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  1. Wing
    "we need to use the opposite or reflect attract or magnet."

    Wing watched as scourge drew ever closer
    Post by: Wing, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Wing
    Wing nodded and thrust his blades forward at Scourge.

    "Today we end this!" He shouted as the Featherdancer and Realms blades found their mark. Wing smiled as they began to sink into Scourge's flesh, but it didn't last long. Before he knew it he was once again on the ground. Not hit by physical means, but rather magical.

    "Damn..." He said watching his blades vanish, leaving only small wounds in Scourge's body
    Post by: Wing, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Wing
    OOC: Sorry had to check some stuff!
    Wing's blades covered themselves with wind and twilight as he rushed in behind Xardius and Jumped over both him and Scourge, ready to attack. But Scourge was just as strong as ever and turned just in time to throw Wing to the ground, keyblades sliding off in opposite directions.

    Wing stood up and gritted his teeth, summoning his blades back to his hands, ready to attack again.

    OOC: brb real quick sorry! xD
    Post by: Wing, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Wing
    OOC: cant seem to find where Nulix posted a response to Wing's message... oh well. Good luck with your RPG Jaxed. Can't stay long tonight, im sorry.

    BIC: Wing's blades snapped into position, his hands gripped the metal tightly, like they always did before a major fight. Adrinaline filled his veins and his mind became focused.

    "One more..." He whispered with a small smirk. "Then i'll just have to defeat him....then I'll finally be able to put these blades away..."
    Post by: Wing, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Wing
    Wing, who had been watching the fight to this point, finally decided to enter the fray, just as Ella swung her sword.

    "Alyt!" He shouted, Keyblade catching Ella's blade before it hit Alyt's block.

    "You go on a head. I'll take care of her." He said swinging his free Keyblade at Ella's exposed side.
    Post by: Wing, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Wing
    Wing had grown tired of waiting on the others, and decided to start looking for them to make sure they were all okay. The small twilight strings were all still leading to them, but he hoped they lead to living people, and not their corpses. He didn't walk to far before seeing Xardius coming over top a hill. He waved and flashed a smile.

    "About time! I was getting worried!"

    He saw the expression on Xardius's face, and his mood sank.

    "What's up?" He asked, looking down the hill. He saw Xane, mellodia, Venture, Alyt, some one he hadn't met before, and Tera Roth.

    "Tera?" His eyes grew wide and he looked back and forth between Xardius and the Ghost, or what should have been a ghost, of Tera Roth.

    "What's going on?" He asked folding his arms over his chest.
    Post by: Wing, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Wing
    OOC: thanks guys, glad u all liked it!
    Post by: Wing, May 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Wing
    OOC: If Wing went to meet Xane and Xardius, he'd be going backward? and yeah i figured nulix would keep me waiting haha
    Post by: Wing, May 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Wing
    OOC: where are they going?
    Post by: Wing, May 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Wing
  11. Wing
    Wing sat and sighed. He wasn't worried,he knew the others would find their way to the exit soon. It was just a matter of waiting for them. he pulled out a small tape recorder from his inside vest pocket, amazed that it was still in one piece he clicked the record button. The small black tape inside began to spin slowly, catching his every breath.

    "Let's finally put an end to the suffering. The senseless deaths, and cure the distrust that plagues the universes. Let's kill those that try and play the role of God from behind the scenes, using their power to manipulate and gain whatever they wish by any means necessary. Let's Usher in a new day, no, a new era. Based solely on peace. Cut out the corruption, replace it with new and honest men. Who want nothing more then to see their homes live in peace and prosperity. So I ask all of you who fight for a better tomorrow, join us. You're help is greatly appreciated. For all of you who were once members of the Powerful Ultimate Organization, I ask you to pick up your swords once more and lead those who wish for peace to victory! Yeah, you too Nulix."

    He chuckled as he clicked the record button, watching the small tape spin to a stop. A Small portal opened and Foux flew from the sky, taking the tape recorder from Wing's hand.

    "You know where to go." he said with a small wink. A tiny folded piece of paper was tapped to the back of the recorder, addressed to Nulix Princeton.

    it's been quite a while. I hope you're doing well in your new position. I wish you nothing but success in all your current and future endeavors. I only have a single favor to ask. Please play this tape over the Universal Radio Station.

    Your Friend forever and always,
    Wing~ Master of Gales
    Post by: Wing, May 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Wing
    Wing dusted himself off and sighed in frustration.

    "Stupid enigma..." He said standing up and stretching.

    He started for the castle ruins again, his shoulder stinging slightly from the wound Enigmas had given him. His twilight ability could no longer heal his wounds because the phoenix was gone.

    "Good thing I have smaller sized potions."

    He pulled out a small vile, barely large enough to hold more then a few drops. He downed it and his shoulder began to heal.

    "Now, let's hope the others are doing alright..."

    The Castle ruins were in sight now, and he was the first to arrive. His hand passed over the two small metal pieces in his pocket.

    "Almost time, just a little longer."

    He sat down on a small wall and waited.
    Post by: Wing, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Wing
    Wing struggled to his feet, he hadn't expected a blow to the back of his head.

    He threw his hod back and gritted his teeth, Enigma wouldn't get away, not this time.

    "You coward!" He shouted, throwing spell after spell before using the technique he had just used, to get in front of Enigma right as his keyblade was able to connect with the Brotherhood member's gut

    "I'm not letting you walk away!"
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Wing
    Wing's fingers slipped smoothly around the cool metallic handle of the featherdancer. in one motion he pulled the sword from the earth and vanished, the blade swung down at Enigma's shoulder, then vanishing before reappearing to be swung at his gut, legs, arms, neck, then finally hitting its mark on his back, knocking him to the ground. Wing stopped, appearing seemingly from nowhere. An attack created from the speed of Wind and the ability to use twilight corridors. He was mimicking a mole, the small blind creature that burrows through the ground.

    His eyes still closed, using only Enigma's aura to attack, he couldn't ever miss...there was no way he could be out sped now.

    Wing dropped back into a portal, then thrust the featherdancer from a portal beneath Enigma, sending him up into the air, where Wing began to fly across the sky, slashing at Enigma from all sides before landing on one knee, waiting to hear his foe's body hit the solid earth.
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Wing
    Wing waited, his hearing picking up on every little Move Enigma made. The cyclone grew in its intensity lashing out from time to time, cracking like a whip in Enigma's direction

    "Come now, dont tell me you've stopped fighting"
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Wing
    Wing dropped to one knee clutching his chest. it burned, and it was so quick. Only one way to fight now.

    Wing stood, feet shoulder width apart, fists by his side. One keyblade stabbed into the ground before him. He let his hands rest on its hilt as his body calmed, his royal and navy blue eyes closed slowly. His breathing was slow and even. His body stood relaxed, but hard as a statue. He picked up on Enigma's aura, and after images, the real one colored red by his mind's eye, to show heat, the others blue, cold and lifeless. His jacket seemed to zip itself as the hood shrouded his face in shadow.

    "First blood, and only blood." He whispered.

    The smooth metal in his pocket came to mind, and smirk crossed his hidden lips.

    "All in good time..." He said to himself.

    The wind around him picked up creating a small cyclone
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Wing
    Wing ducked his shoulder, the blade slicing the top versus stabbing through him. He jutted his blade at Enigma's gut, hitting him last second with the blunt end. Enigma flew backwards, carried on the wind current created when the blade connected with his gut.

    Wing shot a blast of Twilight at the fallen Katana, in an attempt to shatter it.

    "Come on, you're going easy on me."

    He smirked and held his open palm in Enigma's direction, the twilight cloud that surrounded his hand growing bigger every second.

    OOC: Brb i gotta run an errand
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Wing
    Wing managed to side step the attack, catching the katana as Enigma brought it down, right in between the two keyblades. Wing tightened the hold, forcing the katana into the dirt before sliding the featherdancer down the length of the black steel, its point aimed for Enigma's heart.
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Wing
    Wing moved as fast as the wind he commanded. He leaned his head back dodging Enigma's punch while he dropped the Featherdancer down to catch the stabbing attack.

    Wing continued the motion, flipping backwards, putting some distance between him and Enigma.

    "Nice, never expected that." He said snapping the Featherdancer back into place with his left hand, the Twilit Oathkeeper appearing in his right hand. He hel it upside down so to block more efficiently. Enigma was going for the kill so most his attacks would be centered on Wing's middle.

    He rushed Enigma, swiping upwards with the TO and slashing across Enigma's middle with the Featherdancer. Twilight rippled off both blades, as if Wing had pulled them from a pool of the celestial magic. if the sharp edges didn't cut Enigma, the magic certainly would.
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Wing
    Wing sighed and shook his head with a chuckle.

    "You know, I have. Yet, right now, you're not on my top five things to fight list. Heck, on a list of three, you're the bottom."

    He took up a battle stance.

    "But, If defeating you is the only way to the castle, and the end of this...then you're nothing more then a roadblock...and roadblocks always come down sooner or later."

    He smirked and nodded.
    Post by: Wing, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home