Wing backflipped to doge Scourge's thrust. In mid air he twisted over and landed, swords ready to attack again. "Give it to me now, we don't have time!" Wing just shook his head and charged into battle again. "No, I'm not giving it to you!"
Wing knew he was in trouble now. Vecked was a wild card at this point. Fighting both Wing and Scourge. Wing only hoped that the ex-prince would realize the Scourge would have to be dealt with first. "We don't have time to fight one another, Vecked!" He shouted, blocking another swipe from Scourge.
OOC: I'm sure i speak for everyone when I say this: Thanks for the interest! But I think we are wrapping this RP up in the next few days...but hey PM Darknight36 and find out. If you join now, you may have perfect timing...or u may not
Wing was still struggling against Scourge's raw power when Vecked's voice came in loud and clear. "Wing, throw the virus! Don't let Scourge take it!" Wing just shook his head, as sweat dripped down his cheeks. "No! I won't give it to you! Not after what you did..." Wing gritted his teeth, trying to push back against Scourge's monstrous strength.
Wing gritted his teeth, watching as Scourge spun towards him. His words sinking into the young sandy blonde haired boy's mind. "No, there is a difference between us. I kill those who wish to harm others...he kills to gain power...but killing is still killing...NO!" His mind began to fog over, and his judgement was beginning to become clouded, causing him to lose focus. "WING!" A voice in the back of his mind shouted, snapping him back to reality at the last possible second. his swords met with Scourge's and he braced himself, trying to hold his ground. "Urg..."
*Wonders why everyone is being shunned*
Hey Hidden!
Yeah I hear that. How's your summer going?
you know the funny thing? I'm on this site everyday for hours...I have a lot of free time. It just seems that I always manage to miss you guys. I...
Hey Pirate, how are you today?
Wing felt the tears sting his cheeks as he watched the dust that was once Xardius blow away into the very element he controlled. He quickly blinked his royal blue eyes, and when they reopened, the tears were replaced by anger, and rage. He matched Scourge's stance, ready to take the man on by himself. He was ready to fulfill the promise he had once made to Xardius. Wing was a man of his word, and was more then ready to end this war here and now. Even if he were to die in the process, he knew that Xane would finish their mission. He also had faith in Nulix and the message Wing had sent to him. "It's time we put an end to all these battles. It's time the Darkness learned it's place in the universes. It's time for change." He looked around at all those in the room; Xane, Bella, Vecked, Mellodia, Venture, Alyt, then finally Scourge. "We may be young, but we have heart. And Even though we were born into these worlds as everything fell apart, we remain strong. Yeah, they all said we didn't belong, but like I said, we are strong. We will fight, or we will fall,till the angels save us all. And I assure you, the angels will save us!" Twilight surged around Wing's boots now, slowly rising to surround his body. Crissilia's form appeared for an instant behind him, with her arms around his neck. We she vanished, a pair of light blue wings, with royal blue and lavender feathers mixed in were left in her place. they weren't the same as hi former Phoenix Wings. No, these were pure, celestial wings. "Are you ready to meet your creator, Scourge?"
Wing rushed Scourge from the side, eyes full of determination, body full of adrenaline. His twin swords were held in their attack positions, their tips as strong as diamonds, ready to slice whatever they touched. "You won't win!" He shouted as he let the blades fall, each finding their mark in Scourge's side and left shoulder.
Wing slipped it around his wrist and smirked "Thanks Xane, knew I could count on you! Now lets finish this fight so I can kill this thing already!" He slashed over and over again at Scourge, each hit falling harder and faster then the last, but the man still managed to keep up with was like fighting a brick wall covered in reenforced concrete surrounded by three layers of reenforced glass...
Wing watched as the Virus chain dangled from Xane's hand. "I need to get it...." He thought as he joined Vecked and Xardius in their onslaught against Scourge
Wing dropped his X-guard and opened one eye slowly, wondering if it was over or not. He looked up at Xardius wafting smoke from his face and smirked. "Quick thinking old friend." He looked over at Scourge, and gritted his teeth. "Ultima has no opposite that I know of..." His eyes fell of Xane, beaten up pretty badly behind Scourge. "But it doesnt matter. Throw your spells, cast your superior magic! We will never stop this dance until you're dead! I made a promise, and I plan on keeping it!" He rushed Scourge, determination burning in his royal blue eyes as his body transcended in to it's twilight form. Twilight forged armor covered his body, and his keyblades disappeared and were replaced by twin twilight blades, each bearing his crest. The small visor covered his face, and let in just enough light to see by. His blades connected with Scourge's magical barrier, but he kept attacking, never backing down.
To much spam in the thread!
Wing swallowed hard, summoning the power of attraction, a simple manipulation of wind, to his hands. "Magnet!" He shouted throwing all he hand into the spells casting. His hope and determination as well as Xardius's hope and determination mixed with the spell, making it that much more powerful. The spell hit the reflect barrier, and looked as if it would just bounce off at first, but then to Wing and Xardius's delight, the Reflect barrier shattered, leaving Scourge for the moment. Wing wasted no time throwing twilight spells at the man. "Attack with everything you have!" He commanded summoning his keys and rushing Scourge
Wing nodded and threw his hands out in front of his body ready to direct Xardius's power where necessary. "Please work!" He prayed OOC: nice post nulix!