How much reputation do you need to get a second bar? EDIT: Atari your name looks pretty cool in that deep sky blue color.
ラクシーヌ: First time I was hacked Zemunasu: I made this account and straightened things out with Sara, banned after ラクシーヌ was restored. ラクシーヌ: Second time I was hacked Rakushiinu: Third time I was hacked Rakushiinu: Problem with my internet protocal.
I never knew he was banned that many times, up until now I even though I was banned more times then he was.
First of all I am a girl, second of all, with recent events, I doubt I will ever be a part of the staff, although I would really like it, and third of all, this is not how it works, they choose you, not the members.
What was your other guess?
I did not think many people would be so interested in who it is. Sara Now I am going to be emberassed if she sees this.
I broke my index finger, and middle finger today after falling off my bike, now my right hand is pretty useless.
There is one member here who scares me, it scares me to even talk to them, and I always avoid it unless I need to. Even Boris the Blade does not even do this to me.
...I paid one hundred hours for that? Can you at least help me to not turn into a cowered at the very thought of being yelled at by a member (Who will remain nameless).
Cin, I have no friends and I was constantly called useless, pathetic, and a traiterous rat.
Indeed it is, I know a little bit and all it did was left me dumbfounded.
with your nose' thread things with your nose. You told me to type them so I did.
How does a proxy server allow you to get to this site? While I am asking what is a proxy server?
Actually, I made a mistake and quoted your message, I was actually supposed to quote Deathspank's message.
Boris the Blade did it?
Why would someone want to attack this site anyways?
Google search for ラクシーヌ Not surprisingly, it is mostly information regarding Larxene on Kingdom Hearts: Remake Chain of Memories.
You are a happy demon?
Did you even read my paragraph below the link?
It may just be coincidence, but during this one twenty-four hour period, I have seen him post more times then I have ever seen him in a one month time frame.