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  1. NutheadBros
    I pretty much agree with Roxam there, also reserves.

    Name: Link
    Description: ?
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: The Legend of Zelda

    Name: Tooty
    Description: She is Banjo's little sister who much like Kazooie likes adventure and pretty much joined the rebellion alongside her brother in order to support him and Kazooie.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Banjo-Kazooie
    Post by: NutheadBros, Mar 19, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. NutheadBros
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Mr. Gatti's Pizza~

    Mario slowly drove up to the orange building before informing Luigi in a hushed tone. "Now remember, I'll pull the distraction, you go and use the radar to find that guy." Mario parked the Kart before looking at his brother. "Try to keep calm, I know you're afraid..." Luigi nodded slowly with a bit of worry. "Yeah, I mean...what if that guy finds us out and our skills aren't enough?" Mario placed his hands on Luigi's shoulders explaining. "It's why I placed this task on you, if I tried to do it...then likely he'd find out about us because I'd stand out for my hot-blooded nature and I'd screw us up. You're not like that." Luigi looked at Mario. "You're right, our mission is to just find out about this guy...not fight him." Mario nodded as they got out of the kart. "Let's go."

    The two brothers proceeded to enter the establishment as Mario asked the upfront cashier in an Italian accent. "Hey paisano, my brother needs to-a use the bathroom, could you point him in the direction of it?" Once Luigi saw the direction to go in, the taller brother began to move quickly acting like he had to go. As Mario spoke with the cashier, Luigi brought out the radar and began to first look around the main dining area as the radar already grabbed a ping on something, his trek then led him to a large game room with all kinds of amusement and arcade machines with people at them playing. Luigi's blue gaze then noticed a crowd of people who were crowded around an air-hockey table where Goku Black was effortlessly playing it from both sides moving quickly from one end to the other. Luigi slowly approached the crowd and raised the radar up towards the moving being before it pinged and information appeared on the two screens, Luigi gasped at the info as he started to run thinking. "I've got to get to Mario, now!" Goku Black landed having felt a tension in the air, despite people staring at him he thought. "I sense...a familiar power..."

    Luigi ran back to Mario with shock on his face before telling his brother. "Hey, I'm-a done in the bathroom." Mario told the cashier. "Thanks for-a the chat." just as Luigi dragged Mario out of the establishment. Once outside Mario asked. "Did you manage to get it?" Luigi nodded. "Yeah, but we're dealing with someone far more dangerous than the standard S-Type." Luigi showed Mario the radar before Mario's eyes widened. "Well, I didn't expect this...we need to get back to the others before something bad happens." The brothers quickly got onto their kart and quickly began to drive away from the scene.

    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    "Well, while they can defend themselves and have fought the S-Types on numerous occasions. I, along with the others with me are concerned with keeping those two safe and alive." Kairi explained to Lina before adding in. "Without those two, we stand no chance of dealing with the leader of the S-Types and in turn saving the world."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Mar 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. NutheadBros
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    "And thank you for the helpful and useful information." Mario calmly said before looking at Luigi and told him. "C'mon Luigi, let's go to Mr. Gatti's." Luigi looked at Mario before he said. "So we can find out the mystery of this black plume?" Mario nodded. "You've read my mind, bro." Kairi looked at both of the brother before she said. "Hold on, shouldn't you two wait until C.C. and the others get done talking to Lana before going on a dangerous mission?" Mario looked at her before calmly responding. "It may be our only shot at getting knowledge on our enemy, if they finish talking to Lana before we get back...just tell them where we went." With that Mario and Luigi quickly ran off but not before they waved back at Kairi and Lina shouting. "Bye-bye!" Once they had left Kairi sighed and looked at Lina smiling. "Indeed, I am glad we've come to an agreement."

    ~Lor Starcutter: Hangar~

    Once they left the base and returned to the Lor, the brothers looked around the hangar before finding their familiar two-person red Kart with blue tires and the same monogram insignia as on Mario's cap on the front hood. Mario got into the driver's seat while Luigi got on the back as he asked. "Star Dream, can you give us directions to the local Mr. Gatti's pizza place?" Star Dream responded quickly. "Most certainly, give me a minute..." A hologram screen appeared in front of the Mario Bros. detailing the directions needed to get there. Mario nodded before starting the Kart. "Thanks for the directions." and drove out of the hangar and down towards the town.

    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Within Town~

    As he drove their way through town and passed by a athletic stadium next to a large brown and tan gym building with the words "Morehead State University" in white on the front, Mario began to explain to Luigi. "Okay, our plan is simple. I'll distract the guy that's at the register. You sneak around with the Radar and try to find our culprit." Luigi raised his eyebrow in confusion before mentioning. "But Mario, what if this place isn't like our home? How can you even be sure that they do pizza here like do there?" Mario smirked. "Easy, pizza originated from Italy. If my hunch is correct then I should be able to use my Italian skills. Besides, how I pull the distraction isn't the point, the point is I'm going to need you to find the culprit and get back to me before he or she gets onto us." Luigi slowly nodded. "Right, sorry for over-thinking it Mario, but I'll do what I can." Mario added. "Good, we just need the information so let's hopefully not end up in a fight..."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Mar 3, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. NutheadBros
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    Neptune stood flabbergasted, her mouth slightly agap in disbelief at the words that game out of the bushy-haired girl's mouth. She smacked the sides of her face as she exclaimed. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" Neptune quickly took Hermione's hand and quickly said. "You're going to need some sage advice from someone experienced in the fine art of games, I'll take you to her." Neptune then quickly ran off dragging Hermione behind her with a determined look in her purple gaze.

    Vert, Blanc, and Noire were still busy looking into the American video game market when they could hear a loud shout in the distance of "Veeeeeeeeert! Hey sis!" The trio looked up before Neptune arrived with Hermione in tow as Neptune told Vert. "Vert, Mione here needs a mass info dump about gaming asap! Her team mates are gamers like us." Vert blinked before looking at Hermione. "Ahh yes, I can understand why. Thank you for bringing her to my attention." Vert leaned in before she said. "Before one can become a gamer, one must learn the lingo or else you will be viewed as a poser or one of those people trying to stay hip and cool with the youth. Let me indulge you in my gaming fantasy." The blonde with some help from her siblings began to teach Hermione about gaming culture.

    "I see..." Dawn started noticing the stressful look in Harry's eyes. "You shouldn't let it get to you, if you do then your mind won't be able to focus and it could cost you...especially since we're all on the run. Take it from me, while I do got family in Japan the girls I am with are my family as well in a sense, we have each other's backs. So we'll be sure to keep an eye on you and the rest too..." Dawn chuckled before adding. "Hopefully you don't mind."

    Mario stood there for a moment in contemplation of Lina's explanation, something about it despite the illegal nature of it he could strangely understand. Mario stepped aside before responding. "Alright, I understand where you're coming from..." Luigi was surprised by Mario's action pointing out. "Bro, she's..." Mario looked at Luigi. "Yes, I know...but considering the way this world has changed, she is doing what she can to live just like we are. Not to mention...if this mall was abandoned, then why would there be valuables like these still here?" Luigi scratched his head. "I don't know...some kind of Rebel funding?" Kairi sighed and placed the end of her flowery keyblade on the ground while holding the handle. "Mario's right, not to mention at the very least it's less potential money in the hands of the New World Order. Also, you have a nice looking Keyblade, Lina."

    Rash and Pimple were still watching the events from outside with Pimple seemingly about to make a move when Rash stopped him telling the large brown toad. "Wait dude, she doesn't seem to be a threat considering those three have been talking to her." Zitz chimed in through their comms. "Yeah, seems like this was mainly just a false alarm." Pimple then asked. "What did the boss say?" Zitz responded. "She merely said to leave her be, after all I overheard the chatter from where you're at." There was some noise before Futaba spoke up. "Look boys, don't go try to pound Mario's head in. Justice is kind of his thing so he probably has a reason for doing what he did."

    Mario looked to Lina before asking. "Still, if you don't mind me asking. My friends and I came here in search of two particular individuals that have been roaming around, and since you managed to nearly get about without being spotted...I was wondering if you caught a glimpse of either a plume of black fiery energy or a black and green Rider anywhere on your way here. We were told that the plume of energy was killing both Rebel and New World Order alike so you should be careful Lina."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Feb 22, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. NutheadBros
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    Mario placed his hands in his pockets before introducing himself. "It's Mario, and I'll be honest...I don't know what you did to nearly get killed at Fort Knox, but you almost got away with it here if it hadn't been for the sound of your giant key unlocking the door within earshot of myself and my brother." Luigi popped up on the other side of Lina commenting. "He's right, and we're not even natives to this country. By the way, my name is Luigi...I'm Mario's brother." Luigi quickly looked at Lina's waist, his blue eyes not noticing any sort of Rider equipment on hand as Mario admitted. "Still, a master thief like yourself managing to get in and out plus living to tell the tale is certainly something else considering the turbulent nature of this world. The New World Order probably has a bounty on your head just like they do with me." Kairi then came out of her spot holding her keyblade chiming in. "Still, you have a keyblade...just like me. My name is Kairi." Mario looked at Lina before he took his hands out of his pockets asking. "Ms. Lina...what do you intend to do with these jewels and the other stuff you've stolen?"

    Meanwhile Vert was sitting on a bench looking at games on her phone before Noire walked up and sat down beside her blonde sister asking her. "What are you doing?" Vert turned to the raven-haired girl with a smile. "I'm looking at what games this local store not far from here has." Vert looked at her phone again before raising an eyebrow muttering. "What is this? Why is there an E on the corner of the case?" Noire took the phone and looked at it as well before she said. "That can't be right, it has to be an A or something." Blanc popped up over Noire's shoulder looking at the phone screen. "No, that's an E...did you forget we're not in Japan anymore?" Vert commented. "So...that's not a CERO rating?" Blanc pulled out her phone and looked into it. "Nope, that's the ESRB rating. Their system is different from CERO." Vert looked deadpan at Blanc asking. "Can it at least work on our consoles at home?" Blanc didn't look over as she responded. "They should...they're region free."

    Neptune noticed Hermione trying to look into gaming and walked up to her before looking down at the book, she then smiled saying. "You know, my family are experts in gaming...and you seem to be having a bit of trouble if you're looking into it." Dawn on the other hand noticed that Harry was alone before walking over and sat down in front of him asking. "Hey, you doing all right there?" ​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Feb 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. NutheadBros
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    As they were adjusting, Mario and Luigi could hear a faint clicking sound not far from their position causing them to raise their eyebrows. Mario asked his brother. "Luigi, did you hear that?" Luigi looked at Mario before he said. "It sounded like it was a door unlocking, but from what I saw the only place that had been locked was a jewelry store and the keys would have probably been hidden." Mario raised a gloved finger. " a normal person, however we know that people run around with giant keys. Someone could have used that to open any locked door." Luigi looked at Mario rather suspiciously before asking. "Are you implying that Kairi just broke into a jewelry store with the intent to rob it blind?" Mario looked at Luigi with a deadpan look in his eyes. "No Luigi, that'd be a stupid assumption...although I am concerned our group may get roped in because we have a Keyblade user on hand."

    Kairi soon walked up to the brothers having overheard their conversation before asking. "Is everything all right?" Mario looked at the redhead. "Everything is fine, although we think someone else is here with a keyblade since we heard a clicking noise." Kairi raised an eyebrow. "Well it wasn't me, I was inside what was a Bed, Bath, and Beyond." Mario looked at Kairi and then at Luigi before he said. "We need to get to the jewelry store and see what's going on before something bad happens since Lana, C.C., and them are busy." The trio then proceeded to run to the jewelry store.

    Meanwhile Zitz was at work at the security station looking over the various cameras and computer setups he had around him, Futaba nearby watching with a bit of glee on her face imagining having a setup like that. Zitz looked on screen and had noticed someone entered the jewelry store on security footage, he looked at Lina closely on the screen before asking Futaba. "Is she with you guys?" Futaba leaned in adjusting her glasses before simply muttering. "Nope, never seen that person in my life."

    Mario, Luigi, and Kairi arrived at the jewelry store just as Kairi brought forth her keyblade in hand, the trio carefully snuck inside as to not be noticed by Lina and quickly hid themselves and proceeded to look at the girl before them. Luigi whispering. "So she must be the one who got in here, all we need to do now is to be subtle and catch her off guard." Mario nodded before curling up into a ball and rolled out of his hiding spot before managing to get under the display case. Kairi and Luigi quickly bolted from their spots into different directions, eventually Mario pulled himself out from under the case and stood beside Lina casually remarking. "Well, someone seems to have an eye for shiny objects."

    As Mario, Luigi, and Kairi were busy. A green-skinned toad with sunglasses and a larger brown toad had just arrived outside the store's doors, the two being prepared as the green one whispered. "Alright Pimple, we just need to wait and hope she tries to leave through here. If not Zitz has a backup plan to capture her." Pimple merely grinned pounding his fists together as he said. "As long as she's caught, doesn't matter how we do it Rash."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Feb 4, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. NutheadBros
    ~Rebel Base: Lana's Office~

    The three women were guided to what appeared to be the manager's office that was repurposed specifically for Lana's group, the four sat down with Lana asking them. "So, you said you had a mission?" C.C. nodded. "Yes, we do. We are here in order to investigate and find out more about this strange plume and of this Cronus character." Lana looked at the green-haired woman before telling her. "I can tell you that the last commander was killed by a black plume, it didn't speak or reveal itself but once it flew by the commander...he ended up sliced in half. I don't know if that helps." C.C's eyes widened. "It actually does, it tells us that this being isn't a part of the New World Order nor the Rebellion if it's the same being who killed the NWO member in charge here." Lana sighed. "As for Cronus we've been unable to properly track his movements, one minute we see him and the next he's gone without so much as being registered in our brains." Cynthia was in thought. "So, Cronus tends to move quickly that it's not mentally registered..." Lana looked at her. "Yeah, a couple of us can't even track him with our magical powers."

    Robin mused on this. "A Rider who moves quickly and can't be tracked even with magic..." Lana looked at Robin before bringing out a map explaining. "From what we could track, he has been operating out of two different towns." She pointed at Morehead. "Here in Morehead where we are at now..." She then pointed at a smaller town labeled. "Olive Hill" before explaining. "and here in the next county over in the small town of Olive Hill where the NWO supply depot is." Robin leaned in thinking. "Well, if he's operating from these two towns...then it's most likely he could be anywhere between here and there unless he's operating from other places we don't know about." C.C. nodded. "Yes Robin, he probably is limiting himself to avoid being found out." Lana looked at them before asking. "This is unrelated, but how did you all end up on the NWO's hit list?" The three looked at Lana before simply telling her. "For fighting against Astral and the S-Types." Lana blinked. "I see...some of the Rebellion is afraid of that thing." C.C. boldly told her. "We're not...our group's overall mission is to specifically deal with Astral even though we are a part of the Rebellion as well. Now...would it be possible for us to coordinate an effort to locate Cronus?" Lana looked at C.C. before telling her. "We can, but I have some Rebels out working on something to deal with that supply depot, so they're not here." Robin then said. "If we allocate our combined forces, we should be able to find Cronus. With the Stormtroopers in disarray it will also not be as big of an issue as our previous operations." C.C. smirked. "Then let's come up with a plan."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Jan 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. NutheadBros
    ~Lor Starcutter: Briefing Room~

    "Actually, there is something that I am wondering." Vert admitted looking thoughtful, her blue eyes on everyone as she asked. "How are we even going to locate these two individuals if they're constantly moving and unable to be picked up on radar? Not to mention that if all this is going on in a small area, couldn't the Rebellion just take control of it?" C.C. looked at the busty blonde before explaining. "Yes, with the New World Order's forces in disarray...we could easily take over the area in theory, but that isn't our goal. Plus we witnessed what happened in Shalour City, they have more expendable numbers of soldiers that can easily take the area back." Blanc spoke up. "Scan..." Everyone looked at her before she explained. "What we need to do is use Scan and scour the area for both Cronus and our mystery person." C.C. looked thoughtful. "That could work...but we are entering unknown territory. While you have been training and I'm aware of your mother's mastery of that Secret Technique, the area we are entering isn't familiar to us. Our mystery people may know the area more." Mario then suggested. "Why don't we just do what we usually do and improvise on the fly, you said Wilhelm called the local Rebellion sect there to inform them of our arrival, maybe they will know more." Cynthia slowly leaned close to C.C. "He does have a point there." Star Dream then announced. "We will be arriving at the Rebellion Base in a couple of minutes, prepare for landing momentarily." C.C. stood up. "Guess we're figuring it out on the fly then, meeting's adjourned."

    ~Morehead, Kentucky~

    The Lor Starcutter flew over a bunch of trees and small houses before arriving outside what appeared to be an abandoned mall located on an outer road not far from a pawn and jewelry store. The ship slowly lowered to the ground and made a gentle landing on some pavement. The door opened as everyone stepped out into the cold air. Kallen looked at the large building beside them and the lack of people before she brought up. "Anyone get the feeling that this may be a trap?" Izumi then casually poked Kallen's cheek. "Please, if it was a trap then we'd have a fishman yelling it out like on that movie." Ram casually remarked. "Well duh! They got duped into thinking it wasn't operational." Mario began to lead the group. "Still, you'd think there'd be a welcome party here...kind of suspicious." Mario ran into the front doors followed by everyone else.

    ~Morehead, KY: Inside Rebellion Base~

    The inside looked rather spacious with a colorful interior and a pair of escalators in front of the group, a second floor balcony looking overhead but nobody seemed to be there. Mario jumped forward with his arms out and loudly proclaimed. "Hello! it's-a me, Mari-" Mario didn't finish as laser sights were plastered all on his face, Rebels having their blasters pointed at Mario as he merely said. "...oh" One of the nameless rebels shouted. "Freeze! None of you move!" Lucina looked at the soldiers targeting them before muttering with her hand on the handle of her blade. "Dammit, we've been set up." Izumi then corrected her. "Please Lucina, the correct phrasing is...It's a trap!" Kallen loudly muttered. "I told you it was one right before we got in here!"

    The moment felt tense as it seemed like they could end up being killed at any moment, a woman with light-blue hair that was in a sideways ponytail stepped up from behind the soldiers and took a look at the group, her eyes widening. "Lucina? Robin? Peach? Wait a minute..." She then ordered the soldiers. "Lower your weapons, these guys can't be New World Order." The young girl walked over to Lucina and undid her mask letting her see the blue-haired girl's worried blue eyes. Robin remarking. "Lucina, I know we know this girl. But Lana...mind explaining why the hell the Rebels just tried to blow our brains out?" Lana looked at Robin before turning her head towards the crowd shouting. "Zitz! Mind coming over here for a second?" A bluish-green humanoid toad person clad in gauntlets ran over. "Yeah boss?" Lana asked. "You said we received a call informing us of an arrival, correct?" The toad named Zitz nodded. "Yup, that was true. However the call didn't exactly come through the regular rebel channels. Thus we could have ended up in a trap." C.C. looked at them with a deadpan expression. "Of course...That would be one of our allies who made the call, he's super shady like that." Lana sighed. "Sorry for the whole mix-up." Akira looked at her. "I perfectly understand, we all thought something suspicious was going on when nobody came out to welcome us. But are you the commander of this group?" The blue-haired girl sighed. "Pretty much...I ended up getting the job after the last commander got killed. By the way..." she motioned towards Zitz. "This is Zitz, he's our technology and intel expert." She looked at the group surprised by their appearance adding. "I didn't think you all would be dragged into this as well..." Cynthia smiled placing a hand on Lana's shoulder. "Don't worry about us. Now C.C., Robin, and I need some information. We're here on a mission." Lana nodded before leading the three away.

    ~Morehead, KY: Outside Mr. Gatti's Pizza~

    Meanwhile Goku Black was walking the streets of the small rural city, most regular citizens not thinking he was out of the ordinary as he approached a building with the logo reading "Mr. Gatti's Pizza." The S-Type looked at the sign before he remarked. "I could use some food and some training..." With that Goku Black opened the door and stepped inside the restaurant.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Jan 18, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. NutheadBros
    ~Lor Starcutter~

    An announcement soon came onto the intercom from Star Dream announcing. "Attention everyone, please report to the Briefing Room. We are not far from our destination. I repeat...everyone report to the briefing room."

    ~Lor Starcutter: Briefing Room~

    Everyone slowly came into the room and took their seats including a groggy Mario and Luigi. Neptune looked at the two before cheekily remarking. "Good evening, sleepyheads!" Luigi quickly asked trying to wake himself up. "How long were we out for?" Compa then told them. "Hours, you nearly gave everyone a heart attack by falling off the Gokai Galleon." this was followed by C.C. remarking. "Yes, it's nice to see that you two are starting to stir just in time for the briefing." Mario shook his legs. "Briefing?" Star Dream responded. "Yes, as in the current state of affairs." Mario muttered. "I didn't ask for the definition, I'm trying to get woke up after passing out from exhaustion!" C.C. began to burst out in laughter before Aoi remarked. "Let's get to the briefing." He pressed a button causing a map of Kentucky to show up on screen, a small county in the northeast highlighted in red. "Now, the Metal Mario plus the data we retrieved from Mann Co. were delivered directly to Wilhelm and the others and they will begin to look into it. However several of our allies along with Wilhelm have spotted something unusual coming from a small area in northeast Kentucky." Aoi pressed another button causing the slide to change.

    The slide now shown the image of a humanoid Rider clad in black and neon-green with a long coat and odd anime-like eyes, the look of this figure made some eyes widen as C.C. calmly told them. "This figure was seen running around fighting off the Stormtroopers stationed there, Wilhelm believes that they're a Rider despite the goofy helmet." Peach looked at the screen before mentioning. "Well...he does have a belt like mine..." Aoi added in. "Yes, our look into Rebellion channels has gathered a name....Kamen Rider Cronus. Only problem is that's all we know about him." Iffy then asked. "What about the New World Order's hit list, is he anywhere on there?" C.C. sighed. "No, he isn't...the S-Type Radar even comes up as Unknown."

    The mention of this raised some suspicions as Makoto noted. "So we have a Rider running around Kentucky who is possibly an S-Type that the Radar can't pick up and is either fighting the New World Order...or he's actually a New World Order member undercover to undermine the Rebellion." Aoi looked at her. "There's more..." and pressed the button before the slide switched to an image of a plume of black moving in the night sky. "...this figure was also spotted by locals flying above in the sky, nobody can make heads or tails of what it is." C.C. added. "Not to mention according to rebellion channels, the one in charge of the area was uncerimoniously killed right in his office and the Stormtroopers here aren't entirely organized. This was a stealth assassination by one individual who came in and got out without leaving a trace...remind you of anyone?"

    This led to some thinking before Mario said. "It's the same method that Gray Mann was killed in, meaning that this has S-Types all over it...meaning that the plume has to be Kamen Rider Cronus and Cronus went and stealth-killed the commander." Hikaru shook her head. "No, it can't be that...can it?" C.C. responded. "No, from what we gathered. The individual who is Cronus and the plume are different people, not to mention we have no information on exactly whether or not it's the same instance as with Gray's murder or just an eerie coincidence." Aoi added. "Indeed, the plume was spotted killing both Stormtroopers and Rebels alike. Wilhelm has informed the local Rebellion sect that we are coming there, our job will be to investigate and determine who Cronus is, what that plume is, and the connection to what happened with Gray. Any questions?" Rom raised her hand. "Um, why did Kristoph and them leave?" C.C. looked at her gently explaining. "It is because Anna and Elsa are safer with them than with us right now, compared to us both the NWO and the S-Types would have a harder time locating them with being a smaller group."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Jan 12, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. NutheadBros
    Hopefully everyone has had a good holiday and such, as for myself I am returning to the story...for now, Anyway here are some reserves that I had written up during my absence.

    Name: Banjo
    Description: A laidback brown bear who lives quietly in his Kentucky home with his little sister and his roommate Kazooie. Banjo is rather calm and subdued compared to Kazooie and joined the Rebellion in order to return things back to normal and resume his simple life
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Banjo-Kazooie

    Name: Kazooie
    Description: Banjo's best friend, roommate, and partner, this Breegull has a bit of a fiery soul of justice with a beak to match it. Despite living in Banjo's backpack, Kazooie sees battling the New World Order as a bit of an adventure to her. [even though both allies and enemies are subjected to her personality]
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Banjo-Kazooie

    Name: Zitz aka Morgan
    Description: Originally born as Morgan Ziegler, he is the most intelligent out of the trio simply known as the Battletoads. He has the capabilitiy of transforming his arms and legs into various blunt instruments during combat
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Battletoads

    Name: Rash aka Dave
    Description: Originally born as Dave Shar, Rash is the wild and self-proclaimed cool one of the Toads with a knack of wearing sunglasses and red armbands. In addition to being rather agile he capable of transforming his arms and legs much like his companions Zitz and Pimple.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Battletoads

    Name: Pimple aka George
    Description: Originally born as George Pie, Pimple is considered to be the strongest out of the Toads, he prefers to solve his issues through his fists than words, but despite not being as smart as his friends he will come hrough when needed.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Battletoads

    Name: Zelda aka Sheik, Tetra
    Description: ?
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: The Legend of Zelda

    You know it's kind of funny, it all began with two fanfics created towards the end of the millennium and an unfinished storyline as well. Yet now it seems it has all taken a different, yet interesting direction. Let's see where this all goes.

    Happy 7th Birthday Re: Mario's High School Days
    Post by: NutheadBros, Jan 12, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. NutheadBros
    Like this an important announcement brought to you by yours truly

    So I'm going to be heading away for an unspecified period of time for personal reasons, don't worry folks I'll be back. But for now before I go I wish to take the following from @FancyStache

    Pauline [Super Mario Bros]
    Infinite [Sonic the Hedgehog]

    That is all, folks.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 19, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. NutheadBros
    ~Lor Starcutter: Meeting Room~

    Most of the group minus Mario and Luigi had quickly assembled within the Meeting Room aboard the Lor, said room was designed akin to Japanese culture with the lower table and seating. Aoi quickly summed up to everyone. "So we found the machine the girls were talking about, a plate is attached to it and we should try to get the plate that Gray had initially located." Robin then questioned. "Aoi, you're a smart kid...but should we really risk it for a plate? Sure we know Cynthia gets something from these plates based on what happened in Shalour City." Kai looked at Aoi before she said. "Yeah, for all we know whomever we send through could end up being cut off from the rest or worse." Iffy then chimed in pointing a thumb at Kai. "I'm gonna have to agree with her here." Star Dream then elaborated. "Indeed, the suits I designed would need testing. Not to mention that the destination the portal was set for could boil most of you alive if not properly prepared."

    Samus looked at everyone before she suggested. "If we are really going to try to get this plate, then I could go and get it. After all my Varia Suit is heat resistant." Compa was shaking her head before insisting to the blonde. "You just fought a giant dragon, you need to rest." C.C. nodded. "Yeah, you need to rest and not strain your mind." Star Dream then suggested. "I could record and save the coordinates now, that way we can come back to get the plate later." Akira was in thought. "That way we could get the plate that Gray was using and launch." Star Dream responded to Akira. "Exactly, it would be less strain on our resources." C.C. lazily sat back in her seat. "Then let's get the plate and get out of this place." Zone-Tan came ascending through the floor holding the gray plate from earlier and handed it to C.C. cheekily remarking. "Here you go, boss. I went ahead and got it while you were talking." C.C. looked at her before taking the plate. "Thanks, but I'm not your boss." Star Dream ten began procedure to launch the Lor Starcutter making sure that the ship was cloaked and the engines were running before the cloaked ship flew off into the sky away from the abandoned facility.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. NutheadBros
    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory~

    And so, work began on final preparations to leave. Nooks and crannies were checked for important files. Bowser was lugging a inactive Metal Mario to the Lor on his own before Kallen came running over and lifted the other side up with her metal arm remarking. "Easy there, we want this in good condition." Bowser nodded. "All right, although I hope it's not a hassle for you." The two proceeded with carrying the robot back to the Lor Starcutter.

    Meanwhile C.C., Aoi, Cynthia, Futaba, and Neru were in the Lab. The group looking over exactly as Futaba and Neru described earlier, a computer with a glass dome attached to it that housed a gray-colored square plate, the machine being hooked up to a makeshift black square with a empty place in the middle. Aoi commenting on it. "Hikaru was right, it does look like a Nether Portal. The black blocks don't even look like something you'd find on this planet." Futaba with a cat-like expression pressed a button on the machine causing purple energy to appear within the empty section. C.C. adding. "And it is still operational." Neru looked at the green-haired woman explaining. "From what we could figure out, this computer seeks out the location of these plates and gets the coordinates, thus setting up the portal to where it will go." Cynthia looked thoughtful. "And considering that none of us would quite be able to operate such a machine like this, removing the plate now would make the hunt harder." C.C. looked at her blonde friend before she said. "Let's head back to the Lor, We understand what we're looking at now." Everyone nodded and began to leave the room.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 16, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. NutheadBros
    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~

    C.C. turned to face the redheaded princess before she said. "We're going to go on ahead and make our preparations to leave as well, before we go we will need to make sure that any important documents pertaining to the New World Order are dealt with accordingly and that the blueprints for the Metal Marios constructed here are in our possession." The green-haired woman looked at Aoi and Rose. "Once the blueprints are obtained, I want you two to deliver them to Gadd." Futaba then brought up. "Hey, while Neru and I were looking over the bucket of bolts...we found something rather interesting." Neru nodded. "Yes, it was rather strange and blocky for such a device in a robotics factory." Futaba then grinned. "It looked like a portal straight out of Minecraft." Hikaru looked at Futaba before asking. "A" Neru then said. "Kind had the same structure as one, but it was connected to a computer that had a dome with a square plate inside." Cynthia raised an eyebrow. "So there's another plate like the one we found in Shalour...odd that it'd be used like that." One of Star Dreams drones floated nearby before Star Dream said. "The destination of the portal appears to be very hot." Cynthia was in thought before she suggested. "I have a hunch that Gray was attempting to find the rest of the plates, after all there are supposed to be eighteen of them total." C.C. then added. "As for the portal, it'd make sense that the destination would be hot." Star Dream responded. "Yes, however it does give a chance to try out the new Power Suits I designed."

    Samus looked at the drone before asking. "You made a Power Suit?" Star Dream responded. "Yes, considering the possible situations you could end up in...I took liberty of designing armoring meant to be superior to the New World Order's troops. I had to integrate various forms of technology to make it work including portions of Chozo tech like what you have Ms. Aran." C.C. then said looking at everyone. "We'll discuss what we will do about the portal and the plate once we have everything else done with. However, I will need some volunteers to go to the Lor and keep an eye on Mario and Luigi."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. NutheadBros
    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~

    "Well, now that things seem to be settled we should probably get off the boat." Mario suggested before Luigi nodded, the two brothers heading to the side of the deck. Mario shouted. "Let's-a go!" only to collapse and fall off the side followed by Luigi shouting. "Okie dokie!" only to also collapse and fall off the side of the ship. Peach screamed in fear. "Mario! Luigi!" Morrigan soon slowly came floating up from the side with Mario's unconscious form over one of her shoulders and holding Luigi by his leg before she casually remarked. "You two should be more careful and not sleepwalk off the edge of the Galleon like that, luckily we saved you two." Luigi was drooling slightly while Mario was muttering something about pasta. This led to a sigh of relief before Nepgear asked. "We? There's only one of you?" Morrigan smiled. "Lilith helped out too, after all if we weren't one being I wouldn't have been able to easily lift both of them...Mario especially." This led to some confusion among the group before C.C. clarified. "Morrigan and Lilith are technically one being in two bodies with their own sentience. This is due to having the same soul." Ryuji then asked scratching his head. "Wait, is that normal for her kind?" Makoto then explained. "According to most demonology books, most demons especially the succubus have only one soul...however there was a single case where one succubus had her soul split into three..." Morrigan merely laughed and looked at the brunette playfully winking. "And that would be myself and Lilith." Yusuke then asked. "So if her soul was split into three and there are two in front of us...where's the third?" Morrigan quickly responded. "I wouldn't worry about it right now." C.C. sighed. "Okay, can you take those two to the Lor Starcutter and get them to bed? Also please don't try to feed on their dreams...we need those two." Morrigan nodded and started to take the Mario Brothers to the Lor while everyone else began to get off the Galleon.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Nov 6, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. NutheadBros
    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~

    Kai also took a look at the blueprints before taking a snapshot of it with her eye, she then joined her brother and proceeded to lean him based on the image she took. Luigi also took a look at the blueprints before joining Kai and Aoi in working on the engine they were working on with the two redheads being more experienced in regards to technology in general.

    A couple of hours passed before the Gokai Galleon was completely fixed up and back to proper shape with everyone on the deck looking at the work that had been done before Mario asked. "So everything is fixed, does that include the dent that Luigi and I made months ago?" Aoi responded. "Yes Mario, although I believe that was already fixed before they got here." Neptune then looked around at everyone and then at the Gokai Galleon itself before asking. "So, what do we need to do now? Do we need to get off the boat so they can fly or what?" C.C. looked at the small lilac-haired girl and then at Marvelous before she said. "That will be up to the Captain here along with the Rangers that will be heading out, our only concern is that they get out of here and are able to fly safely to their destination." ​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Oct 27, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. NutheadBros
    ~The Capital: Police HQ~

    Astral stopped movement for a complete moment as it let Vanitas speak. After he had finished speaking, the Purple Guy looked at Astral before asking. "Lord Astral?" Astral merely turned around and calmly said to Vanitas. "You are indeed correct, despite having been on Earth for a while and adapting to your society there is still much, I have to learn about how things are run." Astral turned its head towards Vanitas and told him. "Thank you for your time and consideration, my men and I will be making our leave now." The three S-Types soon left the HQ and sunk through the floor heading back to the Crystal Palace.

    ~Crystal Palace: Throne Room~

    The three S-Types returned before E. Tempura Wizard greeted them. "Welcome back, Lord Astral. How did the meeting go?" Astral merely looked at the eggplant/shrimp tempura based S-Type before it said. "We will need to keep an eye on those three...and if something occurs again, we will need to get help from the Inquisitors." Psycho Red was nearby tightening a fist asking. "Why can't we just go and kill them ourselves?" Astral glared at the red ranger before explaining. "Because, we cannot just foolishly run in and fight them. They're allied to our dear old friends...and you know how powerful they can be when working together and how stubborn they are in refusing to stay down. However....Ridley's message before I left concerns me." Psycho Blue then asked. "Why is that? I mean he merely said that the cybernetics he got from our New World Order allies failed in stopping Mario and friends." Astral blinked as it sat down and said. "Yes, however one failure today can lead to our downfall tomorrow...Dark!" Mr. Dark soon ran over and bowed. "Yes, Lord Astral." Astral looked at the caped S-Type. "I want you to follow and keep an observant eye on Mario and his friends, that includes the Thief Rangers and anyone else that happens to join them. If you notice anything, do not hesitate to report back to me." Mr. Dark nodded before leaving through the floor. "Of course, Lord Astral."

    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~

    Kai watched as Kristoff and the others were helping before telling Aoi. "Looks like we may get this fixed right before dinner time." Aoi looked at her before calmly responding. "I wouldn't make an assumption on it, but it is progressing at the very least." Luigi then walked up to them asking. "Hey, is there any way I could try to help out?" Kai looked at Luigi asking. "You sure? I mean aren't you exhausted from the fight with Ridley?" Luigi nodded. "Yeah, but I think helping you guys won't be as strenuous as fighting an S-Type. Not to mention I've tinkered in engineering." Aoi smiled as he worked. "Alright, Luigi. Just pick up a tool and do whatever you can do." Luigi nodded and did just that joining in working on repairs.​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Oct 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. NutheadBros
    So since it's been about a month's worth of quiet airtime here, time to break the silence with some reserves

    Name: Cia
    Description: ?
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): S-Types [New World Order]
    Series Character is from: The Legend of Zelda

    Name: Lana
    Description: ?
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: The Legend of Zelda

    Name: Wizzro
    Description: A member of the earthbound S-Type forces and serving under command of Cia, this darkness-clad S-Type is rather crafty with his moves and magical abilities to the point of being able to deceive his enemies.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): S-Types [New World Order]
    Series Character is from: The Legend of Zelda

    Name: Volga [also known as Volvagia]
    Description: Another member of the earthbound S-Type forces and also serving under command of Cia, despite his size being on par with the average male, his physical strength is compared to that of the draconic form that his body can shift into at anytime.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): S-Types [New World Order]
    Series Character is from: The Legend of Zelda

    Name: Pyra
    Description: ?
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Xenoblade Chronicles

    Name: Mythra
    Description: ?
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Xenoblade Chronicles
    Post by: NutheadBros, Oct 15, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  19. NutheadBros
    ~The Capital: Police Station~

    "As of the moment based on reports from my brethren, the thieves and their actions have been only striking in areas within the United States. If they were in the Capital prior to that, then I wouldn't have been aware of it." Astral started before thinking, it looked at Purple Guy before remarking. "I do have a theory though...their first target was on my friend here, the sole thing that was stolen was an animatronic body." Purple Guy nodded. "Yeah, but they had help too. That Kazue man and his partner were present along with Kamen Rider Den-O." Astral blinked. "Yes, now answer me this...what does Den-O have that could get from here to the USA without being caught?" Purple Guy looked thoughtful. "The DenLiner?" Astral nodded. "Yes, a machine that uses space-time to quickly move about...a bullet train. Now considering the trio's inexperience they more than likely just got their powers recently and thus came from here." Purple Guy then asked. "Lord Astral, with all due respect...but what are you saying?" Astral then said. "I'm getting to the point." before whistling again, this time Psycho Blue quickly showed up. "Yes, Lord Astral?" Astral looked at Psycho Blue explaining. "I need a check on Nintendo High's security footage and attendance records from recently, check specifically for any incidents involving female thief rangers."

    Psycho Blue nodded and began to work with his eyes glowing a bright blue. "So far I am getting reports that there was an incident recently where answers to a test were stolen by...a female thief." Astral looked away. "Just as I expected, more Nintendo High students rebelling..." Psycho Blue then continued. "After the incident, the attendance records showed that three girls were absent from classes. Hermione Granger, Nico Saiba, and Yuuki Konno." Astral nodded. "Just as I expected." Psycho Blue then added. "Not to mention, there was a figure prior to the incident spotted on camera but unable to identify, they left something in three lockers." Astral then concluded. "The trio must have received their morphers and then left Nintendo High after taking the test results, after that they came across Den-O and took the DenLiner before coming across Aoi, his sister, and the others. I had seen the trio for myself. Meaning that since they were with my foes, they were also connected to Ridley's report."

    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~

    Kai merely nodded before turning her head to resume helping her brother in getting the engines repaired.

    "Now, you six should rest up and get yourselves prepared." C.C. stated before placing her hands on Dante's shoulders. "You especially, the team will be counting upon you for guidance more than ever as their leader." Zone-Tan then came up to her asking. "Wait, hold on a moment. Isn't he supposed to be the leader?" The purple-haired S-Type then pointed at Tommy. "I mean he's white and basically encompasses all the colors of the rainbow." C.C. looked at her before she stated. "No, it's usually the red one that's the leader based on what I know." Robin then joined adding. "Plus, if you use that color logic crap...then we'd have to say that James would be the leader for the same reason as Tommy." Cynthia then added in. "Girls, please...any of them could be the leader, even Kimberly let's just ask." The blonde looked at the six asking. "Which one of you is the leader?"

    As there was a discussion about Ranger colors, Kallen and Pyrrha both walked up to Ryotaro before the blonde mused with a smile. "So you must be Ryotaro. I wonder what it's like being possessed by multiple people just to use your forms." Kallen then theorized. "Probably more difficult than when you had to keep that S-Type of yours from making you go berserk." Pyrrha merely scoffed. "That's just because I was unlucky to have her inside me, now that she's out all is fine."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Oct 13, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. NutheadBros
    ~The Capital: Police Station~

    "I see, thank you for the information." Astral responded as Vanitas explained how things operated to it. "You see, I am here because I am in need of assistance from the Police Rangers in dealing with a particular trio of females that have been intruding and interfering within S-Type affairs...excuse me one moment..." Astral then made a whistling noise before the Purple Guy appeared ascending from the floor beside Astral with a bow. "Yes, Lord Astral?" Astral looked at him. "Tell me, you did call here after your place of business was broken into days ago, correct?" The Purple Guy nodded. "Of course, Lord Astral. I told the police that there were three young girls clad in thievery-based Ranger uniforms, one red, one blue, and one yellow...why do you ask?" Astral then explained. "Because they struck again, my friend. Ridley came back reporting that he was assaulted by them in the middle of a routine patrol." The Purple Guy's yellow eyes widened in concern as he asked. "Is he okay?" Astral nodded. "Yes, Ridley is fine...he'll be back to fighting the good fight in no time. Now..." Astral looked at Vanitas before it said. "In regards to these three Thief Rangers, I hereby authorize the Police Rangers to deal with them in any means required. After all the thieves probably have unauthorized Zords and thus the capabilities to form a giant Megazord, and if push comes to shove then I will also have my S-Type brethren and comrades back the Police Rangers up as well."

    ~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~

    Kai turned her head towards Kristoph with her artificial eye glowing brightly and a smile. "Sure you can help out, the more hands we have...the quicker we can get this ship up and flying again." Aoi then mused as he was working. "I'm just surprised the engine managed to stay intact enough to be repairable, if that attack had directly struck then I would have feared for the engine exploding and the whole Galleon ending up wrecked and unsalvageable from the fall...or worse." Kai then gave a gentle tap to Aoi's head. "Chill bro, it all ended up okay."​
    Post by: NutheadBros, Oct 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena