I would laugh SO hard. Then I would feel sad for all of ten seconds...and then I would get over it.
Oh, hurry! I'm rereading Twilight for the third time in the past week so I can figure out what I'm going to do for Alice.
Lol Jazz, Kingdom Glory and I got rejected when we applied for HigherBeing's no-noob club. >.< xD and Hi.
I would declare myself the prettiest...and then I would steal Cin. Because. >.<
Physically I'd say he's as old as Sora...though technically I don't think you can measure the age of a Nobody. They seem sorta timeless to me.
DubaiMario x Himself DubaiMario x His ego DubaiMario x His reflection (Seriously.)
When you die, God will tell you in Heaven. If you go to Hell...that's too bad. Good question, actually...
Lol. >.< Mr. Gay...
Translation: I like Gravity. Pretty person.
I forgot the rep quote. Depressing. >.<
Oh, um...if you forgot to fill out a question before you sent it in... *headsmash*
I get it now...xD And I'm sending in an application...because I CAN!
LOLOLOL. I don't get it. >.<
Why on earth did you listen to me when I said that Lavi died? (He obviously lived.)
Lol Kingdom Glory x Me Heck yes. And Cin and I are a couple too, he just doesn't know it.
Congrats, you with the Best Couple Award.
Xendran x alarmed pedestrian And ohemgee, I'm leik such a huuuge fan for the Rosenerd celebrity pairing, ghirlfriand!
Owwie, Darkwatch offended me. (Not really.) And actually, it just set. *points randomly at horizon*
Hopefully. My poor hair hates the humidity. T.T
Vivi x Politeness If that even is a word...