~????~ As all of the antagonists were in their petty squabble to determine who the best antagonist in all the known KHV Roleplay Universe was, one entity kept itself at a distance watching the pointless charade. Astral merely and calmly watched them all go at one another before floating into the air and stretched its arms out to the side and said. "All of these people gathered all together in one place and yet they bicker and argue amongst themselves instead of using their heads. This is a rather amusing sight to behold..."
SPECIAL ANNOUCEMENT!! [First three or so seconds minus the Japanese speaker] Alright folks, Nutty here with an important and special announcement. As of the evening of September the 8th I shall be on a hiatus of about a month or so...basically until October. So in the duration Roxam is hereby appointed all my characters for the most part and thus everyone will need to speak with him in regards to RP matters. Also to Plums, since I have already sent in my samples for the KHV Awards there is no need to worry. Before I go I am reserving or taking the following or something. Robin *Female* [Fire Emblem] Lucina [Fire Emblem] Also one final thing to note, the inactivity rule has been in effect for a while now, I have just been lazy in terms of updating the first post in the thread you are reading to note this. So for now [until October] this is Nutty signing out, see you in October buddys!
~Tokyo Streets~ "Look Fujiko, your boys are dying fast and I'm rushing them over to the Hospital right now." Shion explained as she quickly sped down the streets of Tokyo with Fujiko on speaker who shouted in anger. "If my children die, then whoever's responsible has just sealed their death sentence by my hands!" Shion soon pleaded. "Please, calm down. I know you and the family are freaking out right now. But I can assure you that they will be alright, just meet me at the hospital and..." She was soon interrupted when KOS-MOS said. "They might not need medical attention, listen." The sounds of Mario and Luigi groaning could be faintly heard as Luigi slowly opened his eyes and Mario rubbed his head commenting. "Well...I'm not sure what's worse, what we went through or falling from space," Luigi looked around before realizing where they were before asking. "Ms. Uzuki? What happened?" The brunette scientist stopped and looked at Luigi adjusting her glasses as she said. "Well, you two apparently survived an encounter with a very powerful S-Type and we found you on the floor nearly left for dead. You should count yourselves lucky right now." Mario opened his eyes as he remembered what had just occurred and placed his hand in his pocket pulling out the controller he received from Lady Etoile thinking. "This actually happened...we have the devices." Shion looked at the device that Mario had rather perplexed asking. "What is that thing?" Mario looked at Shion before he said. "Just a one of a kind custom controller, nothing special." Shion turned her head back as she said. "Well, I should get you two back home before your mother loses it." ~Mario Bros. Residence~ Shion had returned the brothers to their home where their family and Rosalina hugged them almost as soon as they got out of the car. Fujiko waved at Shion as she left while Jumpman said proudly. "You made it back. Did you do what you had to do?" Mario nodded. "Yeah...we did it." Luigi was rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, we had a strange experience. But the deed is done." Jumpman nodded before Ruiji said. "Well, it's getting late...I think everyone needs some sleep after that hectic day. Plus we get a free day off." Jumpman Sr. soon smacked the back of Ruiji's head telling him. "Pay respect for those who died because of that attack, tomorrow we shall work but we shall make the deliveries and orders free. After all we must try to do what we can for those who have lost their family members or loved ones...for that is part of our family honor." Ruiji nodded slowly as the family went inside. Later on during the night, Mario and Luigi were laying in their beds looking up at the ceiling of their room in silence. The silence was broken as Mario said. "Listen, we need to keep the fact of what happened a secret from the world. Things from here on out are going to be more difficult as our enemies become much more dangerous." Luigi blinked from under his cover. "That out of body experience...we met Rosalina's mother....I can't even attempt to describe my thoughts." They were soon interrupted when Rosalina's voice asked. "You met my mother?" Luigi rose up seeing Rosalina standing in the doorway in her pajamas rubbing her eyes. "Luigi said. "Yeah, she told me to be good to you, not sure why. Although why are you standing there?" Rosalina looked at the brothers before walking over and got into Luigi's bed beside him explaining. "I couldn't sleep...I just had a bad feeling and maybe...you two could help me sleep?" Mario soon mumbled. "Okay, you can sleep here..." Eventually the three passed out into their slumber.
~Unknown~ "Mama-Mia..." Luigi mumbled as he slowly started to wake up in a grassy field that had a starry night sky. "I had the strangest dream as if we were fighting a monster in our school." Mario soon woke up adding. "Yeah, that was a strange dream." The two brothers then looked at their new surroundings before they noticed a lady in white standing near a clear lake with moonlight shining on it, her platinum blonde hair shining as it looked familiar to the brothers. Luigi soon ran over with Mario following shouting. "Rosalina! It's us!" The duo soon stopped when they looked at their reflection in the water, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of Tokyo in the pool. The two brothers were soon surprised when the woman turned around and greeted them with her rainbow eyes as she said calmly. "I have been expecting you two..." Mario stopped in surprise before he said. "Wait a minute, you're not Rosalina...infact...where are we?" The woman giggled at Mario's confusion as sh said. "Rosalina is my daughter, and right now your souls are in my domain." Luigi soon looked around before he said. "W-wait...the Relic killed us!? Oh no...oh no we're dead! I knew it was a bad idea." The woman calmly explained while looking at Luigi. "Please, calm down...neither of you are dead, your bodies are just comatose right now." Mario was now scratching his head in confusion before asking. "Okay. I'm confused here..." "I am Lady Etoille....I created what you two know as the N-Force Relic and have existed for a long time, I am also Rosalina's mother." Lady Etoille explained before looking at Mario and Luigi closely adding. "You two did receieve the power of the Harbinger from the Relic....however...that S-Type also took the power from the Relic as well..." Luigi shook his head before he said. "But, if the Relic was made to destroy the S-Types on sheer contact...how did Astral survive." Lady Etoille turned around to looked at the lake as she said. "Most S-Types do not possess enough will and determination to survive contact, they instantly burn up and become nothing more than dust. Astral...is different. It learned from you and your bloodline..." Mario's eyes widened as he said. "Are you saying...Astral has the same will and drive as Luigi and I?" The lady slowly nodded. "Yes, but this wasn't your fault....you couldn't have known about it" Luigi soon looked at her asking. "So what do we do, if Astral is running around with this much power...then how are we going to stop it from destroying Tokyo?" Lady Etoile sighed. "Unfortunately the best people on your world would be powerless against that thing...you two would have to learn you new power in order to stop it." Mario looked at his hand as he said. "Luigi....everything is riding on us...I don't want another scene of death and devastation like Zordon showed us. But...how do we tap into it?" Closing her eyes Lady Etoile began to focus, a sphere of white energy forming between her hands as a solid white object in the shape of an N64 Controller formed in front of the brothers. The controller then split into two copies in solid colors of red and green. The controllers soon floated over to the Mario Bros. before they picked them up. Luigi commenting. "This looks just like a video game controller..." Lady Etoile looked at Luigi with a smile. "Yes, that's because it's meant to be hidden from the people on your world. You've already made contact with the saint relic...so naturally you shouldn't have to go to the relic every time you need it." It was then that she spotted the Silver Ringo Lockseed on Luigi's person, her eyes surprised. "Wow, I never thought I would see this myself. But you seem to be doing good since have no belt for that...let me do something about that..." Focusing once more the Lockseeds began to glow before seemingly fusing with the controller as a button shaped like a Gold/Silver apple appeared below the glowing rainbow section at the top. "Before you two go, I should explain how you transform..." Lady Etoile calmly said before forming a glowing version of the controller in her hand and pointed it at the sky. "On the back there is a button, hold it down and point the transmitter to the sky and say the words..." Her face soon turned serious as she shouted. "Super Star Power! Transform Us!" She then smiled. "That is all that there is to it...although you two have to do it at the same time. As for your Gold and Silver forms...just push the button to access it on the fly. Now, you two will soon wake up...and Luigi...treat my girl right..." The Mario Bros. had no time to say anything before they blacked out.
~Nintendo High~ "The power of the Harbinger of Providence....the one meant to save the world from villains like me. The Teacher watched the children and prepares them for the future of tomorrow...and you two are rebellious brats who cling to your idealologies of heroism and justice like you know and understand the meaning!" Astral explained before harshly setting the duo down and stretched its arms to the side shouting. "I hope you're watching this Lady Etoile! Because I'm about to throw the system on its head and your Relic will be the end of this!" Luigi blinked in panic as Astral hovered in the air and was descending to land on top of it shouting. "Mario! We have to do something NOW!" Mario looked at the descending Astral before he said. "Get your hand on it!" With one lunge the brothers touched the Relic at the same time Astral landed on it causing a large flash of rainbow energy to envelop the room and a beam of energy to shoot out the ceiling with the ground shaking violently and the light enveloping the three. After a few minutes, the light faded with Mario, Luigi, and Astral slumped against the differing walls. Astral chuckled slightly before it stood up, electricity crackling across its body as it opened its red eye saying. "I did it...I survived full on contact with the Relic..." Its eye slowly turned jet black as it looked at Mario and Luigi adding. "And those two failed to stop me...I will soon have the perfect world..." Astral then flew away quickly from the scene. ~Nintendo High: Outside~ Just as Shion drove up to the building, she felt the full force of the energy's presence as the ground shook causing her to swerve onto the sidewalk. Stepping out of her car, the brunette scientist saw the beam of light erupting from the roof before she asked. "KOS-MOS, what is the structural integrity of the building?" The blue-haired woman stepped out and looked at the building and beam before she said. "Building integrity has not changed...all resulting ground energy was expelled through the roof, it is stable and sound." Shion started towards the building adjusting her glasses as she said. "I see...anything else?" KOS-MOS soon looked at Shion before she said. "There are two signs of life...but they appear to be fading fast. The S-Type has left the premises at speeds that rival if not surpass most airborne craft." Shion gasped and quickly stormed the entrance getting inside with KOS-MOS behind her. The duo eventually made it to the Relic Chamber before seeing Mario and Luigi on the ground, this caused her to shout. "Oh my god!" Shion ran over and quickly checked Mario and Luigi trying to get a response out of them before she said. "They're not moving..." The brunette quickly lifted Luigi up before she said. "Call the Professor...and call the Jumpman family too...I don't know how much longer the boys have." Nodding KOS-MOS lifted Mario onto her back and the two started carrying the bros to their car.
~Nintendo High~ Mario's eyes widened as he struggled to push forward unable to move as he said. "What's going on? Why can't we touch it!" Astral's voice soon rang. "It's because I will not allow you to come into contact with that thing..." The brothers were soon forcibly flung backwards into the lockers outside before seeing Astral in front of them clad in a white aura. Mario stood up looking rather angry as he said loudly. "I knew you were here!" Astral merely looked at Mario and said calmly. "And you two have become a liability now for your actions." Luigi stood up asking. "You weren't even there! How would you have known we met Zordon." Astral looked at Luigi and said. "I have eyes everywhere, you should already know that by now." Mario immediatly transformed into his fire state and pulled his fist back shouting. "Enough! We'll beat you down and become the hope of the world!" Mario soon swung his fist at Astral's head only for the S-Type to take the blow and not even move, it didn't even flinch from Mario's attack. Mario's eyes widened in shock. "W-what!?" He kept punching at Astral and even kicked at it before making note of its resiliency. Astral then flung both brothers out of the school with a single hand movement before following them back outside. Mario and Luigi tumbled out onto the ground outside before Astral was right on them with a glowing eye as it said. "The bane of the S-Type existence...power that is unmatched to our kind...power..." It stopped as Mario and Luigi punched it in the head and stomach to no feedback. Astral merely laughed. "You two naive fools....did you really think that all of this is as black and white as you perceive it? This world is corrupt...impure...and yet the people are just as ignorant of the truth of things. WHAT IS THIS JUSTICE YOU SPEAK OF!" Mario and Luigi stood firm as Mario said. "Honestly...considering everything, I don't know what justice is..." The two brothers then transformed into their evolved forms with Mario shouting. "What I do know is that a thing like you who threatens to hurt and kill innocent people is evil enough to eat my feet!" Luigi glared at Astral as he said aloud. "Your kind hurt and killed all those people on Azarath! You don't go around proclaiming you're the light when people like Red Skull, Thanos, and Smaug exist!" Astral looked down at the mention of those names laughing softly. "The Red Skull....Zordon really showed you the former S-Type Commander in his prime, that friend is gone from this world now..." "Just shut up and fight!" Mario shouted before Mario rushed in and began to fight Astral with punches and kicks. Astral was matching the frenzied punches and kicks with its own as Astral was pushed back into the building. Luigi soon ran in after them and jumped into the air, he soon began to spin downward before kicking Astral back down the hallway. The S-Type skidded across the floor before stopping itself with its claw and lunged itself back at the Bros before clashing with them again mentioning. "You earth people, you all think differently yet you are easily manipulative like mere puppets. And even when you two knew the truth...did Zordon even count on you coming here? Infact...did Zordon even account for what's about to happen!" Mario soon screamed. "What are you even going on about!?!" Astral soon knocked the brothers to the wall before grabbing them by their heads dragging them directly to the Relic itself.
~Kai's House: Garden Room~ "Hey Kai, everyone's freaking out and..." Kallen started as she entered the room and saw Kai and Kairi laying on the grass, her eyes widening as she said. "Ooookay, seems like I came in at a bad time...." Kai looked up immediately coming back to reality as she asked. "Huh? What's going on Kallen?" Kallen soon looked at Kai before she said. "Well, there's a fight going on at the Festival of Snowflakes, everyone's freaking out as they're getting texts and calls on their phones...oh and there's a kaiju fight about to happen." Kai seemingly got excited as she said. "Sweet!" before maturely telling her. "This must be serious, Kairi let's check this out." Kairi soon started to stand up and went over to the table noticing the amount of texts on it and quickly responded to all of them as the trio left the room. ~Kai's House: Party Room~ As they re-entered the room Kai asked aloud. "Okay, so what's this about a kaiju fight?" Pyrrha shot her head over before she said. "Well, this...demon thing popped out of a volcano and now the robots and kaiju are beating one another senseless." Ryoko soon shouted from the cough as she held a fist up. "Now that's how you get the blood pumping! Some good old fashioned giants fighting!" "Um guys...I think maybe you should see this..." Neru said before everyone appeared around her looking at Neru's phone. On screen was a camera located at Nintendo High where Astral was eerily standing at the door waiting for something and looked unmoving as Izumi asked. "Didn't we kill this guy earlier?" Hikaru had the slow realization as she said fearfully. "That...that's the real Astral." Lilith who was near Neru asked. "Why is Astral just standing there for?" Neru sat there blinking as she said. "I have no idea..." ~Nintendo High: Outside~ With the night sky falling across the large city, the brothers soon jumped over the fence leading to the back end of Nintendo High and were heading for the back door when they stopped at the sight of Astral standing right in front of the door eminating a powerful white aura across its body, its red eye glaring at the Mario Bros brightly. Mario tightened his fist and rushed at Astral only for the S-Type to seemingly vanish surprising Mario. Luigi walked up and placed his hand on Mario's shoulder explaining. "Let's just get inside...that had to be an illusion." Mario blinked before he said. "Something tells me that it was no illusion, I felt something real bad..." The two went inside the building after finding the back door was unlocked raising suspicions between the brothers. The darkness of the halls was rather unsettling with the stark quietness that was heard. However Mario could also hear a faint voice echoing through his ears and began to run with Luigi following behind. The duo soon approached the same metal door that Mario has been flung out of before, the voice now clear as day. The two entered the room housing the vault with the automatic lights coming on. Luigi walked up to the vault feeling a large amount of power radiating from the door, he pulled out his phone and inputted the combination that Peppy had given him earlier. The large door began to turn and unlock from within before the doors opened up causing the brothers' jaws to drop in awe at the sight of the Relic before their eyes. "It's..." Luigi started before he regained his composure. "It's just like how our parents described it, rainbow and star-shaped." Mario soon added as the brothers walked up to the Relic. "Just like a disco ball..." Once close enough the brothers took a good long look at it, a lot of thought on their minds at how they got here. Luigi looked at Mario with concern on his mind as he asked. "Are you sure we're meant for this? I mean...even after the experience we had with Zordon..." Mario looked at Luigi before he said. "Listen, we were never born normal people with normal lives. I mean look at our folks. Our family is known for fighting the injustice of the world. Plus...we've seen how worse these S-Types can get..." Luigi nodded. "I know, but it's just a lot of responsibility to take in...especially if they are capable of feats like what we saw." Mario looked at the Relic before he said. "It will be fine, all we need to do is touch it together and receive the power...then the world will be safe." Luigi nodded before Mario gave a thumbs up. The two moved their hands close to the relic and were close to touching it when an invisible force stopped them just inches away.
~Mario Bros. Residence~ Jumpman and his family along with Rosalina had been watching the Festival on TV until the Chernabog showed up. Jumpman smiled saying. "Wow, they must have had quite the special effects budget for that last number." Fujiko sternly looked at her husband telling him. "That's not part of the recital...that thing popped out and is trying to kill everyone there...except...what is that thing?" Ruiji also leaned in looking at the creature. "Whatever it is...it can't be an S-Type, we beat all of them back...didn't we?" Rosalina looked at him before she said. "I don't think so, I would have felt it myself....so we would have known." ~Tokyo Streets~ The Mario Bros. were still running down the streets before Luigi caught a glimpse of a TV inside a store window showing the events of the Chrenabog appearing before grabbing the back of Mario's overalls. "Mario, look at this!" Mario walked backwards and looked at the screen before his eyes widened and his mouth went into an "o" shape muttering. "Oh my God..." Seeing this made Mario grab Luigi by his shirt and began to rush down the street rather quickly telling him. "We have to hurry before more people are threatened!" Luigi who was only hanging on by Mario's hand as his arms and legs dangled about in the air shouted. "AIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!" ~Kai's House: Aquarium View~ It was then that a voice spoke up a single word. "Zarathustra..." This made C.C. turn her head only to see the strange woman she had found back at Honnouiji Academy seemingly limping up to her, her missing arm seemingly replaced by an older version of Kallen's claw while her missing eye had a flower placed where it'd be. C.C. blinked. "It's you...what are you speaking of..." The white-haired woman looked at C.C. sternly before she said. "...Eternal Recurrance will be prepared when the white S-Type appears upon contact with the two meant for destiny...Mario...Luigi...and Astral are a few of the keys to the preperation for Zarathustra." C.C's eyes opened wide as she asked. "What is the white S-Type?" The woman shrugged. "Look, I have about as much damn information as you do..." "Something tells me that something big is about to happen...I can't shake the feeling." Cynthia said as she looked at the woman and asked. "What is your name? I heard you had our DNA and that of Zone-Tan as well." The woman crossed her arms before she said. "My name is Rose...and I was made at the labs of Vector Industries under supervision of a man named Aoi Kazue..." C.C. and Cynthia looked at one another before they said together. "Saki's brother..." Rose looked at them with a smirk as she said. "Look, I'm not on their side if that's what you're thinking...I actually wanted to meet my parents...and help them out..." C.C. then grinned. "Well, sure...you can join us...infact we might just raid Vector tomorrow...for now we need a break after the chaos we went through." C.C. then kissed Cynthia tenderly on the lips. ~Compa and IF's apartment~ After the large S-Type battle had ended and the group had went their separate ways, both the brunette in the oversized coat and the pink haired girl were laying on the couch together resting and recovering from their ordeal. Their rest would soon be interrupted when an IPhone made a dinging sound. Slowly opening her green eyes, Iffy pulled out her phone and took a long look at the message before gasping and quickly responded. "I'm okay! I was just resting, but I didn't even know what was going on." Quickly fumbling about, Iffy grabbed her TV remote and turned on the TV, she flipped the channels before her eyes laid upon the sight of the Chernabog before shouting. "Holy hell!" causing Compa to slowly rise up rubbing her eyes. Iffy soon messaged the following to her brother. "Okay, I see what's going on now. Holy hell is this insane." ~Kai's House: Party Room~ Neru was looking through her phone until she had got a message, her eyes widening with worry before jumping over and nearly pushing both Kallen and Ryoko off of the couch as she changed the channel, the short green-haired woman looking at Neru asking. "What the hell are you doing?" Neru looked at her before she said. "Sorry, but I just got a message about something going on with the Festival." Meiko slowly raised her drunken head as she slurred. "Festival? The snowflake one?" Neru nodded. "One in the same." She then flipped it onto the channel showing Chernabog, the rest of the girls minus Zone-Tan looking at it with concern. Zone-Tan merely scoffed. "That creature isn't even an S-Type. I'm sure someone will handle it...although everyone is probably uppity about it." Pyrrha looked at Zone-Tan from her phone asking. "It doesn't concern you?" The S-Type shook her head. "I'm more concerned for the people who are actually there and can't fight it." Pyrrha looked at Dawn before asking. "Did you just get a text from family?" Dawn who was also looking at her phone moved her head up telling everyone. "Yeah, but I'm fine with you all..." ~Kai's House: Garden Room~ "Hey, I think we should look at the stars when you get done with those." Kai said looking at Kairi. Kairi who was still puffing nodded happily, it felt nice and quiet with not a stress in the world. After finishing the two she had, the two redheads walked outside the little area they were at onto a grassy hillside. The two sat down on the artificial grass. Kai looked out at the lights saying. "You know, I'm a bit jealous...you managed to get a cool weapon that's unique." Kairi soon leaned back with a smirk as she laid on the grass. "Yeah, but I'll never beat you at certain things either." Kai scoffed before falling back. "True, besides...I think we deserve this after the hell we went through today." Kairi looked at her before she said. "I just want to relax...maybe take a break from the fighting." Kai then motioned for Kairi to come over before the two raised up together as Kai said. "Let's ignore the world for a while..." and grabbed the box Kairi had earlier. After a minute or two Kai had placed fourteen cigars in front of them, she took seven of them and handed them to Kairi before taking the remaining seven and placed them all into her mouth. Kairi looked at them for a moment before carefully placing them all into her mouth as well making sure they would fit well before looking at Kai. Kai soon lit them both up and fell back puffing, a large cloud exhaling from her mouth as she asked. "Wonder what else there is to know about you..." Kairi fell back also taking in a puff, her brain feeling buzzed as she said. "Well, I do have a collection of seashells I have from various places...like Alola." Kai nodded feeling buzzed as well as she said. "Seashells are nice..." The two laid beside one another talking as they smoked their cigars, not even realizing their phones were going off in the process.
~Kai's House: Garden Room~ Looking at the lights made to look like stars Kai asked. "Hey, do you feel changed after everything we've gone through?" Kairi looked up at Kai for a moment before she said calmly. "You know...yeah, I feel like I have actually." Kai looked at her with a nod and a smile. "I knew it. Just a bit of sage advice from me...if you're going to be the one defending your boyfriend, you can't be hesitant and hold yourself back. You have to show anyone not to **** with your boyfriend or else they're going to have a bad time." Kairi's eyes widened with a gasp before Kai said. "However, you also need to show your lover the same compassion that you have always shown him before. You do NOT want to become a sadist." Kairi looked at Kai blinking before she asked. "How did you even learn something like that?" Kai shook her head. "Let's just say I know a lot of things from my parents I shouldn't know...and especially when you have a perverted S-Type living with you. Now Kairi what I want you to do is show me how you'd act after saving Sora from say a hard S-Type." "Alright..just, don't laugh at me for this..." Kairi said before she started to act as though she was exhausted as she slumped over abd grabbed her box, with her hand she pulled out two large cigars and elegantly placed them in her mouth. Using her other hand she grabbed her lighter and slowly lit her cigars up, clouds of smoke coming out from her mouth. Kai tilted her head for a moment before Kairi seemingly got up and walked over to Kai gently sitting herself on the other girl's lap and said. "Sora, listen to me..." she took in a long puff from her cigars causing her eyes to slow go cross. "No matter what happens, I will always be there to protect you..because I don't want anything to happen to my one and only." Kairi took in another few puffs and looked at Kai blowing a heart-shaped cloud from her mouth although she looked a bit dizzy. Kai blinked as she asked Kairi. "Hey, you alright?" Kairi nodded as she smiled with the cigars in her mouth. "Yeah, I just took in a bit too much and got dizzy. I think I might need more." Kai nodded with a slight laugh. "Heh, but seriously though...you did good...I think Sora would like that kind of attitude from you the way you showed me." As Kairi got off of Kai and began to walk back to her seat she asked. "Hey Saki, do you think Namine could be like me...being a badass keyblade wielder?" Kai shrugged. "Beats me, I mean if she is like you...then I think she could be a rather good second protege...otherwise I know nothing about the keyblade part." ~Kai's House: Part Room/Aquarium View~ For once, it had seemed that the girls could finally enjoy themselves. Cynthia smiled and gently guided C.C. out of the room and into a aquarium-like room with pretty-looking blue water that had a railing in front of it. C.C. was gently pushed onto the railing with the blonde wrapping herself up behind her in a lovingly fashion as she said. "Our girls are awesome, aren't they?" C.C. smiled. "Yes, I'm surprised they've done well this far...but that's because we finally have some answers we needed." Cynthia looked up at the fish inside and said softly. "But, we still don't have as much information on the Crystal Order as we do the S-Types. Even after gathering what data we could...we know nothing of the top officials who run it." She looked back down asking. "What if the Crystal Order takes over everything? Where will we go from there?" "Well, knowing that they and the S-Types are working together...more than likely we would be deemed as an enemy of Japan and the world, and even with our involvement with the government...it wouldn't save us. We would probably have to run for it." C.C. said looking down. "Although it would mean that the lives of our girls would be changed as well." Cynthia stopped for a moment just staring out as she realized. "You're right...some of the girls have important things to do here...we can't just pull them from their lives."
~Tokyo Streets: Eerie Silence~ As the people of Tokyo were gathering in their homes or live in the Imperial Palace, the Mario Brothers were running down the desolate and quiet streets still enroute to Nintendo High and stared up at the stars for a brief moment with Mario asking. "Luigi, do you think that the festival of snowflakes would have been good to watch if we didn't have anything to do?" Luigi looked down in thought before he said. "Well, considering how good our school's team has been in practice...I would think so, plus the stage has to be pretty and majestic." Mario nodded. "Probably bright as well...come on, if we can hurry we might not miss much of the show!" With a single nod, the brothers quickly ran down the street not realizing that eyes from the shadows were watching them.
~Kai's House~ "I...see then..." Futaba slowly said before she fell backwards onto the floor seemingly causing a panic before Kallen leaned in and listened to Futaba's chest mentioning aloud. "Nobody panic, she's alive...must be exhausted though." Cynthia looked at the redhead before she said. "Well don't leave her on the floor, take her to a bed so she can rest." Nodding, Kallen picked up the younger girl in her arms and carried her to one of the bedrooms. She then returned moments later. "Well, she's covered up and gently asleep...now what?" Kai then smirked suggesting. "How about we go down to the fun area and go party?" This led to a loud cheer from the majority of the people. Moments later the girls were downstairs in a lounge area with similar arrangement to the Grotto Area of the house. Neru was fiddling around with getting her phone connected to the speaker array while Meiko and Haku were happily getting drunk and singing aloud although it was poorly done. Zone-Tan was giggling as she was in the middle of drawing something. Morrigan looked over her shoulder with a hand on her hip before giving a small grin. "Nice work, especially withe their bodies." The purple-haired girl turned and smiled. "Thanks, this is going to look nice hanging in their bedroom." Kai looked at Kairi and smiled telling her. "Hey, come with me for a bit...will you?" Kairi looked up at her an nodded. "Sure." before following her out of the room. Kairi followed Kai down one of the halls before she asked. "Kai, where are we going?" Kai turned her head before she said. "Listen, I'm going to allow you to address me as Saki in private...just, don't call me that in front of the others...I mean..it's awkward and everything considering what we went through at my old home." The two eventually arrived in a room that looked like it was meant to resemble a fancy garden gazebo of sorts. Kai soon sat down in one of the chairs with Kairi soon following with a small smirk saying with a tease. "Well, I didn't expect miss badass herself to be embarassed by her own name." Kai sighed and shook her head. "Yeah I know, it's kind of dumb as hell, but I have a image to maintain for the group. Anyway I just felt like we should just sit down and have a bit of a chat..and besides." She soon pointed at a large box smelling like Pomegranate with a smirk. "...I brought you your favorites..." Kairi looked at Kai before looking at the box as she told her. "Saki, you're such a tease..." and took it with Kai adding. "So are you." ~Gadd Science~ Shion stood with E. Gadd looking over the radar reports from the last battle and now with the brunette explaining. "...and that's just it, after all those S-Types showed up on the radar, there is only one strong and unmoving blip right at Nintendo High." E. Gadd nodded. "I see, if that S-Type knows...then we could all be in trouble. Seeing as the other scientists have the night off for the Festival of Snowflakes, I want you and KOS-MOS to stake out Nintendo High and try to find out what is going on...if that S-Type is a threat, then destroy it." Shion nodded. "Will do, I won't fail you professor." She then left the room leaving E. Gadd to look at the radar closely in wonder. ~Outside the Mario Bros' Residence~ Jumpman and Ruiji stood on the roof of their home/business looking up at the blood moon that was overhead, the duo looking like they had a lot on their minds as Ruiji said. "Bro, I can't shake this feeling off my chest. Do you feel it?" Jumpman looked over at Ruiji before he said. "Yeah, with my kids on the path they are on now and our history...it's like those S-Types won't rest until Astral dies." Ruiji shook his head. "I think this goes deeper than we imagined...and we're at the eye of the storm." Fujiko soon came up telling the two. "Hey, are you two coming down? I made some hot cocoa to drink while we watch the Festival of Snowflakes." The duo looked at her with Jumpman telling her. "Yeah, we're coming dear." and started to head back with Jumpman taking one more look at the blood moon as he said. "Come home safe, boys." and went inside.
~Kai's House~ After the long and strenious battle against the whole army of S-Types. The girls soon walked into the home that doubled as their base and promptly began to collapse on the floors and in the chairs clearly exhausted. Kallen slowly began to unzip herself in front of the others with beads of sweat rolling down before Kai turned her head and gave a shocked look asking. "Hey, what are you doing?" Kallen looked at Kai before she said. "I'm unzipping my catsuit, it's hot..." Kai then nodded before she said. "If you all are unzipping...atleast change into something that's appropriate and don't run around here in your underwear..." C.C. looked at her curiously before asking. "But didn't you and Kairi..." Kai looked at her green haired friend mentioning. "That was in private, not all over the place." After roughly a few minutes the girls had changed into some more comfortable nightwear with gowns and such. Neru took a look at Pyrrha's arm before se said. "I think we can get your old arm back on in a day or so." Pyrrha looked at her claw and calmly said. "That's fine, this thing can't influence me." Cynthia plopped down on Kai's living room couch before she said. "I think it's time we relaxed and indulged ourselves a bit...after all we scored one of our biggest victories by helping beat back a whole army of S-Types." C.C. plopped back beside her with her arms behind her head. "I agree, we've pretty much sealed the fate of the S-Types and things are going like they're supposed to....so let's party!" "Wow, I never figured she would loosen up a bit." Meiko commented watching C.C. closely before Futaba asked the brunette. "What do you mean?" Kallen then turned towards Futaba and placed a hand on her head explaining. "Despite her appearance, that woman has always been serious when it comes to the S-Types. But considering what she's been through I can understand...she's just like all of us." Samus soon placed her arms acoss the top of a chair adding in. "It's funny how a bunch of orphans, outcasts, and even those from different worlds just came together to right the wrongs of those who wish to hurt those who can't defend themselves..." Soon Dawn walked up beside her adding. "Not to mention we all became a family as well." ~Nintendo High: Back Entrance~ Astral soon appeared standing right in front of the doors heading to the back entrance of Nintendo High and looked up at the blood moon that was overhead, neither full nor at half. The S-Type stared longingly at the moon before it said. "Red Skull...I learned everything I knew from you. But now it's time I made history....for glory...for honor." It looked forward again with the white aura flaring in intensity as it said. "I know you're coming...and I am ready for you two...Mario Brothers..." ~Gadd Science~ Shion was alone in her work area before noticing the S-Type Radar flashing, bringing it up she soon saw the single, powerful pulse of energy that radiated from Nintendo High and quickly looked over the records from when the Radar had detected the massive amount of S-Types asking herself. "Only one S-Type? What is going on?" ~Vector Building~ Similar to Gadd Science, Vector Industries also had S-Type Radar Software. Wilhelm was looking at the single detected S-Type at Nintendo High with thought in his eyes before saying. "Just as expected...one single S-Type...could it be?"
~Crystal Order HQ~ Astral merely sat on the floor looking at Lash and Hive with a blank stare, it could hear them clearly as it slowly rose up, a white aura slowly forming around its body as it merely said. "Well...looks like I know what has to be done. Hive...I am going to go out to Tokyo alone. Inform Al Mualim and the others that I will not be present for the final victory...for there is something I must handle personally." It quickly teleported away in a flash of light with an intense pulse of energy. ~Outside the Command Center~ Jumpman collapsed on his knees after the battle was won. "Geez, all those S-Types took a lot out of me..." Fujiko was looking at everyone else before she said with a clap of her hands. "Alright, we should all probably start getting back to our homes...some of us have school and work tomorrow." Jumpman Sr. on the other hand was looking at C.C. before he said. "Well, you certainly are a surprise for someone who fell from the sky..." The green-haired woman looked at him before she asked. "How did you know I fell from space?" Jumpman Sr. laughed. "Just a guess since Rosalina fell from the sky. Not to mention I've seen you eyeing my place yet you always order from Pizza Hut." Jumpman looked at his father as everyone started to leave asking. "Did she really fall from space?" Jumpman Sr. looked at his son and said. "Of course, I actually saw her fall from the sky all those years ago...oddly enough it was a night similar to tonight with this blood moon caught between half and full...that and I heard the sounds of Pokemon on the same night."
~Outside the Command Center~ The massive army of S-Types began to approach Mario and Luigi with grins right across the face of the commanders. Mario and Luigi soon transformed into their fire states, the brothers trying to figure out how they could get out of there alive before there was a loud roar of an engine and a bunch of S-Types jumped out of the way of an oncoming, yet familiar teal motorcycle. Rosalina stopped in front of the Mario Brothers and stood up from her seat. One of the Jet Bob-Ombs flew at the blonde girl before she grabbed it in her hand, her eye glowing with the rainbow energy eminating from the other eye hidden behind her hair. With a flash of light-blue fire, the S-Type she had in her hand was frozen solid in cold ice. She looked at the S-Types before she sternly said. "You're not touching my family..." She then dropped the frozen S-Type causing it to shatter into pieces. "Oh? What does little miss emo think she's going to do to us?" Psycho Yellow asked tilting her head before Rosalina gave her a small smile and said. "Simple, I'm going to kick your ass..." She then turned towards the brothers and told them. "Don't worry, you two won't be alone...the others are coming." Mario's eyes widened as S-Types were being smacked around the place with Peach, Daisy, Yoshi, Kirby, Bowser, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles. Compa, Iffy, Rayman, Shirobon, Megaman with the twelve transformed CPUs and little sisters landing around them. The familiar group had assembled in front of the S-Types standing their ground in front of the Command Center ready to fight. Psycho Red started to get irritated at the sight of them all before pointing his sword at them screaming. "ATTACK! Kill every last one of them!!" This caused every S-Type to literally rush at them with an unnvered speed and fever. Groove Master-D stood back and cracked the dial on his cannon to 11 prepping to blow them all away with his sonic cannon only to see a red scissor-like blade jutting out of his chest with his S-Type crystal on the end of it cracking. Blinking quickly the S-Type turned his head only to see Ryuko standing there, black and red hair blowing about as she pushed up slashing the S-Type in half. The S-Type soon shouted. "OH COME ON! I've not even been in this RP very long!" shortly before exploding in a mist of darkness. Ryuko blinked for a moment before she said. "That was strange..." Back with the others Knuckles proceeded to punch down a King Lakitu-S from its cloud before Rosalina shouted. "The Crystals! Try to target those if you can...they're the life-source of an S-Type!" Peach nodded before proceeding to kick a Tanooki Dogoo out of the way shouting. "Easier said than done!" Bowser soon blasted more of the drill birds out of the sky with a blast of fire with Shirobon jumping onto Bowser's head and flinging bombs at the ground forces. Tails looked at everyone as he swatted a few Galaga-S away with his tails looking concern as he asked. "Can we even handle all of these?" Sonic chuckled before promptly spinning through a group of S-Types before giving his buddy a thumbs up. "Of course we will, buddy!" Psychos Red, Blue and Pink were slowly approaching the Mario Bros. with Psycho Red cracking his knuckles. Mario and Luigi looked at Psycho Red before rushing in together. Psycho Blue intercepted the duo and kicked Luigi out of the way sending the green brother flying away. He was about to do the same thing to Mario before seemingly freezing in midair. Psycho Red growled in frustration as Inumuta appeared with his arm right through Psycho Blue's chest. Psycho Blue immediatly began to laugh. "Clever, you thought you could kill me without anyone noticing, well it's too bad you couldn't strike my heart down." The blue-haired man simply grinned. "Actually, I don't need to strike you down...I have my information needed for you." Psycho Blue pushed himself off before kicking the Elite Four member out of the way leaving Mario with Psychos Red and Pink. Psycho Pink summoned a bow in her hand before charging up an arrow of dark energy only for a flaming-pink fist to slam into the back of her head causing the arrow to misfire over Mario's head. Mario was surprised as Peach placed her foot on the back of Psycho Pink's back with her fist ablaze. Psycho Red growled before summoning his sword and began to clash with Mario meeting hammer to blade. Inferno Obitus slanmmed his fist into the ground roaring before Yoshi and Kirby began to double team him with sharp icy seeds. The S-Type was seemingly annoyed by this only to seemingly be frozen solid in a block of ice. Megaman stood panting with his overall coloring reflecting that of the Ice Slasher. Yoshi gave a thumbs up to the robot only for the block of ice to start melting, Inferno Obitus was heating up quickly. A large firey bird of energy soon slammed into the S-Type knocking him back quite a distance. The energy dispersed as Missingno. slowly descended to the ground with his wings outstretched. The trio was in awe as Kirby said. "Wow, for someone your size, you just knocked him away like he was nothing." Missingno gave a small chuckle. "That was nothing too diffucult..." A whole bunch of Galaga-S flew up behind Missingno seemingly ready for an ambush only for Neptune and Nepgear to go blasting through them all with their weapons out destroying them in a flash of sakura petals. Psychos Yellow and Black stood side by side with their weapons and powers at the ready, they stood firm against Compa and Iffy who were also standing back to back with the winds blowing and various Astral-S slowly appearing around them in a rather slumped state with their eyes shut. Ignoring the strange state they were in, the two girls rushed at the two Psychos and jumped at them with Iffy performing a spin kick sending Psycho Yellow stumbling back and Compa jumping off of Psycho Black and firing a volley of needles into his body causing him to collapse on his knees. "Odd, do you see what I am seeing, Sons?" King Cold asked as he stood with his arms crossed overlooking the fight with two people who looked similar to him. The older of the two named Cooler looked at the appearance of the Astral-S before commenting. "Yes, those S-Types are not moving much nor defending themselves well..." the younger of the two named Freeza added. "It's only that one kind of S-Type, the arrogance and stupidity of them." "Oh really? Seems like we're noticing the same thing then." Zone-Tan mentioned slyly before the three turned around to see the purple-haired S-Type grinning at them. Cooler was freaked out as he said aloud. "Oh no, not this S-Type!" Zone-Tan seemingly sat in midair with her leg crossed as she said. "Nice to meet you again, Cooler..." King Cold glared at the girl as he said. "You...you degenerate fool! You do not go around acting like a harlot!" Zone-Tan tilted her head giggling. "Wow, you really don't understand what I do for the people of this planet, do you...and besides..." Her eyes then went from blue to yellow explaining sternly. "Even S-Types like me have our own desires we must indulge in...except I don't desire destruction..." Cooler and Freeza stepped forward preparing to fight Zone-Tan only for Cynthia to walk up beside her saying calmly. "Now, do you really want to be like this to a lady?" Freeza then looked at the blonde before asking. "And what do you think you're going to do to us considering you're a Pokemon Trainer?" Cynthia then smiled before she walked up to Cooler and promptly punched him in the gut sending him tumbling backwards. "I'm not just a trainer...I'm your nightmare too..." King Cold grabbed his sword intending to strike Cynthia down only for C.C. to step in and blocked him with her lightsaber out. "Just face facts, you aren't going to beat us down." King Cold growled. "And now people from Star Road are involved...just fantastic." Cynthia then grinned as she held a pokeball in her hand. "And your day is going to get so much worse..." She threw the pokeball shouting. "Go Garchomp!" within a flash of light the navy-blue draconian creature appeared standing next to its master roaring loudly. With a smirk Cynthia pointed at King Cold ordering. "Giga Impact...show that S-Type our power." With another roar the Garchomp began to rush at King Cold while being enveloped in a purple aura with spiraling orange energy eminating from it. King Cold stood firm and waited before grabbing the speeding Garchomp with his bare hands, this made Cynthia's eyes widen in shock as King Cold was slowly being pushed back as King Cold commented. "Your power is nothing compared to that of the S-Types." The blonde tilted her head causing part of her head to cover one of her eyes, she slowly started to roll back her sleeve mentioning. "I never figured I would need to use this..." Around her wrist was a rather sleek black bracelet that had a rainbow gem within it, she touched the rainbow gem causing a flash of pink light to surround the Garchomp before it changed form right in front of King Cold. The S-Type's eyes widened as the Mega Garchomp was pushing him back immensely slamming him into the rocky wall with enough force to make it crack. Back in the calamic chaos of the fight E. Tempura Wizard was walking through the crowd searching for targets before grinning as he came across Luigi on the ground, he pointed his staff at the green brother before he said. "You'll be an interesting dish to eat." He was preparing to attack Luigi with magic only for a single shot to smack the staff out of his hands. The S-Type turned his head only to see Samus standing there, fully armored wih her arm cannon pointed at him. Confused, the S-Type shouted. "I don't care how armored of a man you are! I will still fight!" This was met with Samus quickly slamming her shoulder into him sending him into a wall rather hard. Kallen casually walked up to them and poked E. Tempura Wizard's head asking. "You do realize that's a woman in that armor...right?" The S-Type looked at the redhead and then at Samus before Psycho White slammed his feet into Samus knocking her away. The Astral-S were moving slowly and awkwardly about the area still looking slumped over as the UFO flew overhead of the battle. Inside Futaba was looking over multiple screens that gave a digitized readout of the whole situation below with the details streaming in quickly, her eyes noticing the strange look in the S-Types before zooming her cameras in on one of the Astral-S. Her eyes widened along with Amy and Sammy's as they had saw what was on screen. On the ground Pyrrha and Kai stood back to back against some of the Squirtle/Bulbasaur S-Types seemingly ready to fight before Futaba patched herself in through Kai's eye. "Hey, you might want to see this..." This was then followed up by the status read out on the Astral-S as she added. "Those things with the Star-shaped head are gaining power and fast." This made Kai say with sarcastic wit. "Great...just what we need, lazy S-Types gaining power boosts all while not doing anything." The S-Type resembling Pyrrha had walked up to the duo seemingly intending to kill as she pointed her sword at Kai's head. Pyrrha looked over and gently pushed Kai aside calmly telling her. "Let me handle her..." Gripping her own sword and shield the blonde firmly walked over to her own S-Type. The S-Type looked at her commenting. "So, the vulnerable little girl dares to fight me by herself...how quaint for such a coward and a murderer." Pyrrha just looked at the S-Type and merely said. "Why don't you just fight instead of running your mouth." This made Pyrrha-S raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, someone thinks they're a big girl now!" It was then that the two got locked in a clash of swords and shields with both displaying some rather excellent and swift strikes. Pyrrha soon raised her shield expecting another blow only for Pyrrha-S to move her own sword to her other hand and sliced Pyrrha's right arm off from the elbow down. Pyrrha collapsed onto the ground clutching her arm in pain, tears in her eyes as she held her screams in. Pyrrha-S stood before her grinning. "I knew it...all that talk and you amounted to being a complete weakling compared to me...you are nothing and you will never amount to being anything but a husk." This seemingly made Pyrrha angry, her blood boiling as she grabbed her sword with her other hand and stood up ignoring the pain and loss of blood, her blue eyes glaring at the S-Type before she screamed tackling the S-Type to the ground. Once pinned Pyrrha proceeded to slash through the claw-like arm on the S-Type located on the same side. Once removed Pyrrha took the arm and proceeded to attach it to her own. This made the S-Type look at her asking. "What the hell are you doing with that! That's my arm!" Making sure it was attached properly by moving the fingers and stuff around, Pyrrha gave a glance at her S-Type commenting. "Well, someone decided to slash my arm off....so I'm returning the favor back." Pyrrha simply sat on the back of her S-Type as it tried to crawl away only to stab the S-Type's other hand with her own sword explaining. "Yeah...you're not going anywhere..." Pyrrha-S growled before shouting. "Why don't you just kill me already! You're making a mockery of my existence as it is!" Pyrrha just leaned in with a smile on her face as she whispered. "You've made my life a living hell...and now you ask me to kill you when you're the one suffering?" She leaned back up and said. "Death would be too easy of a way out for you. So instead...you're going to suffer just like I did. Now shut up and lay there like the little ***** that you are." Meiko who was nearby pounding one of the S-Types into a pulp with her fists looked up as Pyrrha sat there commenting. "Damn....who knew Pyrrha had such a mean streak in her." Morrigan had ripped through another S-Type looked over adding. "The little one has finally embraced her darkness." Pyrrha looked at the two and laughed. "Nah, I've been around you guys for too long and...it just rubbed off." It was then that Neru quickly took a photo of Pyrrha and slammed her foot into an oncoming S-Type's head. Despite their odd behavior, the Astral-S still had some cognitive sense of fighting prowess as one was dodging very quick slashes and movement from Sanageyama clad in the Blade Regalia. That Astral-S however was halted as Haku's boot came into contact with the side of its head knocking it back. Haku was clearly drunk as her body slumped about the place, her smile and blush on her cheeks. The Astral-S jumped at the silver-haired girl intending to kill only for it to fly over her as she ducked and kneed it in the chest commenting. "You can't get one over on me that easily." This was followed by a hiccup surprising the green haired male as he asked himself. "Is she fighting...while drunk?" Two more S-Types rushed at her only for her to punch and kick them away like they were nothing with a laugh and a drunken grin. Psycho Green was merely laughing as the battle waged on, he soon tumbled forward because of a strike to his back. Looking up the S-Type soon saw Kairi standing there...alone. Psycho Green stood up looking at the little redhead commenting. "Well, you've come all alone to fight me...with no friends, no weapons, and no power. How will you stop me?" Kairi blinked before she said. "Honestly...I have no idea, I don't have any one-liners...but you are standing in the way." It was then that she raised her hand and closed her eyes before summoning the flowery keyblade from before in her hand. Psycho Green stepped back stammering. "Y-you have a keyblade!?" Kairi slowly opened her eyes responding with a calm. "Yes, I do..." Psycho Green growled before summoning something that was a mix between a dagger and a clairenet. He rushed in and began to slash only for the dagger to quickly meet with the keyblade blocking it. Psycho Green kept trying to slash and swipe only for Kairi to quickly block his advances with her keyblade remaining focused and concentrated. Psycho Green asked aloud. "What are you, some kind of Keyblade Master or something?" Kairi looked at him and calmly said. "I have no idea what you are talking about, I was just trained to fight by my friends." Psycho Green was getting frustrated as he couldn't land a blow on her, once she saw an opening Kairi knocked the dagger out of his hand with her keyblade sending it scattering along the ground. Psycho Green however wasn't giving up as he was now trying to punch and kick her...to no avail as she was pushed back from each one still blocking. Eventually Kairi just pointed her keyblade at Psycho Green's chest and fired a beam of light at it causing his whole body to vanish leaving only his S-Type crystal that quickly flew away. The Astral-S stood in place looking at everyone with their eyes still closed, their bodies no longer slumped over as they remained motionless. Ryoko looked over at one of them before asking Hikaru. "What the hell is up with those things, they're just standing there unmoving and it's creeping me out." Hikaru blinked looking around as she whispered. "I don't know! They're creeping me out too!" All those involved seemingly stopped moving at the sight of the Astral-S standing around the place, the wind blowing as the group slowly gathered together and the Astral-S grew closer. E. Tempura Wizard began to laugh again. "Seems like the lot of you are grouped around because of these Astral-S..." Mario glared at the S-Types before rushing in shouting. "These things are nothing!" Mario was about to punch one of the Astral-S before Mario's head was grabbed by the thing's hand, its eye shooting open with a red glow with its coloring changing to match that of the real Astral. The others also opened their eyes to that same red glow and color change and pointed their hands at the group with high power eminating from it. "****, I didn't think they could do that..." Kai said to herself before Noire asked. "What are you talking about?" Kai looked at Noire before looking at Luigi asking. "Hey, you fought the real deal in Toshima...do you remember how powerful it was?" Luigi thought about it for a moment before he said. "Well, it took both Mario and I to take Astral down the first time, why do you ask miss?" Kai sighed before she said. "Beecause all those S-Types that transformed have the same power level." Blanc responded with a quiet. "Are you kidding me?" Vert looked down at Blanc before she said. "I don't think she is, all of them now look like the real thing." "TERRRRRRIIIIIIIA!!!!" a familiar voice shouted before a heeled foot slammed into the back of the head of the Astral-S forcing it to let go of Mario and tumbled about the floor. All the other S-Type commanders looked as Fujiko stood there with her arms crossed. Two more Astral-S were kicked away from the scene as Jumpman and Ruiji joined Fujiko. Jumpman helped Mario back onto his feet asking. "Are you okay, son?" Mario nodded. "Yeah...I just didn't expect that to happen." The Puppet soon hovered behind Mario and placed a hand on his shoulder reassuring him. "You are not alone...you don't have to fight by yourself." Fujiko stood firm as she said. "No offense dear, but we should probably be beating the ever loving crap out of these bad guys before we're all killed." "Right..." Jumpman said as he cracked his fists ready to fight once more. Soon both sides were clashing with a newfound sense of determination riding for our heroes. The Astral-S in particular were eminating fury that was awakened as their power was felt by all involved. E. Tempura Wizard pumped his fists as he said aloud. "This is it...this is OUR WILL" Mario stood firm back on his feet as he said. "Will, you spout nonsense...if you had will then why are you mentioning it now?" Luigi then told Mario. "Forget the will, we need a plan and we need it now to break through." Mario began to quickly think before pulling out the Forbidden Ringo Lockseed and tossed it over to Peach. Peach caught the Lockseed in her hand and looked at it before asking Mario. "What am I supposed to do with this?" Mario looked at her an said. "Try to tap into it." The two brothers then focused before activating their evolved states, the gold and silver coloring shining in the light. The two looked at one another before nodding. Mario lifted his legs with Luigi grabbing them, the duo was now spinning quickly into a shining metal top. Putting two and two together Peach grinned silently remarking. "Always going for something big...that's Mario for you..." She closed her eyes gripping the Lockseed in her hand, her mind focusing as she was attempting to tap into the power before her body flashed in a white light. Peach eventually looked at her hand as it was now coated in a sheen of pink metal, she looked down seeing her whole body was coated in it. "Luigi! Let's Go!" Mario shouted before Luigi yelled. "Right! Bros. Attack time!" Luigi seemingly threw Mario before holding onto his legs riding along, the speed and power of this attack was tremendous as Astral-S from both left and right were being annilhated by this move. Bros. Attack Meteor Bros. "Grr! Those two are ruining everything!" Psycho Red screamed in anger before Psycho Blue started to be reasonable explaining. "We should make a tactical retreat. We've already lost one Commander and another was humiliated in battle, if we keep going then there is high risk of losing everyone." This conversation was soon interrupted by an Astral-S telling them. "Leave them to us...get out with the smaller ones as soon as you can...just wait a little longer..." The commanders looked at the Astral-S before Inferno Obitus said. "It is right...we will live to fight another day...let's go." With that the Commanders proceeded to leave with the smaller S-Types leaving only the Astral-S left. Peach was beginning to plow through the Astral-S with her newfound power surprising both Rosalina and C.C. in the process with C.C. pondering. "She can do it too?" With Satsuki, Gamagori, and Jakuzure all managing to reduce the Astral-S to a few. The S-Type entities began to cackle and laugh in an errie manner as they floated into the air, their hands raising as they began to amass energy into multiple spheres. The familiarity coming across those who were in Toshima as Nepgear shouted. "That's the attack that almost wiped Toshima off of the Map!" An Astral-S responded. "Yes, except this time...we're going to wipe you all out from existence itself for Lord Astral!" However before the Astral-S could combine their spheres to throw it, an arrow made of pure light struck the back of one sending it falling to the ground only for a black blur to rush in and slam a fiery fist into its face, the blur jumped into the air and slammed his feet into the second Astral-S and proceeded to defeat it soundly with a fighting style that looked strangely familiar. Eventually the rest were knocked out of the sky and were seemingly defeated. Two individuals slowly walked up to the group looking familiar to Mario and the others with Mario in surprise saying. "Grandpa? Mr. Hare?" Standing before them were both Jumpman Sr. and Peppy. The former of the two clad in a bit of high-tech armor that was on over his shirt and overalls and the latter carrying a golden bow seemingly made of pure light. Jumpman was surprised as he asked his father. "Dad, you can fight too!?" Jumpman Sr. walked over and placed a hand on Jumpman's head chuckling. "Of course, where do you think you got your fighting prowess from?" Izumi crossed her arms smiling. "Well, seems like we managed to hold them all off. Good work everyone." Dawn then looked over at Peppy before asking. "Yeah, but...how did you that?" C.C. sharply turned her head towards Peppy seeing the bow and gasped. "I...I know that bow. That's one of the 64 Techniques!" Bowser stepped back before he said. "Wait...what are you going on about?" "I will explain later Bowser. I had to come after sensing what was about to happen...and surprisingly all of you handled your own." Peppy explained looking at the group as the UFO landed and Futaba and the others stepped out. Mario stepped up to Peppy and then asked. "Mr. Hare, do you happen to know of a way inside the vault inside the school where the voices are coming from? We just finished speaking to Zordon and there is something Luigi and I need to do." Peppy looked at the Mario Bros. for a moment before he pulled out his phone and sent a message to Mario and Luigi explaining. "Here, I have sent you two the vault combination for the Relic on your phones. Considering what you two have done...I believe in you two to do the right thing." Reverting back to normal, Mario nodded and said. "Thank you sir." He then turned to face everyone else behind him and said. "And thank you all for helping out." Peach who had also reverted back to normal walked up to Mario and calmly said. "Listen, just...come back safe...okay Mario?" It was then that Peach picked Mario up and kissed him tenderly before adding. "After all...I need you as much as everyone else in this crazy world." Mario was set down with cheeks blushing red before grabbing Luigi and began to run off towards the city.
~Inside Zordon's Mind~ As the two brothers stood in awe of the scenes they saw before them, Luigi soon said. "It's all starting to make sense now...well most of it." As soon as Mario saw the destruction, he tightened his fist, his face showing anger as he was seemingly about to run after both Thanos and the Red Skull before stopping and turning his head to look at the devestation that stood before them, his eyes widened as he said. "This horrible sight....Tokyo could end up like this..." Luigi closed his eyes and held his head muttering. "This isn't real...it's a nightmare." Mario walked over and firmly placed his hands on Luigi's shoulders sternly saying. "Listen, I know you're scared...admittingly...I am scared too." Luigi slowly let go of his hat and looked at Mario looking surprised. "You...you're afraid too?" Mario nodded before he said. "Yeah...it's just...I hide it under my sleeve. Seeing this makes me realize that the power of these things could end up killing you, our folks, everyone we know, and I wouldn't forgive myself for failing you." Luigi slowly began to breathe to calm down. "You're right, we can't let them down...I can't even let Rosalina down now" Mario grinned. "Well, seems like someone has a reason to fight now." He then turned to face Zordon and said. "We won't let you down, a lot of people love this planet...and I refuse to let the S-Types trample over our home without a fight!" ~Command Center~ The two brothers began to wake up after being disconnected from Cerebro. Luigi placed a hand on the side of his head looking dizzy as he said. "Woah...that was a rather interesting experience." Mario rubbed the back of his head commenting. "Personally I thought it was a bit wierd because I felt like I was out of my body...but that's just me." The two soon saw Alexander Piece standing in the Command Center too before Mario whispered to Luigi. "Who is that guy?" Luigi blinked before he said. "I'm sure he's related to Zordon too. Hi there." Mario's eyes shot open after he remembered what needed to be done and turned to face Zordon as he gripped a fist and told Zordon. "Thank you Zordon, We finally understand what we need to do...we won't fail you, but there is something my brother and I need to do." The two began to walk away with Luigi waving at Zordon, Director Pierce, and Alpha also saying. "Thanks." ~Outside the Command Center~ Mario and Luigi soon stepped out of the command center, a lot of things on their minds after the scene they had witnessed with their own eyes. The two were silent at first unsure on how to express exactly what they had seen before Luigi said. "I've seen things that I never thought I would have seen..." He looked down at his open hands as they trembled in fear. "All those people and their lives...silenced by those creatures..." Mario looked at the sky as he said. "We need to get to that room..." Luigi looked at him curiously asking. "Which room?" Mario then looked at Luigi explaining. "The room in Nintendo High that blasted me against the wall, our parents told us about it." Luigi nodded before the two stepped forward and Psycho Red shouted aloud. "You two are going NOWHERE!" The two looked ahead of them only for their eyes to widen and their jaws to drop as they had seen hundreds, possibly thousands of S-Types right in front of them as far as they could see just distance away with the commanders standing in the front as Psycho Red said. "I'm afraid we're not letting you live any longer..." Inferno Obitus stood firm as he said. "Your actions have forced our hand upon you...for Lord Astral, for all the S-Types...you will not live to see tomorrow!" Psycho Blue tapped the side of his helmet saying. "By my calculations...even your stupid determinatiion and willpower can't defeat us all!" Mario still in shock muttered. "Oh dear God...they're literally right..." Luigi looked at Mario shouting. "Are you kidding!? Shouldn't you be..I dunno...BEATING ALL OF THEM DOWN!?!" Mario blinked. "Luigi, I would but...there's still too many of them for just two of us." E. Tempura Wizard began to laugh maniacally as he shouted. "Even you two are starting to see your doom!" The brothers stood firm...waiting for some kind of miracle.
~Command Center~ "Yeah that is pretty neat, but...we don't turn into that..." Mario stated as he looked Hiccup up and down before Luigi said. "Let us show you..." The duo first closed their eyes, their clothes transforming into the white garb with colored overalls with fire surrounding them. Mario opened his eyes showing everyone the red hue that they became explaining. "This is our normal transformation...inherited from our parents and powered by our will alone." The two focused once more while keeping ahold of their Lockseeds, the burst of power immediately transforming them into their gold and silver forms with Mario still commenting. "And this is our evolved form...we dunno how we tapped into this...but it was strong enough to stop something powered by some forbidden fruit or something." With a metallic clank the two brothers turned to face Zordon with Mario and Luigi respectfully bowing before him, Luigi explaining. "Um...Zordon? The two of us were sent over here by a woman named C.C. and she said you're something called the Harbinger." Mario nodded remaining serious as he said. "The two of us have been through some strange events, we've seen Star Spirits, Rosalina landed on my brother, We have multiple S-Types trying to kill us, An S-Type named Astral has been after my family for years, and now we were told something about an N-Force Relic and were told to talk to you about it. Is there something that you know about it?" ~Crystal Order HQ~ Astral soon felt a strong pulse of power erupt before falling to the floor. It was soon assisted by Psycho Blue with the S-Type copy asking. "Lord Astral, are you alright?" Astral was seemingly shaking in fear as it said. "Mobilize every S-Type we have...now!" Psycho Blue blinked before asking. "What's wrong?" Astral struggled to stand as it said. "Those two...they're with the Harbinger!" This made Psycho Blue jump before helping Astral to a chair as he said. "We'll mobilize everything we have...you just relax...we'll stop them." Psycho Blue soon ran for it shouting. "All S-Types are to mobilize now, we have a huge problem that needs to be stopped NOW!" ~Kai's House: Final Preparation~ "Okay listen up and listen very carefully!" Kai started as she stood in her garage clad in jumpsuit. "We're about to head out on what may be our most dangerous mission yet. There may be casualties because of what we're about to do...any questions?" Kairi raised her hand before asking with a smirk. "Yeah, why are these jumpsuits making us look like dominatrixes? Is there something you're not telling us Kai?" Kai blinked in shock at Kairi before shouting. "Hell no! The reason for the catsuit's seemingly rubbery and leather look is to enable more flexibility of the form and give you more agility. Seriously, who told Kairi that?" Zone-Tan raised her hand giggling. "I did! I mean that does look like it." Cynthia placed a hand across her face in embarrassment. "Zone-Tan I swear..." "Okay, but seriously though...some of us are not trained to fight S-Types. We're going to go in two groups." Kai explained before looking at Futaba and asked. "That Saucer of yours, can you summon it?" Futaba adjusted her goggles before focusing. "Of course..." within moments a strange UFO had appeared nearby with Futaba already inside. Kai explained. "I want Namine, the twins, and Neru to get onto the UFO. You guys are going to be our aerial support. Everyone else...get onboard the bus...we've got a place to get to." Everyone soon started aboard their transports before Kairi asked Kai with her head down. "Kai, do you really think I am capable of fighting them properly?" Kai slapped Kairi on the back making her jump. "Of course, do you really think I wouldn't have believed in you to where I trained you mentally and physically?" Kairi blinked before smiling. "Of course not...we're sort of alike now in a sense."
~Kai's House~ "Okay, is everyone here?" C.C. asked as she looked over the various people that she called her family. Samus who sat on the floor looked up mentioning. "Yeah, everyone's here...although why did you call everyone over?" C.C. looked at the blonde blinking explaining. "It's because I have something important to say that all of you need to know. Something that could have a hand in the fate of the world." This made everyone else go silent before whispering to one another with confusion and murmur before Kai said aloud. "Go ahead, we're not hiding anything." C.C. nodded. "Thank you, now I can say it...everyone, I am not originally from this world." Meiko simply looked at C.C. with a tilted head replying. "Yeah...a lot of people in Tokyo come from places all over the galaxy..." C.C. looked at the brunette and said. "Yes, but I am also not from your dimension either." Amy started to laugh although it sounded forced. "Ha...ha...you're kidding and just messing with us, right?" C.C. looked at the blonde twin as she said. "No, I'm actually being serious. This isn't a joking matter." The green haired woman looked at everyone as she said. "I originally came from the same dimension as the S-Types and inturn came from Star Road. I've jumped worlds as the S-Types went around and eventually ended up on Earth where I was found and brought in by my girlfriend and the rest is pretty much history as I talk to you now." It was then that Pyrrha looked at C.C. and politely said. "But...Star Road only existed in fairy tales and stories. How could you originate from there?" C.C. shrugged. "I'm not really sure how to answer that properly, but it's real just as real as I am." "Okay, so let me get all of this straight." Dawn started with her eyes closed in thought. "You originate from somewhere that we've only heard of in fiction and then ended up on Earth where you live now because the S-Types are on this planet." C.C. nodded. "Pretty much, however I have also been carefully preparing for the day where a new Harbinger would appear." Kallen looked at C.C. suspiciously. "Hang on, I don't think you've told any of us about this before." C.C. turned her head towards Kallen smiling. "Of course not, if I had told you earlier or even when you were first initiated then you wouldn't have believed me or would have been scared." Kairi looked at C.C. asking. "Was raising and mentoring Kai also in your plans?" It was then that Cynthia stepped in looking at Kairi and explained gently. "Actually, that was of our own volition. See...C.C. and I are...well in love with each other, and inturn having raised Kai like she was our own and adding Zone-tan...made us a family, sort of like how we are now." "Anyway, the Harbinger is the one who is destined to deal with the S-Types and protect the world by using the power of the Relic. I won't go into detail about that just yet, but we are on the verge of getting a new Harbinger. The only thing is that I didn't account for the Crystal Order nor did I account for the possibility of two Harbingers." C.C. started before looking at everyone as she said. "If my calculations are correct, then they should be heading over to meet the current Harbinger right now or soon. If the S-Types become aware of what is soon coming for them, then they will try to send everyone to kill those two before they have a chance to receive their power. We are going over to make sure those two are safe." Kai blinked thinking to herself. "Mario and Luigi...the two we've been keeping an eye on..." Kai then stood up with a smirk as she said. "Then we'll be their guardian angels!" Neru looked at Kai before she mentioned. "Some of us aren't trained for fighting the S-Types, you know that...right?" Kai nodded. "Yeah, but I'm sure we'll figure something out...for now however we need to suit up. We'll leave luck to Heaven." It was then with a loud shouting cheer that the girls began to head off to get changed. ~Alleyway~ The two brothers followed Hiccup to the alleyway before the two were looking at him, each holding their Lockseeds close with a sort of unsure look in their blue eyes before Luigi broke the silence and asked. "We've seen you around the school and didn't think anything but...considering what has happened with us lately, there is something we want to know...are you affiliated with that Z guy and do you know anything about him?" Mario soon added. "That green-haired lady who gave us these Lockseeds mentioned that Z had warriors on his side."
~Kai's House~ Inside, C.C. had been laying on Cynthia's lap with her head on the blonde's lap in thought about something, her green hair gently being rubbed by her blonde friend as she said. "I just realized something." Her golden eyes widening as she continued. "If they learn how to get to Z and head to meet him, then there is the possibility that the S-Types would catch wind and literally send everyone after them...and despite their prowess, the two wouldn't be able to handle all of the S-Types and end up dead." Cynthia looked down with her blue gaze smiling as she said. "I think I know where this is leading...but you do realize that not all of us are trained in fighting the S-Types, correct?" C.C. slowly nodded. "I know...but we may have to improvise if those two are going to stay alive in order to accept their destiny. Anyway where is Kai?" Cynthia shrugged before she said. "I'll call her and get the rest of the girls together." The blonde then pulled out her phone and began to make some calls to Kai, Kairi, and the others. ~Nintendo High: Cooking Club~ "Wow...I'm going to really miss the guy." Bowser said looking a tad bit teary-eyed before Rosalina looked at him asking. "Bowser, are you...crying?" Bowser glared at Rosalina before covering up his feelings with a stern. "No! I just have something in my eye, that's all!" Mario laughed before poking Luigi and said to his father. "Listen, Luigi and I need to get somewhere to meet with a guy. Not sure when we'll be home." Fujiko looked at them with a smile as she said. "Just be careful and if someone tries to hurt you...punch them in the face!" Luigi slowly guided Mario out of the room replying. "Okay, we'll see you later." The two proceeded to exit into the hallway with Luigi asking. "I wonder what Hiccup would want with us." Mario blinked before he clutched his lockseed. "I don't know...but he may be one of Z's people or possibly an enemy trying to get to us....we'll see." ~Nintendo High: Outside~ The two brothers soon exited the school and quickly went down the stairs heading for the gate outside, they each pulled out their lockseeds and held them tightly as they stood in wait for Hiccup.
~Nintendo High: Cooking Club~ "Actually Mr. Ramsay..." Jumpman said walking up and gently bowed before he said. "My wife and I made that dish, not my son...we were just inspired by him and his friends to do this." Fujiko nodded adding in. "It probably defeats the purpose of having the new generation learn from us...but damn it to hell..." she then grinned and laughed. "Sometimes passion can overtake the soul." Jumpman Sr. slowly laughed at Fujiko's mere statement before he grabbed the box he had set down earlier and carried it over to Mr. Ramsey with a small smile. "Before you go, we have prepared something special for you..." Once he set it down near him, he placed his hands in his pockets and said. "Inside this box...is a bottle filled with the pure form of the secret recipe, my family's livelihood and our most valuable treasure. Also included is the exact method to make the recipe..." The elder's blue eyes looked at the master chef with a stern authority as he said. "You must promise to not hand out or sell this recipe to anyone else..." ~Crystal Order HQ~ "So mind explaining why you've summoned me here, Blank?" Astral asked as it walked alongside Blank and the two walked into a room where both Gray Mann and Bagular were finishing the final touches to what appeared to be a chrome robot that had a very familiar shape including a large round nose and a hat. Astral's eye widened before it asked. "What....what in the world is this thing? Your attempt at mocking me for being unable to stop my sworn enemies?" Bagular shook his head. "Not at all, this has been a project that we had been working on since the incident at the stadium. For you see....the power that your enemies possess will become our greatest weapon once we get control of the world." Blank laughed. "We've been studying footage of the battles that Mario and his family were involved in, taking a look at their power and will." Gray Mann nodded. "Once we finished the study, we began work on designing this Metal Mario prototype. Soon they will be mass-produced and nobody will stop us...not even them." Astral shook its head. "How does it work?" Bagular soon pointed at the chest of the robot. "It works by using a combination of a computerized mind and an emulated will, when it gets to the wire, it will boost its own power to compensate for the enemy and the situation..." Astral began to walk away before it looked at the machine and said. "Even if that is possible, a machine has a limit on how much power it outputs....the will of organics has no limits...keep that in mind..." ~Tokyo Streets~ "Hmm..." Hikaru thought as she, Izumi, and Ryoko were walking down the street together. Ryoko looked at her spectacled friend before gently poking her asking. "You alright there, Hikaru? Or are you about to geek out again?" Hikaru opened her eyes and looked at the green haired girl before responding. "Actually....have you ever had the gut feeling of something bad about to happen?" Izumi tilted her head before she responded with a smile. "Like your life's about to be flipped upside down because a couple of guys were up to no good making trouble in your neighborhood?" Hikaru was rather surprised as she said. "Yeah...like that, except we wouldn't know the truth of who we were." Ryoko soon placed a reaffirming arm around Hikaru's shoulder. "We know who we are, we're just a bunch of badass people fighting the wrongs of the world." Hikaru looked up calmly saying. "Yeah but...what if the right of the world was wrong? Like what we do is helping the bad people." The trio soon stopped in front of a mirror before Ryoko turned them around to where they could see the backs of their jackets. The jackets were of a black leather with a design on back resembling a pair of angel wings that were colored with red on Ryoko, green on Izumi, and yellow for Hikaru with Ryoko commenting. "You need to relax, we're not helping the bad guys...if we were then Kai or C.C. would have done something long ago. After all...we're a family..." Izumi then added in her own thought. "We are fallen angels that came from heaven, we chose to fight the demons of the world...even if it meant going to hell in the end." Ryoko looked at Izumi oddly before asking. "Were you reading while trying to break C.C's record again?" Izumi simply shrugged. "Probably was, but the point still stands...now let's get home, after all...Hikaru has to relax." Hikaru blinked and sighed. "Yeah, maybe I might beat Pyrrha's record to get this off my mind..." Ryoko then slapped Hikaru on the back shouting. "Now that's more like it! Just think positive." ~Kai's House: Deck~ Meanwhile C.C and Cynthia were standing outside leaning against the rails as Cynthia commented. "So, what are we going to do now?" C.C. closed her golden gaze in thought. "Well, for now we need to get ready. You, Zone, and myself will head into Vector Industries tonight. We will rescue Kai's brother and take some other things we will deem needed." Cynthia looked at her green-haired friend and said. "I think we'll have a better chance if we had everyone working together for this one." C.C. sighed with a bit of worry. "Yes, but I am worried for what could happen in there. Vector isn't a normal building and I've been there..." Cynthia leaned over with a smile and cupped C.C's face in her hands, she then gently kissed her on the lips softly. "You look cute when you're worried. But I believe in us...so we can't fail." C.C.'s cheeks were a beet red as she said. "O-of course, w-we're not going to fail!"
~Nintendo High: Cooking Club~ "Okay then..." Mario said looking at the Swedish Chef with a tad bit of confusion before Luigi pulled the note out and looked it over, immediately the wording made Luigi start to think before focusing back on the work at hand. Yoshi was bolstering the others on with the same determination to get the dishes as perfect as possible before seeing the work that the group was working on made Fujiko and Jumpman's eyes widen immensely before Ruiji said with a sigh. "Here we go, I know where this is going...." The duo looked at one another with giant grins as they said together. "I think we've come up with a new recipe!" Ruiji soon began to prepare the table before being stopped by Jumpman Sr. as he said. "Let me handle this, son. You keep your brother in line." Moments later after Jumpman Sr. had set the table up, the group had begun to place their dishes on the red cloth, each dish reflecting in the passion of the person who had made it with their heart and souls and the wide variety of the dishes of the world. One dish stood out as it looked to be a fusion-hybrid of an Italian/Japanese dish. Kirby looked at the dish before Mario said. "The folks made that dish, although I've not even seen anything like this...not even at home." Fujiko then placed an elbow on Kirby's head explaining. "We may have lived in Italy...but deep down our blood is in the land of the Rising Sun, that is the reflection of our own lives...and I regret nothing one bit." Jumpman Sr. looked at the members of the Cooking Club with a nod and a smile. "You all showed me that you have the will and passion, makes me proud to see that my skills have gone down to the new generation." Luigi bowed in respect. "Thank you, Grandfather....but we can't say that we accomplished it until Mr. Ramsay himself feels it on his taste buds."