Well I knew that much..but is there a storyline?
Well we did We Will Rock You the one that's preformed in London and all. What's Cats actually about?
Yes that Queen, it's what the musical was
Thank you, are you a fan of Queen? I feel like I don't know a lot about you
I went pretty well to be honest, very tiring though..
Hardy har har (professional) pirate laugh
Not a bother dear
You've never heard it before? Or are you just mocking it
Sleeping pills? Good god no
True but I won't be able to sleep
Ok let me see..this is going to be wrong but let's hope not. Je suis tres fatigue
You're way off, my friend..I ain't even 15.
Hmm Irish or French greeting.. Both Dia duit---bonjour
I think this year has been a dud-year..
I've been better, think I just need to catch up on some sleep. And yourself dear Drew?
Good day to you sir, that was a lovely vm you sent me.
I thought you said heart disease, that made me giggle so this won't be as hard as I thought. Although I didn't know you personally on khv, you did give me rep once and I'm grateful. Have a good time on your journey throughout the world. You shall be missed
I hope you feel better and have a lovely day, take care (: I might not be on for the rest of the week but you never know, x
A thread about trolling, ah the beauty :')