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  1. Wing
    Profile Post

    lol that it is!

    lol that it is!
    Profile Post by Wing for Catch the Rain, Sep 30, 2009
  2. Wing
    Awesome, cant wait to see it! thanks mike
    Post by: Wing, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Wing
    Profile Post

    whats wrong DK?

    whats wrong DK?
    Profile Post by Wing for DarKnight36, Aug 5, 2009
  4. Wing
    Still no US release then? Darn...
    Post by: Wing, Jul 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Wing
    Wing watched in silence as Xadrius collected Vecked’s remains and buried them.

    “Had I known that you wanted the Virus so it could restore your home world... I wouldn’t have ever tried to stop you...â€

    When Xardius raced off Wing knelt in front of the small grave, tears sliding slowly down his cheeks, each one burning like the fire Vecked commanded. He rested his hand on the makeshift tombstone and forced wind around it, weathering it until it was solid stone, and would stand forever.

    “You meant so much to me. I always knew that you weren’t an evil man. You suffered so much in your short life...and I only hope that now you’re happy. Vecked, you were a good man, and I should have never doubted your intentions. Please, if you can hear me, forgive me.â€

    Wing stood slowly, the sound of retreating armies filled the air. He heard soldiers cheering and patting one another on the back, as others apologized and shook their former enemies hands. This is what they had all fought so hard for. This was the birth of an era of peace.

    Wing watched Xane, Mellodia and Venture and couldn’t help but smile. He saw Bella start leaving the battlefield, ready to continue her life. Memories flashed in his mind, and he couldn’t help but smile.

    He chuckled a bit shaking his head as their adventures filled his mind. “I could always count on you guys matter what, you two always gave it everything you had.â€

    He turned back to face Vecked’s grave.

    “You remember how we met?†Wing sat down, looking in to the now clear blue sky.

    “Midgar...that’s where we met. Then all the worlds you chased me through afterwards. Yet you never really wanted me dead did you? I know I never wanted to kill you...though I know I said I was going to at least a hundred times.†He looked at the dirt he sat on and kicked a rock.

    “I never meant it...Vecked, you and I were so similar...We wanted the same thing, to restore a world that meant something to us...our only difference was in our methods. Now it doesn’t matter though...I know you’re out there though...somewhere. I hope you’re happy...I hope we meet again. Goodbye Vecked...â€

    Wing placed a hand on the tombstone, leaving behind the necklace he had given Vecked so long ago.

    “Good bye, friend.â€

    Wing walked away from the grave, wind and dust blowing around him as he opened a twilight portal. The Featherdancer and Twilight Realms keyblades stood crossed over Vecked’s grave and a new line was written in the stone.

    “...A Dream that will never be forgotten...â€

    The twilight corridors were just as he remembered them, cold and lonely. He had no where to go, so he sat. Tears streaming down his face. Tears of joy mixed with tears of pain. It was over now, all the fighting, the death. It was what he had prayed so long for.

    “There, there...â€

    Crissilia’s voice came from behind him. Her arms were quickly around his body and her lips pressed to his neck. Her presence was the drug he needed. Her voice and kiss took all his pain away and healed his broken heart. She was for him, and him for her. She was the one he had always looked for, she was his Dream.

    “He’s not really gone...He lives in you now. I know that you loved him like a brother, but don’t cry for Smile for the memories you have of him. I know there are good ones. He always gave you a challenge, he pushed you further then anyone else ever has. He made you strive to be stronger. He was the reason you let go of the Virus that called itself Phoenix. He made you believe that there was goodness in every one. He showed you who you really were. You two brought out the best in one another. I know for sure that when the two of you fought together, the worlds and gods watched in awe. He is among them now, and he is happy...â€

    Wing nodded and smiled softly, holding Crissilia, tightly to him.

    “Thank you.â€

    She kissed him passionately, putting all of her love into the kiss.

    “I love you Coa Barton. Master of Gales, and Guardian of Twilight.â€


    “Just like I remember it.†He chuckled underneath the black hood that shrouded his face. Small wisps of blonde hair were all that could be seen. Twilight filled his palm as he held his hand toward the building before him.

    “Memory’s Skyscraper. A beacon to those that wander. A safe haven for those that are lost. The beginning of an incredible journey I’m happy I was able to participate in. Now I give you this.â€

    The Twilight spell flew from his hand and rested at the top of the building. A blinding light flashed for only a moment, then the rain began to fall.

    “My story, no, our story. The story of the Ultimate Organization. What really happened. It’s my wish that someday someone will find it and now what we did for the universes.â€

    He gave a two fingered salute to the skyscraper he used to retreat to when he needed to think. So many memories surrounded this one spot, and someday, a new organization may find them, and learn from them.

    “Twilight town.†His voice was full of happiness at word as he fell through a twilight portal, landing perfectly atop the Twilight Town Clock Tower. This was the world he longed to belong to, the world he wanted to save...He had Rune to thank for it’s revival.

    “Beautiful as always...†He sighed, smiling his famous smile. His hood as blown back by the gentle breeze, revealing his royal blue eyes and blonde hair.

    “But there’s things to do, so I’ll have to enjoy the sun set another day...â€

    He looked down to the streets below, watching people, looking for someone in particular.

    “Right on tie.â€

    He said, spotting the flaming red hair and built frame.

    OOC: Alright, this is my last post. Not my greatest, but it'll do...until i decide it needs to be rewritten lol
    Post by: Wing, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Wing
    OOC: Wonderful job everyone! Im sad to see this end though...two lol I'll have my final post written and posted later tonight/ Very early in the morning! I'll either edit this post or make a new one depending on how many others post before i can come back
    Post by: Wing, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Wing
    "Repel them!" A light user shouted, pointing to the newly discovered pocket of U.O. soldiers.

    "Our fate rests with those two..." He thought looking over at Xardius and Wing running towards the skypit.
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Wing
    "Bella!" Wing smiled and hugged her.

    "I want you to help Xane...and protect the light users. They need you."
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Wing
    Wing turned to Xane, an idea in his mind.

    "Xane, you Mellodia and Venture take out Skinner and the U.O. Xardius and I will handle Vecked and this troublesome Virus! It all ends tonight!"

    Wing raced off, whistling as he did. Foux flew over his left Shoulder, ready to assist in anyway he could
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Wing
    Profile Post

    lol i know!

    lol i know!
    Profile Post by Wing for Pirateguywithapplepie, Jun 26, 2009
  11. Wing
  12. Wing
    OOC: Damn, that was vivid, it was like watching a lie.

    BIC: Wing watched as Xardius and Scourge, now Rune, separated. IT was over...the Brotherhood was defeated, its leader back to normal, or what Xardius had told them was normal. Wing smiled softly, racing to Xardius's side.

    "Well old friend, only one thing left to do on our agenda."

    He held up the Virus crystal. "We'll do it together, alright? Then when this is done and over....We can go home...Back to the lives we had before all of this...back to peace. Just like we've wanted since the day we met, all those centuries ago. Never Forget me Darius, I sure won't forget you."
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Wing
  14. Wing
  15. Wing
  16. Wing
    OOC: Xalan! Thank you DK! whew lol

    BIC: Wing continued to help the light users
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Wing
  18. Wing
    OOC: yeah but that was the character left from Org XIV....she had another one for this thread, that was connected to Jorxdy...
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Wing
    *confused as to being shunned or un-shunned..* Well if I am, i say the shunned people start a party! *dances* xp
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. Wing
    OOC: Sorry sorry sorry! I keep vanishing during the final moments I'm like a badly timed commercial break. x|

    BIC: Wing was torn. Destroy the Virus and fight the U.O Army and UPA or help Xardius against Scourge. If he failed, Vecked would take the Virus, and do God knows what with it. He began to whistle softly, you couldn't hear it unless you were right next to him. His body shifted to its Twilit Wind mode and he made his way on to the battlefield, attacking whoever dared oppose him. UPA and U.O. soldiers alike fell as he tried his best to protect the Light Users. He still kept a close eye on Scourge and Xardius, and knew that if Xardius died, it was up to him and Vecked to finish the monsters off. Then, they'd settle things once and for all.

    Suddenly without warning, all of the communications equipment crackled with static before clearing up, all of the orders and commands replaced by Wing's voice. Nulix had made it to the Universal Broadcasting Station and got them to listen. Wing's voice was broadcasting over every form of communication network throughout the universes. He couldn't help but smile inside.

    "Thanks Nulix." He whispered before his whistling resumed. A memory of the first time he used sound to cast magic flashed, it was in Midgar with Xardius. They had been hiding in Soldier, and the guards were trying to hurt an innocent woman.

    "It all comes to an end right here. At the end of the day, one side will rise, and the other will fall!" His keyblades tore through the masses, cutting a path for the Light users to regroup and begin their counter attack.

    Scourge and Xardius fought in a blur of light, each throwing out their best moves, it was a win or lose fight, kill or be killed. Black and white with no shades of grey. This would be the last time they looked at one another, the final memory of the other's existence.

    Wing's whistling grew louder at a steady pace as his emotions and determination grew, so did his power. This was his final form, his true form. The Phoenix, "virus" was no longer limiting the Guardian of Twilight and Master of Gales now. He was free to unleash hell. In this state, he was ready to fight the remaining Phoenix's at the end of the day. He prepared himself mentally and physically.

    "Flame vs Flame...Wind Vs the end of the day only one power will remain, and I can assure you, that the Wind shall put the fire out..."

    OOC: Does anyone still have the original members list? or know what the name of Jorxdy's character was??? I need it for the story i'm working on...and I cant remember it to save my life?!
    Post by: Wing, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home