ooc: Yeah...
Sora kneeled down to Mickey. ''Y-your majesty...'' A tear rolled from his eye.
''Sure.'' Sora said. He then noticed the King. ''Are you okay!?'' He asked.
Good song, but it doesn't rhyme.
I don't think putting my grandad in a ketchup song will help me...
Sora looked at Dexen. ''Huh?''
''You know my name Doofus!'' Jake said, hitting zack in the head. He walked away and whipered, ''Haheee, I think he believed moi! When i'm around Zack, I have to act serious.''
My grandad is dying! He has cancer! My gran told me about it and the doctor told her he was dying. :( I hardly ever see him and I don't want him to die!
''yeah...'' Jake said.
OOC: And i dont cause im older :) BIC: ''Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very...''
You could hear Sora breathing quickly. He was REALLY worried about Riku now.
''I don't like lollipops and merry-go-rounds. Oh, and by the way, I'm not stupid. I actually just pretended.''
''Wait, I would just like to say something.'' Draco said into the mic, ''I have lived a very very very very very very very very...''
''Pfft, Idiot.'' Jake whispered.
Draco said, ''Ready to rock?''
Jake wasn't listening. He was just thinking of what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Draco went to the drums and played Amazingly. ''Am I in?''
on a different forum, i was gonna be called Roxas, but I was obsessed with hopping at the time. I also wanted to be a guard of something. I chose Roxas-hopper, but somehow on the kh forum, it was taken, so I chose Rhopperguard, but it was taken. So I spelled the word Guard wrong. I put it as Gaurd. Thats my name!
''So...what do you do here for fun?'' Jake asked.
Sora nodded. He ran into the pitch black darkness.