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  1. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    I've played KH2 a few months ago. Lately, I've just been occupying myself with a few PS2 games recently. I haven't played the 1st one in years... don't know why.
  2. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Recently, Angry Birds.

    Never thought it would actually be as fun as I've heard it would be : D
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 21, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  3. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    This game was better than Days that's for sure. I felt no real challenge while playing it, but I thought it was okay. But certainly I'm wanting a console game this time around.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Same here, last summer I played Super Mario Sunshine.

    Other than that no, I usually don't play games differently during the seasons :/

    Thanks :'D
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  5. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    The Black Cauldron, is probably the only notable one I could think of that I have not seen yet :/

    Not sure why though, maybe I'll get around to it.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  6. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Well, I'm certain that the first KH holds the most memories to me, and such when I was younger. Especially how tough I thought Ansem was, but now that it's been years since - I have to agree that the first KH won't ever top the next.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    I remember watching this video, and laughing, about his commentary towards this game, but I don't find him funny. Just amusing.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 10, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  8. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    I never even noticed it, since now that I've browsed around for a bit. It could relate to being something more, but I doubt this has a connection towards anything
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Sailor Moon.

    Awesome show, then I used to watch Pokemon every morning, religiously.
    (I still do :D)
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 9, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  10. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Runescape, then I got addicted to Maple Story.

    I haven't went back to either of them in years.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 9, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  11. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Awesome, honestly I haven't played since 3, but I'm looking foward to it. Surprised shame really that are hear my mains aren't returning in this one
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 6, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  12. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Sure. Id like her to be playable, I mean it's odd now that I think about it we have not yet had that chance. We've played Riku and Mickey so far, so maybe we'll get that chance to play as her. It'll be cool.
  13. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Odd I can sign in via my PS3 but not for PSP..

    eh I'll try tomorrow when the store has been up for awhile.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  14. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    For me I particularly had the Nintendo systems, nes, snes and n64 consoles - Most of the games I had for them, I don't have for anymore unfortunatley but most of the time I've played either Zelda or Mario
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  15. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Haven't seen many movies latley, but for classic purporses Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, May 29, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    I went to see this movie earlier today, Not as strong as the others in my opinion but, I left only slightly more confused then the last film.. :/
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, May 27, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Me want Peace Walker for PS3 :D
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, May 27, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  18. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    As of right now, I'd like KH3 because I see it as being the final saga of the KH series, but of course I kind of doubt this will happen due to how well the so called franchise is doing. Then again I'd also want it for the story and how far and successful it may go. I was pretty much displeased with no new console release in the last few years.
  19. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    ...Only happends whenever I'm posting something long and actually relevant to the topic :l
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, May 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Hmm I've been hearing about the 20 min vid that's been going around, but as much as I like FF I won't watch the whole thing, but besides that I actually like what I see here, I'm a little skeptical about the whole open world thing, but since it's running on the CC engine; I like :D
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, May 23, 2011 in forum: Gaming