~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~ "Well, first of all I want to say that I am glad all of you made it in one piece." C.C. started before looking at Nala. "You especially, Ridley's troops or Ridley himself could have killed you had we not caught what was going on with the Galleon and intervened." C.C. then placed her hands in her pockets. "Now, most of you I've given a brief rundown of the situation but now that you're all together I can give a bit more detail on why you were called here." She then pointed at the Morphers on their belts explaining. "As you know, the Morphers you use were made by Zordon, the previous Harbinger. My boss helped him create a second set of coins as a contingency plan in the event something would happen to him. Half of the power was placed in the new coins you have on your person while the other half is hidden deep within a temple somewhere in Peru. Once the Galleon is fixed and able to fly again, you all will need to fly down there and find a woman by the name of Dulcea. She won't be in public obviously and will be in a sort of Amazonian garb with two whistling sticks and curly auburn hair, once you find her...tell her that both Zordon and Lady Etoille sent you to retrieve the Great Power." C.C. then looked at the coins and the people who had them before commenting. "I would come along with my friends to help you, however my boss has told us to stay back as this is your trial. Though I believe you six will handle it." She looked at Dante first. "The Ape, strong yet noble." followed by Billy. "The Wolf, cunning and methodic." then James. "The Frog, agile and maneuverable." then Nala. "The Bear, motherly yet fierce." Then Kim. "The Crane, quick and graceful." then Tommy. "The Falcon, floaty and swift." and finally Thomas. "And the Dragon, powerful and mythic." C.C. then smiled. "All six of you possess something special...and once you get your new powers and Zords...you'll be far stronger than you were with your old powers." "Maybe you're right." Samus mused before turning to face the crowd of others below. "It will help me in the long run, although I am fine for now. Thanks for the sound advice." "Hmm, he does make a point there." Mario mused regarding Harry's situation before Izumi came gracefully dancing in towards Harry before telling Akira and Ryuji. "Now now, clearly he isn't the same as you. I mean look." Izumi first pointed to Harry's head. "His hair isn't like yours and he has green eyes versus red, not to mention the different body builds, he's English, and sounds like Daniel Radcliffe." Akira nodded. "I see, you all make good points. We're all running from tyrants." Izumi had a cat grin. "Yup, in the end we're all in the same boat." Hikaru soon walked up to Izumi with a smile before she added. "Despite the way she put it about you two, I agree with her." Aoi and Kai were at work repairing the Gokai Galleon before one of Star Dream's drones flew up to the two and began to scan the Galleon as a whole. ~The Capital: Police Station~ Astral soon appeared ascending from the floor within the confines of the station within the Capital itself much to the surprise and shock of some before Astral announced. "I am here to see the three Police Rangers that I've heard about."
~Crystal Palace: Throne Room~ Ridley came lumbering into the room, the sight of the damaged and battered creature causing the S-Types to step away in shock. Ridley stood in front of Astral before he said. "Lord Astral...I have failed you." Astral looked at Ridley before asking. "What happened?" Ridley then explained. "Here I was, doing the typical patrols when my group spotted the Gokai Galleon heading through the air. We of course took standard protocol and attempted to take the ship out along with anyone that was inside. Our mission was halted by the involvement of a trio of thievery-based Rangers, a Rider with two sides, that Aran woman...and two boys whose power shouldn't be possible for earthlings." Astral looked at Ridley asking with a deadpan tone. "Let me guess, one was chubby and loud and the other was his brother?" Ridley nodded. "Yes, Lord Astral..." Astral then said. "Go to the infirmary and get yourself patched up, I am going to head out." Ridley then said. "Before you go, I feel like the Earth woman who created my enhancements has failed us." Astral looked up as it sunk into the floor. "Duly noted." ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~ Samus sighed lowering her arm cannon before her helmet vanished letting her blonde hair flow, her blue gaze on Harold as she explained. "Physically I am alright, mentally...well I am mildly shaken from having to push back old childhood memories to the back of my mind to fight that psycho." Aoi watched as Don and Lily took a look at the engines and the overall state of the Galleon before stepping forward. "Excuse me, but do you two mind it if my sister and I helped out in repairing the Galleon?" Kai also stepped forward before smiling, she winked causing her artificial eye to glow brightly. Morgana noticed Harry before tilting his head in confusion going. "Um, about that outfit..." Akira walked up to the cat and picked him up looking at Harry thinking. "Did he copy...my outfit?" Ryuji soon came up to them before asking Harry. "Hey, what's the deal with taking the look of our leader?" Ann looked at Ryuji, then at Harry mentioning. "Now that you think about it...they do look similar enough to be siblings." Luigi then stepped in adding. "Look, they can't be siblings. It just happens they wear the same outfit." Morgana then looked at Luigi telling him. "You and Mario wear nearly identical outfits and you're brothers." Luigi stammered. "But he's red and I'm green." Ann burst out in laughter. "Well, we should be thankful that nobody got seriously injured or worse during all of this." C.C. stated looking at everyone before she asked. "Now, could I have a word with all six Power Rangers for a moment?"
~Gokai Galleon: Deck~ Ridley growled as Mario and Samus were on the offensive against the large dragon, he soon knocked them away before firing off some fireballs from his mouth that arced about. Samus looked around noting his troops were being decimated before remarking. "Looks like your friends are having their asses shot down." Ridley was getting angry now before Mario shouted. "Luigi, quick!" ~Gokai Galleon: Inside~ Luigi stood up as the S-Types were being attacked by all kinds of green Rangers before hearing the shout of his brother. Luigi rushed in screaming and punched every S-Type he came across causing them to scream while being enveloped and destroyed in rainbow fire. Luigi soon left through the same color as an S-Type looked at the remains of his comrade before being shot to death. ~Gokai Galleon: Deck~ Luigi came running out before Mario shouted. "Let's-a go!" Mario jumped into the air before landing on Luigi's shoulders, Luigi grinned before jumping high into the air and over Ridley with rainbow fire enveloping the duo. Ridley prepared another beam of fire in his mouth shouting. "Oh no you don't!" before firing the plasma at the Bros. Mario began to spin them quickly into the air before descending down like a drill and piercing through the beam like a hot knife to butter. Unfortunately neither would expect their progress to be halted as they bounced off of Ridley. Ridley grinned. "Jumping won't work on me even with the fury of the flames, for I've been enhanced by the prowess of your fellow earthlings!" Mario merely looked at Ridley before he said. "Luigi...screw it, Plan B!" The brothers focused causing the fiery aura to intensify with white lightning crackling about. The two then collided with Ridley hard enough to knock him off of the galleon and was punching and kicking him enveloped in rainbow light. The S-Types fighting Harold and the Lupinrangers saw their commander being smacked about before abandoning their fight and went after Mario and Luigi. The S-Types tried to collide with Mario and Luigi only to explode in rainbow fire while the brothers smacked Ridley about like it was a heated tennis match using their hammers. They slammed their hammers hard into Ridley's skull sending him colliding with the ground and creating a crater in the ground. Ridley began to struggle to get to his feet, his armor and cybernetics crackling with electricity. He said to himself. "That damn Earth woman said these enhancements would make me unstoppable, why am I struggling to move?" Mario and Luigi landed on the ground causing Ridley to order to any remaining S-Types. "Anyone that is left, tactical retreat...now!" Ridley sunk through the ground quickly leaving along with the remainder of his forces. ~Outside Mann Co. Robotics Factory~ Moments later Aoi and the girls gently came down with the damaged Gokai Galleon before placing it on the ground. Samus hopped off from the deck to the waiting party below as Aoi and the girls stepped out of their mechs. Mario and Luigi returned before returning to their normal forms. C.C. and Cynthia looked at the two with a smile as C.C. said. "All of you did a good job in getting the Galleon down from the sky and fighting off Ridley....especially you Mario, Luigi." The brothers nodded before Akira commented at the state of the Galleon. "Although it looks like the Galleon was hit hard." Aoi remarked. "I wouldn't worry too much, with Ridley down for the time being and licking his wounds we will have time to help get the ship back in working order so the Rangers can get to Peru...as long as there isn't some other airborne patrol." Kairi then brought up. "But what about Ridley reporting to Astral, it could send S-Types after us." only for Akira to explain to the redhead. "We don't need to worry about that either, we will be ready if that happens." C.C. nodded. "Mhm, our priority right now is the mission."
~Gokai Galleon: Deck~ Ridley was in the midst of dealing with both Mario and Samus as the latter was firing shots from her arm cannon that froze Ridley's wings into place disabling his flight. Luigi flew up behind Ridley and grabbed his tail shouting. "I got his..." only for Luigi to be flung so hard that he went right through the nearest wall and inside he Galleon itself. Mario's eyes widened as Ridley remarked. "What an idiotic child, thinking he can grab me." Mario could hear Luigi shouting. "I'm okay! The wall broke my fall." Mario jerked his head towards Ridley now very quiet as Ridley asked. "What's wrong? You giving up already." The sudden quietness made Samus look at Mario asking. "Mario?" Rainbow embers began to flicker from Mario's wrists as Mario merely said. "It's clear that you're pretty much a monster, killing a child's family in cold blood like a complete sadist...however, one thing you do not ever do...is harm my little brother." Ridley laughed before jumping high into the air and slamming onto the deck of the Galleon forcing it to descend down further asking. "And what will you do about it?" Mario rushed in and slammed his fist into Ridley's chest, rainbow fire sprouting forth that made Ridley scream loudly. Ridley stepped back asking in pain. "What kind of power is this?! No mere earthling should even be wielding this much power!" ~Gokai Galleon: Inside~ Luigi began to stand on his on two feet despite Ridley's slam causing the ship to dip and descend further down, he noticed all those inside had turned their heads towards him before one S-Type remarked. "He looks like an easy target." Luigi looked at the S-Type who spoke before his fists began to have the same rainbow fire as before and flew at it slamming his fist into its face causing the S-Type to scream in pain and stammer back. Luigi handed beside Marvelous and tipped his hat saying. "Hello, I'm here to help you and your crew, Captain." The other S-Types looked at one another unsure of what to do because of Luigi's presence. ~Lor Starcutter~ "Doesn't really matter, both teams are pretty good and both work better together." Robin mused as everyone was watching the situation play out, Star Dream then spoke up. "It seems as though Ridley is making the Galleon descend faster by slamming onto the deck." Aoi's voice soon came through the comms. "Don't worry, Star Dream. The girls and I are about to launch and try to balance the ship to help settle it down on the ground." C.C. then said. "Just be careful out there and don't drop the ship..." Kallen soon remarked. "Don't worry, we'll be fine as long as Izumi doesn't get distracted." Ryoko then added. "Geez Kallen, she'll be fine...my concern is more if the S-Types find out." Izumi laughed. "Silly Ryoko, the S-Types are too busy dealing with all the Rangers, Samus, and the twin Paisanos." Hikaru asked. "You mean Mario and Luigi?" Aoi then shouted. "We're launching!" Aoi was the first to fly out within the confines of the Black Serena before proceeding the transform into a mecha. Ryoko, Hikaru, and Izumi all launched next in their respectively colored Aestivalis machines. Finally Kallen soon launched from the hangar within the confines of her own machine, glowing pinkish-red wings streaking across the sky towards the Galleon. Aoi flew to the front and quickly pushed up underneath the Galleon with Hikaru and Izumi on one side and Ryoko and Kallen on the other. The five managed to get the Galleon straightened up and began to gently lower it to the ground. Aoi asking Kallen. "So, how's the Guren holding up for you?" Kallen quickly responded. "Well, it's not difficult to pilot, however the cockpit design is questionable. I'm basically in a biker's position with my arm in a snug position and my chest being squished against..." Hikaru remarked. "Wow, that is certainly a questionable design choice."
~Lor Starcutter~ Luigi hopped onto the back of Hermione's Dial Fighter causing his wings to stretch out telling the three Lupinrangers. "I'm coming with you, I can't let my brother fight that huge S-Type alone." The door in front of the Dial Fighters opened with Star Dream announcing. "Proceeding to open Hangar doors...stand by for launch." Once the Dial Fighters were launched, Luigi casually fell off the side of the Dial Fighter and proceeded to fly ahead of the three to get to Mario and the falling Galleon. As that was going on, C.C. was with Cynthia in the main room asking. "Star Dream, I need status report on the situation." Star Dream then explained. "As of this moment, the Gokai Galleon is under siege by a force of S-Types being led by Ridley." As the AI explained, a small hologram of the Galleon appeared along with Ridley. "Ridley however seems to have been enhanced with cybernetics based on scans. Mario is currently engaged with the creature and the Lupinrangers along with Luigi are heading to intercept." As this explanation was going on, Samus had seen the hologram of Ridley and seemingly froze, her fist tightening in sheer anger before approaching C.C. telling her. "I'm going up there..." The green haired woman looked at the blonde before placing a hand on her shoulder. "I understand, you have business with Ridley..." Samus merely nodded before summoning the familiar orange-clad Varia suit around her body and began to run to the hangar. Once there she started to seemingly jump and curl up into a somersault flying up into the air and was heading towards the Galleon as well. As she flew, she caught up to Luigi where the man in green was surprised asking. "You can fly?" Samus then explained. "My Varia Suit has a Space Jump function, now let's go kick Ridley's ass." ~Gokai Galleon~ The S-Type troopers were trying their best to stay alive as they fought within the ship, one trooper dancing and singing. "Yar-Har Fiddle Dee Dee, Being a Pirate is your right to be, you are a Pirate!" before being shot to death. ~Gokai Galleon: Deck~ Ridley was lunging his tail at Mario who bobbed and weaved his head around the pointed end of it, Mario jumped in and punched Ridley upside the head with his gloved fist. Ridley roared loudly as Luigi and Samus arrived. Mario noticed them before Luigi said. "Mario, help is on its way..." Ridley looked at Mario, then Luigi, before his eyes settled on Samus in the middle. "Hold on a minute, that armor...Chozo..." Ridley stood upright and looked closely at Samus. "You're that little girl from before...oh yes, the scream of your mother and your father were quite the song for my ears." Samus pointed her arm cannon at Ridley. "My name is Samus Aran...and you are going to die." Mario blinked asking with a confused look. "Wait, what?" Samus looked at Mario. "This ******* killed my parents in cold blood...and enjoyed it." Ridley commented. "I am an S-Type and they stood in the way." Mario asked. "Look, I know you two have personal beef with each other but...can we get back to the fight?" Ridley looked at Mario. "Of course." Samus soon unloaded a missile in Ridley's face telling Mario as he lunched back from the explosion. "Fine by me."
~Skies~ As the Gokai Galleon made it closer to the USA, a creature came flying out from an island not far from Florida with others following behind it. Leading this group was a large dragon-like creature who looked to have had mechanical enhancements as the glowing orange of his wings would show. The creature's eyes soon spotted the Gokai Galleon before flying up not far from it and opened his mouth, he began to charge up energy as he fired off a beam of plasma energy that seared through the engines causing it to start descending. With that, the creature along with his army flew to the front of the Galleon and landed on the deck. One of the insect-like troops spoke up. "Your orders, sire?" The dragon soon spoke up. "Considering this is a criminal vessel, kill all those inside...and if any of them are those Ranger or Riders, kill them and take their transformation devices as a prize." Another trooper asked. "What about anything else?" The dragon responded. "Take anything that isn't bolted down, however don't be a fool and try to go for their valuables when you're trying to fight or get yourselves killed, We may be members of Lord Astral's army but our mission is to deal with the Rebellion first." Another trooper shouted. "You heard Commander Ridley! Attack!" The various Troopers split off with some kicking down the doors to the inside as others broke in through the windows, their blasters at the ready and energy scythes active. ~Lor Starcutter/Mann Co.~ Star Dream would soon detect the falling ship before announcing through the ship and through its drones in Mann Co. "Everyone, I am detecting the Gokai Galleon heading for our location but it's falling under attack by the S-Types." ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory~ Mario stopped as he heard Star Dream make the announcement, Luigi soon running up to him as he shouted. "Mario, those people are..." Mario stopped his brother. "They're in trouble, we have to help them." Luigi pulled out his S-Type Radar before it got multiple pings in the same area not far from their location. Mario sighed bringing out his transmitter. "Despite the selfless heroism, I was wanting to spend time with Peach." Luigi put his Radar away and brought out his transmitter telling Mario. "The radar says that one of the S-Types is powerful, that's probably the one leading the charge." Mario blinked looking at his brother telling him. "Once we transform and fly to the Gokai Galleon, I'll handle the guy leading the attack. You do whatever it takes to save the people aboard." Luigi asked with concern. "Are you sure?" Mario nodded. "I know Lady Etoille said that we need to be together to execute some of what she taught us, but I can't just let people in danger die." Luigi then suggested. "How about we go about it the way you said, but have the others help out in getting the ship and the crew safely down." Mario smiled snapping a gloved finger. "Luigi, you're a genius!" Luigi gave a thumbs up as the brothers pointed their transmitters into the air and shouted. "Super Star Power, transform us!" With a flash of light, the brothers were once more in their white overalls with wings spread out. Mario soon told Luigi. "I'm heading out, tell the others." Luigi nodded as the brothers made a speedy run in different directions. Luigi stopping and telling everyone what Mario said. Mario went out the front doors before hopping, skipping, jumping, and finally lifting off into the air flying towards the Gokai Galleon as a twinkle of light. ~Gokai Galleon: Main Deck~ Ridley stood in victorious glee even though deep down he wished he was able to get inside and join his troops, but alas he was too big to fit inside. Ridley mused. "The people inside are probably scared in fear of my troops to the point of trying to plead for their sorry lives." Mario soon landed on the deck behind Ridley and asked rather casually. "Hey, are you the guy leading this band of S-Types?" Ridley turned around and responded. "Yes, why do you ask?" Mario smirked. "Easy..." Mario jumped up and slammed his feet into Ridley's head knocking him down. "Welcome to my nightmare, metal dragon." Ridley growled preparing himself for a fight. "You're lucky to have given me that blow, little boy. However that bravado will be your undoing as my troops fight these heroic Riders and Rangers aboard this vessel." with sarcasm when he said "Heroic" Mario smiled raising his fists. "You really shouldn't be putting their names down like that, now let's go!" Cybernetic-Enhanced S-Type Dragon Ridley
Reserving the following Name: Capital B Description: A member of Astral's group and the S-Types' Head Financial Backer, he is the head of the Hivory Towers Corporation and is in charge of the various businesses that support his fellow S-Type brethren and their cause against the Rebellion. Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): S-Types [New World Order] Series Character is from: Yooka-Laylee Image: Spoiler: Insert Bee-based meme here Name: Dr. Quack Description: Capital B's right-hand man with a dangerous intellect despite his oddball appearance. Despite his past being unknown when it comes to his time as an S-Type, he and his own S-Type minions support their boss willingly with Rebels in their sights despite being the workforce of Hivory Towers. Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): New World Order [S-Types] Series Character is from: Yooka-Laylee Image: Spoiler Name: Galeem Description: ? Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): S-Types [High Command] Series Character is from: Super Smash Bros. Image: Spoiler Name: Dharkon Description: ? Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): S-Types [High Command] Series Character is from: Super Smash Bros. Image: Spoiler
~Crystal Palace: Throne Room~ Astral was having a chat with Psycho Blue when Psycho Black stepped into the room an knelt down. "Lord Astral, Bagular has arrived to see you. He's wanting to know if you have the results of the investigation you started a couple of days ago." Astral looked at Psycho Black before telling him. "Let him in..." Psycho Black soon left the room before Bagular stepped in inside looking intrigued by the décor complimenting. "This is a nice palace you have here." Astral nodded. "Thank you, Bagular. When I took this place over I made specific requests that this area is to not have any sort of New World Order technology within and that it would be S-Type territory." Bagular blinked. "And they just let you do that?" Astral responded. "Of course, my brethren and I have been loyal and following the rules. Not to mention that despite being in the Capital...I am a bit of an old world kind of S-Type compared to some of the others on this planet." Bagular stroked his beard. "Very well, now about what happened to my friend..." Psycho Blue turned to face Bagular explaining. "Well, we don't have a culprit as of yet, however we have narrowed things down." Psycho Blue walked up to Bagular and handed him a folder with information in it as the S-Type explained. "The culprit went into Mann Co. alone with nobody else backing him or her up, any security monitors that were present were destroyed and any security guards that Gray would have had stationed were reduced to scrap metal, everything else strangely enough was untouched including the manufacturing line for the Metal Marios." Bagular looked at the S-Type asking. "What about his office?" Psycho Blue then explained. "The only things that looked like something happened was the bloody spot where Gray was found and the destroyed computer that he was using to speak to you, even with the blood there was no footprints and Gray was stabbed once by a wide blade of energy much bigger than say...a Lightsaber or a Beam Sword. Based on the evidence we have come to the conclusion that the culprit who would have caused it is had to be S-Type in origin if they could easily get in and out without much effort." Bagular was stunned. "Preposterous!" Psycho Blue then continued. "Not quite, not all S-Types are loyal to the New World Order. An S-Type could easily get in and do the deed without even leaving a trace. Even most Earthlings would have had trouble either getting in or out without trouble or leaving behind evidence that would mark them as the killer." Astral nodded. "He is correct and this doesn't seem to be the work of Rebels, far from it considering that only one person was killed and the building wasn't destroyed. We are working on a plan, however it is not advised that this goes public...not yet." Psycho Blue nodded. "I did tell his living relatives the news through, such a shame he was killed in his own work." Bagular put the folder away as he said. "Alright, I thank all of you for taking time to look into it. I also left those three belts you requested with one of your other friends." Bagular then left the Throne Room. ~New Mexico: Mann Co. Robotics Factory~ Meanwhile our heroes after saying their goodbyes to Bellec and his Rebels and Kairi entrusting Namine in their care to keep her safe, had flown across the globe to the abandoned Mann Co. facility just as Lady Etoille spoke of. They landed and quickly took over the building starting work on the task given to them. ~Lor Starcutter: Communications Room~ "And that's just it, that was how we came to the conclusion on how Gray was killed." C.C. explained as she was talking to Lady Etoille alone about what had happened with Gray Mann's investigation. Etoille slowly nodded. "I see...if you're saying that the place was still intact and the only things touched were the monitors, the security robots, and then Gray...there's only one person who could have done something like this." C.C. tilted her head. "And whom may that be?" Etoille looked at her. "Zamasu...he did it." The green-haired woman stood frozen in fear. "T-That can't be...can it? Isn't he supposed to be at home trying to fight you?" Etoille sternly remarked. "If it is him, then the Earth is at risk." C.C then asked. "But why would a member of the S-Types' High Command be on Earth when Astral is supposed to be in charge?" Etoille simply answered. "To make sure that the Relic is dealt with..." C.C. then regained her composure and bowed. "Of course, safe to assume Astral's bosses want it done with." Etoille nodded. "Indeed, however your friends are not ready to handle S-Types on that caliber just yet." C.C. then asked. "But shouldn't we be concerned about him?" Etoille calmly responded. "Yes and no, Zamasu is the kind of individual who despite his power would wait for the best time to come out of the shadows and strike. Now...how is the operation coming along?" C.C. then explained. "Before we left Scotland I had asked Commander Bellec for permission to have Star Dream get into the Rebels' communication network and contact the separated Rangers, most have arrived with the exception of the last one who should be coming today." Lady Etoille smiled. "Good, now turn that worry into a smile...you don't want your girlfriend sad on this day, do you?" C.C. blushed as she stood up straight. "Of course not, Lady Etoille." Etoille laughed. "Good, now go make her happy. Etoille out." ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Laboratory~ Mario stood watching as Futaba and Neru were in the middle of disassembling a Metal Mario with Mario commenting. "Gee, it looks strange to see something that looks almost like you get taken apart right before your eyes." Mario soon felt something metal atop his head with his blue eyes seeing Kallen standing beside him with her metal elbow on his hat. "Try not to think too much on it, you did say it tried to kill you when Star Dream sent them after you guys." Mario sighed. "Yeah, it's weird to know that the New World Order can basically create robots that look like yourself." Futaba looked over after removing the nose from the Metal Mario telling Mario. "Yeah, your brother told us to remind you that today is the fourteenth." Mario tilted his head. "Okay?" Kallen then responded bluntly. "Yeah, Peach wants to spend some time with you." Mario gasped before turning and running off causing Kallen to fall to the floor with a loud *thud!* scrambling to find Peach. ~Human Providence, China: Rebel Base~ Jumpman slowly walked over to Fujiko who was busy training and keeping herself in fighting shape when Jumpman slowly tapped her shoulder. Fujiko turned around to face her husband asking. "Yes, dear?" Jumpman pulled out some chocolates he had in his pocket telling Fujiko. "They were giving these out for free and I know it isn't much but...I love you from the bottom of my heart. Happy Valentine's Day Mrs. Jumpman." Fujiko's eyes widened immensely at the chocolate before kissing her husband telling him. "Thank you, but you didn't have to do this for me..." Jumpman smiled. "Well, I felt like despite our situation...you still need love in your heart to be shown to that special someone."
~Lor Starcutter~ "Yes..." Lady Etoille started closing her eyes in thought. "The Great Power was conceived as one of various backup options devised in the event that something were to happen to Zordon. In this case the Great Power was divided up into two portions...a small portion of the energy was crafted into seven Power Coins that would bestow the power of the Ninja to its user, the larger portion of the energy was sealed away deep within the jungles of South America with knowledge of this given to someone who Zordon entrusted. The power is based upon the spiritual animals that are inside the seven of you." As Lady Etoille spoke up, Cynthia was quickly on her phone looking up an image before she asked. "Did you place it in Peru by any chance, Lady Etoille?" Etoille looked at the blonde woman before asking. "Yes, but how could you be aware of something like that?" C.C. sheepishly blinked. "Well, Cynthia has a knack for looking deep into myths and legends. It was how she and I found the Hidden Palace in Scotland and we've also been to Peru in order to look into the unknown as well." Cynthia nodded. "Mhm, I took an image of an old design..." She then showed Etoille a design that resembled an Ape, Bear, Wolf, Frog, Crane, Falcon, and Chinese Dragon etched into a tablet. Etoille nodded. "Yes, it certainly matches the symbol related to the Great Power." C.C. then asked. "So, what do you want us to do then?" Etoille responded. "Cecilia, I need you and your friends to get to New Mexico to a place called Mann Co. Once there I will need your group to do a few things for me." "And what are those things?" C.C. asked calmly before Etoille explained. "The first is to gather Kimberly's team together, most are in North America. Once you do that they will need to head to South America without you and your team. The second task I need you and your team to do is to investigate the death of the man that ran the company." Aoi spoke up in response asking. "Gray Mann is dead? But he was a member of the New World Order...if he were to die it would have either been due to natural causes like old age or the Rebellion would have struck him down." Etoille looked at Aoi. "Yes, based on what I have seen would have been the case...only it seemed to be that the one who killed him worked alone with the only signs of an incident being Gray's body and the destroyed security cameras. Nothing else was touched." Zone-Tan soon spoke up rolling her eyes. "Sounds like to me this has S-Types written all over it." C.C. looked at the purple-haired girl before looking at Etoille asking. "We will make sure to do that, but is there anything else you need?" Etoille nodded. "Yes, considering the situation on the planet, I will need you to start training these people in regards to the 64 techniques of Star Road. I, myself will be training the Mario Bros. in regards to their new powers...for we will have a battle ahead in which neither the Rebellion nor the New World Order will decide the outcome...but rather all of you and the Harbingers. For now rest well...for we will start our training tomorrow." Star Dream soon spoke up asking. "Lady Etoille, would you wish for me to start preparing the Lor for our inhabitants?" Etoille looked down at Star Dream. "Yes, prepare the bedrooms and such for our occupants." Star Dream responded. "I shall get to work on that immediately...Lor Starcutter should be fully ready by the morning." Etoille walked up to Rosalina and started to undo the patch covering her eye before seeing a merely rainbow-colored eye much like her own along with her light-blue eye responding. "Alright...proceed to do so." She looked at Rosalina before she said. "I have to go now, Mother will be watching over you..." Etoille's hologram soon vanished from sight as Star Dream rose up from the floor. Mario stood up from his seat and started to speak up. "Listen to what I have to say, after today I finally start to understand there is more to this than just what you or your neighbor has to deal with, when the Purge happened our world came to a screeching halt as our enemies decided to redefine what Justice meant for their own twisted ambition...however, fate lies not on the ground we stand on...but the stars above our heads..." As Mario was speaking a heroically passionate speech Luigi sighed thinking. "There goes my brother into one of his speeches again..." Mario continued. "The tongue that we speak or our social standing no longer matters when you are destined to battle against enemies that have existed for generations, the passion and heat within our hearts will burn through the shrouding black darkness that plagues the universe and bring forth a revolution..." C.C. then stopped Mario remarking. "That is nice, but I think all of us should try to get some sleep...we got a lot to do tomorrow and Star Dream will need to work on the Lor. So for now...just chill and wait until tomorrow, okay Mario?" Mario nodded as everyone started to leave the room. "Alright?"
~Lor Starcutter: Communications~ Lady Etoille looked at Rosalina with her rainbow eyes before asking her. "Rosalina, could you come down here and join myself and Cecilia?" Rosalina nodded and began to jump to the main floor. "Of course, Mother." Looking at both Rosalina and Etoille, one could note of their similar builds and hairstyles. As Etoille walked over to Rosalina, C.C. spoke up. "With all due respect, we're in the middle of a war between the Rebellion and the New World Order with the S-Types under Astral involved." Lady Etoille had stopped in front of Rosalina before facing the green-haired woman and responded. "I am well aware of the situation thanks in part to speaking with Mario and Luigi, however both sides are one in the same coin....much like how our new Harbinger is two people." "That's a bold claim coming from someone who's in another place..." Ryuji remarked in regards to the first comment only for Lady Etoille to look at everyone explaining. "Yes, you want equality and your old lives back, they want equality because they believe the old ways were flawed. However the methods you achieve those goals are different from those of your enemies." this led to silence as people were in thought before Kairi spoke up with a smile. "We've made it this far because of our bonds with each other, bonds between hearts that even time cannot break while our enemies use force, fear, and absolute control to keep it all in line for their equality." Mario merely blinked. "I thought it was because we're the good guys and they're the bad guys who rule the world we have to take back." Aoi sighed. "Mario, that's the simple version of it. Kairi's point is more spot on." Kai raised a fist shouting. "Go, Kairi!" Lady Etoille soon spotted Kimberly in the crowd before asking C.C. "Is that..." C.C. nodded. "Yes, Lady Etoille. That is Kimberly...one of Zordon's warriors prior to the Purge that occurred on this planet. Most of Zordon's Ranger and Rider warriors have scrambled after he was captured and now all are deemed criminals to the point of where using their powers in public would call forth the New World Order squads on them due to the presence of cameras and monitors plus the Ranger and Rider technology being reverse-engineered by those on this planet. As of now we have made little movement on our end of things." Lady Etoille nodded. "I see, it is a shame for what happened to Zordon...but for now her team may need to seek out...The Great Power." ~Lor Starcutter~ As they were talking in Communications, the door leading to the outside opened up and a hologram screen pinged up near Bellec with the following message. "I have heard your request and will proceed to do so once you and your friend return. Also due to needing to keep quiet during the call I will be speaking through the various screens for the due moment, Commander. ~Star Dream"
~Lor Starcutter~ Luigi was merely looking at his brother who was talking with Peach alone before sweatdropping and remarking to himself. "Mario, somehow I think you end up with the strangest luck." Before Luigi could even go further with his thought, Star Dream chimed in. "Secure connection to Star Road has been established, all aboard please proceed to Communications by following the lighted path on the floor. Also a friendly and warm welcome to both Princess Anna and Queen Elsa aboard the ship." blue colored paths began to light up throughout the ship that would led everyone outside a pair of doors before entering inside. The room ahead was rather large and rounded with auditorium-styled seating that took up a part of the area, in front of them was a large winged cylinder with an etching of a broken heart on the front that slightly floated above the ground. This led to the brunette Meiko asking with a slurred tone. "What is that thing?" Star Dream responded. "That thing in front of you is me...or rather my physical body what with having an AI brain and all that. Please take a seat, all of you." As they started to their seats Hikaru remarked. "Kind of an odd design for a computer." Once everyone was seated, The floor under Star Dream opened up with a hologram screen appearing in front of it that had a swirling loading icon on it. Star Dream sunk into the open slot on the floor as seven chairs made of crystal sprouted up from the ground. The walls in the room becoming a gradient blue with stars dotted about and the ceiling changing to a milky white. A hologram began to materialize in the middle of the floor away from Star Dream, its form becoming clear as Lady Etoille appeared. Mario and Luigi gasped as C.C. quickly stood up and got on one knee in front of her. "Lady Etoille, we didn't expect you to call." Rosalina was still before she muttered. "Mom?". Lady Etoille first looked at C.C. before telling her. "Cecilia, I know you are loyal to me, but you don't need to bow before me...I don't ask that of you." C.C. jolted back up with a blush. "Lady Etoille, please..." Bowser then spoke up. "Hold on a moment, why were none of us informed about her?" Makoto blinked. "Now that I think about it, this is the first we've seen or heard of her." C.C. sighed and looked at everyone before Lady Etoille spoke up curiously. "Oh? She didn't inform you?" Morgana soon joined C.C. "We're sorry, but we were trying to protect you from possible enemies that could be a threat to you on this planet." Lady Etoille sighed. "Well, considering Star Dream called me...let me introduce myself. I am Lady Etoille of Star Road, I am speaking to all of you from a dimension different from your own, but we share common ground." Etoille then waved at Rosalina. "Hello my precious one, Mother sees you sitting next to Luigi." Luigi blushed before Mario mentioned. "Hello Lady Etoille, we're all here." Lady Etoille nodded. "Indeed, considering that you found this ship, the situation with not only Astral's S-Types, but this New World Order has required the Lor's usage."
~Crystal Palace: Private Quarters~ Astral, E. Tempura Wizard, and Inferno Obitus had all moved to a secluded room within the palace away from other S-Types before sitting in their seats. E. Tempura Wizard asking. "So, what has you concerned in regards to this Goku Black that showed up here, Lord Astral." Astral looked at the food-based mage before telling him. "He was sent here directly by High Command." E. Tempura Wizard blinked. "High Command?" Astral nodded. "Yes, High Command...they're a group of extremely powerful S-Types that have been leading us ever since the Dark Lord was sealed away by that woman, they're the ones who sent our species after the Relic when she sent it away...and they're above my authority as the S-Type Commander on Earth. Lord Zamasu is one of those S-Types." Inferno Obitus looked at his superior before Astral continued. "If Lord Zamasu is on this planet right now, then High Command is waiting for the Relic to be destroyed to undo the seal...however...I cannot allow this." Inferno Obitus then spoke up. "Lord Astral, if I may speak up...why would you not want this to happen?" Astral looked at the larger S-Type before it said. "Because, unlike us who have had time to adjust and finally become citizens of this planet...High Command doesn't care about anything other than the S-Types and would wipe every other being clean off. Despite being an S-Type myself...I owe my life to my friend and his vision of the perfect world...and getting High Command involved would make it seem we are not appreciative of the gift we have strived to achieve and betray our Earthling brethren." The other two high-ranking S-Types were in deep thought before E. Tempura Wizard suggested. "Couldn't we just kill Lord Zamasu?" Astral looked at the S-Type before it said. "No, if we did that then High Command would see all S-Types on this planet as traitors and kill us along with the Earthlings, so I refuse to drag all of you down because of my actions....however...there may be another solution to our dilemma...one that wouldn't even require action from our end..."
~Crystal Palace: Throne Room~ As the various S-Types were busy at work, a human-looking man with spiky black hair, black eyes, and a dark colored gi with a red belt and white boots stepped into the throne room and bowed before Astral speaking in a calm manner. "Greetings, Lord Astral...I am humbly here to serve you for the glory of the S-Types." Astral looked at the being in front of it and the golden earring with green orb on his left ear before asking. "I apologize, but...who exactly are you?" The man looked up with a smile. "I understand the confusion, but you may refer to me as Black." Inferno Obitus responded. "But we have an S-Type named Psycho Black in our ranks." The man looked at the S-Type beside Astral and told him. "Then you can call me, Goku Black. I came here on request of Lord Zamasu." Astral's eye twitched at the name before it said. "Okay, there is plenty of room here...just go and meet with your fellow brethren." Goku Black nodded before stepping away, once he was away Astral whispered to Inferno Obitus and E. Tempura Wizard. "We have a issue on our hands, gentlemen..." ~Moon Palace~ Psycho Blue arrived at the Moon Palace before walking up to Zordon and announced to all those within the palace. "Lord Astral had sent me here to inform all of you that Zordon's days as Harbinger are over...for Lord Astral has seen the next Harbinger with its own eye."
~Lor Starcutter: Main Room~ Mario sweatdropped at not only Jack but also at C.C. seemingly going into information overload. "Yeah, it'd probably be for the best...considering I understood none of what she said" Mario then looked at the computer and asked. "Star Dream, can you get a location of that guy and his snowman friend for Mr. Bellec?" A blinking dot appeared on the map of the Lor on the computer screen as Star Dream explained. "Both Saphir and Olaf are in a room not far from Communications, just follow the red line on the floor and you will get to them, Commander Bellec." A glowing red line soon appeared on the floor in front of Bellec that led out of the main room. Aoi crossed his arms simply stating. "Well, now that we have the ship. Things will be easier on all of us." He looked at Kai and smiled. "Isn't that right, Sis?" Kai smiled with a sigh. "Yeah, bro...the day has been crazy enough already." C.C. walked up to Harold and extended her hand out to him. "Hello there, you must be the Rider that Mario was talking about. My name is C.C. and I thank you for helping them out." The green-haired woman was getting some stares as she asked. "What? Why are you all looking at me?" Futaba merely smirked. "Star Dream made a data replica of you and used it against Mario." C.C. was flabbergasted with Cynthia and Robin bursting in laughter with Ryuji mentioning. "Yeah, you had some kind of caped attire on." Zone-Tan looked at Ryuji with a mischievious grin. "You think that's something, you should..." C.C. quickly placed a hand on the S-Type's mouth. "Nope, don't say it...we have children in the room." This led to more laughter from the whole room as Mario and Peach quietly walked off to the side. ~Hoshido, Japan: Crystal Palace~ Meanwhile not far from the Capital was a large palace that the S-Types had taken over with the presence of crystalline textures on the walls and crystals jutting out of the main structure, snow gently drifted down from the gray sky as Astral entered the castle and went down the dark corridor. Unlike with Buckingham Palace, there was very little technology present and instead was more ornate. ~Crystal Palace: Throne Room~ Astral soon entered a large rounded room to the cheers and applause of all S-Types who were present and had gathered together. Inferno Obitus and E. Tempura Wizard stood at the sides of a throne resembling a crystalized purple tulip and parted to let their Superior sit down. Astral soon spoke up. "It is great to see all of our brethren together in the midst of our home. When we took over this place we made this Palace our sanctuary, even with some of us in the midst of ruling our respective areas...we do not need to worry anymore about our race." Psycho Blue stepped forward. "Lord Astral, may I present something?" Astral nodded before Psycho Blue started to explain. "Well, remember when we were at the former Honnouiji Academy and how you wanted a way to control the rebellious S-Types? I believe I have come up with a solution." Psycho Blue pressed a few buttons on his helmet and wrist before bringing forth a hologram of what appeared to be a white business suit with a red bowtie. "I present to you...Covers-S. This special S-Type is in preliminary design, but the idea is that it would be unable to be detected by S-Type Radar software due to lacking a core...instead they are built out of the remains of our fallen. In addition they have the ability to take any living being and trap them inside acting as their battery, their minds enslaved to our will." Astral's eye raised. "Hang on...did you say any living being?" Psycho Blue nodded. "Yes, Lord Astral. They can be S-Types, Humans, just anything as long as it is sentient and has a brain. I thought that with the recent incidents and the Rebellion growing that we needed to stop the weed at the root that it was needed." Astral stared at Psycho Blue before stating. "Look, I understand what you're trying to do, however I don't like the idea from an ethnical standpoint." Psycho Blue was confused. "Ethnical, Lord Astral?" Astral stood up and walked over to the Ranger. "Yes, take this as an example. A common man is walking down the street minding his own business, he is law-abiding and has not broken any rules nor is trying to take down the government. You deploy one of those Covers and it ensnares him without consideration that he is obeying the rules and isn't an enemy of the New World Order and it wouldn't end up well for us" Psycho Blue stood straight up. "But Lord Astral, not to alarm you, but considering the various actions going on including a anti-government video being taken down by the censors, it may be advised to come up with a way to silence everyone and end the Rebellion before it gets out of hand." Astral stepped back. "I am well aware, however there is a much bigger issue at hand. I want you to head up to the Bandora Palace on the Moon and inform those up there that Zordon's time has come to an end...for I've seen the next Harbingers myself." Psycho Blue nodded disengaging the hologram and left through the floor.
So I just wanted to say that once the current day is over, I am going to be taking a bit of a hiatus to get some stuff done...so don't worry if I suddenly stop posting for a bit.
~Scotland: Coast~ As the girls got off of the motorboats, Mario came flying off of the top deck of the Lor and landed near everyone before tipping his hat to Bellec. "Well Mr. Bellec, I found that ship we had all went to find...had to do some trials by the ship's AI to get it." C.C. turned to face Mario before looking at the ship, somehow she smiled fondly before looking at Mario. "That's great, but...what about the guy you were saying was with the New World Order?" Mario looked at the woman before he explained. "Well, we were in the middle of the trials when the AI noted that there was tracking devices on the two royal sisters." C.C. asked. "You mean the two that escaped from Arendelle with that Rider and the Ranger?" Mario nodded. "Yup, after that Astral started to enter the grounds and Star Dream brought the guy and his snowman friend to a mural room that was shortly ahead of where we all were, we only found out who the Rider, the Ranger, and the guy were through a combination of Star Dream and Astral...although Astral tricked us into revealing we had the Arendelle sisters." C.C. sighed. "Okay, then what happened?" Mario continued. "Then Harold who was revealed to be the Rider I spoke of managed to convince Astral to spare us although in order for the others to live, we had to reveal our trump card to it...it then said that it didn't see us and we didn't see it and we all went on our way. The mural showed we were destined to fight it anyway." C.C. slowly nodded. "I see, it would make sense then considering I am aware of the Lor's origin. Although the girls and I haven't been fully well since Astral killed both Sammy and Amy in front of us." Mario gasped in shock. "Mama-Mia!" The green haired woman placed a hand on Mario's capped head. "Don't worry about us, what's more important right now is that we all board the Lor and interrogate the man you all found. If Astral is aware of the situation going on down in Arendelle, then it may have already began to inform high-ranking officials and we'll soon have fire on our asses." Mario rubbed his chin before he said. "Well, everyone else including the man and his snowman are all aboard the Lor right now, you and Mr. Bellec and the rest can come aboard the Lor." The door on the side of the ship opened up before Mario ran back inside followed by C.C. and the girls. ~Lor Starcutter~ Mario stepped in before seeing everyone else followed by C.C. and her group. Dawn was in awe at the sight of the interior remarking. "Wow, just look at the place..." C.C. smiled before she explained. "This is a vessel from Star Road itself, the interior is rather spacious and is piloted mainly by an AI that also doubles as a component for a clockwork star." The short-haired and drunken Meiko asked. "A clockwork...what?" C.C. sighed. "A clockwork star...also known as a Galactic Nova or simply a Nova for short." Star Dream responded. "Indeed, she is correct." Kallen's eyebrow raised up as she pointed a metal finger at the nearby computer asking. "Wait, who the hell are you?" Star Dream chuckled. "I am Star Dream, the AI aboard the Lor Starcutter Ms. Kallen. I have scanned you all and those outside and recorded it into my databanks. Based on the current situation I have decided that once our Rebel allies outside come aboard, that I will be locking down the ship to prevent our New World Order friend from escaping interrogation, once that is done we can proceed with her call through communications."
~Hidden Palace Zone: Inner Sanctum~ Astral was looking at Mario and Luigi as it was contenplating on what Harold said. Sure, the whole lot before it were criminals towards the S-Types, the New World Order, and their perfect world, but it also served as a sort of reminder to it personally. Astral's body slowly shifted back to the regular winged cloak as it asked. "Considering we both have seen the murals, we are both aware of the destined conflict that will ensue. But the last image has me thinking...if that is who I think it is...then even the New World Order will not survive the Dark Lord's wrath. However that is just a theory, but if you two really are the ones destined in legend...then you two should be able to transform." Mario and Luigi's eyes opened wide as Astral continued. "I will consider sparing your lives if you two are able to transform right in front of me this instant." Mario and Luigi looked at one another with Luigi whispering. "Mario, what do we do...Astral's called us out. Do we really go ahead with it?" Mario looked at Luigi and then at the state of everyone else before looking at Luigi. "Well, we've been through a whole series of trials and not everyone is at 100% of their strength. Even if you and I were to try to fight Astral here and now, our odds wouldn't be high of surviving...the people and their wellbeing are more important than the two of us trying to fight." Luigi nodded. "Guess that means we're going through with it then?" Mario nodded. "For their sake." The brothers stepped forward and brought out their red and green transmitters, their fingers on the trigger as they pointed them into the air shouting "Super Star Power, Transform us!" The two would soon be enveloped with a large beam of rainbow energy that erupted up from the ground. Astral stood there watching before it could make out pearl white overalls and hats, pairs of white wings, red and green shirts and glowing blue eyes as the rainbow light vanished. Mario stepped forward once more. "Well, is this proof enough for you?" Astral looked at Mario before it said. "Yes, that is proof enough." The S-Type stepped away. "I will honor my word, however...I want the two of you to stay alive and get yourselves ready for the next time we meet. Once we meet again...I won't spare your lives, so do not squander my act of kindness." Astral looked at the others. "As for the rest of you, you are still my enemies...but I see you more than some petty criminals that can easily be dealt with, it'd be boring if the New World Order killed you lot as well. For now...I didn't see you and you didn't see me." Star Dream spoke up as a door opened up on the side of the Lor Starcutter. "I guess we will be making our leave then, everyone come aboard." Everyone started to quickly board before Mario looked at Astral. "Seems like you're more than just a regular S-Type." Astral looked at Mario. "When you two are ready to face me in a fair fight, meet me at my personal residence in Hoshido. It's not far from our home of the Capital." Mario nodded before heading inside and the door closed. The blue ship came to life and flew up through a route in the ceiling of the Inner Sanctum. Astral quietly watched the ship leave before sinking through the ground. ~Lor Starcutter: Main Deck~ As the Lor launched into the air, the group would find themselves in a large room with a reflective white floor and a large, futuristic computer terminal in front of them. The screen looked to be in a foreign language with a display of the whole ship before the words on screen changed to English as Star Dream spoke up. "Hello Harbingers and friends, this is the Main Deck of the Lor." Ryuji then asked. "Yeah, who is exactly drving the ship? I don't see a wheel here." Star Dream merely chuckled. "I am currently piloting the ship, although there is a manual option up on another deck." Mario then asked. "Also, can you not call us Harbingers? That kind of displays arrogance..." Star Dream responded. "Alright, although now that you are onboard, a certain someone will want to speak with you all. She wil be happy to know you are okay." Luigi raised a finger. "Okay, but before we do that...can you locate C.C. and the others so we can pick them up. We need to inform Mr. Bellec about our success." The screen changed to one of the local area before quickly pinpointing C.C.'s location, Star Dream speaking up. "Activating the cloaking field...and flying over now. Now...just sit back and relax, we will be there shortly." ~Scotland: Coast~ C.C., Cynthia, and the rest were quietly sitting within one of the motorboats, since the incident at the Tower of Mastery none of them had really bothered to speak up much. C.C. was cuddling up against Cynthia before Kallen finally broke the silence. "Hey, can I say something?" Everyone looked at Kallen before Dawn asked. "What is it?" Kallen sighed and slumped over. "I feel like we could have done something to save Sammy and Amy, that monster just snuffed out their lives right before our eyes and we couldn't do a damn thing about it." C.C. turned her head towards Kallen. "Kallen, everyone is worked up just as much as you are, but take a moment to think about it...Astral was only after Mario and Luigi. Sure they're not going to like how Astral went after us first...but Sammy made the sacrifice so we wouldn't have to make the hard choice in the end." Cynthia nodded. "Indeed, while their lives may have been lost too soon...we're still alive and we need to fight to honor their memory and reclaim our future." Pyrrha turned her head before seeing something invisible fly up beside them and decloak revealling the Lor. "Guys, there's an unknown ship beside us." Everyone looked at the revealed Lor Starcutter before Mario and the others appeared on the outer deck, the brothers in their regular forms with Mario waving. "Hey girls, we're back!" C.C. smiled perking up. "Well, it seems like you were right all along. Nice ship you found." Luigi gave a thumbs up. "Thanks, the computer inside knows you. You guys holding up well?" Kai looked at Luigi stating. "Well, other than morale is a bit down among the girls and C.C and her friends fighting Astral...I can say we're well." Aoi nodded. "Well, at least you all are alive. We're done at the Hidden Palace although we need one of you to tell Mr. Bellec that we have a little snag in our plan." Dawn got up off her seat to go inform Bellec of the news as C.C. asked. "A little snag?" Aoi nodded. "Yeah, see we kind of got some extra passengers onboard and one of them is a NWO member." C.C's eyes shot open before Mario explained. "He was in a room ahead of us and even Astral was disappointed when it found out he was there. We figured that Mr. Bellec should decide on what to do with him since he is above us." C.C. sighed. "Look, we're almost to the shores of Scotland since there are other Rebels waiting there. All of you get back inside the ship and when we arrive, we'll get all of this straightened out." Everyone started inside before Mario mentioned to C.C. "We will see you there." Star Dream once again activated the cloaking on the Lor as it flew towards the shore. ~New Mexico: Mann Co. Robotics Factory~ Meanwhile across in the USA sat a large metallic facility that was hard at work at producing the chrome Metal Mario machines. The sign out front labeled as "Mann Co. Robotics Factory: A Division of the Government." Inside the main office, an elderly man in a gray suit had entered the room and quietly sat down at his desk. He turned towards his computer and pressed a few buttons before making a video call. Another elderly man with a beard appeared on the screen as the man who called fondly said. "Bagular, hello there." Bagular smiled. "Hello Gray, how are the folks?" Gray smirked. "Well, my daughter is doing fine...and my dimwitted brothers are still dead. How about yourself, how are things in the Capital?" Bagular spoke up. "Not much really going on as of late, I was just finishing up the blueprints for the Metal Mario MKII units to send to you. Also Colress has been busy doing some research on some dragon pokemon that got split into three." As he two old men were talking, the doors to the room burst open as a figure in a brown cloak stepped in. Gray looked at the figure before telling Bagular. "Hold on, someone is in my office." Gray looked at the figure before he warned. "I don't know who you are, but this area is government property of the New World Order." The figure looked at Gray before bringing forth a blade of purple energy in his left hand. "New World Order, huh?" Gray stumbled back looking frightened. "You're a member of the Rebellion! Get out or I will call my security on you!" The figure slowly walked forward. "I believe you are mistaken, I'm not a member of the so-called Rebellion either...that is beneath me and my race." Gray crawled backwards asking. "If you're not one of us nor one of them...then what are you?" The figure raised his right hand and fired an orb of energy instantly destroying the computer and cutting Bagular off, he also fired at any security cameras in the room before stabbing Gray in the stomach with the energy blade. "Since your time is at an end, I will answer you before you go to the great beyond. I serve under the Dark Lord himself..." Gray looked at the figure as he was bleeding out. "D-Dark Lord?" The figure stood over Gray, a smile being seen under the hood against green skin. "Yes, the same one sealed away by the original Harbinger herself..." Gray soon collapsed into his own blood before taking his last breath. The figure looked at Gray's body as he disengaged the energy blade and sunk into the ground quickly leaving.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~ The Rider skidded across the floor due to the combined efforts of both the brothers and Harold before collapsing and vanishing, the diamond that had made it exploding and another star on the door glowing. Seeing this made Luigi mention. "Only one more left, we can do this..." Luigi however spoke too soon as both him and Harold were covered in the same aura from before and moved over to the other side of the room with the rest of the group, Luigi trying his best to free himself to get back to Mario as Star Dream said. "In the end, you may be alone on your own...separated from family and friends. However, do not fear..." Luigi and Harold were gently placed alongside the others before Luigi shouted. "Mario! Everything's riding on you!" Mario merely stood there as he disengaged his transformation, his blue eyes focused on his brother and his friends as they stood on the other side of the room with a bit of anxiety. The Holo Defense API apparatus rotated to the last crystal it had, this colored green. It opened up and began to create a figure clad in a strange regal caped garb with a black helmet that had a round blue circle on the front covering their head. Mario looked at the figure unsure of what to make of it. "Now what am I looking at?" Mario brought out his hammer and rushed in swinging only for the figure to gracefully dodge the attack, Mario's eyes shot open as the figure grabbed him by his head and slammed him to the floor. Mario quickly shot back onto his feet and swung his hammer again only to have it collide with the figure's head sending them flying to the side. The figure skidded across the floor before catching themselves and stood up, the helmet cracking as they started to speak up. "In the name of Lady Etoille, you must be dealt with...." The helmet soon shattered and fell to the ground, green hair exposed and golden eyes staring at Mario. Mario gasped. "No way..." Mario stood face to face against the familiar woman as Aoi remarked. "I was aware that she came from Star Road, but I don't remember her wearing that garb." Morgana then looked at Aoi. "That garb is actually a traditional garb worn by those who serve Lady Etoille directly." Rosalina nodded. "Although the design may look a tad goofy to you guys native to this planet." Memoires of Star Road C.C. [Data] Mario knew he would have to act and think on his feet as C.C. formed a bow made of ice in her hands and started firing Ice Arrows at the chubby male. Mario quickly rolled and hopped about noting that she was relentless with her shots before an Arrow struck one of Mario's legs encasing it in a block of ice. Mario looked at his leg. "Oh great, there goes my jumping..." C.C. rushed forward seemingly darting about in a flash before trying to kick Mario upside the head only for Mario to halt the leg with one hand grinning. "Well, looks like this will be interesting..." C.C. quickly flipped off of Mario's hand and landed away from him. "Despite your leg being frozen, you can still hold your own..." The green haired woman switched from a bow of ice to a bow of fire before firing arrows of fire at Mario. Mario started to hit the arrows with his hammer starting to deflect them, C.C. chuckled before raising her hand out and focused causing all the deflected arrows to stop in midair. Mario looked at the frozen arrows asking. "Is this one of those magic Force things?" C.C. moved her fingers causing the arrows to turn around pointing at Mario. "And now, time resumes..." The arrows soon flew at Mario's position causing a massive explosion. "Checkmate, I win..." C.C. stood there before a shadow came flying over her head and slammed into her remarking. "I don't understand Chess." Mario stood on top of the woman clad in his red overalls rubbing his nose, C.C. remarked. "You cheeky little bas-" Mario then slapped her shouting. "Shut your mouth! There's children in the room." Ram shouted. "Mario, we hear it from Blanc all the time though." Mario was Force-pushed off of the woman and landed on his feet seemingly fine as he shook the leg that had been frozen. Mario and C.C. had a little clash before Mario transformed into his golden evolved form and started to jog and dance in place. C.C. wasn't amused as she brought forth a bow made of light. "Now you're just mocking me..." Mario chuckled before she fired the Light Arrows at him. Mario fired his own golden fireballs in an attempt to counter only for C.C. to bring out her familiar Lightsaber and quickly sliced through them as though they were child's play to her with a flick of silver light with golden explosions all over. Mario appeared behind C.C. with his hammer at the ready and slammed it with enough force to knock her to the floor groaning in pain. Mario slowly walked up to her as she turned over and told him. "Go ahead...give me an honorable death like the warrior I am." Mario disengaged his transformation. "Sorry, I cannot honor that request..." C.C. looked at him. "What?" Mario smiled. "Listen, you'll eventually meet a beautiful blonde woman on a blue planet. When you meet her...your life will change." The green haired woman looked at him before she vanished and the last diamond shattered, the final star glowing as a bridge was made for Mario to meet up with the others. The door before them opening up to blackness as the group started inside. ~Hidden Palace Zone: Inner Sanctum~ The group would enter a dark room after dealing with the Holo-Defense API system, the floor lit with ambient runic lights on the floor reflecting off of the surface of what appeared to be a flying boat with a shiny, light-blue finish. The ship seemed to be oddly shaped as it had oars, a sail, and backside wings. The ship soon came alive and floated off of the ground as Star Dream remarked. "Excellent, you all have proven beyond your capabilities to best my trials. I extend my thanks and now reward you all with the Lor Starcutter in front of you." "Thank you, although I didn't expect you to make a hologram of C.C. of all people." Mario remarked before Star Dream remarked. "So that's what you all call her, I know her by a different name." Luigi then butted in. "She prefers C.C. thanks." Star Dream said. "Duly noted...huh? My drones have come into contact with...oh no..." Mario and company would soon hear Astral speak up. "So this is where you all have fled to." Everyone turned their heads to see Astral standing right behind them in the entrance of the room, it's body already shifting to battle made as it said. "For months since the Purge, I've been busy dealing with the little rebellion pests that still scatter about like cockroaches. However...you lot are something else entirely." Astral began to observe the new people remarking to Hermione, Yuuki, and Nico. "My friend reported about the lot of thieves breaking into his business, it looks like I won't have to have any mercy on you considering you side with those two." Astral looked at Harold and Kimberly saying to the latter. "Ahh yes, the Pink Power Ranger. It has been a while since we last met in the Capital...your team was no match for me. Same with your little friend standing beside you." Astral looked at Saphir and Olaf. "Saphir, poor Saphir...I'm disappointed in you. A proud supporter of the New World Order and I catch you here along with the snowman from Arendelle. Your brother won't approve of this. Although it does raise a question on where you lot have hidden the royal siblings." Rom then looked at Astral asking. "Wait, how did you know they were here?"" Astral looked at the little girl. "Because you just said they were, little girl!" Astral then finally looked at Mario and Luigi. "...and you two, I cannot believe you survived full on contact with the Relic. But it seems like the murals foretold that." "Well, what can I say? We're lucky I guess." Mario joked, his face trying to laugh despite the deadly situation they were all in. Astral merely responded. "Well your luck is about to end here...Mario..."
~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~ "No, that's not it..." Rosalina responded to Hermione as she looked at the gold and silver Rider. "Star Dream scanned everyone when we first came in, thus it had data to create not just Chaos, but Shadow Mario as well." Aoi nodded. "Yes...and Shadow Mario died, so where's this Rider's data coming from?" Morgana then answered cheekily. "Easy, the data is from those still present...I mean look at the Red and Blue Rider." Nepgear then rubbed her head in confusion. "But he just used a pair of bottles and that other guy was using a pair of Lockseeds, how does that even make sense?" Makoto quickly answered. "Because it is using Mario and Luigi's combat data...the gold and silver apples, and since Star Dream is the one presiding over the trial...it made the data." Peach finally added. "In order to attempt to fool them by fighting an opponent they had never fought before...by my guess." Mario and Luigi turned their heads seeing Harold transform before Mario's eyes widened. "Did Star Dream just take that Rider's form and merged it with our power?" Luigi turned back to face the data Rider. "Mario, we can focus on that later. We need to take this guy out!" The Rider sprung forth jumping high into the air over the trio before Luigi jumped at the Rider managing to make it up to him and started to clash with fists and feet as they descended down. Mario pulled out his hammer and jumped after them managing to get behind the Rider and slam his hammer full force into his back sending him and Luigi to the ground. Mario helped Luigi back on his feet before the Rider began to fire off gold and silver fireballs at the duo that pushed them back as they used their hammers to forcibly deflect its shots through the arena. Mario shouted. "Luigi, stop! You'll end up hurting the others if we just deflect wildly." Luigi then looked at his brother before asking. "Well, what do we do then? This guy uses Rider powers and our own powers." Mario smirked. "I think I know how..." and began to whisper Luigi a plan. Luigi smiled and quickly ran and jumped over the Rider firing silver fireballs at it, the Rider responded by pulling out a weapon that was a mixture of a drill and a sword easily reflecting the attacks. Mario meanwhile had ran in front of Harold and whispered. "Follow my lead." Mario looked at the Rider and shouted. "Hey Faker!" The Rider turned to face Mario before Mario mockingly said. "I bet you can't hit me with one of those fancy kicks of yours." The Rider looked at Mario before charging up with gold and silver flames and ran at him jumping and spiraling forward into a vortex of gold and silver. Mario chuckled before jumping into the air shouting. "Luigi, now!" Luigi jumped in the air as the Rider was moving towards Harold, the brothers grabbed one another and quickly spun with Luigi being shot towards Harold. Luigi stood up and firmly stopped the spinning vortex with his hands using all of his determination to keep himself from being moved. Mario landed on the back of the Rider before grabbing its arms in a hold, his eyes on Harold as he shouted. "Now, finish this faker off before his attacks end up hurting the others." Mario and Luigi were working together to seemingly restrain the Rider in place, although the Rider was trying to fight back against the combined effort.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Vs. Shadow Mario~ Mario and Luigi skidded back after the explosion from the thrown Metal Mario occurred with Shadow Mario clapping his gloved hands. "Looks like you've gotten a hang of those apples..." The trio clashed again with their feet akin to blades before switching to hammers and fireball onslaughts. Shadow Mario grinned before focusing his power causing every Metal Mario on the field to go crazy and crackle with electricity, blue aura around them as they were lifted into the air and clumped together in a massive ball. "It's do or die time!" Mario and Luigi's eyes shot open as they slammed their hammers against the ball of machines and deadly energy sending towards Shadow Mario. The S-Type smacked the ball back with his own hammer before it turned into a brief game of tennis as Mario jumped high into the air and slammed the ball of metal full force into Shadow Mario making a massive explosion. Mario landed beside Luigi as the flames vanished and the stage returned to normal, the blue/red diamond shaking as Shadow Mario slowly moved his head up groaning. "Well...you passed my fight....good job." He looked at Aoi and smiled. "It was nice to see you again...old friend, keep these two alive for me..." Aoi nodded but was a bit surprised, Shadow Mario looked at everyone. "The next two opponents are stronger than I am, however..." He looked at Mario and gripped his gloved hand. "Don't forget...give Astral and that boy hell...for our sake...I will be with you...always." Shadow Mario's form vanished as the crystal exploded, Star Dream commenting. "That was odd, seems like there was some kind of ghost in that data...regardless...moving on." Another star on the door began to shine brightly as the next diamond rotated to a gold and silver one, however before it opened Star Dream announced. "However, for some of you...it is time to take a breather." Everyone was surrounded by a colored aura before gently being floated over to the platform next to the locked door leaving only the Mario Bros. and Harold on the main platform. The crystal opened up and began to form into a familiar set of lockseeds, one gold and one silver. Luigi gasped. "The Gold and Silver Apples!" The lockseeds floated in midair before twirling and reverting to their fruit forms and combined together in a flash of light with a gold/silver Rider landing on the ground before them, one half themed around a gold rabbit and one themed around a silver Dragon. Mario raised an eyebrow. "What the hell am I looking at here?" The Rider got into a stance emanating with gold/silver fire. Memories of the Gold and Silver KR Build RabbitDragon [Data]