Awesome! Can't wait for this. The name Dream Drop Distance has yet to grown on me, ah well I'll get used to it soon enough just like 358/2 Days. :D
Damn that sucks, hope everything turns out okay. Love his music.
I've just recently played a few moments ago, some controls did feel a little off, but so far it's fun. Didn't notice the chase was faster though.. the assist mode is cool, barely noticed it at first.
Aww I used to have this game but I lost it , unfortuntley. Though at the time I rarely found others to play with :/ It's fun though, along with the Psp versions, and overcourse the older ones.
So, anyone get a chance to play the Jap demo yet?
the name is pretty cool to me. Rumored that this is supposed to be another spin-off series. >.> screens of gameplay look slightly like Crisis Core. :/
Hehe xD I believe I was around level 19, so yea you're fine. Yea this area is pretty long. Also if you're playing on standard or higher it shouldn't matter. Good Luck tho.
Trailer looks neat. Not too surprised though really looking forward to that looks cool. :3
AWESOMEEEEE!!! Can't wait. Go SE :3 edit: gameplay looks sick.
Pretty much what I did was advance through the game first begining on Standard then so on as I get closer to finishing the game. By this tactic my leveling went slightly higher faster as I noticed while playing. Leveling up would be tough since it's mostly a puzzle type game though. Best way is to just kill the bug blocks and heartless in Traverse
Hmm there might be more new projects in the works... Type-1, 2 and 3
A Site has been registered under "Corporation Service Company" which is association with the Nier and FFXIII (site's blank though xD)
Personally I would just like to know a little more towards the story. A trailer would be nice to see though, but I doubt that happening anytime soon - it's a bit too early...
I'm enjoying the game so far, this is my second time playing this game (first in english) and I'm glad to say that this is a great DS game to have. Looking foward to 3D and hopefully KH3...>.>
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
So many, these are a few I remember for the time being... Recoded Dissidia 012 Pokemon: Black and White Fortress (possiblity in 11) MGS: Rising Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Ha, knew it was fake, but thus is why I don't use facebook anymore. It will destroy you!!!!! :P And I totally agree Facebook is too popular to shut down, think of all the people who sign on every...25 minutes or so (used to be me btw xD)
8.0/10...Pretty good score. Glad to hear that reviewers are taken the initiative reviewing it.
Cool. can't wait. There's a few titles that caught my eye here and I'd hope get released at launch.