How does making an automerged double post make yourself a true member? I guess that I am not a true member because I have yet to do that.
Nintendo DS is a target for child molestors Why worry about dangerous strangers within a one hundred yard radius contacting your child when you can worry about the millions of strangers on Myspace? America Online instant messaging? Chat rooms? Those parents, while they think they are helping their children, they do not understand the word "risk". What are your thoughts on this?
Is she returning today? I was told she would be returning today.
*Shoots Mish* I highly doubt that. That reminds me, I can travel through time, but only forward at normal speed.
I am insanely bored and have a Insomnia problem.
So, are you going to put every active member on there?
That was your account?
Why was he even banned in the first place?
If he is banned, how can you see his avatar?
Space colony from Sonic Adventure Two. Only that was spelled Ark.
Alright, I though it was for some other reason.
If this was deleted, then why post it again?
I was wondering that myself. Also, your post count is not evil, at least not anymore.
Do not say that, he might actually do it and it could make him immortal.
Send me the message to the Rakushiinu account, I will log on there soon. I am a girl.
Administrators are blue and bolded, not cyan. Are Premium members orange or dark orange? They look a little different.
I was banned for the fifth time on this site. Arc, Cin, and Darkandroid are temporary Administrators while Sara is recovering from an operation.
Oh well, Rakushiinu is just as good. EDIT: When you quoted my message it appered just fine, do you mean the program you are using will not display Japanese characters?
Are you going to put me on there? Although I am technically on there.
I only like Taco Bell, the rest I have had bad experiences with.