Boris the Blade Someone even took his name and made some people think it was him that was sending people to troll around.
Sara It was a very hard choice for me to pick between her, and Arc, but in the end, I went with Sara.
Shikamarus Shadow I misread the title as "Perverted Flame Wars". I do not know how that happened it just did.
Arc I think he deserves it after what he did to help me out.
Nine thousand seven hundred eighty seveven. Thirteen thousand two hundred.
Roxas sent it to me last night, I enjoyed reading it, but it told me nothing I do not already know of Boris the Blade. If Cin's version is going to have his notes, then I can not wait until his actually gets posted.
Kiss up to the Administrators? I never thought I was doing anything like that anymore, but Xaldin's thread makes me think otherwise.
Actually, a lot of people already know about it, Cin, Sara, and Xaldin have all said there was a forum only the staff can see, and Boris the Blade posted that there was a forum that only the staff can see with several quotes from it.
Since they have no definate pronounciations in English, I just pronoune them by their Japanese name.
Member who kisses up to Admins Most Rakushiinu Crap, being a kiss-up is never something I wanted to end up being. Although looking back, it is not too surprising. Most Serious Raku Why did you shorten it for this one but all the others got the full name? Oh well, I like being extremely serious, and am happy I was a choice to be nominated for this.
Neither do I. Even if I did, I think my signature is better then Xaldin's signature
Didn't some people get in trouble for taking other people's signatures, avatars, and user titles?
Mari is still a Forum Helper. Also, when looking at the Forum Leaders page, I notice Pulse is listed with the Super Moderators, what is up with that?
Actually a lot of butterflys look far from ugly.
Spiders are not insects, they are arachnids.
Alright, thanks GIIIIIIIIIRLZ :D, and riku sora kairi own. So that is what it looks like. This thread can be closed now.
I have never received a warning, and wanted to see what it looks like in my User Controll Panel. Either that, or could I see a picture of someone who has a warning?
My name is Rakushiinu in Katakana (A Japanese alphabet for those who do not know).
So because of hacking and that is why Deathspank got rid of it? I thought it was because of Boris the Blade.