisenman here!']
[And others. But Dalton, omg, he gave me like 2 infractions for nothing]
[Nicer in that site though]
Pika, it's the spam-zone, do you really expect the truth. Especially from R-Guard!