1-On the other forum. In an RP i wanted to join which Flyn Pnut was in. 2-When I showed Flyn Pnut this forum. We pretended on the last forum. 3-Because...we just did what we did last time. Any forum would have done. 4- Yeah! I LOVE IT! Thats why I joined. I invited Pnut. 5-They were real. They quitted. 6-... 7-I'm telling the truth!
Ok, i know that repliku told me to stop making threads about Flyn Pnut, but this is important! You know how some people thought that me and Flyn are the same people? They were wrong! And, your probably wondering why I went on the internet and joined a forum, pretending some guy was my Brother/Sister. I know you don't know if Flyns a girl...and the truth is...Neither do I. On MSN he/she said that they were a girl. Look at this: http://penguinforum.miniclip.com/showthread.php?t=70935&page=3 Can you see ME in Flyn Pnuts siblings? Can you see him in mine? NO. what im trying to say is, he/She isn't my real brother/sister. Not even step. We thought we would pretend because it was fun! And I already told Xaale that before too...I'm not telling any lies here...I should probably see my REAL brothers and sisters now, instead of seeing my FAKE one. Okay so...Yeah.
How do I post pictures from my laptop on ''my pictures''?
Want me to take a pic of our MSN conversation??
Didn't Repliku tell us to stop making threads about each other? Fail.
Jake picked up a cool plant. ''I'll call it...Speedo!''
''He must have been trying to find me...''
Sure. im hyper today
Great, dude! Yourself!?
'' yeah...''
Hmm...Naaah. i'll just go back to my house, pick up my ketchup bottle, turn it upside down and watch the tomato's fall...
Hey, Mr.Slip! xD *slips* Ouch... Whats up!?
OOC: oh...LOL i put 2 points and you put 50 xD
Bring. It. ON!
Well, NAAAAH! *sarcasm*
''Okay, can anyone name these three types of wood?'' The teacher said, pulling out three woods from a cage. Jake raised his hand. ''Usher...?(Lets get this over and done with...)'' ''Thats, Yew, Oak and Maple.'' ''Oh...Thats...RIGHT! THATS ACTUALLY RIGHT!! 20 points to gryffindor!''
*facepalm* I JUST GAVE YOU A JOB!