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  1. Roxas
    • Triton’s a ****ing hardass.
    • Is him knowing about the Keyblade wielders still unresolved? I haven’t played all of the mobile game so maybe someone meets him there.
    • And if he’s trying to hide his palace in any way, shape or form, a bunch of tridents pointing directly there probably isn’t the best idea.
    • That world was way too difficult to navigate. I swear I went round the same loop five times.
    • Man, I ****ing love mage builds. Spellbinder + Thunder is running the game.
    • Ursula's eyes in the boss fight are so ****ing hot.
    • Halloween Town has a cool layout. This is a huge step up from Monstro and Atlantica.
    • Synthesis in this game is way too addicting. Although the new enemies can be really annoying. On that note, I need to be ready to do a big farm after Neverland.
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 9, 2021 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Roxas
  3. Roxas

    Dah-dah-dahhh, doo-doo-dahhh.
    A cute trumpet melody played through speakers hidden across the entire island.
    “Player twenty-one - Catch the Rain - has left the game. Twenty-nine players remaining.”
    A robotic voice happily recited off the dead player’s information. Inasuma looked down at the patch on his jumpsuit.
    Thirty, he thought. So I’m the last player.
    “Player twenty-two, cstar,” said Roxas. “Come on, let’s get moving.”
    Cstar, covered in Catch the Rain’s blood, walked in disbelief to grab her bag and left the building. Inasuma had stood for almost two hours now, and he started to pace to keep his legs ready.
    I’m at an inherent disadvantage, he realized. As the last one out of this room, any number of crazy people could be waiting for me. If someone had a gun they could literally wait for me to walk out that door and shoot me in the side of the head. You better be ready to run, because it’s going to be hell out there.
    “Player twenty-three, Aelin.”
    And even if you do run for it, by now people could have formed squads. There might be an ambush. **** - they’ve had more time with the map, too, while you don’t even know where you are yet!
    Inasuma tried not to despair, but he felt the odds were stacked against him. I thought this was all a joke. The beginning of some crazy weekend Roxas put together. But then Catch died. Why? What about the law? The rules of this god-damned world?
    Yet he felt helpless, because if this was really happening then it didn’t matter who was out there - there was no one coming to save them.
    “Player twenty-four, Risk.”
    I know what I need to do: find Cin. If anyone knows how Roxas thinks, it’s him. Then-
    But he wasn’t sure what he’d do after that. Then what? We fight back? We escape? Do we really play the game? Inasuma reached instinctively for his neck where the microchip was. It might have been small, but he’d seen what it could do - and it wasn’t pretty.
    Maybe I shouldn’t be so wary, he argued with himself. No one else has died yet, right? It would have been announced. Perhaps everyone’s gathered outside, waiting together. Yet he’d noticed many players glance at the piggy bank before they walked up to get their bag, and even he’d snuck a guilty look after Catch had died and he realized there was one less player in the game.
    No. People will play.
    “Player twenty-five, C.”
    Inasuma looked up and watched one of his old friends leave the room. This is probably the first and last time any of us will ever meet. The thought was so bittersweet it crushed him.
    Cin had only been player eighteen, and that meant he might not have gotten as far as some of the others. ****, he winced to himself. Mish and Misty left so long ago. Sara, too. It seemed his only choice was to track down Cin and figure out what Roxas was really up to.
    “Player twenty-six, GhettoXemnas.”
    He stared at the lifeless body in front of him. How are we all just accepting this? This madness? Is it the Organization and their machine guns? The shock and horror of being gassed? It’s almost like we all want to play - just a bit. Everyone but her.
    He tore his eyes away from Catch and looked to Roxas and his henchmen.
    “Player twenty-seven, Tamale.”
    With Tamale off and playing, there were only three of them left. Inasuma watched Tamale leave and glanced at the two men who stood, arms draped across their bunks, the three of them the last ones left in the room.
    We could take Roxas’s guards, he noticed. Whoever those other two were, they were strong. The one on the left was bald, with glasses and a goatee. The one on the right had hair like Zack from Final Fantasy VII and seemed handsome and put together. If he could somehow signal to them, somehow get their attention - then maybe…
    What the **** are you thinking? Those Organization bastards will light you up.
    “Player twenty-eight, EvilMan_89.”
    The bald man casually left, and Inasuma nodded when he realized who it was. He waited, too tired at this point to try and think of any more strategies.
    “Player twenty-nine, Arch.”
    Inasuma looked to Arch, who glanced back. He held up a hand to his brow before he turned. I hope neither of them are waiting for me when I leave, Inasuma thought. Or it won’t be long ‘til we have 28 players remaining.
    After Arch left, Roxas called out to Inasuma. “Get over here, bud. Let’s not waste any time.”
    Inasuma froze, but he gathered himself and came forward.
    “I suppose I’ll say what Mish couldn’t,” Inasuma said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
    Roxas laughed. “Clever. I feel the exact same way, Inasuma. Do you feel those tingles, too? The thrill of finally meeting someone you’ve known for so, so long?"
    “I feel them,” Inasuma replied. “But I’m not sure it’s the same sick feeling you’re feeling.”
    “Damn,” Roxas sighed. “I'd hoped at least one person would be happy to see me.”
    “But why?” Inasuma asked. “Why do this, Roxas?”
    “The Composer,” Roxas cut him off. “I should have just called your name. That means all players have been called and the game has officially begun, and I’d like to be called by my title now. I am the Composer.”
    “The… Composer?” Inasuma muttered. He’s ****ing crazy.
    “There are two bags, Inasuma,” Roxas said, pointing to the rack. “Catch the Rain left you a choice. Each bag contains a random weapon and this decision you make now could decide your fate.”
    “I don’t care,” Inasuma shook his head. He walked up and grabbed the one on the left. Behind him, Roxas and the Organization watched him approach the metal door. Inasuma turned and looked back.
    “You’re a maniac,” he said. “I think I speak for everyone when I say that.”
    He turned and began to walk through the metal door. His footsteps clanged on the metal floor and he saw mirrors line either side of the wall. As the mist began to clear he felt the breeze on his cheeks and knew he was close to the end of the tunnel. Stop and check your bag, he thought. Get your weapon out. Then you’ll be as ready as you can.
    Inasuma threw his bag to the floor and unzipped it. Inside, he found three loaves of bread, five bottles of water, a refillable plastic water bottle, a phone, and two grenades.
    Are you ****ing serious? These are useless!
    He rifled through the bag but couldn’t find the map. Where is it!? He said there’d be one.
    There was a short vibration, and Inasuma saw an LED light go off inside the bag. He looked inside and saw that the phone had turned on. When he pulled it out he noticed a text message. It came with an avatar, and the avatar in question was Roxas.

    g00d luck n00bz LOL No but seriously, good luck. And no, this isn’t connected to a real cell tower, and it can’t call or text for help. You can only use it within the capacity of the game. Sorry :’[ heehee

    Inasuma clicked out. The main screen of the phone was a map of the island.
    “Interesting,” he said. His eyes flitted to the northern coast. That’s where Lauriam said they were going. I won’t go there, he thought. Sounds like a deathtrap. Where would Cin go?
    But he had no clue. He decided to get up and see the island for himself. That might give him a clue.
    The fog finally gave way and he saw a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s daytime, he realized, and that added a pep to his step. He’d be more visible, but it would be easier to find others. These grenades are crap unless I have a partner with a good weapon. I need to team up with someone - soon.
    The tunnel broke and Inasuma breathed in the island air. He was on an abandoned street, desolate buildings lining its sidewalks. Wind broke across his cheeks and he heard the ripple of a wave lap against the shore. The sun was hot, and thankfully the tracksuit material was thin.
    He turned to stare at the ocean waves. He’d hoped to see another island somewhere, a piece of land; but there was nothing. Whatever island they were on was truly in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere near the West Coast, he figured. He brought us to Los Angeles, after all.
    On the eastern edge of the map was a mountain, and Inasuma turned to look that way. A volcano peaked beyond the tops of the palm trees. I don't know where to go, he thought. But the highest point sounds like a good place to start.
    He grabbed a bottle of water and slung his bag over his shoulder. Let the search for Cin begin.

    29 players remaining
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 8, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas
    Don't worry, the next Roxas POV chapter has a two paragraph segment with one paragraph dedicated to the sugaryness and one to the spiciness of Mish's scent.
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 8, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Roxas
  6. Roxas

    With her hands between her knees and her chin slumped toward the floor in defeat, Catch the Rain watched as Roxas began the game.
    “Player number one, Lauriam,” Roxas said. Lauriam pushed her pink hair back and confidently walked to the front of the room. The Organization members held their machine guns at Lauriam's face, watching cautiously as she approached Roxas.
    “I don’t know you,” Lauriam said. “And I’m glad I never did. This can't be the Roxas people used to fawn over, no... You're a monster.”
    “I am,” smiled Roxas. “A monster you all created. Now go, or I’ll sick them.” The machine guns were suddenly cocked and Catch saw Lauriam jump with fright.
    “Fine - I’m going.”
    Lauriam grabbed one of the duffel bags and looked back at the members of KH-Vids. “Come find me on the northern tip of the island! We can stop this!” She went running through the metal door and disappeared into the depths of the hallway beyond.
    I’m not playing, Catch told herself, rocking back and forth. There has to be a way out. There has to.
    “Player number two, Mish.”
    More shocked noises came from the forum members as Mish made her way through the crowd.
    “It’s really her,” Catch heard Yozora say. “And it’s just like the lyrics said.”
    “Yeah,” said libregkd. “She was way too hot for the site.”
    “Nice to meet you,” Roxas said, but Mish ignored him and walked toward the dufflel bags. “Aren't you excited to finally meet little old me? I thought this would never happen.”
    “I wish it wasn't,” Mish seethed.
    “Well, it is,” Roxas said. “This is the part where you’re supposed to say that it’s a pleasure.”
    “It’ll never be a pleasure. Not anymore.”
    “I’ve dreamed of this day," Roxas told her. “The day we'd finally go from internet friends to... well, friends for realsies. Shame it has to be under these circumstances.”
    “So had I,” Mish said. “A dream I truly regret.”
    “Just go,” Roxas said, looking away. “If you’re lucky, this won’t be the last time you see me.”
    “The next time I see you I'll-” Mish began, but caught herself. Instead, she glared at Roxas, grabbed a bag and ran out of the room.
    Five minutes passed and Catch held her knees to her chest, eyes closed. Two people out there already, she thought. And soon it'll be me, too. She glanced at her jumpsuit - the number 21 was sewn into its patch.
    “Player number three…” Roxas paused. “Misty.”
    Catch looked up to see Misty, an administrator she’d worked with, rise from the floor. They’d been friends back in the day, but maybe if she was lucky she could find Misty once she was out there on the island. N-no, Catch whimpered defensively. No, Catch. Don't think about playing. Don’t convince yourself to do this. It must be illegal, right? There must be something you can do to get out.
    “Hello, Roxas,” Misty said, defiant. Roxas wouldn’t look at her.
    “You think this is funny?” she asked. He didn’t reply. “So you won’t look at me, then?” He couldn't reply to that, either. “Look me in the eye, Roxas.” Catch saw him begin to look up, but then he turned his head.
    “Please, Misty,” he whispered. “Just go.”
    “So there’s still a heart somewhere in that husk,” Misty nodded. “And I’m going to tear it out of you when this game’s over, you shameless piece of ****.”
    “Just… go…” was all he managed to say, and Misty obliged.
    Catch watched several players begin the game over the course of half an hour:
    “Player number four, Deathspank.”
    “Player number five, Jinx.”
    “Player number six, Boris the Blade.”
    “Player number seven, Darkandroid.”
    “Player number eight, no_reality_allowed.”
    The stack of duffel bags began to disappear and soon, another set was rolled out.
    “Player number nine, Sara.”
    Sara pulled her back off the wall, glancing at the disturbing paintings. She strode toward Roxas and when she reached him, she stood right in his face. The Organization members behind him tensed and held their weapons.
    “I’ll play your game,” she began. “But there’s something I need to give you first.”
    “And what’s that?” Roxas asked.
    Sara wound her hand back and slapped him across the face.
    As soon as her hand left his cheek, the Organization members pointed their machine guns at the ceiling and started firing.
    Pop pop, grrrrrrrrt!
    “OH MY GOD!”
    Catch put her hands over her ears and began to cry. It was pure cacophony. Someone fell into her and she sprawled forward, the chaotic screams and ringing gunfire amplified by the cement walls and metal rafters.
    “Enough!” screamed Roxas, and the Organization members put down their weapons. The smoke cleared and Sara stood before him, the blaze of bullets no more than a series of warning shots.
    “You almost broke one of the rules,” Roxas laughed. “No touching the Organization. But that doesn't include me - technically. Just, y’know, don’t slap them, ok?” he reminded her, beckoning toward the Organization members.
    “I earned that slap," she said.
    “Fair,” nodded Roxas, his right cheek blistered and red. “You've got a great slap, Sara. Must get a lot of practice with Boris.”
    “I won’t let you bait me,” Sara claimed, grabbing a duffel bag. “I won your little royale story from back in the day, and I’ll win your real game, too.”
    “Then get on with it,” Roxas waved. “The game won’t play itself.”
    Sara gazed at Roxas with disappointment before she left.
    “Player number ten, Calxiyn.”
    Catch watched her favorite content creator take her bag and leave, a sullen look on her face. Not long until he calls me now, she thought, glancing at her patch again. What should I do? What can I do?
    “Player number eleven, kitty_mckechnie.”
    Wait, this could be a joke, right? Roxas was like that. Always messing with us, being sarcastic and never taking himself too seriously. It’s been almost fifteen years, sure, but how much could he have changed?
    “Player number twelve, Trigger.”
    I know he’s not crazy. Nah, I bet when I open that bag, there’ll be something stupid inside. Or when I reach the end of that hallway, I bet this won’t even be an island. It’ll be a banquet hall, or a hotel, or a big, dumb trick to really get the party started!
    “Player number thirteen, Yozora.”
    Plus, no one’s going to play. No one’s that evil, right?
    “Player number fourteen, Rosey.”
    As Catch watched Rosey leave, she realized how quiet and empty the room had become. People were sprawled out in shock, waiting their name and number to be called, and the electric sizzle of the enormous light that hung above was the only company they had beside each other's shaken breaths. Catch saw Roxas texting on his phone like he didn't even care.
    “Player number fifteen, Amaury.”
    “Player number sixteen, libregkd.”
    “Player number seventeen, Cia.”
    “Player number eighteen, Cin.”
    Catch lifted her head. Cin was Roxas’s best friend. Perhaps he could reason with him. But Catch’s mouth fell open as she watched Cin ignore Roxas and head straight for his bag.
    “Nothing more to say?” Roxas asked. Catch watched Cin begin to turn his head, and his lips pursed as if ready to reply, but he ignored Roxas, slung the bag over his shoulder and kept on walking.
    “Hmm,” Roxas murmured. “He’s moody today.”
    Great, Catch sighed to herself. Thanks for nothing, Cin.
    “Player number nineteen, Explode.”
    It’s nearly time, she thought. She tasted vomit.
    “Player number twenty, Hissora.”
    Meggy, she thought, reaching out toward her artistic, red-haired friend, but soon Hissora had walked through the door as well.
    I'm next, Catch though. I’ll reason with him. I’ll end this. For all of us.
    “Player number twenty-one, Catc-”
    But Roxas couldn’t finish before Catch stood up. “Here!” she said frantically, and ran to the front of the room before she collapsed in front of him.
    "Uh," Roxas stammered.
    “Please!” she begged. “Let me go home. I miss my family, my friends and my baby doggie, Peeko.” Tears ran from her eyes and she reached for his hands, as if grasping them would better convey her broken spirit. But he stepped back and instead she fell forward, landing pathetically on his shoes.
    “No, Catch. No one can leave.”
    “Please,” Catch cried. “I don’t want to play…”
    “There is one alternative. If you don’t want to play, then you can exit the game,” Roxas said. Catch heard a few gasps.
    “Why didn’t you say that earlier?” called cstar, her thick, brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. “I don’t want to play, either.”
    “There are secret rules, too,” Roxas grinned. “I can't give it all away at the start.”
    “Then let me exit the game,” Catch pleaded. “I’ll watch, instead! I don’t care about the money. I don’t care at all!
    “Well, Catch,” Roxas smiled. “I can do that. But once you exit the game, you can’t get back in. Is this your wish?”
    Catch nodded. Thank the heavens, she thought. I’m coming home, Peeko.
    “I just need to make a quick call for you,” Roxas said. He pulled out his iPhone and pressed something, glanced at the phone, then put it back in his pocket. “Ah," he continued. "Your exit is imminent.”
    Beep, beep, beep.
    Catch turned her head. Where’s that beeping coming from? she wondered. But wherever she looked, the volume stayed the same. Is it-?
    She raised her hand to her neck where something vibrated beneath her skin.
    “Everybody pay attention! Now listen!” Roxas jeered. “You can exit the game at any time, ok? But the rules of the game still apply: no one may leave.”
    “Cstar?” asked Catch, turning to see who was there. “Tamale? C? Is there something in my neck? What’s going on!?”
    The buzzing and beeping increased in tempo. Catch ran toward cstar but she screamed and turned away. Her eyes met C's.
    “C, please!” She ran to him, but as she jumped toward him he pushed her back.
    “Don’t touch me!” he screamed. “I don’t want to die, too!"
    Catch clutched her neck and screamed. “Someone! PLEASE!”
    She looked at Roxas, whose vile gleam made her weak at the knees.
    “I hope you enjoyed the game, Catch the Rain.”
    The microchip in Catch’s neck ignited and the last thing she saw before her head exploded like a juicy watermelon was Roxas’s wicked smile.

    29 players remaining
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 8, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Roxas
    Branston pickle baby, don't @ me
    Status Update by Roxas, Dec 8, 2021
  8. Roxas
    We need a laugh reaction! Like isn't enough LOL
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 8, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Roxas
    I'm glad someone got a kick out of that lmfao.
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 8, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Roxas
    • Whoever designed Monstro was on something.
    • Ok that was actually relatively simple to get through... After enough times you just know it I guess. But the visuals here are still whack.
    • This carrot juice mini game in the 100 Acre Wood is pissing me off because it reminds me of how shafted this world was in KH3.
    • All that for a Mythril Shard. ****’s sake.
    • The Torn Pages should always be a thing.
    • I LOVE that the Coliseum gives EXP in this game. Why take that out?
    • I’m getting Atlantica out of the way. Ugh lol. I’m looking forward to Halloween Town more so might as well save it, though.
    • I know people have complained about Atlantica enough, but the world design here is bleak. A couple of big fumbles here from Monstro straight into Atlantica. This has similar problems with the color scheme (everything’s the same) and the confusing maze-like structure. In retrospect the control scheme isn't that bad, but maybe they tightened it up in the HD Remasters.
    • Ariel’s Grotto is a beautiful map. The music and detailing are both incredible. Can't believe this exists in this drab world.
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Roxas

    In a stunning turn of events, Chapter 005 of KH-Vids Royale III has been delayed until at least midnight tonight.

    "I'm shocked," was the response from KH-Vids Royale fan and story character Mish, who stayed up until 3 in the morning local time to catch the potential release. "Roxas always gets his chapters out on time, and he betrayed not only me, but the whole KH-Vids Royale fanbase when he announced the delay."

    Meanwhile Roxascoin, a cryptocurrency tied to the success of Roxas's artistic pursuits, tanked from 0.000017 cents to 0.000015 cents.

    "I put everything into Roxascoin," complained forum icon and investor Inasuma. "Roxas's decision to delay that chapter not only hurt me, but it'll hurt my family, my mortgage, and my future. Thanks, Roxas."

    Twitter also turned on Roxas, with multiple people tweeting that he was a "Rucksack" who didn't know how to write a story.

    "Imagine only being able to churn out three chapters in one day - pathetic," tweeted administrator Sara (@whereverthewindtakesme). "I thought I taught that kid how to think. Turns out my words fell on deaf ears."

    We were unable to get in touch with Roxas when we reached out for comment.
    Thread by: Roxas, Dec 7, 2021, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Roxas
  13. Roxas

    Roxas took his sweet time as he looked at all the KH-Vids kids. Finally, he thought, a tear nearly dotting the inside of his eye. We’re all here. Together.
    The bliss did not last long.
    “What the ****!?” screamed Sara, surging to the front of the crowd. He heard the sound of the Organization’s guns ready behind him but he put up his hand.
    “Are you sure, sir?”
    “Yes,” Roxas replied. His henchmen backed away.
    “I’m sure you all have an expletive or two for me,” he laughed. “Just like Sara here. And I get that. I really do… I mean, you think you’re going on this great, free vacation and then poof, you’re gassed, shipped to an island and forced to play some silly little game. It’s probably not the weekend you had planned.”
    “Forced?” Sara interrupted. “So there’s no way out?”
    “Not anymore,” Roxas answered. “Now that the game’s begun and the rules are in place, you have to play. You signed up when you got on the plane.”
    “I didn’t sign anything,” Sara pointed out. “So I’d like to spend the one chance I’ve had to visit California actually in California, you know? Not playing your stupid, weird little game.”
    “I’m sorry,” Roxas said. “You can’t leave.”
    Sara paused. “Seriously? Are you that lonely? You need all your old forum friends to come here to Los Angeles so you can force them to play with you?”
    “I didn’t force anyone, Sara. You made me do this.”
    Sara stepped back, uncertain. “I did?”
    Roxas said nothing.
    “Come on, babe,” Boris said. “Let’s just hear him out.”
    “No!” shouted Rosey, standing up. “I don’t want to hear anything. You’ve already broken my trust and violated us all with your little gas stunt! Why would anyone here want to stay and spend another moment with you?”
    People mumbled in agreement.
    “I suppose I should get on with more of the rules then,” Roxas began. “The fourth rule. You may not leave. Any attempt to do so and you will lose the game.”
    “We still don’t know what the game is,” shouted a voice from the back of the crowd. Roxas looked and saw Cin walk to the front. “So why don’t you tell us what it is, or can I guess?”
    There you are. “Go on then, Cin. Go ahead and guess.”
    “The Royale,” said Cin, and the room gasped. Someone burst into tears.
    “Indeed,” smiled Roxas. “It’s true. Poetic, really, isn’t it? To finally meet in this way of all ways. Did no one suspect something when they heard from me? Didn’t a free holiday seem suspicious?”
    “I’m here for something else,” said EvilMan_89. “The cash.” A few people nodded in agreement, but Roxas felt the lack of enthusiasm for his game. I have to change this, he thought. They must be roused!
    “There’s so much to share, and so little time - so let me begin, friends. Yes, there is a cash prize. And, as there are thirty of you here right now, the winner will get…”
    He trailed off and raised his hands to the sky. “Activate the piggy bank.”
    The alarm went off, and a piggy bank lowered as mist pulsed from the ceiling. I’m glad I added those fog machines, Roxas thought. So cool.
    The pig stopped and the forum members’ stared at the ceiling in disbelief. A pipe suddenly popped out of the ceiling and wads of cash began to fill the bank. Roxas looked to the crowd, at their eager, greedy eyes. Whose minds will change now? he wondered. Who will play my game?
    It took several minutes for the pig to fill.
    “Thirty million dollars,” Roxas said when it was over. “For thirty players. You’d never work again.”
    “I have a question,” said a girl he didn’t recognize. That must be Calxiyn… or Aelin, Roxas pondered. Who else did I invite from beyond my time…?
    “Who are you?” he asked. “I don’t recognize you.”
    “I’m Aelin,” the girl responded. “And I’m wondering about the third rule.”
    “The third rule?” Roxas asked. “That there may be one or more winners?”
    “Y-yes,” Aelin stuttered. “I thought this was a battle royale. Isn’t there usually only one winner?”
    “Do you really think I’d invite all of you here just to do a repeat of last time?” Roxas chuckled. “Yes, it’s a battle royale. Just like in my fabled story. But I hate being predictable, so this time, it’ll be a battle royale with a twist.”
    Roxas listened as the room filled with gasps and speculation. He let his old friends talk it out before he continued on to the rules.
    “To start, this game has challenges. On any day, at any time I can initiate the challenge. You will be told the rules of the challenge when it begins. There will be losing players in each challenge. Meanwhile, the regular rules of a battle royale apply. You’ll all be given a random weapon and sent out onto the island. After three days, normally, the last person standing wins, but in my game, a final challenge will be initiated when the appropriate number of players are left. Then, potentially, one or more winners could emerge from that challenge to split the prize money.”
    “So let me get this straight,” Cin began. “We kill each other off while we wait for you to play your little games with us? And at the end we get that?" He pointed at the cash.
    “Right,” Roxas said. “And the less people there are at the end, the more you'll win.”
    “That’s the incentive, then, huh?” Boris asked gruffly. “The more people we kill before the end, the less people there are to compete with for that money?”
    “Boris!?” Sara screamed. “Don’t tell me you’re really thinking about that?”
    “Oh, shut up,” Boris scoffed. “You were right. I don’t want to be a butcher anymore.”
    Sara’s mouth hung open as Boris took his hand from around her shoulder. “B-Boris - what!?”
    “You’re either winning that with me, or you aren’t,” he said.
    “Excuse me,” Roxas shouted. “I haven’t finished the rules, and this next one’s important.” He paused. “You all have a microchip in your neck, understand? The whole collars-around-your-neck thing from the original KH-Vids Royale just seemed so cumbersome - and it’s 2022 now, after all, so we went with exploding microchips instead.”
    “No!” screamed Rosey, grabbing her neck. Tears ran down her face. “I don’t want to die!”
    “Then play,” said Roxas. “All of you. Because it’s not just my game that you have to play, but the beautiful game of life itself. And it looks like as of now, I am the victor.”
    Behind him, Organization members came forward with racks filled with duffel bags.
    “Let me remind you what’s in those bags,” Roxas offered. “A map of the island. Water. Food. A compass. A random weapon.”
    His minions came forth with two of the bags to show them off to the crowd.
    “In three days, no matter how many of you are left, the final challenge will begin. You might think you can hide out and wait, but I promise you; not all of you will make it there. This will be a dirty game, I’ll make sure of that.”
    “No it won’t!” Catch the Rain begged. “If we don’t kill each other, we can each walk out of here with a million dollars! That’s amazing, guys, right!?”
    Roxas began to laugh. When he finally stopped, he continued: “Remember, Catch… each challenge will have losing players. You can’t hide forever.”
    Catch the Rain fell to her knees, exasperated and hopeless.
    “Now,” said Roxas. “The game will truly begin. I’m going to do a roll call, and when you hear your name and number, come up here and grab your bag and then head through the door behind me. I’ll be doing this in 5 minute intervals, so you better get going while you still can.”
    He took one last look at the crowd and knew it was the last time he’d see all his old friends together. A tear nearly formed in his eye again, but he held it back - he wouldn’t let them see him that way. Not until the end of the game.
    “Player number one,” began Roxas. “Lauriam."
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Roxas
  15. Roxas

    Jinx woke to the sound of a screaming emo singer and smashing power chords.
    “All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids, let’s log on to KH-Vids!”
    What the actual ****?
    He rubbed his eyes and began to take in his surroundings. Wherever he was, it was dark. His hands moved to his chest and he felt the plastic of a jumpsuit and the cold track of its zipper. I wasn’t wearing this, he realized, but that only triggered another thought - what happened? Where am I? And where’s my Vivi shirt!? His Adidas shoes were gone too, replaced by generic slip-ons. That's right, the plane landed. I got into that limousine by the airport and then...
    As his ears started to focus on the music, he realized it sounded tinny. This room is big... lots of echoing. It almost sounds like it's coming from an actual record player.
    Jinx sat up and looked around. From what he could make out he saw other beds not too far from him. He began to count them before a voice interrupted him.
    “So we finally meet, Jinx,” it said. Jinx turned to see a figure on the bunk next to his.
    “You know I go by C, now.”
    “Yeah,” Jinx caught himself. C came out of the light, and his blonde hair was all Jinx could see beyond the end of his own nose. C wore a tracksuit as well, with the same slip-ons that looked like Vans ripoffs. What’s that? Jinx wondered, a small patch on C’s chest becoming more visible as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.
    “Look, a number; 25.”
    “You have a number, too,” C replied. Jinx looked down at his own tracksuit. It said 5.
    “I’m the 5th player,” he whispered.
    “And I’m the 25th,” C said. “Which means there’s at least 23 other people here.”
    As Jinx looked around the room, he noticed people slowly waking up on beds of their own. Over the noise of The KH-Vids Song broke murmurs as people stirred and woke. Silhouettes rose from their sheets like dead bodies from the coroner’s table, confused and clueless as to where they were.
    “Kitty… is that you?”
    The names of all the forum members Jinx both remembered and had forgotten filled the void and soon a tidal wave of anxiety took the room by storm. “What’s going on!?” someone screamed. “Where are we!?”
    “Where are my clothes?”
    “Be careful,” C warned. “This ain’t a good mood.”
    And like that, the members of KH-Vids began to panic in the dark. As the noise grew, so did the voice of one person who stood in the corner of the room.
    “Calm down, everyone!” she screamed. “It’s me, Catch the Rain!”
    The noise settled a bit, just in time for the final chorus of The KH-Vids Song to come crashing in: “Cin, I’ve fallen in love with yoooooou.”
    “Turn this damn music off!” screamed Catch.
    A record needle scratched, and the song came to an end. The room was black for one more second, but then there was a magnetic surge as the necessary energy came rushing in to power the giant lights on the ceiling. Jinx covered his eyes in time but he heard the screams of others’ whose pupils must have just been fried. His eyes unseared, he peeked from behind his hands to check the room. It was big, like he’d theorized, with tall tan walls and racks of lights that covered the ceiling like a warehouse. There were beds lining three walls except the northern one, where he saw a giant mechanical door.
    Painted on the walls were fields, mountains, lakes and rivers, and he saw small figures in jumpsuits on each of the terrains holding various items. Wait, he thought. No… no… In each person’s hand wasn't just an item - it was a weapon, and as he turned he noticed all the figures fighting and killing each other, ruining the picturesque landscape with their pools of blood.
    Around him were the same people in those jumpsuits, or so he surmised. As his eyes darted from one bed to the next, he saw faces he recognized like Darkandroid, libregkd and Trigger. He turned around and saw Yozora, Rosey and Cia gathered not far away.
    A blistering alarm blasted and people fell screaming. Jinx turned to the side of the room with no beds - the side with the huge metal door, whose red flashing lights spun as it slowly opened up. Gas spilled from the opening and he saw three figures march into the room. The smoke cleared and they came into focus.
    They’re all dressed like my limo driver, he thought. But this time, they have machine guns!
    “Welcome,” said the driver who stood at the front. “To the game.”
    The room stood still for one moment as the scene was comprehended.
    “We are sure you have many questions, like where you are, where your clothes are, and why you’re even here.”
    I wonder if his beady eyes are staring at us from behind that creepy mask.
    “Let me make this easy for you,” he continued. “You won’t know. And you can’t. It is the first rule of the game.”
    “I don’t like this game,” Rosey said, shaking beneath her brunette curls. “I didn’t think this is what he meant when he said to come… I didn’t want it to be like this… I didn’t want to be gassed…”
    People started whispering.
    “That’s right.”
    “That’s the last thing I remember, too.”
    “Well if you aren’t gonna tell us any of that, then tell us who you are!” screamed GhettoXemnas, getting up and stepping forward. "Tell us why you gassed us!" The two drivers near the metal door cocked their machine guns and pointed them at Ghetto. He slowly stepped back, hands in the air.
    “And that brings me to the second rule,” continued the driver. “We are the Organization. You may not touch us, or you will lose the game.”
    Not a word was spoken.
    “The third rule and final rule of the game you will hear from me is this: the game can have one or more winners.”
    “But what’s the game?” screamed Catch the Rain. “Please! Tell us!”
    “I won't tell you. But he will.”
    "Who?" Catch asked desperately. The Organization said nothing.
    Jinx heard a faint noise from beyond the door.
    Tap… tap… tap…
    A blonde man stepped through the remaining mist and to the front of the Organization. As he raised his head and looked up at the crowd, multiple people screamed. Misty fainted.
    “It’s me,” he said. “Roxas.”
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Roxas
  17. Roxas
    It may not be the most historically accurate story, but it will be the most entertaining.
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Roxas
    KHVR III Chapter 002 out now!!!!
    Status Update by Roxas, Dec 7, 2021
  19. Roxas

    Misty realized she must have been the first to arrive when she got in the limo and no one else was there. The mysterious driver picked her up at LAX around 9:00 AM before shuttling around the city. She didn’t think twice when she saw the Keyblade symbol on the driver’s mask. She simply thought it was all part of Roxas’s plan. At one point the driver pulled into an In-n-Out parking lot and came back with two meals. Misty sipped a Barq’s and looked at the hills rising around her as they drove back toward the airport. The palm trees were her only company as she ate her burger.
    When the limo pulled up at the terminal again, she had a feeling she knew what was about to happen. All her intuition pointed at something and she didn’t know if she was excited or morbidly terrified for it. She'd felt more relaxed on the way to her ten year high school reunion. If they were back here at the terminal, then someone else from KH-Vids was about to get into this limo - and she had no clue who that person might be.
    The door opened and Misty held her breath. Please be someone nice, she grimaced. Someone I know!
    Nothing could prepare her for the couple that came inside. With that old scar across his left cheek, and with her brown hair and green eyes, Boris the Blade and Sara slid their suitcases into the car and sat down.
    “Misty… is that you?” Boris asked, tilting his big head.
    “Misty!? It’s me, Sara!” Sara said, waving behind her glasses before Misty could answer. The other hand clenched Boris’s.
    “Ugh….” Misty stammered. “I figured. Hi, guys.”
    "Well I'll be damned," Boris muttered. "You were right, Sara. We aren't the only ones from the site who were invited."
    “Do you know what’s happening yet?” Sara asked Misty excitedly. “I'm guessing you got one of these letters, too?”
    “Sure did,” Misty said. She also had Roxas’s letter in her pocket. “So, what are you two up to these days?”
    “I’m a librarian,” Sara replied. “I run one now, actually. That PhD paid off…”
    “And you, Boris?” Misty asked.
    “I’m a butcher,” he said, chewing a piece of gum.
    “He chops meat,” Sara finished. “At the local Walmart.”
    “Oh... cool,” Misty said.
    “And you?” asked Sara.
    “I’m still in school,” Misty answered, shuffling her legs. “Studying law. It’s taking awhile.”
    “Ballsy,” Sara smiled. “I like that, though. Very impressive. Should pay off in the end.”
    “Funny situation, this, isn’t it?” asked Boris. “The old admins… and the new.”
    Misty gulped. He was twice her size.
    “Don’t make it awkward, Boris,” scolded Sara. “We’re here to hang out, undoubtedly. We won't be the only staff members here, ex or otherwise. And I want to make it clear that we wouldn’t have come if the plane tickets weren’t given to us, but hey, we’ve never been to California, so - I mean, we just said ‘why not?’”
    “Yeah, same here,” Misty said. “I still think about KH-Vids though, you know. It seemed like a cool idea. I might have shown up no matter what.”
    “I’m just here for the money,” guffawed Boris. “Aren’t we all wondering what that’s about? A million bucks a "player," I mean what is this kid - high!?”
    “What if it’s real though, honey? Do you really want to be a butcher forever?”
    “I like meat,” he muttered. “But yeah, I’m down to play some dumb game. I'm just wondering how this random guy we used to know on the internet came across all this money.”
    How the hell did these two end up together? Misty wondered. She knew they’d had a thing, but it was when the forum first began almost 17 years ago. On the plane to Los Angeles, she’d wondered who else Roxas might have contacted and Sara was top of the list. She’d been a mother figure to her years ago, and a friend. But - Boris!? Misty thought. Sara, surely you could have done better…
    Her thoughts were interrupted as the door opened once more, and Misty looked eagerly to see who else might be getting in. Someone who isn't scary, she prayed. Someone I know. She saw curly blonde hair and a pair of wide-framed glasses. Staring at her with a backpack and a carry-on was her old friend and podcast co-host Calxiyn.
    “Misty?” asked Calxiyn, stunned.
    The two girls screamed and embraced. It was their first time meeting outside a Discord or FaceTime call.
    "I still read our MSN logs," Calxiyn cried with happiness. "I can't believe we're finally meeting each other!"
    “Hey, what about me?” asked someone with a British accent. Everyone turned to see Darkandroid standing in the car door, his brown hair blowing in the breeze.
    “No way - just no way,” Misty laughed. This is better, she thought. This is getting real good.
    “Staff reunion! Now give me a hug!”
    After pleasantries were exchanged, Calxiyn and Darkandroid sat down and soon the car was off and running. The group spent time updating each other on their personal lives, joking about when they’d last visited the forum and wondering what was to come.
    “I don’t even know Roxas,” Calxiyn said. “But the man did his research if he knew who I was.”
    “True,” Darkandroid agreed. “It looks like it won’t just be oldies and classics showing up. Although this car is chock full of them.” He glanced at Boris, who grumbled in response.
    “Oh, cheer up,” Sara said, patting her husband.
    “I forgot about the site a long time ago,” Boris told her. “This whole thing has an air of cringe.”
    “Well, I’m excited,” Calxiyn said. “Finally, an opportunity to meet all my closest friends from years’ past.”
    “I’m excited to meet Roxas,” Darkandroid smiled. “So cool of him to do this. I wonder if we’ll get a live performance of The KH-Vids Song.”
    “Or a reading of KH-Vids Royale,” Sara grinned. “Especially the chapter where they declare me the winner.”
    ****, Misty thought. Roxas’s music… live? She wasn’t sure her inner fan-girl could handle that.
    “I doubt it’s any of that,” Misty said. “The letter didn’t give me that vibe. It didn’t really feel like a party invitation, did it? It was kind of… cryptic.”
    “Written like an Ansem Report,” Calxiyn nodded.
    “He was always like that,” Darkandroid explained. “Always keeping things mysterious and stringing us along. But hey, it was always a good time, wasn't i-?"
    Darkandroid’s head slumped forward and his words began to slur.
    “W- w- wasn- wasn't it...?”
    "Are you okay, Darkandroid?" Misty asked. Something hit her left shoulder and she turned to see Calxiyn's head resting on it.
    “Wha- goi- on,” Misty tried to say, but her lips couldn’t form the correct syllables. Her vision felt strained, and she could see the shapes of her forum friends start to slump and fall asleep. She saw light plumes of gas shooting out of the corners of the limo’s interior. Roxas... what are you doing, and why?
    “Boris-- Boris…” she called. He was the only one still awake, crawling toward the front of the car where the driver was.
    “H-hey!” he shouted, pushing himself off the ground feebly. “What’s going on?”
    The divider between the passengers and driver opened, and the driver turned with a pistol in his hand. Boris's mouth fell open in shock.
    Wha’s… going... on...
    The last thing Misty saw before she passed out was the gun shoot a dart into Boris’s neck.
    Post by: Roxas, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Roxas