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  1. Wing
    OOC: crap guys i'm sorry i've ben absent! i'll read up what i've missed and jump back in later tonight hopefully
    Post by: Wing, May 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Wing
    OOC: I'll do my best to be on later. To day is my step-brother's going away party. He's joining the air i'll see what I can do after the party
    Post by: Wing, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Wing
    OOC: sorry for my sudden absence, for some reason college kicked in full throttle this quarter and my sleep habits are suffering from stress of things. BTW DK i started working on Inverted Prism: Sigma's Curse...the story that takes place after my novel that Ties Wing into the UO. I'll send you updates as i complete it if you'd like
    Post by: Wing, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Wing
    Wing held out his hand to Highwind

    "That'd be me." He said taking the virus, its inner voice speaking into his mind, as if it was saying hello to an old friend. Though this time the virus had seen the extent of Wing's true power, to lose control now would be disastrous.

    "About the brotherhood..." He said pocketing the crystal. "I say we follow Vecked's plan...only with a few minor changes. I go to the skypit with the light users, and ditch the virus while you all begin mounting an attack on the Brotherhood's base. I'll join up with you all once the virus is gone..."
    Post by: Wing, Apr 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home