Ergh, I hate when they bring up stuff like that. It's annoying because you can't figure out how to explain it to them in terms that they would understand...without making it sound like a bad place.
Ew, AntiForm. It gave me a headache when fighting Xigbar...but as far as I'm concerned, I don't think AntiForm was the best form...nor was it the worst form. He probably was just a really great player and a higher level or something. If they use cheats, they usually let you know.
...I always knew you were crazy...xD
I have to admit that I always liked when Xemnas said "Indeed..." and "...hearts quivering with rage..." it was like listening to cement talk. So deep! xD
Yay one-years. We should have a rabid house party or something. ...with rabies.
I'm pretty sure they all look kind of similar, but I agree...they're really alike. I'm sure that that has no relation to the plot, though.
Mine's like...November 4th or 6th or something. >.< D'ya think my username would look cool as Gravity or Gravitus or something?
I know, me too...and now I've missed my one-year-at-KHV-anniversary. xD
Hi people. I haven't been on in like...forever.>.<
I actually was... I'm going to get a friend of mine to play Eustice, and we'll write love letters from the state penitientiary. xDDD
That baby is hot. xD GIVESS ME THE BABY.
xD I found this old camera while pawing through boxes in my room, and I decided to test it the middle of the night. God, I'm so cool. 'Neko loves Eustice. Or something.
This thread is proof that most of us here have, in fact, gone insane. Sadly....or, not so much.
16 for a permit? I thought it was 16 for a license and 15 for a permit? I'm studying for my permit at the moment, actually.
I'm Italian and Swedish, though mostly Swedish...but I think I look Greek...even though I don't think I'm Greek at all.
I'm An a$$hole...I forget who sings it, though. (xD watch it get star'd out) I sang it this morning with some other kid from my school. My friends banished me to the Dude Corner. >.<
Yeah, I tried and...well...xD How kind of her to tell us about her interesting little poster, and the l33t pirate orgy she had.
I can't believe I didn't get a personalized note there...after all we've been through! You so better call me...and not during rehersal this time. >.<
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck couldn't chuck wood?
I'm sorry you feel that way, Madi. You've always been a really cool person in my eyes, and although I've never actually gotten to know you that well, I've always taken you seriously and thought of you as an adult. (Lord knows you're mature enough to be one.) Anyway, I hope that you feel better soon and come back to talk to us before too long. Until then, take care! *virtual hug*