Wing ran a hand through his hair, still slightly damp from sweating during his last fight, but he was ready to take on Enigma if needed. "I don't feel that's any of your concern, but It was just a simple healing tonic given to me by a friend. Now, can i help you?" with a flick of his wrist, the Featherdancer appeared in his hand. OOC: apologizing in advance if im slow. I'm multitasking a research paper tonight
Welcome to the site! If you need anything feel free to ask! Hope you enjoy your time with us and I look forward to seeing you around :)
My first anime was Robotech and transformers. I can remember renting those VHS tapes every time We went to the video store....and now I'm a huge fan of Gundam series...ah, giant Robots...
OOC: Awesome Bella cant wait to read the rest! (Wants to know where Nulix finds his artwork....) Now, Part 2: BIC: The battle raged on for what seemed like hours, each Guardian taking control and then taking the defensive. Wing gritted his teeth as he swung his twilight born blade at Liam’s unguarded left arm, cutting the exposed flesh. Liam winced in pain, losing control. He was forced to block his weakened arm, and Wing wasn’t giving him and room to fully protect himself, much less cast a spell to put some distance between the two. Blood dripped into Wing’s left eye from a wound he received last time he caught Liam off guard. This time Liam wouldn’t have the opportunity to cast a spell, no Wing planed on finishing this fight here and now while he had the upper hand. “Come on, that all you got?!†Liam caught Wing’s blade as the words escaped his lips. “You have yet to see into my bag of tricks boy.†He thrust his free hand towards Wing’s chest, Wing managed to catch it with his hand, and the two gripped each others hands, till both felt blood flow between them. Their grips slipping, Liam charged up a Darkness Ball. Wing felt the Darkness burn in his palm, and countered it with a Twilight spell. The two magics met in the bloody palms of their casters and both fought for control in the confined space they were forced to occupy. Darkness the pure magic, opposite of light, the original, and Twilight the ******* child of Light and Darkness. With the best of both worlds, no one ever asked it to pick a side, it remained neutral, a buffer between the warring Darkness and Light, only casting it’s vote when one felt more strongly about one side then the other. In this case, Wing felt more strongly to Light, and his determination was reflected in his magic, while Liam’s thirst for power and blood was reflected in his. It didn’t take long before both spells gave all they had and Wing and Liam were both thrown backwards from the resulting explosion. Liam stood first, cradling his badly injured right arm. It was all but attached at this point, the pain caused his vision to blur, and his body to sway. He had only one choice, and that was to lose the arm. He took what was left of his blade and severed what was left of his arm. Blood poured onto the sandy ground as he fell to his knees, howling in pain. Wing opened his eyes slowly, his arm was on fire and he gritted his teeth, trying to bear the pain. Blood dripped from every pore, and he knew the bones were shattered. The only reason he still had his arm was because of his quick thinking. As soon as he felt the spells begin to blow, he created a small ball of wind between his palm and the twilight. He watched Liam sever his left arm, and fall to his knees. Wing limped over to where his enemy knelt and held his blade to Liam’s throat. “You’ve lost this fight.†Liam looked up at the boy, the one who kept besting him no matter what happened, the boy was good, better then he could have ever imagined. This made him hate Wing so much more. “How, can you even stand right now?†Wing’s blade dropped slightly. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for Liam. Here was a man that had the potential to do something great, but his anger and hatred for the light were his biggest downfalls, they consumed him. The Darkness ate away at him, creating a parasitic relationship. Wing only wished that their first meeting and battle could have turned Liam from the path of darkness. “I can stand because I can’t die right now. Not yet. There’s something I have to do, and I can’t allow myself to die until I see my promise and missions through till the end. In the end, a battle comes down to who’s dream’s are stronger. You don’t have a dream, only a mission, a desire. What will you do when I’m dead? Right now you’re only useful to Scourge because I’m still here. The second you kill me, he wouldn’t need you any longer. You’d end up like everyone else the Brotherhood has hurt. You’d be killed by Rajin, Ravakov, Enigma, Trent, they would have all killed you. You are only here to kill me, and nothing more. I’m giving you a chance. You can leave now and never show your face again, or die!†Liam stared at Wing for a moment, letting his words sink in before throwing his head back and laughing out loud. “You fool! You truly believe those pathetic members can kill me? Master of Darkness!†He stood up slowly, his body shaking slightly. Darkness consumed his body, engulfing the man, and reviling the monster, his true form. Pale skin, black eyes, a new arm created and covered in Darkness. He barred his fangs, and cocked his head slightly, smelling the air heavily, gawking at Wing’s bleeding right arm. “You’re blood is clean and pure, It’s never smelled so tasty before. I can tell that you’ve lost your phoenix abilities, and that makes you even more appetizing. That infection, for lack of a better word, is what kept me from showing you this form. It’s also why I didn’t kill you when I had you trapped. Now, I can smell that pure form, the Wing I started chasing all those months ago. You are going to be my snack, my meal. The meal I’ve hungered for, for so long. Now, this is going to be a fight for you’re life! Come boy, can you kill a Vampire?!†Wing’s eyes grew in shock, he knew there was something different about Liam, he always wondered how he seemed to know his every move, and now it all made sense. “I don’t care what you are. You’ll die like everyone else that’s gotten in my way.†“You are no where near powerful enough to defeat me, not without the phoenix.†Wing smirked and just shook his head. He spun the keyblades in his hands, this fight called for a little extra magic, and the easiest way to kill a vampire was by locking the infection away. “Come on, show me what you can do Master of Darkness!†Wing rushed Liam, his blade catching the arm of Darkness. The keyblade being a creation of light simply treated the arm as another blade, negating the darkness. Liam swung his arm as if it were a blade and knocked Wing back. The boy kept at it though, he pushed forward, using both blades to try to get one stab at Liam’s chest to lock away the vampire form. “You will find it most difficult to kill a vampire!†Liam shouted into Wing’s ear before grabbing the back of his jacket and throwing him to the ground. Wing was quickly reminded of his broken arm, and the Realms keyblade faded away. It had been hovering just below his fist, manipulated by the wind his arm created as it moved. He gritted his teeth and threw the Featherdancer at Liam, who dodged with unimaginable speed. The Featherdancer vanished and Wing was on his feet, Twilit Oathkeeper in hand. He was going to throw each blade he had, and cycle through them until he hit his mark. “Come now, do you honestly feel that silly technique will work on me?†Wing smiled and shook his head, laughing a little. “No, but I planned on this doing the trick.†He waved his hand and the three keyblades reappeared, forming a triangle around Liam. He took a hesitant step backwards. They were held in place by the wind. Wing raised the Realms Key and smiled, raising his eyebrows. “What are you doing?!†He released the Realms and stepped back, letting it float in place. The Diamond formation was complete. He created a blade out of twilight again and floated from the ground, looking down on his trapped foe. “Rising sun!†Wing’s body flew down at Liam, twilight blade aimed for his heart. Liam ducked in time, but was immediately run through by the Gales keyblade, then by the Twilit Oathkeeper, the Featherdancer, and finally by the Realms blade. Wing flipped once and landed on one knee. Liam was gasping for breath, but the sound of laughter could be heard between gasps. “You fool! This petty attack will not kill me!†Wing looked over his shoulder and smirked. “Goodbye Liam...†He held his left hand high above his head and snapped his fingers. Light erupted from behind him, consuming Liam in mock sunlight. “No...No...No!!!!†Liam screams were soon faded away, leaving Wing alone. Four keyblades crashed to the ground before vanishing, awaiting their master’s next summoning. Wing stood up and looked over his shoulder at the black spot that marked where Liam had been standing only seconds ago. The severed arm disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. He reached into his pocket and drank the small vile he pulled from it. The warm liquid traveled through his body like wildfire before collecting in his shattered right arm. In minutes the bones were repaired, the tendons reattached, and the mussels toned and repaired. Wing picked up the path through the maze, his mind focused on the upcoming fights, the Brotherhood members that would be waiting, and the final battle with Scourge. Then his mind flashed to Vecked. Anger washed over his body, causing him to start shaking violently. He would defeat Vecked, no matter the cost. Xardius had Scourge to defeat, and he had Vecked. Once the two were gone, peace would surly fill the universes again. “You won’t get away with it Vecked...mark my words, I will defeat you...†The memories of their past fights, Midgar, Agrobah, Kingdom Hearts, Prism and all the others, called themselves to mind. He knew Vecked’s tricks, he new how the phoenix would fight. Wind and Flame would fight to the death... “When the wind blows in through the open window, the small burning candle will surely be blown out.†He whispered under his breath as he walked down the path, drawing closer and closer to the Brotherhood stronghold.
OOC: i'd like it as well DK plz and thx BIC: Liam walked the length between him and Wing causally. His hands coated themselves in Darkness as he stood nearly nose to nose with Wing. Neither one showed any fear, they had both waited for this day, and both were ready to finally put it to rest. “You’ve been a thorn in my side since the day we met. You remember, your first trip back to the Realms. I was the lead Defender of Darkness, and you upstaged me, twice!” Liam looked beyond Wing, the memories replaying in his head “Then after I became the Guardian, I wanted you dead. Of course, Scourge knew this, and he offered me a position. I had one task, kill you. A task I have yet to finish, but tonight...haha, I will come through for my master! With you out of the way, I can help the others finish off your pathetic friends. The Brotherhood shall win Victory this evening!” Both warriors flew backwards as one. Wing, to defend, Liam to attack. The Darkness flew at Wing, with vengeance in its casting. Wing knew that heightened emotions could increase the power of spells, but he had always tried to avoid testing it. His power would have killed him if his emotions were to mix with it, until now that is. He held his hands before him, key blades appearing just in time to cut through the twin spells. He spun the featherdancer in his fingers, a gesture that made Liam grow furious. “You mock me?!” He rushed Wing, two new Darkness spells ready to wreak havoc to Wing’s body. Wing stood fast, his feet shoulder width apart, with his keys held at the ready, one up and one held slightly back and to the side. The classic dual wielder's pose. He smirked, waiting for Liam to come, and last second, jumped and flipped over the Guardian of Darkness, spinning like a top in mid air and landing on one knee. Liam cried out in frustration and threw the spells at Wing once more, who this time fire off a twilight spell with one blade, effectively countering the Darkness. “I thought you said you were going to kill me?” Wing said with a shrug. Liam just shook his head and laughed, he needed to control his anger, it would only cloud his judgement, and cause him to lose this all important fight. “Oh we are just getting started my friend.” Liam held out his fist like he was holding a blade. Wing watched as the Darkness grew, creating a sword as black as night in Liam’s outstretched fist. Wing smirked and shook his head, letting the Realms key vanish. Foux appeared on his right shoulder and the two locked eyes with Liam. “Ready old friend? This is probably going to be the first in a series of our most difficult fights. I need you to do me a favor, watch over the others and help out if you can okay?” Foux chirped and flew off, small wisps of twilight floating in his wake. He had begun to pick up twilight abilities while waiting for Wing to become normal again. it was the only way he could stay within Wing’s soul, the phoenix was rooting out anything it could to gain control and consume Wing “Now then, lets do this.” The two squared off, swords at the ready. With a small head nod from Wing, Liam closed the gap between himself and Wing, swinging his blade at the young sandy brown haired boy. Wing caught the blade last second and reversed the momentum, throwing Liam’s sword from his hand. Liam’s eyes grew wide as he jumped backwards, catching his spinning sword. “Impressive. I see you’ve made a full recovery from all the things that have happened to you in the past couple of weeks...” He gritted his teeth, watching as Wing took his turn to attack. The Featherdancer found it’s mark, and the sword of Darkness shattered. Liam sneered and thew out a darkness spell, catching Wing in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He stood up slowly with the help of his blade. Celestial Magic wasn’t anything to take lightly, and he knew that. If he wanted to beat Liam, he’d need more then the keyblade. “Well old friend, this is a battle where you can’t help me.” The Featherdancer vanished in a brilliant white light, in its place, a long navy blue blade. The blade was crossed with light purple and orange swirls, and the handle bore an insignia Liam couldn’t make out. A mix of the Ultimate Organization and Inverted Prism symbols, a crystal flanked by two curved lines that resembled wings, the Nobody Symbol rested in the center of the crystal, finishing off Wing’s new crest. “Celestial versus Celestial.” Wing said, snapping the blade into position. Liam nodded and smiled, and his sword reappeared. The two rushed on another, locking blades, struggling for control. Wing managed to push Liam back far enough to start attacking, putting the Dark Guardian on the defensive. *EDIT* OOC: i'll post part 2 after someone else posts....
Wing walked down his path alone, the familar feeling of Darkness lingered in the air. "Liam." He said without turning around. The blonde chuckled and folded his arms. "I see you're all better now. Now let me welcome you to the final show." Wing smirked and his hands were instantly engulfed in twilight, a stronger, richer mix. The phoenix level power coursed through his body unleashed, but no longer parasitic. "You and I are going to settle this tonight." Wing said facing Liam.
"just another test" Wing said putting his arms behind his head
OOC: Very cool sig Hidden! Is it Bella and Vexneah? BIC: The darkness swirled in the mid-afternoon breeze. The town once known as Maroon was little more then ash and memories now. Those that survived took refuge in Red City and began rebuilding their lives. The gods of the land could do little more then weep, and usher the innocent souls through the heavens. Crissilia shook her head and clenched her fists till blood slipped through her fingers. "damn vecked..." she whispered through her tears. she had seen enough and so she left the other gods to handle the guiding. Cerina was nice this time of year, so she decided to sit on the clifs and watch the waves crash below her. "Pretty isnt it?" a young mans voice said softly from behind her. She turned to see the sandy brown haired boy with royal blue eyes. he wore black pants with a long sleeve white button up shirt hidden beneath a tight black leather vest and light violet scarf that seemed to dance in the wind. he had a kind and warm smile which rivaled the sun itself. her eyes grew wide and filled with tears of happiness. "oh please tell me I'm not seeing things!" she wrapped her arms around the boys neck and kissed him passionately. he lightly pulled her arms down and laughed softly. "well that was different." he looked deep into her eyes, watching as they swirled with twilight. his seemed to mimic hers for an instant, confirming his identity. "How? I don't understand!" He smiled and shook his head before looking out into the navy blue water, as the sun reflected off its surface and on to him, making him appear as if he was glowing. "Well, when the bomb went off, I was sure I was done for. But at the last second the God of Iceving falls pulled me into the the heavens and made a deal with me." Crissilia hung on every word, her nails slowly digging into his arm. "Now I know that being a phoenix, I would have been reborn anyways, but I decided to make his deal." "What, what deal?" He smiled and looked into her eyes. "I gave up my phoenix form. He activated the power inside me, so I'm always in "phoenix form", in exchange for the phoenix he let me live, and made it so the time on my soul wouldn't end with Scourge. I'll be reborn into a new life, just like I always have been." Crissilia cocked her head to the side, slightly confused. "Sorry, I'm not to good at explanations. Let's see, how can I put this...I kept the power, but lost the ability to be reborn like a phoenix. My soul has been purged of that curse and the darkness that comes with it. Phoenix powers are addictive, and corrupt the soul they empower. The God recognized this and made me the deal. Now when I die, my soul will pass into the next life, but it wont be reborn to fight Scourge again, it will be reborn into a peaceful time, where I can help people and train the warriors of tomorrow instead of constantly fighting from life to life." Crissilia nodded, seeming to understand the situation a little better now. He wasn't different at all, in fact this was the Wing she gave her power to, the Wing that existed before Inverted Prism, the Wing that was determined to save his country single handedly. He was softer again, but much more powerful, he was...happy. She smiled and hugged him again, just glad to see him alive and well, no perfect. "So what will you do now?" Wing sighed, but kept the same smile. "I'll do what I've always done, protect those that can't protect themselves from those that wish to cause pain and suffering." "you never change." She said softly, taking his hand in hers and drawing on the back of it with her index finger. "Do you need my power?" Wing squeezed her hand gently. "You've given me your power. You entrusted it to me a long time ago, and have done more then enough for me already. This time i'm going to rely on the power and skills I've learned during my travels." He threw his left hand out towards the ocean, opening a twilight portal. "What about the virus?" Wing smirked looking back at her. "Vecked can't use it till he gets to the skypit, the knights there have been alerted to his betrayal, so I'm not to worried. I'll destroy it, just like I said I would." "And the brotherhood?" "Are going to pay for all they've done. Rune will be freed, and Xardius saved. Then I'll work on restoring Twilight Town and the Realms..." Crissilia smiled and shook her head. "You always have some kind of plan. Now get going, and dont forget to come back okay? I miss you Coa..." He nodded and saluted her with his trademark two fingered salute, the one he invented to mock the knights, before flying through the portal and landing next to Bella, Xane, Venture, Skinner, Mellodia, Alyt, and all the others he had come to call his friends. "Hey." He said walking up to Xane. "Let's say we end this together okay?" He held out his hand and smiled. "Just like old times."
RIP King Mickey! As always thanks for the updates Mike! Cant wait to start seeing US countdowns!
hey Pirate!
twilight surrounded him, but the shield was shattered and the radioactive blast consumed his phoenix powered body. the area was left a smoldering pile of rubble. wings body nowhere in sight OOC: perfect i gotta go anyways night
Wing pinned veckeds arms by his sides and made sure they landed softly "Why are we here?"
Wing knew Vecked would destroy the town so as soon as he dropped to one knee, Wings blade sank into his Back as he stood back up. "Shame you lose." He pulled the orb from Vecked's hand as he started staggering back. Wing used his wind power to force the sword through Vecked's body. "You can share their pain when you burn in hell!" Wing unloaded all he had on Vecked, twilight and wind, one after the other until Vecked was a bloody mess
Wing coughed up blood and wiped his mouth before standing and holding his sword over Xardius, who was on the floor, bleeding. "You shouldn't have done that..." He raised the blade into the air and brought it down with a vengeance, but stopped last second and fell backwards. He couldn't kill Xardius. He couldn't. He felt Vecked's power near by and raced off to Maroon town to see him setting the houses on fire. Innocent people were running, scared for their lives. "Stop! Please stop! Its yours, just stop!" He cried out showing the virus to Vecked
Wing staggered to his feet, he was angry now. and Vecked was running to Maroon Town. "VECKED!" in an instant Wing was in front of his rival. His hand reached out and grabbed Vecked by the throat. "You cant have it." His eyes were navy, showing only anger and power. His free fist sunk into Vecked's gut over and over. He was going to kill him today, this was the final fight, this would be the last time he saw his pathetic face.
Wings fingers grasped the orb and he quickly pulled it into his pocket. Xardius was coming at him now, and he smirked "Old friend, if you must kill me to get what you want, then so be it. But just remember, you're better then him, your better the Scourge." Their swords clashed and Wing did what he could to perry and attack. He felt Vecked watch them, and knew he'd be out numbered soon.
Wing changed the winds and grabbed the orb before throwing his blade at Vecked "Have some of this!" He followed the blade with a flurry of twilight spells each hitting Veckeds arms or legs
Wing suddenly felt alone. It was him versus Xardius the original Phoenix, and Vecked the Phoenix experiment that went right. He was the Wing spirit, the Twilight Guardian. He wasn't going to lose. "You don't need the Virus to contain your power Xardius. You have enough will to contain your sanity. Vecked, you're being selfish! There is no need for this fight!" His power surged and the keyblades fuzed into one. The Twilit Areo. He gasped the blade with two hands and went after Vecked. He knew he could handle him at least.
Wing hit the ground and flew back into the air, he had passed into his Phoenix form, and all four keyblades swarmed around him. "I can kill you too, and god or no god, this Virus will be destroyed!" THe blades surrounded Vecked as he fell towards the burning earth of the forgotten Ruber Fields on Prism. Wing's home town lay just beyond the forest. "I wont let you take it either!" He yelled back at Xardius. He knew the wraith was in control for the moment, and both of them would enter Phoenix from soon
Wings free hand was flying, sending out spells to counter Veckeds fire. "you want to fight? then follow me!" he opened a twilight portal and jumped through. the twilight corridors in his sight, a wide open space, no one could get hurt.