Ooh awesome, where are you travelling to may I ask?
Why if it isn't my dearest (:
Why hello there Droid4. Long time no speak
I'm alright, and yourself?
Good day Finny
My deepest apologies, I must be off khv. In case we have another long pause between conversations again, all the best my sweet Drew.
Why thank you my good man
I'm hoping that's not a disappointed 'oh Ingrid'
Ah yes secondary name rage, that is totally true
Kitteh play date..I can't remember what te rest of your message was so my apologies
Talented much T_T I think I prefer the first one for some reason, is it blended more? But....i prefer the second pictures writing/glyph yolks. Nice job
Oh I love Calico's, they're so different and lovely looking. Cat's a..great..name for a cat
Well..they're black short hair..if that helps ._. No not BBC, it's an old movie with Audrey Hepburn
Yes two kittehs indeed, Hector and Hattie. Hector is currently clawing my legs with comfort ._. Well in Breakfast at Tiffany's the lady's cat is...
Naww Callie's such an adorable name for a kitteh xD And you've never seen Breakfast at Tiffany's? D':
Yes it seems too long. I saw it but I didn't take in what it said because I was half asleep at the time, I'll go read it now. Hi Cat (Breakfast...
Not talking to you
It's the beginning of 2012..I'm cool
Drew ~ it's been, kind of a while, long enough