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  1. computercat5
    me confuzzled. is that Axel or Demyx? Yay! Demyx!
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. computercat5
    ok i got to where it says the end and my brother says it's supposed to show stats but it's taking forever. it's playing the same song over and over again and all the buttons i tried wouldn't make the stats come on. should i just restart the ps2?
    Thread by: computercat5, Apr 14, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. computercat5
    Roxas and Namine' had just buckled in, when the gummi ship started moving.
    "Here we go!" Axel yelled.
    It was a peaceful ride to their destination. "Weird," thought Roxas.
    The ship jolted, and they landed on a sandy beach.
    "So who was that?" asked Yuffie.
    "An old friend," replied Cid.
    "Some body has a secret," smirked Leon.
    "Friends don't keep secrets and secrets don't keep friends!: giggled Yuffie.
    "I'm not telling!" yelled Cid.
    "That's alright," said Yuffie mysteriously,"We don't need you to tell us." She held up a pink diary.
    "Hey! Give me back my diary!" Everybody stared at Cid. "Err... I mean my manly journal... ya..." Leon smirked and whispered something to Aerith, then they both laughed. "Shut up!" yelled Cid. He looked like he was at his wits end.
    While Cid was preoccupied, Yuffie was flipping through his diary. Yuffie found a part about a circus and started reading.
    Tidus, Wakka, Sora, and Riku were playing blitz ball with Kairi and Selphie watching.
    Sora suddenly looked to his left and saw a gummi ship with three figures coming out.
    While Sora was looking away, he was hit in the head with a blitz ball.
    When he woke up he saw Kairi leaning over him with a concerned look on her face.
    "A gummi ship..." mumabled Sora.
    Tidus walked over to where Sora and Kairi were. "Sorry. I musta hit too hard. You ok?" Tidus held out a hand and Sora took it.
    "Did you see a gummi ship and three people?" asked Sora.
    "No... What are you talking about?" asked Tidus.
    "The gummi ship..." Sora looked to where the gummi ship was. "But it was just there..."
    "I think that blitz ball hit you a little too hard," said Tidus," Maybe we should stop for the day."

    wow that took alot more work than expected... oh well! On to chapter 4!
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. computercat5
    *jumps on bed and eats snickerdoodle cookies*
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. computercat5
    posts on DF's fanfics
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. computercat5
    Snickerdoodle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the sugary goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. computercat5
    don't hate me but i just understand the rules as i go along by learning from other peoples mistakes
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. computercat5
    i remember reading that. the part i remember the most is when milo ate subtraction soup and got hungry instead of full
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Literature
  9. computercat5
    Marluxia?!! He likes pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my answer will always be demyx!!!!!!!!
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. computercat5


    I never really knew you but i'll miss seeing you post on DFs stories:crybaby:
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  11. computercat5
    Snickerdoodle plz?
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. computercat5
    Gah! ur stalking me? y r u stalking me?
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. computercat5
    srry i'm going to have to discontinue this one because i'm working on another story
    Post by: computercat5, Apr 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. computercat5

    I'm sad

    if you're in an IT class, how are you on the internet? and what is an IT class? and that sounds depressing, i would turn emo if i were there right now
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. computercat5
    Vexen tickled me to death, then he turned into my sister, who then laughed like a maniac, then i drove her into a lake with a golf cart =)
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. computercat5
    you made a few mistakes, but other than that, it was pretty good
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. computercat5
    wow! i'm surprised that many ppl liked it! ok i'll continue it. i already have chapter 2 and i'm working on chapter 3

    "Yuffie! Put that down!" Aerith screamed. "Leon, help!"
    "Not my hair ribbon, not my problem." Yuffie swiped his gunblade. "Hey! Give me back my gunblade, you twerp!"
    Yuffie taunted them, back flipped out the door, and bowled Axel, Roxas, and Namine' over. All of them ended up sprawled on the concrete.
    Leon and Aerith picked up their stolen items triumphantly.
    Cid just sat at the computer the whole time, smirking.
    Axel got up, dusted off his robe, and walked over to Cid. They seemed to be arguing, then Cid nodded his heead and started typing something into the computer.
    When Cid stopped typing, a gummi ship appeared outside and dropped off a big, wooden box. Cid picked up the box, and walked to his gummi ship garage down stairs. He gestured for Axel, Roxas, and Namine' to follow.
    Larxene had nobodies search Hollow Bastion and come back to her to tell her if they found them. None had reported back yet, but she was waiting patiently, perched on a roof.
    Larxene caught a glimpse of something white. She smiled. A nobody had come back.
    Roxas was talking to Namine', while Cid ws teaching Axel how to drive a gummi ship.
    "Do you think they know each other?" asked Roxas.
    "If you were listening instead of staring at me, you would have known that he owed Axel a favor," replied Namine' smiling. Roxas blushed.
    "Alright. We're ready," said Axel. Roxas and Namine' walked towards the gummi ship.
    "Of course!" Larxene mentally slapped herself. "Nobodies couldn't talk!" How were they supposed to tell her they saw them if they couldn't talk?" The nobody started floating and zooming around in different directions. "So they took a gummi ship. But that means..." Her eyes blazed with fury.

    I know this is not kingdom hearts historicaly correct, but i wanted to keep Larxene alive.
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. computercat5
    Gah! this is so disturbingly wrong!
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. computercat5
    cool. you should use indenting. it's a lot easier to read. oh and just an tip, every time someone talks, start a new paragraph.
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 29, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. computercat5
    wow that was awesome! write more!
    Post by: computercat5, Mar 29, 2008 in forum: Archives