Ugh, that's so lame. They need to stick to their promises before they start losing the trust of their fans...which it seems has already started to happen.
xD Or you could just be a little kid who needs speech therapy.
I'm dyslexic. Cuz I'm goob like bat.
This thread never dies, does it?
Oh boy, not this again. >.<
This is quite possibly one of the weirder threads I've seen on this site. We have better wall graffiti. >.< And our bathrooms are cleaner because we're higher on the Scale of Awesome.
That's so WRONG! xDDDD
Aye aye, sir! And Kinky ran off to go fetch her maid costume from the cleaners.
Sounds like a date! Mark your calendars...
How interesting. Comment ittttttt.xD
Why I oughtta... I won't have any left when he's done...
I stalk Evil now. I mean, um, iPrAiSiN'. ^^
KINKY WINS! As president, I promise that I will increase national awareness of how dumb some former presidents have been...*cough*
As I said on youtube, it's a lovely video...and I absolutely love the song! Nice work. ^^ *Rep'd*
Rawr. Hellz yes, just don't tell Dan. xD ....and bring the napkin, Evil.
Ummm...naked dancing in the moonlight? Skinny dipping? *cough* It's probably the first thing that came to mind.
Oh yes. We had to be quiet. Or else we'd have had to face his innocent wrath.
Broke the switch? You shouldn't have been throwing your shoes. >.< Oh yeah, that Dan....
I'm TOTALLY quoting that in my sig...xD Yeah, that stupid darkness. Why couldn't you have turned on the light?
And I'm wearing his shorts. Don't I just make 'em look like high fashion? You don't want to know. Long story.