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  1. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City~

    Luigi pocketed the Sonic Stabilizers into his overalls. "We're aware that we will be on our own." Luigi then walked up to a map and pointed at Scotland. "Mario and I had to think it over quite a bit. He even said it was damned if we do, damned if we don't. But we're heading over to a place near Scotland called the Hidden Palace to both obtain a mobile base and to try to get Astral on our tails so it don't come here and tear the place apart." Luigi looked at Korrina and Bellec. "I just hope you guys will be safe."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Mar 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, Tower of Mastery~

    "Well..." Luigi started as he stepped into the room and looked at the two. "...I came here because myself, Mario, and some others plan on leaving Shalour City after dinner. You see when we fought off the New World Order earlier, one of Astral's drones managed to sneak in and spot us before Mario and I quickly killed it. Unfortunately Mario and I knew Astral would figure out we are still alive. Anyway to get to the point I was wondering if it would be possible to get some of those Sonic Stabilizers just in case we have to deal with Cybermen on our way."

    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery, Part II: Electric Boogaloo~
    Neru and Pyrrha soon met up with C.C. as Pyrrha was decked out in Stormtrooper gear while carrying her sword and shield on her back, Neru pointed at Pyrrha and said. "Well, what do you think?" C.C. looked at Pyrrha with a tilted head. "Hmm, I'm not sure..." The green haired woman walked over and casually placed her hands on Pyrrha's chest and rear before getting a feel of the armor, Pyrrha blushing red as this was going on. "It feels like it's fit and tight, but does it really need to still be white? You could probably make it a better color that could blend in better. Not to mention there would still need to be changes to the armor since even with the additional powers, we know that we could still be shot or killed or anything. At least we know that none of us would inherit the innate ability of being a crapshoot with a gun." Pyrrha nodded quickly. "T-Thank you, C.C!"

    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery, Part III~

    Bowser, Neptune, Yoshi, and Kirby were in the middle of cooking while Hinoka was watching Bowser use his fire breath on some food, the aroma overtaking her as she said. "Huh...reminds me of home." She sighed before Bowser said. "We've been trained well, but what happened to you?" Hinoka looked at Bowser before she said. "Well, I originally came from the kingdom of Hoshido. I am the older princess out of four siblings with my older brother next in line for the throne." Neptune's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, a princess stands before us...also...where's Hoshido again?" Yoshi looked at her. "Northern Japan." Bowser looked at Hinoka. "You were saying? The redhead continued. "Anyway, after the whole Purge...our kingdom was basically ready to fight the New World Order to keep our land free. Only...we weren't prepared for the white butterfly of death, or as I learned later on...Astral."

    Bowser blinked. "I don't think I've heard Astral be called that before." Hinoka looked like she had seen a lot. "Well, our army was wiped out by that thing and we had to retreat. I got separated from my family before being found by the Rising Tide. After that we went to Germany where along the way we found Camilla in a pickle trying to fight off the S-Types on her own, turned out they took over Nohr too and we started to work together. It was then that we went to London before you guys showed up." Kirby shook his head. "Sounds like something Astral would do, considering it aligns itself with the New World Order and thus wants an ideal world." The redhead smiled and rubbed the top of Kirby's head. "Don't worry too much about me, little guy. I am capable of fighting just like you." Yoshi blinked. "Still, I hope your family is okay during all of this, Camilla's too."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Mar 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France: Tower of Mastery~

    Luigi had went up to Bellec's room before knocking on the door calmly explaining. "Hello, Mr. Bellec? It's me, Luigi...I'd like to ask you something."

    Meanwhile, Mario had went off to find Makoto only to find her alone in thought. Mario walked up to the brunette before tapping her shoulder. "Excuse me?" Makoto jumped and turned her head. "Oh...Mario, it's you. What's up?" Mario blinked. "Not much, but I wanted to ask you something...can you handle a long night drive?" Makoto stared at Mario before she asked. "Let me guess, Mona told you he could turn into a car?" Mario nodded. "Mhm, and we're going to need him if my plan is to work." The brunette placed a hand on her hip. "Oh?" Mario nodded again and explained to Makoto about the plan to leave to get to the Hidden Palace and leave tonight. Makoto sighed in thought. "It would be a long shot though, traveling from France to Scotland in the middle of the night with all of the things out there." Mario placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I don't want you to over-exert yourself. Morgana said we'd be talking this over after dinner. Although are you okay?" Makoto gasped. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about my older sister. She's still back in Japan...who knows what she's doing with the court system abolished." Mario nodded and stepped out of the room.


    "As much effective as that would be, I would suggest a better option." Aoi said before taking the calling card and handed it to Rose. "Quietly sneak inside and hand this to the Purple Guy." Rose nodded and sunk through the floor as Aoi explained. "If he caught wind of that Vulpix, then it would raise suspicions that would make aware of the S-Types that someone they are fighting is a trainer or owner of Pokémon. Better safe than sorry."

    ~Utah: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria~

    Rose quietly appeared in the kitchen making note that there was a lack of cameras present and quietly snuck around the back area, any S-Type she had come across she had quickly knocked out to avoid detection. Once she had arrived at the office, she quietly slid the card inside and vanished in an instant.

    Inside, the Purple Guy saw the card slide through and picked it up, he opened the card and began to read it, his eyes widening. "Looks like some intruders want to enter my base...let's see them try..." An S-Type rose through the floor looking much like a worn animatronic of a young girl. "Daddy, what was that?" The Purple Guy looked at her. "A card, we have intruders coming...get the S-Types here ready for battle." The girl nodded and sunk through the floor.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Feb 24, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery~

    Mario and Luigi merely nodded before stepping away from Sirius walking together through the tower, Luigi in thought. "Mario, just a thought...but what if we were to leave tonight and try to get to the Hidden Palace. I mean realistically the Stormtroopers would have to be sleeping so we wouldn't have as much of an obstacle in our path." Mario sighed stopping. "Luigi, as much as it'd seem like it'd work...we'd have problems, mainly transport, possible roadblocks, night patrols, Cybermen, and S-Types. Not to mention we have no map to get there." Before Luigi could come up with an answer, he was interrupted by an approaching Morgana who mentioned with a smirk. "I wouldn't worry too much about transport."

    Mario looked at the small cat before asking nonchalantly. "Why, can you somehow magically turn into a car or something?" Morgana closed his eyes smiling. "Yep!" Mario and Luigi looked at one another dumbfounded before Luigi asked. "And can you squeeze all of us...inside you?" Morgana looked at Luigi with a deadpan expression. "Yes, but don't make it sound like that." Mario then got to quickly thinking. "Okay, so if Morgana can somehow change into a car and fit all of us inside, then we should probably tell everyone." Luigi nodded. "I'll talk with Bellec about procuring some of those Sonic Stabilizers just in case we have to deal with the Cybermen." Mario nodded before Morgana said. "I should probably inform Joker and the others." Mario looked at Morgana before asking. "Who normally drives?" Morgana looked at Mario. "That would be Queen, why do you ask." Mario looked concerned. "I'd be concerned for her wellbeing if we have to drive all night and she hasn't slept a wink. After all...sleep is very important." Morgana nodded. "We should talk it all over after dinner tonight." Mario nodded before Luigi ran off to find Bellec.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Feb 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. NutheadBros
    ~Tower of Mastery~

    "Okay, how well does it fit?" Neru asked as she was trying to fit a Stormtrooper breastplate on Pyrrha's chest, of course for the blonde her eyes were wide. "Well, it's squishing my chest..." Dawn was looking over Neru's fitting job before asking with her head tilted. "Did you make sure to account for her chest?" Neru looked at Dawn with a slight glare. "Well, it's already hard enough for us to try to find a proper piece of armor to fit Kallen's chest, let alone Pyrrha's that can properly fit." Dawn then quietly sat down and brought out a pokeball from her bag before bringing forth a small blue penguin. "What I am wondering is why are we trying to fit Stormtrooper armor onto ourselves."

    Neru was in the middle of fitting more armor onto Pyrrha as she explained. "We're in the middle of war, this isn't like what we've known to do in Tokyo." Dawn sighed as she let the Piplup onto her lap. "Yeah..." Pyrrha looked over at Dawn. "Something bothering you?" Dawn shrugged "Well, I didn't think going from a rich pampered princess to rebellious badass would end up like this." It was then that Iffy stepped in. "Please, you're just not used to killing real people. You've only experienced the S-Types...we all have." Dawn looked at the brunette. "Really now? You're the daughter of a freaking lieutenent." Iffy's green eyes looked at Dawn. "And yet I'm more similar to my mother, none of us have willingly killed another earthling. Now though...well we have to adapt or perish."

    Dawn blinked as she was stroking her Piplup's head. "I guess you're right. although I know it's off topic...but did you ever check out the truck in Vermilion City?" Futaba looked over from her terminal as she had various diagrams of bodies on it. "You mean that old theory where Mew was supposedly hiding under that truck near the S.S. Anne?" The orange-haired girl shrugged. "It's about as true as the existence of Bigfoot." Iffy blinked. "Yeah, from what I heard it's just an abandoned truck full of Revives and Lava Cookies."

    ~Tower of Mastery: Part II~

    Mario and Luigi were still running about when Luigi stopped Mario at the sight of Sirius whispering. "Mario, he's one of the old teachers at school. We should probably see if he knows anything." Mario nodded before walking up to Sirius asking. "Excuse me, but have you had experience encountering the S-Types before?"
    Post by: NutheadBros, Feb 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. NutheadBros

    "Yes, also if you wouldn't mind. I will get the exact position from my employer." Aoi started before looking at the others. "It will be imperative to do this after business hours, we will only have to deal with the security then."

    ~Hurricane, Utah: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria~

    In a small, desert town in Utah sat a restaurant with a familiar group of bear, chicken, fox, and rabbit on the sign reading "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria" on it. Inside the establishment, parents and children alike were eating and playing with an animatronic band playing in the background. As all this was going on, a blue-haired woman in casual clothing was sitting at a table eating an slice of pizza, shades covered her orange eyes as she carefully looked around the area making note that things were really just ordinary in the main area. However, her eyes soon came across some security cameras placed all about the restaurant before continuing to casually eat.

    Meanwhile in the security office, a man who looked to be all purple and dressed like a guard was watching over multiple screens with one labeled Kitchen being audio-only. The Purple Guy steepled his fingers together as he said. "All is going according to plan..." He then started to violently cough before shaking his head speaking in a more british tone of voice. "Well, finally got that out of my throat."

    ~Tower of Mastery: Private Room~

    Cynthia, Robin, and C.C. managed to find a secluded room away from the others and quietly went inside locking the door behind them. Cynthia flopped down on the floor before motioning for the green-haired girl to sit down beside her. C.C. of course walked over and sat down beside the blonde before the two started to cuddle together. Robin looked at the two with a blush and some jealousy before Cynthia laughed. "I wasn't going to leave you out either, Robin-chan." The silver-haired woman grinned and quickly joined the two as they cuddled against each other.

    The three were staring up at the ceiling of the room before Robin asked. "Remember when things were just simplier and we weren't in a war?" Cynthia slowly blinked looking at her friend. "Yeah, we'd just just sit around watching crappy movies and smoke while Zone-Tan would be working on something interesting that we'd like." Robin looked at the blonde. "Yeah, I saw that image you sent of my of your little adventure at Nintendo High and I've got to say...that was pretty badass of you to do that." C.C. looked over. "Thanks, it was her idea." Robin grinned. "I see, can I try doing that?" C.C. raised up. "Sure, if you can handle two of them." C.C. then handed Robin a pair of cuban cigars.

    "Thanks." Robin said before putting them into her mouth and lit them both up and looked a bit dizzy as she took a drag from them. "Mmm...what a rush." Cynthia laughed before both her and C.C. joined her. The trio of women were sitting together smoking two cigars a piece, their fun stopping for a moment when Robin noticed something strange on the wall muffling. "Huh, wonder what this is?" Robin walked over and began to pull on the strange brown plate while puffing away heavily. "Come on...pull out, damn it!" Eventually the plate came loose and Robin fell back into the other girls. Cynthia looked over at the plate. "Well, looks like you found something." The blonde then grabbed the plate and looked at it. "Looks like it's a plate of some kind...old too."

    Before she could go any further, the blonde floated off of the ground, her outfit changing to a white ensemble like before with the gold coloring being replaced with orange and armoring appearing around her feet, the plate having vanished. Robin stepped back as Cynthia landed with a *thud!* on her feet. C.C. looking her over. "Bae, I think the plate is resonating with your powers." Cynthia looked down at her feet before stepping forward asking. "Why are my feet covered?" That single step caused the floor the three were on to first crack before breaking sending them falling down.

    ~Tower of Mastery~

    Mario and Luigi were running down the tower when they heard a loud thud sound that made the two stop in their tracks. Mario asking. "Luigi, what was that?" Luigi rubbed his chin. "It's it's that Mega Swampert, Bowser or..." Luigi couldn't get the last word out as the two soon had parts of a floor and Cynthia, C.C., and Robin fall on top of them. "OOOF!" "OOOF!" Mario groaned as he managed to stand up with rubble falling off of him. "If I had wanted to have the upper floor fall on me, I'd move out of the way!"

    Cynthia looked over at Mario before she gasped. "Oh my, so sorry about that! My powers reacted to this plate that Robin found and..." Mario shrugged it off. "It's fine..." The brunette looked over at the blonde in shock. "Wait, you have powers?" Robin shook her head. "Oh boy..." Luigi spotted C.C. and waved. "Hey, there you are...even though you smell. But Mario and I needed your thought on something." C.C. placed a hand on her hip as she puffed. "Sure, what's up?" Luigi looked at the green-haired girl. "Well, Mario and I are trying to figure out what we need to see, Astral knows we're here." C.C.'s gold eyes widened. "What!?" Mario looked at C.C. "You heard him, Astral sent one of its drones in and caught a glimpse of Luigi and I...and now it knows we are alive and here." C.C. regained her cool as she said. "I see." Luigi nodded. "Yes, Mario thinks we should get a mobile base and train to focus on the S-Types, but we have no idea on where to start." C.C. began to think for a moment before she said. "Well, I heard of a place during mine and Cynthia's travels called the Hidden Palace Zone. There may be something there." Mario blinked. "And where is it exactly?" Cynthia looked at Mario before she explained. "Last I remember, the entrance was in a temple somewhere near Scotland...however the NWO might be aware of it." C.C. added. "The girls and I will be staying here momentarily while Kairi trains with Korrina, we'll send Futaba with you all when you leave so we can have an eye on things." The brothers nodded before Mario gently guided Luigi away. "Thanks, we'll just...let you get back to what you were doing before."

    ~Samus' Ship~

    The two redheads soon arrived back at the ship they had came in and sat down on the floor, Kai looked at her friend with a smirk asking. "You got them?" Kairi gave a sly smile as she pulled out a dark red box from her bag with one hand. "Pomegranate cigars, right here." Kai merely grinned. "Excellent, someone has been keeping up despite the crapsack condition the world has become, but we have won the first step." All Kai could hear was a muffled "Yeah." before Kai was met with Kairi's face, Kai's eyes widened as Kairi was looking at her with three cigars sticking out in her mouth, her freckled cheeks slightly puffed out due to the thickness of the cigars.

    "Um, Kai?" Kairi muffled as Kai was in a daze. "You going to help me light these?" Kai shook her head. "Uh, yeah...sorry, the way you looked reminded me much of Persephone." Kai then lit the cigars in her friend's mouth before Kairi shoved three into Kai's mouth lighting them asking. "Who is that?" Kai blinked. "Well, she's the wife of Hades in Greek myth. Most tales depict her eating the seeds of pomegranate and that's how she ended up in the Underworld. However, you're rather cute." Kairi muffled. "Aww, thanks Saki."

    The two redheads sat together in bliss. "Hey Kai, I've been thinking..." Kairi told Kai. "Yes, Kairi?" Kai asked, wondering what Kairi was about to say. "Well, you know how Korrina can wield a Keyblade just like me? Well, yesterday, she told me that there was a lot more to learn about the Keyblade, and she asked if Namine and I wanted to stay and train under her to become Keyblade Masters," Kairi replied, "I can't speak for Namine, but I've personally been giving it a lot of thought lately, and I decided to go for it. I wanna learn more about the Keyblade, why I can wield it, and how to properly battle with it." "I see," Kai commented, "Well, is that what your heart wants?" "Y-yeah," Kairi answered, "I feel like this is my calling." Smiling, Kai told Kairi, "Then go for it. I can see you becoming a great Keyblade Master." "Thanks, Kai," Kairi thanked Kai as she smiled at her, Kai nodded. "We'll be with you, after all...we're like two peas in a pod."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Jan 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. NutheadBros

    Astral soon stepped out of the Old Forge before standing face to face with Fergus, Demande, and the Stormtroopers causing the Stormtroopers to step back at the sight of the S-Type Commander. Astral looked at the two men before it said. "Ahh yes, Fergus and Govenor Demande. It is nice to see both of you." Astral looked at Fergus before it said calmly. "I am here to meet with Govenor Demande, you're not in any trouble." Astral looked at the Stormtroopers before it asked. "I have recently been to Shalour City where the Rebel scum recently just took control of it after the Stormtroopers there were kicked out. However despite that man Bellec leading the rebellion...something caught my attention. Could one of you call the Shalour City troopers?"

    One of the Stormtroopers nervously stepped forward and began to use his comms to call the Stormtroopers, once connected he said. "Hello, Lord Astral is here to ask a question." The Stormtrooper looked at Astral as it stepped forward. "Yes, I recently saw the Rebels defeat you. By any chance did you happen to come across two boys in red and green, the red one probably being loud and the sheer power of them able to wreck even the Cybermen?" It took a couple of seconds before the Stormtrooper on the other end of the line said. "Y-Yes Lord Astral. They were there...even the Cybermen stood no chance and were wrecked to pieces." Astral blinked. "I see, than you for your cooperation." Once the comms were shut off, the S-Type then punched the closest Trooper in the stomach before using its foot to slam him to the ground. "I have no personal beef with you, my friend. I am merely showing an example." Astral looked at Demande as it said. "You've caught me in a good mood today, Govenor. I will offer my services in helping you reclaim that town under your command." Astral bowed. "All I ask is that you leave those two boys and their friends to myself and the S-Types. After all...they are my responsibility and if unchecked could end with my death."

    ~Tower of Mastery: Top~

    Mario and Luigi were still in thought about their current predicament before Luigi said. "What if we only focused on the S-Types? When you think about it...the Rebels are fighting the NWO, we're fighting Astral and the S-Types. The Stormtroopers and even the Cybermen can easily be dealt with by the Rebels." Mario slowly turned his head and looked at Luigi for a bit in thought. "I see...we take the gang and go, we train to fight the S-Types. We could even try to get some kind of ship to use as a mobile base." Luigi blinked with a cautious look. "Mario, something like that would more than likely be under NWO control. Those Helicarriers are super powerful from what we have seen and heard." Mario grinned. "Who said we were going to get one from the NWO? I never said I had all the details. We just need to talk to everyone and see what we need to do from there. Otherwise we know what we need to do in terms of the basic idea. After all...some people are smarter than me in terms of these things." Luigi nodded. "Right, let's go talk to everyone." The Mario Bros. soon stood up and began to head downstairs.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Dec 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. NutheadBros

    "Yes actually, but we should introduce ourselves first." Aoi started before undoing his helmet and took it off. "I am Aoi Kazue, also known as Darth Vader if you have been looking at the wanted posters that the NWO put up everywhere." Aoi then looked at Rose. "This is my partner and companion, her name is Rose." Aoi looked at the girls before continuing. "We were sent here by the head of Vector Industries, Wilhelm in order to procure your services to steal an animatronic body for him. He instructed us to head to a restaurant in Utah called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, according to our employer it is actually a secret S-Type base for one of the S-Types closest to Astral itself. We will also be helping you all to make sure that the body is secured since it is in the middle of S-Type territory." Rose looked at them before she said. "We have no idea why he wants a black and red animatronic bear body."

    ~Tower of Mastery: Top~

    Mario and Luigi arrived at the top of the tower away from the others and sat down upon the stone floor, the two were in silence as they began to think about the prior battle and what had occured. Mario then said. "Luigi, we need to try to get away from here. If we can goad Astral away from here, then the others would be safe." Luigi blinked with concern in his eyes. "But Mario, what if the NWO come back here alongside Astral? What if Astral doesn't follow us? We're kind of putting the people here in danger of being wiped off the face of the planet if we left on our own." Mario looked at Luigi sternly remarking. "Do you think I don't know that already? We're in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation here." Luigi placed a hand on Mario's shoulder. "Take it easy, Mario...let's just rationally think here." Luigi looked up in thought. "We know Korrina won't leave this place, we also know that with our little group we can handle at least Stormtroopers and Cybermen if planned for properly. Also most of us have been training thanks to Peppy's teachings. You're more of a fighter than I am, so what do you think our odds are if Astral shows up?"

    Mario sat in thought for a moment before he said. "At best we might be able to stall Astral with what we have. Even with the training we've had I am not so sure about how the others would handle Astral without it striking hard." Mario then looked at Luigi. "After all, you and I learned how powerful Astral if pushed can become firsthand since when we fought it at Nintendo High, our power at the time couldn't even dent it." Luigi slowly nodded. "And not to mention I'm not even sure if the other rebels, those Phantom Thieves, or even the Rising Tide could handle Astral at that kind of power." Mario looked down. "Exactly my point, Luigi. It's why we can't just run off by ourselves. We need a plan." The brothers began to think together pondering about their situation.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Dec 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France~

    "Well then, if we're going to celebrate..." Yoshi started in thought. "...then we as the Nintendo High Cooking Club need to deliver a meal worthy of this triumph." Bowser turned his head towards the green creature before telling. "Dude, chill out. We just finished fighting off the bad guys." Yoshi sheepishly grinned with a hand behind his head. "Oh right, I doubt Mario or Neptune in particular could do anything." Neptune looked at Yoshi with a derpy smile. "Well, I was yeah." Mario also added. "And I was nearly using all of my power back there." Yoshi raised his hands up. "Okay, okay. We'll take a break." This led to some hearty laughter as those who had stayed in the tower all came out to see what was going on.

    "Well, I've got to hand it to you sure do know how to make an explosive finish." Futaba remarked with a grin. Luigi then sheepishly stepped back. "It was nothing, I mean the Cybermen just exploded after they were destabilized." Cynthia had recalled her Garchomp back into its ball before she told Luigi. "Anything was going to explode with you and your brother around, you don't need to be so modest about it. Besides..." the blonde then gave Luigi a smile. "...we won in the end anyway. That is the most important thought." Luigi was blushing. "Well, when you put it that way. I guess you're right." Cynthia laughed and rubbed Luigi's head. "I've fought battles both with Pokémon and my own bare hands, I know what I am talking about."

    Aoi stood next to his sister as the two watched what was going on with the others. Kai was rather content before Aoi looked at her and asked. "Hey, are you going to be alright without me for a bit?" Kai looked at her brother smirking. "Um, yeah? I've been without you before. After all I am with my friends." Aoi nodded. "Of course, I have to head up and report to Wilhelm." Kai's smirk turned into a small smile. "Okay, I'll be fine brother." The red-haired male walked over to Rose before telling her. "Rose, we need to see Wilhelm." The white haired woman nodded before grabbing Aoi and sunk through the floor with him in tow.

    After he had left, Kai turned her head towards Kairi and asked her. "Hey Kairi?" Kairi turned her head. "Yeah?" Kai walked up to the redhead and placed a hand on her shoulder whispering. "You want head to the ship and celebrate?" Kairi's blue eyes widened before she whispered. "What do you mean?" Kai grinned. "Well it's not dirty, I can tell you that." Kairi slowly grinned. "Of should have just said what you were thinking to begin with." Kai looked at her friend with a deadpan expression. "Kallen would probably think something is up." Kairi burst into laughter as the two walked off. "Of course she would."

    Watching Kai and Kairi wander off, C.C. looked at Cynthia with a content smile. "I think we should head to a secluded area of the tower and celebrate too." Robin then bobbed up to the two grinning as she asked. "Can I come too?" The two looked at the young woman before C.C. said. "Of course, we can't say no to the dragon that taught us." Robin playfully punched C.C. "Yeah, but you and Cynthia were the ones who took up that dare all those years ago." Cynthia giggled as they walked off. "Please, don't fight about it...after all...all three of us are alike." Mario rolled his eyes and asked Luigi. "What are they going on about? Are they secretly dragons in human form?" Luigi shrugged. "I have no idea, but we should head to the top of the Tower. We need to think." Mario nodded, his face serious. "Of course." The brothers also went towards the Tower of Mastery.

    ~Space Station: Wilhelm's Office~

    Aoi and Rose soon appeared rising from the floor right in front of Wilhelm. Aoi looked at the man from behind his desk. "We're here to report that we have removed the NWO presence from Shalour City..." Wilhelm looked at the two calmly addressing them. "I was aware of it thanks to the Compass, however you two have arrived just in time...I have a job for you two." Rose looked at Wilhelm, her eye blinking. "And just what is this job?" Wilhelm pressed a button on his desk before a hologram image of what appeared to be a restaurant named Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria on it. "This as you see is Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, part of a chain owned by Fazbear Entertainment and now owned by the NWO due to complicated legal issues for the Jumpman family after the death of the patriarch and the one who owned it at the time named Jumpman Sr." Aoi nodded. "Of course, he died during the Purge trying to protect his family from Astral, but the NWO of course twisted that." Wilhelm sighed. "Yes, but the point is that this restaurant in the state of Utah is being used as an S-Type base of operations for one Purple Guy, he is using it as a cover to create more S-Type troops for Astral."

    "So, what the hell do you want us to do then?" Rose asked tapping her foot impatiently before Wilhelm answered. "As much as I am aware of your violent tendancies, this job isn't one about fighting. Recently the Compass has informed me of a new Ranger team forming after they had stolen some documents from Nintendo High, I want you two to get to them and work together to procure me a particular animatronic body. This body is of a black and red bear with a missing eye, so make sure you all get it without alerting the S-Type forces." The two nodded with Aoi asking. "Where is this new Ranger team currently?" Wilhelm looked at Aoi before he said. "They are currently traveling through a flux in time on a vessel called the DenLiner..." he then looked at Rose. "You should be able to get there without a hitch though." He then turned to face both of them. "Once you get there, explain to them what I told you and that we are a part of the Rebellion." The two nodded before Rose grabbed Aoi again and sunk through the floor with him in tow.


    It took them a bit, but eventually Rose managed to rise up through the floor of the DenLiner with Aoi in tow. Aoi soon seeing everyone jumped back in a bit of a rush explaining. "Everyone don't freak out, we're a part of the Rebels just like you. We heard that there was a Ranger team aboard who stole some documents from Nintendo High."

    ~Scotland: Old Forge~

    Astral soon rose up from the ground in the middle of the area, its form instantly recognizable to those that were present. The S-Type commander looked at everyone before responding. "Do not fret citizens, I am merely here to see Demande about something important."

    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France~

    "HELL YEAH!" Kai shouted in cheer before giving Kairi a high-five, everyone else was also cheering for their victory except for the Mario Brothers, The brothers both knew that despite their quick work, they had been seen by one of Astral's S-Types and they deep down knew that Astral would soon be after them again. Yoshi looked over at the brothers and asked as he jumped up and down. "Why aren't you guys celebrating, we beat the bad guys back." Luigi quickly jumped in excitement along with Mario as Mario asked. "So, what do we do now?" Kai smirked. "Simple, we get this armor and stuff back to the tower along with the weapons, look it over, work on stuff, and celebrate....not in any particular order." Mario nodded. "I see...I am kind of tired after that fight." Kirby laughed. "Don't worry, Mario. With the NWO out of the city we can eat without feeling like rats." Unknown to the group, Astral had quietly sunk into the floor and left the area.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. NutheadBros
    And after a three day delay...I am finally back

    EDIT! Reserves

    Name: Baby
    Description: An S-Type formed sometime prior to Jumpman Sr.'s passing against Astral. She is the second in command of the Purple Guy's S-Type forces, she had to reform her body after a incident regarding the S-Type fusion known as Ennard. Rumor has it that she has some sort of deep relationship with the Purple Guy but it's currently unknown what it exactly is.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): New World Order
    Series Character is from: Five Nights at Freddy's

    Name: Molten Freddy
    Description: The S-Type husk and remnants of several S-Types initially created by the Purple Guy. The S-Types consisting of Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, and Ballora along with the S-Type called Baby fused together to originally form into Ennard. However Baby was soon ejected from the fusion leaving the rest with Funtime Freddy still conscious as the dangerous Molten Freddy.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): New World Order
    Series Character is from: Five Nights at Freddy's
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 3, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France~

    With that rally cry, both the Rising Tide and Phantom Thieves ran in helping to finish off the New World Order forces, although Mario and his friends stood back. Iffy looked at everyone asking. "Should we do it?" Bowser nodded. "Let's show them!" Iffy with a rallying cry of her own shouted. "You heard the Koopa! Let's show them what we learned!" Everyone soon lined up side by side before raising their hands up and focused their minds causing bows made of ice or fire to appear in a flash. Peach flicked the switch on her belt causing her body to be coated in pink-gold metal again. The bows in Mario, Luigi, and Peach's hands had glowed with the same color as their metal sheen with Luigi's bow crackling with electricity. Kirby looked up at Iffy asking. "You're the daughter of a Lieutenant, where do we aim?" Iffy looked before she said. "Aim for spots like legs and arms, avoid vitals...we want them to feel the pain." Blanc rolled her glowing red eyes as she said. "I doubt we're going to avoid killing them since we have Mario, Luigi, and Peach here." Iffy nodded. "Good point, just fire wherever as long as it hits."

    Everyone spread their legs out as they prepared their arrows and targeted the New World Order forces with Mario shouting. "Listen to us closely, goons!" Luigi then added in. "You might hide behind some shadowy government with your Cybermen and your white armor!" Peach then added. "But we're going to burn through your shadow with light and take our future back!" With one shout from Iffy, the group all fired their arrows past both the Phantom Thieves and the Rising Tide, the sheer knockback forcing Mario, Luigi and Peach out of their transformations. C.C. blinked looking at the group before she whispered. "They've been learning them..." Dawn then asked. "Learning what?" The green-haired woman looked at Dawn. "The 64 secret techniques." Ryuji looked at Morgana asking the cat. "What is she going on about?" Morgana looked at both Ryuji and Akira telling them. "They're techniques originally designed to combat the S-Types."

    ~Abandoned Japanese Military Base~

    Histoire seemingly stopped moving and stared out into space for a moment before Compile waved her hand in front of the short blonde telling her. "Yoohoo, don't go staring out into space." Histoire shook her head before closing her eyes. "Something's wrong..." Fujiko looked at her rather confused. "Wrong, wrong how?" Histoire placed her hands on the sides of her head. "I don't know but...let's see...Scan!" Histoire's mind began to quickly look around the area inside and outside of the building before she opened her eyes in shock panting, Compile gently walked up to her and calmly said. "Take it easy, deep breaths...what did you see?" Histoire looked at Compile. "They're outside...Stormtroopers and Cybermen being led by someone following tracks." Fujiko placed a hand on Histoire's shoulder. "It will be fine, I'm sure the people running the base have things under control." Deco glared at Fujiko before she said. "Listen, I know we're pretty much family at this point because of our past and our kids, but if the New World Order comes in...I doubt they will spare anyone seeing as everyone here is against them, not to mention some people aren't capable of fighting." Fujiko glared back at Deco telling her. "I am aware of that, but we still can fight in their stead...I just hope the boys are ready."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. NutheadBros
    ~Capital Streets~

    "So, what is this so-called special assignment that requires both of us?" Wario asked as the triad of the brothers and Lord Drakkon walked the streets of the Capital, Waluigi looking perplexed before Lord Drakkon asked. "Tell me, how familiar are you with the Jumpman family and their lineage?" Wario scratched his rear in thought. "Hmm...well we lived right across from them and our parents didn't seem to like how generous and humble they were to their customers to the point that their restaurant wasn't doing as well as them, then again our side of the family has always clashed with their side to the point where my brother and I tried to deal with those Mario losers." Drakkon turned his head. "I you're all apart of the same family, must be awkward to have a family reunion then." Waluigi growled. "They're cheaters is what they are!" Lord Drakkon turned his head away. "How would you two like to finish the elimination of the Jumpman family and be rid of them for the sake of our glorious world? After all...they could have used their powers to bring forth tranquility and to squash the rebellion...yet they still cling onto their precious justice from a bygone age." Waluigi then asked. "Wait, why do we need to kill them? If their powers are really that big as everyone says they are...then why not just get them to turn against the rebellion?" Lord Drakkon stopped for a moment in thought before he said. "I will suggest it to Lord Astral, however what we need to awaken your powers."

    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery~

    And so with that, everyone took a Sonic Stabilizer and was beginning to prepare. Aoi changed into his Vader armor and had placed the helmet on his head as Kai pulled out a small, dark-red device and raised it up shouting. "Rock On!" transforming in a flash of light into dark red armor with a long red ponytail, she brought out a glowing triangular violet saber which pulsed akin to the same lightsaber that C.C. had before smirking. "This is going to be interesting..." Samus closed her eyes and focused causing her familiar Varia Suit to form around her body, Dawn blinked before she said. "Gee, seems like you're packing some firepower." Lucina was surprised before the trio of girls left. Izumi was casually tossing the Sonic Stabilizer in her hand before asking. "I wonder if this is like the Orb of Confusion for Cybermen." Hikaru turned her head telling her friend. "I don't think you should be playing with that thing, plus that was on Mermaidman & Barnacleboy so I doubt it'd make the Cybermen completely inept morons." Izumi smiled and ruffled the brunette's hair. "Lighten up, it's like everyone has to be super cereal because we're rebels fighting the war." Ryoko walked up to the two and told them. "Come on, we need to get to our positions." As everyone was leaving and carefully avoiding the NWO forces, Mario and Luigi stood at the entrance of the tower with Mario whispering. "Luigi, when we start the attack...immediately go into your Apple form. We can't let this mission go astray." Luigi nodded.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. NutheadBros
    Name: Fulgore
    Description: Designated internally by both Vector Industries and Gadd Science as "Fulgore Model-R", this cyborg's body was rebuilt after the original body had been damaged during the Purge. With the brain having been extracted, new objectives were programmed into it under orders from Wilhelm himself in light of the New World Order. In addition misc. improvements had been made to where it is not only more dangerous to the enemy S-Types but also more efficient at completing tasks than the old model thanks in part to the usage of the same Anti S-Type technology as with KOS-MOS and T-Elos.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Killer Instinct

    Name: 02 [pronounced Zero-Two]
    Description: An S-Type created by Vector Industries using the husk of another S-Type named 0 [Zero]. It is the controller and originator of the Dark Matter-class of S-Types that serve as a part of Wilhelm's forces. Since it is the core of Dark Matter, it shares a few abilities with its smaller spawn in addition to having its own abilities as the White Testament. Originally it resided deep within the Vector Industries building before moving after the Purge.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Kirby

    Also starting October I will be on a hiatus for a month, in that time Roxam has control of my stuff.
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 24, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery~

    "Alright." Kai started looking at everyone before she said. "Let's go over this one more time..." Kai pointed to the Tower first. "Futaba, I am going to need you to stay here and be our eyes for this battle. Namine, Amy, Sammy, Pauline, and Neru will also be staying behind as well." The redhead pointed at the western side. "Like I said earlier, I want the Phantom Thieves on the west side along with Samus, Dawn, and Lucina. All of you are to listen to Bellec although I still need you all to try to collect as much of the Stormtroopers' armor if you can." Kai looked at Samus, Dawn, and Lucina telling them. "Treat Commander Bellec like you would me or C.C. normally." Kai then pointed to the east. "East side will be where myself, my brother, and the rest of my girls will go." Kai then pointed to the middle. "Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Bowser, Rosalina, Kirby, Yoshi, and the rest of their friends will be in the middle." Kai raised her head. "And let me stress this point clearly. If anyone on the East or West side sees an Astral-S or some other S-Type try to get past you...KILL IT. We cannot have any S-Type make it past and witness what is going on in the middle since if they see Mario and Luigi alive...they will report it back to Astral." Mario then raised his hand. "I'd like to say something to miss Korrina and everyone in the room..." Everyone looked at Mario before he said. "Luigi and I have a power that we have been holding back for a while that could be dangerous to all of you, however if an emergency would arise or if any of you would happen to get into trouble...don't hesitate and tell either myself or Luigi to use our full power...after all I don't want it to seem like we are keeping something from the Rebellion."

    ~Abandoned Japanese Military Base~

    Jumpman quietly approached the group of Connor, Darien, and Hermione before listening in on what the bushy-haired girl had to say with his hands in his overall pockets. After Hermione had explained the contents of what she had found he calmly replied. "I never figured the school would attempt to erase its own history because of all this..." He then looked at Connor. "If you do not mind, when you are finished I would like to speak with you...I don't want to feel like I am intruding on your chat."

    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance~

    As students were being checked, an enigmatic figure in a white ranger uniform with green and gold shield walked up to the entrance of the school with a pair of Astral-S on both sides of him. His red visor staring at the students as Stormtroopers stepped aside. He remarked in a voice sounding much like Tommy's. "Hello students of Nintendo High, I am here on behalf of Lord Astral's wishes to pick up two students in particular." The Ranger looked around at the faces of the students before spotting an obese male with a yellow hat that had a W on it and a long, lanky male with a purple hat that had an upside down L on it. He then pointed at them. "Those two...Wario and Waluigi. You two are to come with me for special assignment." Waluigi was about to say something when Wario asked. "We don't even know your name..." The Ranger smiled under his helmet. "I am Lord Drakkon..." With that and careful consideration, the Wario Bros. followed Lord Drakkon out.

    ~Space Station: Wilhelm's Office~

    Back in space, Wilhelm had been observing what was going on below through the Compass of Order and Chaos making note of what had been going on not only in Japan, but everywhere. Realizing the potential danger he turned around and said. "It seems as though we should assist our Rebel friends..." He then brought forth a terminal at his desk and typed feverishly before the screen changed to a strange symbol with six passwords. Wilhelm typed in the numbers "8560", "8561", "8562", "8563", "8564", and "8565". Once the last code was inserted a single message appeared on screen that read. "Waking the swarms..."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery~

    Mario and Luigi slowly opened their blue eyes to see the sunlit view of the room they were in, despite the feeling of their visit with Lady Etoille not being that long they had been out for a long time. The brothers woke up and proceeded to switch into their overalls before placing their hats on their heads and left the room noting the silence. Luigi rubbed his head wondering. "How long were we out for? I remember the chat..." Before the brothers could make heads or tails, they were approached by Aoi who explained to them. "There you are, my sister and everyone's waiting on you." Mario and Luigi blinked before following the short redhead to a room where everyone else had been gathered around a table with the area feeling a bit cramped.

    Kai was looking over a hand drawn map before turning her head towards Neru and asked. "And you're saying that the west side is not as guarded?" The blonde nodded. "Yeah, based on what recon we could gather up. It does seem like that." Mario then asked Bowser. "What is going on here?" Bowser looked at Mario telling him. "Apparently Kai here is trying to make a plan to present to Bellec in regards to dealing with the New World Order." Robin darted around the crowd of people before getting to the map and pointed at the west with her eyes on it. "Sorry, but I want to bring up that there could be the possibility of something else hidden there that could justify the low numbers of Stormtroopers and Cybermen that we're not seeing." Kai then added. "Except based on what we have, we have no credible evidence." The redhead looked at Akira before asking. "What about your group?" Makoto looked at Kai before brushing her hair to the side. "Unfortunately we have about as much as you do...even Mona came up with nothing."

    "Well that's just fantastic..." Kai sarcastically remarked. "And yet I don't even know the capabilities of some of the others here." Futaba then poked her. "I got some information....based on what I've heard we got a Rider and another Pokémon Trainer, plus there's the Master and her apprentice...but I got nothing on Bellec or Elise." Kai stood in thought as Aoi squeezed through muttering. "Probably a bad idea to have a meeting in this cramped room, but I found the brothers." Kai then snapped her fingers. "ALRIGHT! I think I have an idea." Kai's mechanical eye began to illuminate. "We shall split into teams..."

    Kai pointed towards the middle. "First of all, the Mario Brothers, Bowser, Yoshi, Kirby, CPUs, Compa, Iffy, Daisy, Rosalina, and Peach will be placed in the middle. This is partially in order to keep Astral from knowing that Mario and Luigi are still alive." Kai then pointed at the west. "The west being less guarded will allow a more tactical approach." Kai's eyes turned to Akira. "The Phantom Thieves would be perfect for that spot, also if you can kindly take some Stormtroopers and rob them of their armor that would be perfect." Kai turned towards Samus, Lucina and Dawn. "Back them up if they get in trouble." Kai then pointed to the east. "As for the East. Aoi, myself, Kairi, and the rest of the RT will deal with the heavier side of the Stormtrooper forces."

    It was then that Kairi raised her hand asking. "What about Namine? Futaba? or those who are more support than fighter." Hikaru looked thoughtful. "She does make a point." Kai thought about it for a moment before she said. "All those unable to fight will stay here, Futaba you will be our eyes like the battle at the Command Center." Futaba then gave a salute shouting. "Loud and clear, Lady K-Chan!" Kai nodded. "Good, I'll go take my suggestion to Bellec then...once everyone gets the hell out of this room." With that everyone slowly got out of the room with Kai heading to find Bellec and Luigi sighing shaking his head.

    ~Abandoned Japanese Military Base~

    Jumpman slowly rose up from slumber, a strange feeling inside his heart as he said. "People are suffering and we're just sitting around doing nothing..." Ruiji slowly looked down at him asking. "Well, what are we supposed to do about it?" Jumpman blinked. "It's kind of obvious brother, we join Connor and fight like we have before. Nothing changes from what we believe in...even if that guy tried to sway us back when Fujiko and I were captured." Fujiko stretched her limbs. "Finally some initiative! I've been working behind the kitchen for so long I thought I would never hear those words come from your lips." They were soon interrupted by a familiar voice remarking. "Even in a dictatorship like this, you three never change." The three turned their heads to see a young blonde woman in pink alongside a light-blue haired woman in orange. Fujiko blinked with a smirk. "Of course not Compile, not when our own kids are out there fighting." The woman in orange placed a hand on her hip. "True, it's oddly similar to us back in the day...but if you three are going to go out there, count me and Compile in." Compile blushed. "Regardless of what Deco blurted out, you will be needing some help."

    Another voice added. "Of course, someone is going to have to reign Jumpman and Fujiko in when their hotblooded passion rises to a fever." A short woman in a purple dress with blonde hair looked at them with her blue eyes. "The rest of my daughters will be fine here with the Japanese rebels, however I don't think all of our old friends will be able to help us out." A turtle in a blue robe walked up to them adjusting his glasses. "Of course not, Histoire. Some of us are still trying to live normal lives in this new world. But whatever it is you are thinking...count me in as well." Jumpman was in a bit of surprise before nodding. "Thank you Kamek, everyone. I'll go tell Connor then." Jumpman then kissed his wife tenderly before running off to find him.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City: Tower of Mastery~

    As everyone slowly drifted off to sleep, a lot of things were weighing on their minds. For Mario and Luigi however, their bodies soon became weightless without feeling as they drifted off into slumber.


    Mario and Luigi would soon feel the familiar grass and wooden tree that they had last seemingly appeared at. Their eyes waking up to the starry sky and the moonlit view of a lake that had the Earth in view and the woman in white who watched over it. Mario and Luigi slowly stood up to look around before Mario merely mentioned. "I am not going to ever be used to the feeling of being weightless." Luigi then pointed out. "Mario..." A gloved finger pointed to the woman who looked over the lake. Mario's blue eyes shot open before the brothers got on one knee. "You called for us, Lady Etoille?" The platinum-blonde woman slowly turned around, her rainbow gaze shifting upon the Mario Bros. "Yes, I did..." The brothers looked at the woman before she asked. "Tell me, how do you two perceive what is going on with your home planet?" Luigi blinked before he started. "Well...most people believe that the New World Order is doing the right thing and that the whole planet needs to be one in order to obtain peace. On the other side of the coin you have the Rebels trying to get the world back to how it was before because despite the New World Order's intentions, they have also stripped individuality, freedom, and even in some cases privacy to where everything just...seems off." Mario tightened a fist. "Just hearing some of that grinds my gears..."

    Lady Etoille looked up questioning. "Yet are they correct in aligning themselves with creatures like the S-Types?" Mario stopped and thought about it. "Well, Astral is friends with them." Lady Etoille looked at the brothers before she explained. "Astral might be leading all the S-Types on your world, but who is to say that all S-Types would just settle for this type of rule?" Mario and Luigi looked at one another and blinked before Mario said. "We're a little confused on what you're trying to say." Lady Etoille then said. "I'm saying that this New World Order could lead things onto a path that would be dangerous for not just your home but also for everyone even in the stars as well." Luigi then asked. "Were you the one who sent Morgana down to Earth?" The blonde slowly nodded. "Yes, I sent him along with some others in order to help you two with your mission. Despite having C.C. and Wilhelm down there...they would not be enough to deal with them." She placed a hand on both brothers. "Regardless of this New World Order...I need you two to stay alive, you understand?" Mario nodded. "Yes, I know there are much stronger S-Types out there." Lady Etoille also nodded. "Yes...but even the most dangerous isn't what it seems to be...I'll be watching over you two, your friends, and my you will be safe."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France: Tower of Mastery~

    Luigi blinked before he told Mario. "I did what you asked me to do, C.C. is now aware of it and is thinking on what to do with the information." Mario nodded before Peach looked at Luigi and then at Mario asking. "What are you two talking about?" The brothers looked at one another and then at the blonde before Mario said. "Well, we are harboring a power that others could see as dangerous, a power you've not witnessed...but this power is the only thing that can stop Astral from destroying our planet." Luigi nodded. "Yeah, we saw what happened to Zordon's homeworld and took it within ourselves to make sure Astral doesn't do it...even if it means Mario and I have to deal with this alone." Peach was still looking at them, her blue eyes tearing up somewhat before grabbing both of the brothers in a hug. "You don't have to do this alone...we're all here for you even if we don't fully understand your new powers." The brothers hugged Peach back as Mario comforted her and Luigi said. "You're right, we might just let it out of the bag...but I'm not sure how everyone will take to it." Peach then softly said. "I'm sure they will understand...but it's getting late...we should all rest." The three soon started down the tower together, to some it looks oddly similar to Jumpman, Fujiko, and Ruiji.

    "I knew Namine and my family line, but to me I thought I was just normal compared to everyone else." Kairi explained thinking back. "Then again after having witnessed my friend be crucified by an S-Type in midair and everything else, I had no idea on what to believe. However I'm going to need to think this over and speak to my friends about it...if you don't mind, Master Korrina."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France: Tower of Mastery~

    "And my name is Kairi, you might have heard from Lydia but I've used a Keyblade longer than my cousin." Kairi explained looking around before she also mentioned. "Also this place doesn't seem to be old based on what you said, but you'd think the historical buffs would look more into this."

    "Well, that...that was certainly something..." Ryuji remarked still in a state of awe at what had occurred before Mario said. "Well, that's just our powers at work. I'm just surprised Peach could punch me across the room like that." Makoto blinked slowly turning her head towards Peach asking. "About that...are you okay?" Peach nodded. "I'm fine, I was the one who told Mario to not go easy on me. Cause deep down he'd hold back against me." Luigi soon came running in shouting. "I'm coming, Mario!" Luigi then slumped over panting before Ryuji said. "Dude, they're fine." Mario blinked in surprise. "Yeah Luigi, we just got carried away with our little sparring session." Akira then said. "Well, if we're done here, we'll be heading to our rooms for the night." With that Akira, Makoto, and Ryuji left the room leaving the Mario Bros. and Peach alone.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. NutheadBros
    ~Shalour City, France: Tower of Mastery~

    Once Namine had walked up to her, Kairi started to take the blonde's hand as she walked back to where Lydia had requested them to meet her at.

    ~Tower of Mastery: Rounded Room~

    Mario and Peach slowly stepped away from one another after the echoing collision of their fists rang through the room. Mario smirked at Peach who was seemingly ready for a fight before they rushed in, Mario's punches being caught on Peach's legs as the blonde swung them quickly. Mario jumped back and proceeded to counter with his own legs managing to knock Peach onto the floor, his effort was met with a hard punch to the face sending him back a bit. Peach slowly laughed. "Mario, I said...don't go easy on me...." Her blue eyes flickered into a shade of pink as pink embers radiated from her body, pink fire flickering around her as she came back in at Mario seemingly rather quickly. Mario began to counter every fiery infused punch and kick before proceeding to focus his mind and blast Peach back with an explosion of fiery energy.

    Peach caught herself against the floor and looked up seeing the red embers that radiated from Mario's body, the blue overalls having changed to that of a red coloring, his shirt and hat now white and his eyes a bright red. Mario looked rather serious now as the two rushed at one another and traded punches and kicks rather quickly making loud noises. Peach jumped back and focused her mind causing a bow made of pink fire to appear in her hands surprising Mario. Mario blinked and chuckled before Peach began to fire arrows at the brunette, the red-capped male dancing around the fire arrows before bringing out his red controller. "Why don't we go all the way..." Peach lowered the bow seemingly in awe before she yelled. "YES PLEASE!" and placed her hand on a lever located on the belt that she had on. Mario pressed the golden apple button as Peach pulled the lever making a bright light glow in the whole room that blinded Akira and Makoto as they tried to enter the room.

    The light faded revealing Mario clad in solid gold metal while Peach was coated in a pink-gold metal. The two rushed at one another delivering some rather hard punches and kicks to on another as Akira and Makoto managed to enter the room, their faces surprised by what they were seeing as Mario and Peach sparred with one another, lightning flickering about as they punched each other in the face trying to push hard against one another. Ryuji soon showed up in the room asking Akira. "Hey, what's with those..." Before he could finish Peach and Mario were sent flying away from one another and collided into the walls making the blonde shout. "HOLY..."

    Peach pushed herself out of the wall and onto the floor chuckling as Mario got onto his feet. "I understand now...thanks Mario." Mario then grinned. "Time we finish finishing move!" Peach stood firm as Mario ran at the blonde in pink-gold seemingly with a fist out ready to strike. Mario got close to Peach before grabbing her arm and twirled her about, flung her into the air, caught her, and gave her a deep kiss on the mouth. Peach's eyes widened immensely as she returned to normal, her cheeks red and her mind unsure of what to make of Mario's sudden action...before she grabbed him and returned the kiss. Unfortunately the kiss wasn't long as Makoto said. "Um...are we..." Mario and Peach slowly moved their heads to see the three standing there, Mario's transformation cancelling out immediately showing the embarrassment on his face. Peach quickly got back onto her feet mentioning to Mario in a whisper. "I think we overdid it a bit..." "Yeah, I think we did..."
    Post by: NutheadBros, Sep 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena