These are fun. ^^ You are happy-go-dateable. You're out there, you're available, and you're optimistic, but you're not advertising in neon lights. You're too chill to run around chasing it, but you don't see the point in making it too difficult for someone you're interested in, 'cause at the end of the day you'd really like to meet someone nice. If they approach you, they'll meet a warm, friendly, sparkly personality who will make them glad they took the chance. And if they can't seem to work up the nerve... for the right person, we bet you'd lay it on the line and do the approaching. EDIT: These always hit the nail on the head, if you ask me. So true.
You sound like me a couple weeks ago. Go to bed! Drink lots of fluids!
Yes, actually...I once had to do a pamphlet describing something in science (I forget what it was, but I remember, at least, that I was telling about how divers avoided getting the Bends) and I ended up making a tour pamphlet titled Roxas' Dive to the Heart Tours! I don't remember many of the details, but I do remember making some comments on "weird underwater birds" and a Xemnas corpse. Yup. My teacher loved it and used it as an example for the class. I had to correct her pronounciation every few seconds... EDIT: Now that I think about it, I mentioned Kingdom Hearts a lot in that the beginning of the year, I drew Axel catching on fire for not following safety procedures around a bunson burner. xD
Cin...without a doubt. xDDD
Hey TCO! Mao?!
Ugh, lucky. I only get a couple days off to go to the barrier islands this weekend. The good thing is that it's a wedding that my parents have to go to...while I spend time on the beach with my sister.
xD My results: You are just jealous. You think the world is a cruel, heartless place, but the real problem isn't an unfair universe – it's you. Instead of loving and admiring your favorite people, you've become unbelievably jealous of their attractive qualities, possessions, and relationships. You can't shake the feeling that everyone else's life is a lot more exciting than yours is, and you know what? You're right. Everyone else's life *is* better -- because they're not wasting all their time and energy on jealousy! (And now you're probably jealous of our quizzy wisdom. Oh, well. We tried.) I guess I am jealous...xDDD
Awww, why not?
No, actually, I haven't. I'm sorry you feel like that...*hugs*
It's good. ^^ No class this week, so I can come up with all the weird ideas I want.
Hiya CTR! How's life going for ya?
COOKIES! *pounces* Gimmeh. >.<
Oh, I like it! You really ought to record it for us or something, because the lyrics give off that kinda rebellious feel, which I just adore. Totally awesome lyrics. Awesome. ^^
None taken. ^^
I don't think it's funny at all...sorry...T.T
The red on the lips looks a tad bit messy...then again, it's a dude's lips, so there's not much to work with... It creeps me out a tad bit, to be honest. I think the text is fine.
Here, but not here...I've been neglecting my families lately, and it makes me feel sad...I'm so sorry! T.T
(I haven't posted here in like, forever...) Kill me! xD
As I mentioned in the other thread that was in the Spam Zone, I'm going to be Road Kamelot at my halloween party. (I don't trick-o'-treat, I'm too old for that.) That will probably be the shortest skirt I'll ever wear in my life.
0.o I've just been missing for the past couple weeks...months...ack, I dunno. WHEE BLUE!