Of course I will <333
Same here .
God, anything I can do?
Yes indeed
I don't recall..
Well we all know that you will be missed lots and lots <3 Take care and have fun, hope to see you back here
Well she was saying that you were lovely. That counts as singing your praises..
Oh I'm sorry I forgot to reply yesterday. I was dared to say hello to you by Daxa singing your praises.
Hello there, haven't exactly spoken in a while
Surprise Makaze
Ohai, apologies for this late reply
If I could do a troll face, I would
I'm actually pretty good today, and yourself?
Oh the power of the internet
Not a bother, I've replied later I'm pretty sure
Ah well she told me about the website and made me an account..I said that I'd never go on it but whataya no..here I am xD
Same school for like forever
Nah no holiday for moi ;_; I'll be working my ass off with the school musical, technology project and music practical Dx blehhh
Thanks for sharing, Amaury